university of california, san diego

PHONE (858) 534-3660
FAX (858) 534-7982
October 6-7, 2008 at UC MERCED
Members Present:
Steve Benedict, UCSD, Chair
Kevin Creed, UCM
Robert Eaton, UCSF, Vice Chair
Mark Freiberg, UCB
James Gibson, UCLA
Marc Gomez, UCI
Ross Grayson, UCR
Nathan Lacy, UCD
Buddy Morris, UCSC
Brian Oatman, ANR
Larry Parsons, UCSB
UCOP Liaisons Present:
Ed Baylosis
Grace Crickett
Pat Schlesinger
Guests Present:
Jill Blackwelder, UCD
Robert Lawson, UCDMC
Recording Secretary:
Lia McGuinness, UCSD
Introductions and Welcome
Steve Benedict called the meeting to order.
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved. They may be found at: ID: ehs, Password: leader
(all lower case). Contact Steve to add other documents to the website.
Mary Miller, Vice Chancellor for Administration, welcomed the group and discussed EH&S
priorities for UC Merced.
Higher Education Act of 2008
The Higher Education Act was reauthorized in 2008. James distributed an analysis from the
American Council on Education. He pointed out that the reauthorization includes emergency
and fire safety reporting requirements that are not specifically defined (page 5). He encouraged
directors to review the analysis and consider submitting comments during the Act’s comment
period. Pat mentioned that President Yudof has involved the General Counsel, and Grace.
Grace has also asked a research analyst to develop a reporting requirements grid. Ross suggested
that the ERM tool could be useful for this type of reporting. Action: Steve will add this item to
future conference call agendas.
Council Initiative: Smoking – Developing Consistent System-Wide Initiative to Restrict
James suggested that the Council consider formalizing a statement on making all UC campuses
smoke-free. Currently, only UCSF and the UCI and UCD Medical Centers are smoke-free.
Steve shared a document from Americans for Nonsmoking regarding nationwide trends on
smoke-free campuses. The Council agreed to form a subcommittee and involve Grace and Matt
St. Clair. Subcommittee members are Ed Baylosis, Steve Benedict, James Gibson, Nathan Lacy,
and Bob Lawson. Action: The Subcommittee will hold a conference call and draft a position
statement to share with the Council for review and comment.
Campus Project Programs
UC Riverside
ERM Project: Ross gave an update on the Fire & Life Safety pilot project for the ERM
and distributed a macro-design document. The next step is to move into the microdesign, which is the programming phase. When the tool becomes available, it will for
optional use. The Radiation Safety officers discussed the ERM via conference call but no
action was taken. Another ERM project in the pipeline is for shop and lab safety
inspections at UCLA. James expressed concern that the ERM will fail due to lack of
dedicated IT support for EH&S. Ed said that OP may be able to provide centralized IT
support. Steve mentioned that UCSD has developed an application for lab audits and
reporting, and that a controlled substance and hazmat suite is being built. Directors
interested in either of these are to contact Steve. Actions: Directors are to review the
macro-design document and forward comments to Ross. Ross will add the ERM project
update to the UC Fire Marshals’ meeting agenda.
LMS: Nancy Terry gave an update via phone on the LMS progress at UCR. There are a
number of locations that will be piloting or go live by the end of the year, including
UCSF. The LMS will rollout before the self-assessment tool is ready. Nancy will discuss
the self assessment tool in an upcoming informational conference call. The group
discussed the challenges related to implementation, and potential exposure. Action:
Marc Gomez will track timing of Nancy’s conference call and notify the directors.
UC San Francisco
Computer Generated VOIP for Online Training: UCSF has created online training
programs using the software Articulate and the computerized voice software Neospeech.
UCSF created an ergonomics training module using BSAS funds. Anyone can use
UCSF’s module as a template that can be customized. UCB has used the software
somewhat, and UCI created an online training for how to use Articulate.
