Chapter 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle

NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: ____________________ PERIOD: ________
Chapter 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle
Page 414:
1. What is a proviso? _________________________________________________________________________
2. What did the Wilmot Proviso declare?
Page 416:
3. The debate over slavery in the Mexican Cession threatened to split national politics along what lines?
The Popular Sovereignty Panacea: pages 416-417
4. What is panacea? __________________________________________________________________________
5. Who did the Democrats nominate to run for President and what was his view on slavery?
6. According to the principle of popular sovereignty, the question of slavery in the territories would be
determined by ________________________________________.
7. Why did the public like the idea of popular sovereignty? Why did politicians like it?
 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Political Triumphs for General Taylor: pages 417-418
8. Who did the Whigs nominate to run for President? ________________________________________
9. What was the reaction to the disliking of Cass and Taylor? _______________________________________
10. What four issues did the Free Soilers promote?
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: ____________________ PERIOD: ________
“Californy Gold”: pages 418-419
11. Why did the proposed direct admission of California into the Union, without passing through territorial
status, be considered controversial?
12. Why was an adequate state government especially necessary for California?
Sectional Balance and the Underground Railroad: pages 420-422
13. __________Which of the following was not among the issues that concerned southerners in 1849-1850?
The political balance in the Senate might tip against them.
The admission of California as a free state might set a precedent for UT and NM.
Northern abolitionists were agitating against slavery in Washington D.C.
The loss of runaway slaves through the Underground Railroad.
There was a growing chance that a constitutional amendment would abolish slavery.
14. By 1850, the South was losing perhaps ________________ runaways a year out of its total of 4 million?
15. Look at Map 18.2 on page 421. Study it and answer the following question: A large territory claimed by
Texas was taken from it in the Compromise of 1850, and parts of it were later incorporated into five other
states. Which were they?
1. _________________, _________________, _________________, _________________, ________________
Twilight of the Senatorial Giants: pages 422-423
16. Who were considered the “Senatorial Giants?”
1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
17. Name four things John Calhoun’s plan to protect the South and slavery consisted of?
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
18. Why did Daniel Webster believe slavery would not exist in the western territories?
NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: ____________________ PERIOD: ________
19. In what ways did Webster anger the North in his Seventh of March speech?
Deadlock and Danger on Capitol Hill: page 423
20. During the debate of 1850, ___________________________ argued that there was a higher law than the
Constitution that compelled him to demand the exclusion of slavery from the territories.
Breaking the Congressional Logjam: pages 423-424
21. What major event helped the Compromise of 1850 pass?
22. How did the Compromise of 1850 effect New Mexico and Utah territories? Washington D.C.?
Balancing the Compromise Scales: pages 425-427
23. Who is considered the greatest winner in the Compromise of 1850? ________________________________
24. What two rights were slaves denied according to the Fugitive Slave Law?
25. In what was the Fugitive Slave Law enforced? ___________________________________________________
26. What was the North’s ultimate response to the Fugitive Slave Law? What did it do?
Defeat and Doom for the Whigs: pages 427-428
27. The conflict over slavery following the election of 1852 led shortly to the death of which political party?
Pacific Railroad Promoters and the Gadsden Purchase: pages 431-432
28. What was the Gadsden Purchase ultimately designed to do?
NAME: _____________________________________ DATE: ____________________ PERIOD: ________
Douglas’s Kansas-Nebraska Scheme: pages 433-434
29. What did Stephen Douglas suggest be done with the Nebraska territory?
30. What did his plan contradict? Why?
Congress Legislates A Civil War: pages 434-435
31. What was the most “durable offspring” of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?