125 Years - Morrill 1890 - North Carolina Agricultural and Technical

M. Ray McKinnie, Ph.D.
Assoc. Dean: Special Initiatives and Facilities
School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Significance of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890 to
public higher education in the U.S.
Understand the meaning, value and importance of
“Land-grant Universities” and especially the “1890
Land-grant Universities.”
Discuss the rich history, people and legends of
North Carolina A&T State University and other
1890 Land-grant Universities.
Higher education was modeled after European
 Educate the male “leisure class”
Educate “government and religious” leaders
Educate members of the “professions”
Offered the “classical and professional” curricula
1618 the first College, in Jamestown, but it
burned down in 1622
16?? – Harvard University in Massachusetts
1693 – College of Wm and Mary in Virginia
1696 – St. John’s College in Maryland
1701 – Yale University in Connecticut
1740 – University of Pennsylvania
A few more
1746 - Princeton University in New Jersey
Pioneers for Public Higher
 Jonathan Baldwin
Turner – missionary,
 Justin Smith Morrill,
also an abolitionist and
senator from Vermont
Opened the doors of
higher education to the
American People!
Senator from Vermont
– 43 years
Not college educated
Sponsored two bills
 1862 Morrill Act
 1890 Morrill Act
Promoted agriculture,
military sciences and
the mechanic arts.
A protest against the dominance of the classics
in higher education
A desire to develop college-level instruction
relating to practical realities of an agricultural
and industrial society
An attempt to offer to those belonging to the
industrial classes preparation for the
“professions of life”
Provided “colleges accessible to all but
especially the sons of toil”
"This bill proposes to establish at least one college
in every State upon a sure and perpetual
foundation, accessible to all, but especially to the
sons of toil, where all of needful science for the
practical avocations of life shall be taught, where
neither the higher graces of classical studies nor
that military drill our country now so greatly
appreciates will be entirely ignored, and where
agriculture, the foundation of all present and
future prosperity, may look for troops of earnest
friends, studying its familiar and recondite
economies, and at last elevating it to that higher
level where it may fearlessly invoke comparison
with the most advanced standards of the world."
First introduced in 1859 – vetoed by President
In 1861 bill introduced granting 30,000 acres to
each state to raise funds to establish colleges.
1862 First Morrill Act signed by President
Lincoln on July 2nd.
1862 – Emancipation Proclamation issued –
effective January 1, 1863.
1865 – 13th Amendment abolished slavery; U.S.
included 4 million hard working freed slaves.
By 1865 there were ~31 million people in the
United States and of those, there were ~4 million
hard working but primarily illiterate freed slaves.
Knowing of this situation, Justin S. Morrill stated
“Having emancipated a whole race, shall it be said
that there our duty ends, leaving the race as
cumberers of the ground, to live or to wilt and
perish, as the case may be? They are members of the
American family, and their advancement concerns
us all. While swiftly forgetting all they ever knew as
slaves, shall they have no opportunity to learn
anything as freemen?”
Source:“The Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 and the Changing
of Higher Education in America” – T. Fretz, 2008
Almost 30 years post Morrill Act of 1862 – “Southern states
do not ratify until act after 1865; refuse admission of blacks
and promote a segregated society.”
The Second Morrill Act of 1890 provided that “no money
shall be paid out under this Act to any State or Territory
for the support and maintenance of a college where a
distinction of race or color is made in the admission of
However, the Act was revised to say that in states that
refused to admit colored students, they could establish
separate colleges for white and colored students so long
as the funds received would “be equitably divided.”
Similar to white institutions, higher education for
blacks began at private institutions!
 Lincoln University (PA) – 1854
 Shaw University (NC) – 1865
 Fisk University (TN) – 1866
 Lincoln University (MO) – 1866
 Howard University (D.C.) and Morehouse
College (GA) - 1867
 Hampton Institute (VA) – 1868
 Tuskegee Institute (AL) and Spelman College
(GA) - 1881
Segregation in the South
(17 states) prohibited
black people from
attending college.
Southern states could
establish one college for
blacks and one for
The funds to support the
schools would be
divided equally.