Budgets/Annual Reports/Metrics: Bob explained that UCSF has begun to draft a more
detailed annual report that consists of metrics, goals, and accomplishments. He asked for
the group’s input on what they are reporting and the use of metrics to justify operational
savings and expenditures. Steve mentioned that at UCSD, the department is installing
bulletin boards for each division that will display metrics to help keep staff focused on
key measures and progress. UCI has been using metrics to evaluate their program for the
past 3-4 years. They look at risk reduction metrics (tracking risk factors identified and
eliminated). Then at most staff meetings, each division present 2-3 metrics. Some
metrics progress was made at the Council’s last meeting should be revisited. The
Council agreed to form a subcommittee to evaluate metrics. Members are: Ed Baylosis,
Steve Benedict, Bob Eaton, Marc Gomez, Ross Grayson, and Nathan Lacy. Actions:
Marc Gomez will send a copy of UCI’s report to the directors. The Subcommittee will
hold a conference call to determine next steps. The Council will discuss system-wide
participation in the CSHEMA survey at the time of its next release.
Host Campus Highlights
Buddy led a campus tour and Brad Samuelson gave a presentation on the history, development,
and environmental considerations of the master plan.
Workgroup Liaison and EH&S Leadership Council Assignments
Mark Freiberg has been working with the Fire Marshal workgroup for the past few years and
would like to rotate to a different group and asked if others may want to do the same. The
Council decided on the following changes:
Fire Marshals: Marc Gomez
Emergency Management and Environmental Affairs: Ross Grayson
Field Safety: Mark Freiberg
Radiation Safety: Nathan Lacy
Ross pointed out that coordination of workgroup communication between EH&S directors to
their staff and Council liaisons needs improvement as well as workgroup coordination of the
meetings to avoid overlap. Steve suggested centralizing communications through OP. Action:
Ed will develop workgroup communication tools and Steve will assist.
Beginning in January, Bob Eaton will chair the Council and Buddy will be vice-chair. The group
discussed holding two face-to-face meetings and one via Webex or another in conjunction with
the Risk Summit. Action: Ed will set up the next director’s conference call using Webex.
UC Workgroup Reports
1. Biosafety: There was a public hearing to discuss the proposed airborne transmissible
disease standards. The Biosafety Workgroup discussed the standards that can affect the
UC and submitted system-wide comments. There was not adequate language that
addressed the risk assessment issue so the standard will be revised and sent back to the
Biosafety Workgroup for review. The standards will be like adopting the
BMBL??? ??The BMBL will almost be law so what the biosafety officers will be doing
anyway will be part of Title 8?? The Council also discussed the status of the Biosafety
program reviews conducted by consultant, Steve Kowaleski. Reviews for UCSF and UCI
have been completed and were very valuable. The suggestion was made for Steve K. to
develop a summary report of all the reviews to analyze system-wide trends. Actions:
Steve Benedict will ask Steve Kowaleski to email the directors a list of schedule with
timeframe for campuses to be completed. Directors are to contact Steve B. with
2. Emergency Services: Each year the NFPA report for each campus is completed at the
end of September. The Workgroup discussed various emergency communication
systems such as text messaging and the blue “talk-a-phone” towers. The towers have
various communication abilities, including broadcasting; however, they do not have an
emergency power source. They could be hooked to buildings with emergency power or
other alternatives. UCM had a similar problem and learned that the towers could not be
tied into the building fire alarm enunciator systems because that is not a use it was
intended for. Larry shared that there is a DRU (Disaster Resistant University) listserv out
of Oregon that is a good information source.
3. Environmental Health: The workgroup website has been launched. UCLA has
conducted their first annual pool and spa tests. James will keep group advised of the
results. The group also discussed the protocol for peer review audits and would like
guidance from the Council regarding the types of audits that should be performed. The
Council discussed audits with and without a third party expert and concluded that the best
model is to pair an outside consultant with an internal expert and the focus for EH will be
food safety. Carl Foreman, the former EHS director for UCD is a food safety expert and
may be an option. Action: James will find a consultant.
At the last Leadership Council meeting, Tony agreed to prepare a legal opinion regarding
UC campus enforcement authority under the California Constitution, Article 9. Each
campus may need specific Delegation of Authority from the Regents. Ed will follow up
with Tony regarding this.
