West Forsyth High School

*As A 9th Grader I Wish Video*
C2-Prep – The new SAT
Michelle Weiberg
Erica Waters
Jennifer Ciaccio
Allison Rinehart
Allison Leja
Registrar :
Claire Upchurch
Counseling Secretary:
MaryMargret Jordan
Individual Counseling (Personal, Social)
Academic Counseling
Support Academic Achievement
Intentional Guidance
Classroom Guidance
IF Lessons
Parent Information Programs
To see a counselor students should stop by the office to fill out an
appointment pass or email us. If we are able to see the student at
that moment, we will. WE ARE HERE TO HELP!
Reasons to see a counselor:
Struggling academically and need help coming up
with a plan
Questions about college/career planning
Questions about four year plan for graduation
Help with personal issues
Just want to meet your counselor! 
PARENTS….we want to partner with you as well and encourage you
to make an appointment with us if the need arises!
4 English credits (9th Lit and Amer. Lit)
4 Math credits
4 Science credits
(1)Biology, (2)Physical Sci. or Physics, (3) Earth/
3 Social Studies (W. Hist., US Hist., Gov/Econ)
3 Career/Fine Arts/World Lang.
Health/Per. Fit
4 Additional Electives
If you are planning to
enter/transfer into a 4 year
college/university you must take
a minimum of 2 credits in the
same world language
Fine Art/Technology Pathway
Culinary Arts
Family Consumer Science
Teaching and Learning
Computer Science Technology
Communication Technology
Fine Art
**Academic Pathway
 Courses in a selected pathway
Enhance the educational experience
Provide skills/insight for future careers/jobs
Allows for self exploration
Grading Weights
Semester 1 = 50%
75 % Summative
25% Formative
Semester 2 = 50%
75 % Summative
25% Formative
Semester 1/Semester 2 averaged together for final grade.
**(20% of final grade)**
9th Lit/Comp
Algebra I/Accelerated Algebra I
Physical Science
Geometry / Accelerated Geometry
American Literature
US History
Normal Grading Scale:
AP Grading Scale:
90 -100
90- 100
80- 89
80 -89
70- 79
70 – 79
Report Card 9 weeks
Work Habits: 1: Does Not Meet, 2: Meets, 3: Exceeds
Assignment Completion
Interpersonal Skills
 How many credits are required to be in the 10th grade?
5 credits need to be earned by the start of the 2016/2017 school year for
you to be in the 10th grade.
 How many credits are required to be in the 11th grade?
11 credits need to be earned by the start of the 2017/2018 school year for
you to be in the 11th grade.
 How many credits are required to be in the 12th grade?
17 credits need to be earned by the start of the 2018/2019 school year
for you to be in the 12th grade.
Failed courses can be made up through:
Summer School (FCS Math Academy and/or Forsyth
Academy) $
Accredited on-line programs ex. (GAVS, BYU,
American School)$
APEX Recovery Program at WFHS
(not guaranteed as priority given by grade level)
**an F earned in a course will always be averaged into a
GPA and will always be posted to the transcript**
10th Lit Comp. or Honor 10th Lit Comp.
Env. Science, Earth Science, Chemistry,
Honors Chemistry, AP Biology, Oceanography
World History, AP World History
Geometry, Acc Geo B/Algebra II, Acc Pre Calculus,
Math Support (elective)
Spanish II, Spanish III, French II, Latin II
**Courses in blue count toward HOPE Scholarship Rigor
Be registered for Selective Service (males only)
Meet Georgia residency requirements
HOPE = percentage of total tuition, ZELL = 100% tuition
3.0 CORE GPA (HOPE), 3.7 CORE GPA (Zell Miller)
CORE GPA includes the following: Eng., Math, Science, Social
Studies, For. Lang.
For Zell Miller only: SAT score = 1200 CR + M (in one sitting), ACT
score = 26 Composite & automatic qualification for High School Val/Sal
AP quality pts. (only .50 given for AP and Dual Enrollment Courses,
nothing above a 4.0)
Middle school credit is not calculated in the HOPE GPA
All calculations are done by the Georgia Student Finance
Commission, and not by WFHS or Forsyth Co. Schools.
HOPE GPA is not rounded up, so 2.99 does not qualify.
RIGOR Requirement (Class of 2019 / FOUR rigor Courses)
Covers a percentage % of tuition (based on
Lottery Funds)
Award Amounts: $$$ varies and depends on the
type of institution you are attending. Students
attending Georgia public colleges receive a
HOPE Award amount based upon a per hour
rate at the institution he or she is attending.
Pays a percentage of tuition at all
Georgia Technical Colleges
Graduate from a Hope-eligible high school
NO GPA requirement
Technical College System (based on 12 hours)
$2,010 (HOPE) and $2670 (Zell)
Scholarship (Enrolled Full-Time)
$3,936 per year award
ZELL MILLER (Enrolled Full-Time)
$4,348 per year award
View your HOPE average and Rigor Requirements
(summer of 10th grade)
Go to www.gacollege411.org and login to your account. There
is a link titled calculate my HOPE GPA.
For Additional Information on HOPE
Contact Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC)
770-724-9000 or www.gsfc.org
NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse
If you are planning on participating in intercollegiate athletics at an NCAA
Division I or II institution you must register with the NCAA Initial-Eligibility
Access the registration materials by visiting the NCAA website
When taking the SAT/ACT, enter 9999 for scores to be sent to NCAA
Students and parents are responsible for determining
NCAA eligibility to Division I and Division II schools
Counselor’s are neither responsible nor allowed
to determine eligibility
-High School Students may earn high school
course credit while taking college courses.
-Benefits include introducing student to
college work earlier, earning college credit
while in high school and opportunity to take
classes not offered at high school.
-Any grade level can participate as long as
student applies and meets the college
admission requirements
-Classes can be taken part time or full time
on the college campus
-Goal is to increase college access and
completion and prepare student to enter
-Funding covers tuition, fees and required
textbooks: Program will pay a maximum of 15
hours per semester. The courses do not count
against HOPE
-Eligible students may choose to pursue their
high school diploma by completing required
courses as listed on the GADOE High School
Required Course List
Making certain they have a conducive study
 ITS Learning
Student/Parent Portal provided insight on progress,
homework completion, grades, summative/formative
Promote attending weekly help sessions
Encourage to ask questions in class
Continue to ask questions about your student’s day and
stay connected.......
Re-write or type class notes (simplify material)
Make Note Cards/Flash Cards (terms, vocab, formulas,
dates, places, events etc.)
Read notes into tape recorder (auditory)
Study buddy to quiz and go over material
Find a place free of distractions to study
Read for understanding (highlighter, notes/flash cards)
Use mnemonics/acronyms as a fun tool for
Every student is different……. Getting involved at
school will contribute to academic success. There
are over 75 different clubs/organizations.
GACollege411 (www.gacollege411.org)
Big Future(https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org)
Career Cruising (www.careercruising.com)
Recommended for college-bound students
Wednesday, October 14th
No Registration Needed
No Cost
Partnered with C2 and we will host a Parent Night
in January to interpret results
Follow us on Twitter @WFHS_HS
Visit the WFHS Counseling website!