To meet the requirements of the 2nd Morrill Act,
southern states could:
Establish new black land-grant colleges
 Designate an existing private college for blacks as
 Name an existing state-supported black institution
as a landgrant
 Take over a private black institution as a state
Date Institution
Lincoln University
Alcorn State University
South Carolina State University
University of Arkansas Pine Bluff
Alabama A&M University
Prairie View A&M University
Southern University
Tuskegee University
Virginia State University
Kentucky State University
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Florida A&M University
Delaware State University
North Carolina A&T University
West Virginia State University
Fort Valley State University
Langston University
Tennessee State University
Central State University (Land-grant in 2014)
Civil War Negro Infantry
State Legislature
State Legislature
State Legislature
Group of Ex-Slaves
State Legislature
State Legislature
State Legislature
State Legislature
State Legislature
Methodist Episcopal Church
State Legislature
State Legislature
State Legislature
State Legislature
Citizens’ Group
Territorial Legislature
State Legislature
State Legislation
1789 - University of North Carolina (UNC) is
chartered and opens in 1795. (UNC is nation’s first
public university)
1867 - UNC is established as state’s land-grant
university, but had established a professorship in
agriculture and mechanical arts in 1795.
1887 - North Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical
College in Raleigh (now North Carolina State
University) is established and land-grant status is
transferred to it from UNC.
1890 – North Carolina legislature approaches Shaw
University about teaching some agricultural classes for
black students and instruction begins in Agriculture,
English and Math.
1891 – On March 9th, NC General Assembly ratifies
Morrill Act of 1890 and establishes “the A. and M.
College for the Colored Race”. The act read in part:
“That the leading objective of the college shall be to teach
practical agriculture and the mechanic arts and such
learning as related thereto, not excluding academic and
classical instruction.”
1892 – On March 3rd , Board of Trustees vote to locate
the college in Greensboro, NC. The citizens of
Greensboro contributed 14 acres of land and $11,000.
University opened operation in 1893.
To further endow the establishment of land-grant
 1887 - Congress passed the “Hatch Act ”, creating state
agricultural experiment stations.
In those state with two land-grant institutions, the funds were
to be split equally, unless the legislature of a state directed
Per this clause, 1890’s were allowed to be treated unfairly and
to be subsidiaries of 1862 experiment stations.
1914 - Congress passes the “Smith-Lever Act ”, creating
the Cooperative Extension System and system of
agricultural instruction and services to the public.
1962 – Congress passes the “McIntire-Stennis Act”,
making funds available to experiment stations and
forestry schools for forestry research
1965 – President Lyndon Johnson signs “Public Law
89-106” which now allows 1890’s to receive funding for
1967 - Collectively, the 1890’s received $283,000 for
research from USDA. Funding per institution was
meager but was the first step toward receipt of federal
dollars for research.
1967 - Washington, DC awarded land-grant status.
1971- Rep. Frank Evans (Colorado) presented a
proposal that amended the ‘67 funding formula and gave
$12.6 million to 1890’s, along with Tuskegee Institute,
for research and extension. (FY’15 = $96.4 million)
The ‘72 funding effort was championed by Presidents:
Morrison (Alabama A&M ), Foster (Tuskegee), Davis
(UAPB), Dowdy (NC A&T), Netterville, Jr. (Southern) and
Thomas (PVAMU); along with B. D. Mayberry (Tuskegee)
and C. A. Williams (USDA-Extension).
1972 – Farm Bill allows for 1890 Research funds to
go directly to 1890’s. But, 1890 Extension funds
had to pass through their 1862 counterpart.
1972 – Guam, Micronesia, American Samoa,
Northern Marianas, and the Virgin Islands awarded
land-grant status .
1977 – The Farm Bill is amended, per a bill (EvansAllen Act of 1977) sponsored by Rep. Frank Evans and
Sen. James B. Allen. The 1890’s and Tuskegee Institute
would now receive federal formula funding for research
and extension.
1890 research funds were aptly named Evans-Allen funds.
 1890 Extension funds were now sent directly to the
respective campuses.
 1890 NIFA funds (FY’15 direct lines) = $135.4 million or 10.5%
of total $1.29 billion budget.
1994 - Tribal Colleges Land Grant Institutions are
2014 – Central State University was awarded 1890 landgrant status and started to receive federal funds.
1862 land-grant institutions in all of the 50 states.
In 1890, institutions were established to provide
access to black students, creating the 1890 landgrant colleges and universities.
Due to its strong history relating to agricultural
education, Tuskegee Institute (private) was included
among the 1890’s for funding.
Recognize the issues and concerns of underserved
communities and make their issues a priority.
Central State University received 1890 land-grant
status under the 2014 Farm Bill.
Mechanic Arts
Military Science
Engineering technologies,
textiles, architecture,
ceramics, typing, printing,
shop work, etc.