4. Environmental Affairs: The Workgroup’s next meeting is the week of 10/13. The peer
review effort to-date has been good. They will be developing an audit tool and need to
define the scope of the audit. Action: Ross will email the meeting agenda to the
directors for input.
The Council discussed the peer review audit schedule and concluded the following:
--Radiation Safety is completed
--Biosafety is in progress and needs to be completed
--Environmental Health will be done in 2009 and will focus on food safety
--Next steps will be reviewed after the EH audit
5. Ergonomics: None.
6. Field Safety: a website has been developed for travel insurance, which is online. A
second site is being developed for field safety for researchers on field trips. In the next
two months, each campus will be receiving a copy to customize.
7. Fire & Life Safety: The MOU is being reviewed by the State Attorney General with
regard to the SFM ability to delegate their authority. The group discussed a combined
meeting with building officials and campus building officials. According to the MOU,
quarterly reports are to be submitted to the State Fire Marshal. Ellie Ross recommended
using the UCD format. Ross mentioned that this could be a useful application for the
IBM program. The group discussed residence hall inspections and the general consensus
was to involve the housing staff because these are considered private residences. They
also discussed developing a Title 19 uniformed checklist. A report from FM Global was
released through Risk Management and the Fire Marshals should also have a copy. The
group’s next meeting is in two weeks. Action: Directors will talk with campus fire
marshals regarding quarterly reports to the State Fire Marshal.
8. Haz-Waste (HWAG): The group discussed self-policing. Ed confirmed that OP can
support paying fees for CHWMEG audits. The group’s main project continues to be
waste disposal contracts. Northern campuses are using PSC and southern campuses use
Clean Harbors. The group holds monthly conference calls and will meet in November at
9. Industrial Hygiene/Safety/Lab Safety: The group published a nanotechnology materials
handling guidance document that is on their website. They have also been providing
guidance to UCI’s Aircuity project. They shared resources on SF6 and the Ashray110
test. They have released a draft reproductive health document. The MSDS group
reported a service outage during the last week of July. The core IH group is working on
required elements for a confined space entry program. The IAS subgroup is working on
two documents: one is for venting out new office furniture and carpet and the other is for
roofing guidelines. Larry distributed a lab safety questionnaire.
10. Radiation Safety: Buddy will develop a budget for campuses for future OTP billings??.
The group is still dealing with fingerprint issues for campuses that have materials that
require increased controls. The deadline for completion is 12/16. The group has not yet
started the white paper on decommissioning.
11. HazMat Shipping & Export Controls: The group holds monthly conference calls. They
should meet again and invite the FAA or optionally hold two separate meetings for north
and south campuses. The Council supported this additional meeting.
12. Training (STEW): The group will be meeting the week of 10/13 at UCM. They continue
to work on the training matrix and the standardization of course titles. They were given a
column on the PMI newsletter but the newsletter was discontinued. They have shared
resources online and have upgraded their website.
Campus Project Programs:
UC Irvine
Aircuity Study Update: Marc shared the methodology and results of a spill test that was
conducted to assess the effectiveness of CDCV ventilation to reduce contaminant
concentrations in a lab. Cal OSHA was involved. The results have been shared with the
IH Workgroup who is not yet comfortable with this method. The next study will be
conducted in a vivarium. The Council discussed the study and offered the following
o The CDCV has merits but further study is needed
There is energy savings
Sensors would require more oversight and attention by IH staff
More information is gathered through this method than present methods
It is better used in labs with small fugitive emissions and probably not in
chemistry labs that contain several different types of chemicals
o For occupied labs, evacuation is also deployed
o From a sustainability standpoint, this will happen
o EHS directors can be facilitators of change and help influence Cal OSHA to
change codes that are actually set forth from the International Building Codes
UC Davis Medical Center
Pharmaceutical Waste Management Initiative: Bob reported on the Medical Center’s
program to divert pharmaceutical waste from entering ground and surface water. They
found that about 100 grams per month were being dumped into drains. UCSF uses
absorbent pads for this type of waste.
Arc Flash NPFA 70s: Bob previously sent information to directors via email and talked
about this at a directors meeting about a year ago. The UCD Medical Center Facilities
group is ready to get started. UCI and UCB are also getting started. It is less
complicated and less expensive than originally anticipated. This is a good use of Be
Smart About Safety funds.
UC Davis
Kuali Project: Safa Hussain, the IT manager for Safety Services at UCD presented an
overview and update of the Kuali program and product releases and explained the
benefits to EH&S. UC campuses currently participating include Davis, Irvine, Santa
Barbara, San Diego, and Berkeley will soon participate. Safa offered the following
methods of participation: join Kuali and gain the benefits of influencing the development
of products; software developers can download Kuali code for free and use on a trial
basis; attend Kuali Days in Newport Beach on 11/18-19 ($500 registration); Send
software developers to boot camp (free); partner with the Kuali Foundation on projects of
interest. For more information, contact Safa at
New Directions and Trends
Mark Freiberg is updating the EH&S strategic plan for UCB and asked for input regarding
current trends/emerging issues that EH&S faces. They include: nanotechnology, lab ventilation,
sustainability, administrative and other challenges that arise due to the reorganization of units
away from the traditional department organization structure to a cross-functional and crosscampus relationship (e.g. collaborative research centers), animal research security, limited
resources and growing demand for services. Ross recommended establishing a fleet safety
officer at each campus. The Council agreed to have strategic discussions on an ongoing basis
and to hold at least a 1-day session and involve Grace or Matt St. Clair. Other ideas include
bringing in a nanotechnology expert, soliciting feedback from customers, and system-wide IT
support for EH&S. Action: Steve will add this topic to the next conference call agenda.
Council Initiative: Information Systems
The Council discussed the need and value of having dedicated centralized IT support at OP that
could support system-wide components such as the online tag program, the LMS, file sharing,
Sharepoint, and content management systems. Grace agreed to support this but asked for a
written cost/benefit analysis that includes the tasks to be performed during the first 12 months.
Ross also shared the new UCR and EH&S websites. Action: Ed and Ross will draft a proposal
to share with the directors for input.
UCOP Risk Services Perspective:
Grace is heavily involved in security issues regarding faculty attacks. Security
assessments will be conducted at all campuses. UCLA is complete and Santa Cruz and
Davis are next. A process will also be developed to conduct ongoing local level building
assessments. An assessment will also be conducted to determine how safety value
engineered out of project budgets. Action: Directors are to report “chalking” incidents
to Grace.
For the short term, the LMS is being paid for out of the insurance program. The RFP was
cancelled for the courseware but was resurrected to move forward. Claims reporting is
switching to IVOS, which includes a web-based incident reporting system. This will go
live the first of the year. It will also be used for hazards reporting.
BSAS: By the end of the year, actuaries will be completed and will be analyzed to report
the RIO to-date. By February 2009, some type of audit of the programs will need to be
done. This will likely be a self-reporting (what’s been done, spent, and results). Ed will
be working on this and he distributed a summary of BSAS proposals submitted for
ERM: Katie Lapp and Dan Greenstein are forming a group to determine where the data
goes in???? and accountability. This will be used for accountability that President Yudof
will report to the Regents. Compliance will also be a big user of the system. This should
be launched to a small select group in December or January. Action: Directors are to
identify super-ERM users.
President Yudof: Risk Services projects have been added to his project management
tracking system, including BSAS and UC Ready Business Continuity Planning. The UC
Ready software will likely become a Kuali tool. At this point, he is focused on
academics and EH&S is not on his radar. Action: Ed will look at the ISEM and will
draft an update letter to Yudof.
Council Initiative: Controlled Substances
Bob Eaton distributed a draft program document to the campuses for comment. Revisions are
being made and will be sent out for final review. Ross stated that UCR does not have the
resources to support this program. Actions: Bob will email the revised draft to the directors.
Directors are to forward resources issues to Bob to submit to Grace.