Horticulture, forestry, animal
& poultry husbandry,
veterinary medicine
Home Economics (Nelson
Amendment 1907)
Family & Consumer
Life Sciences
Classical studies (Arts,
Humanities, Philosophy, etc.)
All land-grant universities are funded by the federal
government for programs in the food and
agricultural sciences.
All 103 land-grant universities are organized into
units within APLU.
All are stakeholders and partners with USDA.
(mostly because of formula funding)
All serve a tripartite mission (instruction, research,
All are affiliated with the Department of Defense to
support ROTC programs.
Land-grant universities have a mission to help solve
the problems and concerns plaguing communities
and to share research-based information in a format
that is easily understood by even the common man.
These land-grant universities have a mission to
conduct research and to extend that knowledge to
the community.
Cooperative Extension is the principle outreach
component at each land-grant university.
Class of 1894
Assist with economic
development within
their regions, in terms
 poverty
 unemployment
 youth-at-risk
 illiteracy
 economic
Food & Agricultural Sciences
Engineering & Technology
Arts & Humanities
Family & Consumer Sciences
Business & Economics
Health Sciences
Life Sciences
Social Sciences
Physical Sciences
Improved nutrition and health, emphasis on
Economically competitive and sustainable smallscale agricultural systems
Crop diversity and marketing strategies for
Food safety and improved nutritional quality
Bio-based energy production
Value-added plant and animal products
Natural resource management and sustainability
Alternative enterprises and new crops
Financial and Risk Management
Sustainable Agriculture
Rural Business and Community Development
Nutrition and Health (EFNEP and SNAP-Ed)
Food Safety
Parenting Education
Family Financial Management
Youth Development
Water Quality
Continue to enroll a high percent of the African
American in higher education; many still who are
first generation college students.
7,308 of their undergraduates and graduates major
in the food and agricultural sciences.
More than half (51.6%) of all degrees awarded to
African Americans in Agriculture are from the
Hampton University served as Virginia’s black landgrant institution for more than 45 years.
The first black land-grant college was Alcorn University
in Mississippi.
The Nelson Amendment (1907) added home economics
as a supported instructional program at the 1890s.
Southern University is the only HBCU with a
University System (five campuses/centers) in the nation.
Florida A&M University was the first HBCU to become
a member of the Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools (SACS).
Tuskegee University is the only HBCU with a fully
accredited School of Veterinary Medicine that offers the
DVM degree.
Oprah Winfrey graduated from Tennessee State
University and Arsenio Hall from Central State
North Carolina A&T State University is both the
nation’s largest HBCU and 1890 Land-grant.
North Carolina A&T State University proudly embodies
its land-grant heritage, established by the Second
Morrill Act of 1890, and is committed to being a ladder
to opportunity for students seeking a superior education.
Today, its commitment to individuals and communities
incorporates a host of innovative educational
opportunities, scientific research, and carefully
developed extension programs that generate new
knowledge and address solutions to regional, national
and global challenges.
Four areas of Academic
Four Teachers
37 Students
Annex of Shaw
Seven Academic Colleges &
Joint School of Nanoscience
and Nanoengineering
Graduate School (M.S & Ph.D.)
663 Academic Staff
10,734 Students
STEM Focused
Carnegie Community
Engagement Classification
Charter member – North
Carolina Research Campus
#1-African American
engineering graduates
#2-African American
agricultural graduates
1892 - John Oliver Crosby selected as first
1894 – Student newspaper , The Register, is first
1896 – Dr. James B. Dudley, principal of the
Peabody School in Wilmington, NC selected as
the second President!
1899 – First degrees are conferred to seven
students (4 Bachelors of Agriculture)!
1904 - First university farm is established!
1906 – Enrollment restricted to males only!
1910- Alexander Bailey hired as the first negro
extension demonstration agent in N.C!
1914 - 4-H club work begins for African Americans
in North Carolina in Sampson County!
1915 – Name changed to the “Negro Agricultural
and Technical College of North Carolina”!
1919 – Junior Unit of Army ROTC is initiated and
continues until Senior (4 year) Army ROTC is
begun in 1942!
Dazelle Foster Lowe hired as first black home demonstration
agent in North Carolina!
1928- College granted co-educational status!
1939 – Master of Science in Education authorized
and first Master’s degree conferred to Roy Elloy
1953- School of Nursing is established , with first class
graduating in 1957!
1955 - Warmoth T. Gibbs selected as fourth president!
1956 – Camp J. W. Mitchell opens as the first 4-H camp
for blacks in North Carolina!
1957 – Name changed to “Agricultural and Technical
College of North Carolina”!
 First white student, Rodney Jaye Miller of Greensboro, is admitted!
1959 – NC A&T is fully accredited by SACS!
1960 – Blair, McCain, McNeil and Richmond initiate
“Woolworth Lunch Counter Sit-in.” Samuel D. Proctor
is selected as fifth president!
1966 – NC A&T radio station, “WANT” is launched!
1967 – College name changed to “North Carolina
Agricultural and Technical State University” and
receives first federal funds for agricultural research!
1970 – School of Business and Economics created by an
action of the university of Board of Trustees!
1971 – NC A&T joins the Mid-Eastern Athletic
Conference (MEAC)!
1972 – NC A&T becomes a constituent institution of the
University of North Carolina and starts to receive
formula funding for agricultural research and extension!
1977 – University receives direct formula funding for
Cooperative Extension!
1979 – School of Business and Economics’ undergrad
business program accredited!
1981 – Dr. Edward B. Fort is selected as eighth
1984 – Dr. Ronald E. McNair, NCA&T alumnus and
NASA astronaut, orbits the earth aboard the space
shuttle “Challenger” and in 1986, perishes in an
explosion of the same space shuttle!
1987 – School of Technology is established and Roy
Robertson (Stokes Co.) receives first NCA&T “Small
Farmer of the Year Award”!
1994 – First Ph.D. candidates enrolled in EE and ME!
2000 – School of Agriculture renamed “School of
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences”!
2001 - University appoints first “Provost (female) of the
University” and the first female (Yaxi Shen) is awarded a
Ph.D. (M.E.)!
2003 - NCA&T and UNCG announce creation of the
“Joint Millennial Campus”!
2004 – NCA&T and NRCS form partnership and
announce relocation of technology center to “Gateway
Research Campus”
2008 – NCA&T awarded $18 million NSF grant for
Engineering Research Center .
2009 – Dr. Harold L. Martin, Sr. is selected as
the twelfth Chancellor of the university and
installed on April 23, 2010!
2010 – Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN) opens with 17 students in
the doctorial program in nanoscience!
2011 – JSNN receives approval for M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in Nanoengineering!
2012 – First Lady, Michelle Obama, delivers
NCA&T ‘s commencement address.
2013 – Emmanuel Johnson is first NCA&T
Fulbright Scholar awardee.
2014 – Destinie Nock is first HBCU student to
be awarded the George J. Mitchell Scholarship
to study at Oueens University in Belfast,
Northern Ireland!
2014 – North Carolina A&T State University
becomes nation’s largest HBCU!, (also the largest
1890 land-grant university and largest 1890 agricultural
2015 – North Carolina A&T State University
receives Carnegie Community Engagement
Mr. John O. Crosby (1892-
Dr. James B. Dudley (18961925)
Dr. Ferdinand D. Bluford
Dr. Warmoth T. Gibbs (19551960)
Dr. Samuel D. Proctor (19601964)
Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy (19641980)
Dr. Cleon F. Thompson
Dr. Edward B. Fort (19811999)
Dr. James C. Renick
Dr. Lloyd V. Hackley
Interim (May-November
Dr. Stanley F. Battle
Dr. Harold L. Martin, Sr.
A&T Four Joseph
McNeil, Franklin
McCain, Ezell Blair, Jr.
(later known as Jibreel
Khazan), and David
Alma Adams
Alvin Austin Attles, Jr.
Elvin Lamont Bethea
Dwaine “Peewee” Board
Willie A. Deese
Edolphus Towns
Lou Donaldson
Joe Louis Dudley, Sr.
Clara Adams-Ender
Gen. Charles Bussey
Henry E. Frye
Calvin Irvin
Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.
Ronald McNair
Taraji P. Henson
Terrence Jenkins (Terrence J)
Maceo Parker
Hugh Evans
The list continues…
for more information about the celebration.
Pres. of New Mexico State University said “If the institutions
specifically created to serve the common student do not do
so….who will?”
“Right now…. the 1890s still have that mission ….and hope to
use the 125th Anniversary of the Second Morrill Act to educate
the nation about what we do with great passion and
commitment to keep Morrill’s vision alive”.
Whether a students, faculty/staff, alumni or friend; let us all
leave with a continued commitment to the sustained growth/
development of NC A&T and its fellow 1890 land-grants.
Special thanks to Drs. Carolyn Brooks, Valerie Giddings and
Antoine Alston for their assistance with tonight’s presentation.