Introduction to biology

Introduction to Biology
Chapter 1
Using prefixes and suffixes to
define unfamiliar words
Cytoskeleton-cell skeleton
Herbivore-plant eater
Hypothermia-below body temperature
Chemosynthesis-chemicals making something
Photosynthesis-light making something
Cardiology-study of the heart
Heterotroph-different feeding
Monosaccharide-1 sugar
Disaccharide-2 sugars
Polysaccharide-many sugars
15. Cytoplasm-cell
16. Epidermis-outer skin
17. osteocyte-bone cell
18. Glycolysis-break down sugar
19. Herbology-study of plants medicinally
20. Exoskeleton-outer skeleton
21. Antibiotic-against life
22. Trophic level-feeding level
23. Hemophilia-blood disease
24. Hyperthermia-above body temperature
25. Dermatitis-skin inflammation
Biology-the study of living things
The Goal of Science:
1. Deals with the natural world
2. To collect and organize data
3. Propose explanations that can be tested
What is Science?
Science-the process of investigating and trying to
understand the natural world, by finding
explanations and using explanations to make
Science begins with “observations”
Data-information gathered from
Quantitative-numerical data
(graphs, tables, mathematical equations)
1. Qualitative-non-numerical data
(Pictures, the color, texture, or appearance of
What is Science?
Scientists may use data to make an inference.
Inference-a logical interpretation based on
prior knowledge or experience.
◦ Ex: Researchers testing water for pollution cannot
test every drop. If all drops come back clean, they
may infer that all water is safe to drink.
◦ If it is snowing outside, you may infer that it is
Hypothesis vs. Inference
 Steps to the Scientific Method:
1. Ask a question, make observations
2. Gather information
3. Form a hypothesis
4. Set up a controlled experiment
5. Record and analyze data-(inference
possibly made)
6. Draw conclusions
7. Repeat to try and achieve the same
What is Science?
◦ Ask initial question
◦ After initial observations, researchers propose
one or more hypotheses
◦ Hypothesis-a well-researched, proposed
scientific explanation for your question.
◦ Design experiment which tests your
Experimental Design
Experimental Variables:
◦ Independent (manipulated)-manipulated by
◦ Dependent (responding)-responds to changes
in independent
◦ Constants-variables that are kept unchanged
between test groups.
◦ Control variable-a variable that is not
manipulated in one group to act as a standard
for comparison
Experimental Design
Scenario 1 Peat Moss and Sand
Norm wanted to know if adding peat moss to sand would
affect its ability to hold water. He put 200mL of pure sand
into container A. He put a mixture of 80% sand and 20%
peat moss into container B. He put a mixture of 60% sand
and 40% peat moss into container C. He put a mixture or
40% sand and 60% peat moss into container D. He added
water to each container and measured the amount of water
the contents would absorb. He dried the sand and peat
moss and repeated the experiment 5 times.
 Hypothesis?
 Variables?
 Conclusion?
Quantitative Data?
Qualitative Data?
Experimental Design
Theory-a well-supported explanation based on many
repeated experiments, and supported by many facts.
Theories explain scientific facts and are not
Withstands attempts to disprove
Help guide further research and have shaped science
as we know it today.
Facts are what we observe and theories confirm facts
Theory vs Law
Law-identifies and describes patterns of behavior
found in nature.
Not a mature theory (Theories do NOT become laws)
Many times describe through mathematical terms
Ex: Einstein’s Theory of Relativity helped to further
explain Newton’s Laws. Newton only described
gravity’s behavior in precise mathematical terms, but
did not explain gravity’s behavior.
Theory vs Law
Biology-the science of studying living things.
Is a flame alive? How do you know 100%?
Living things share the following characteristics:
1. Made up of cells
2. Reproduce
3. Have DNA (genetic code)
4. Grow and develop
5. Obtain and use materials and energy
6. Respond to their environment
7. Maintain stable, internal environment by homeostasis
8. As a group, change over time
Characteristics of Living Things
Organism-a living thing made up of one or
many cells
◦ Unicellular- composed of only one cell
◦ Ex: Bacteria, amoeba
Living Things are Made up of Cells
Multicellular-composed of more than one
 Ex: Humans (100,000,000,000,0000 cells)
 100 trillion
Characteristics of Living Things
Reproduction-process by which organisms
produce offspring.
 Sexual-involves two parents; sperm and egg (
two gametes)-more complex
◦ Ex: Humans to create offspring
◦ Advantageous for genetic variation
 Asexual-Type of reproduction involving only one
parent (offspring are genetically identical to
◦ Ex: Bacteria, starfish
◦ Can be advantageous if organisms is not mobile and
does not expend too much energy
Living Things Reproduce
DNA-(deoxyribonucleic acid)-a molecule
that encodes the genetic instructions used
in by all living organisms for development
and functioning.
Living Things Contain DNA
Development-Series of orderly changes
that occur in an organism’s life.
5 Stages of Development:
1. Beginning-fertilization of egg
2. Growth-the number of cells increases
3. Maturity-the number of cells is not
increasing. Cells are being replaced and
4. Decline-Cells are no longer being repaired or
5. Death-All cell activity ceases.
Growth and Development
Energy-the ability to cause a change or do work.
Metabolism- combination of all of the chemical
reactions involved in maintaining the living state of
the organism and it’s cells.
1. Since living things are in a constant state of chemical
activity, they require energy.
2. Humans must eat food to get energy, while plants use the
sun to make food. BOTH must break down food to
release energy.
3. Life continues only as long as an organism can obtain and
use energy.
4. All energy comes originally from the SUN!!
Living Things Need Materials and
Environment-all living and nonliving
things around an organism
Stimulus-Anything that causes a reaction
Ex: light, sound, pressure, and temperature
Response: An organism’s reaction to a
◦ Ex: the human eye’s response to light
Living Things Respond to Their
Homeostasis-an organism’s ability to
maintain a constant or stable internal
condition necessary for life.
 Ex: blood pressure, heartbeat, breathing rate,
Living Things Maintain a Stable
Internal Environment
Adaptation-inherited characteristics that
increase an organism’s chance for
◦ Individual organisms respond.
Living things do not change to survive;
the survive because a change has taken
Variation allows for adaptation.
As a Group, Living Things Change
Over Time
Biosphere-all ecosystems on Earth
Ecosystem-a community and its nonliving
Community-Populations that live together in a defined
Population-a group of organisms of one type that live
in the same area.
Organism-an individual living thing.
Groups of Cells-Tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Cells-the smallest functional unit of life.
Molecules-groups of atoms; smallest unit of most
chemical compounds.
Levels of Organization
Data can be expressed in graphs and data
Line graphs-used for data that fluctuates
Ex: temperature over time
Bar graphs-used for counted data
Ex: number of students in each classroom
Independent variable gets plotted on the
 Dependent variable gets plotted on the yaxis.
Types of Microscopes
Microscopes-devices that produce magnified images
of structures that are to small to see with the unaided
Compound Light Microscopes-allow light to pass
through a thin specimen of an image to produce an
Most common
Advantages-Can view live organisms, cheaper
Disadvantages=Can’t see 3-D, magnification not as good
Using the Microscope
Light Microscope
Transmission Electron-shine a beam of
electrons through a thin specimen.
 Magnification=200,000 x (internal)
 Resolution= very good
 Magnifies by beams of electrons
 Advantages=extreme resolution inside of
 Disadvantages=can’t see 3-D, can’t view live
organisms because requires a vacuum.
Electron Microscopes
Transmission Electron Microscope
Scanning Electron Microscope-scan a
narrow beam of electrons back and forth
over the surface of a specimen.
 Magnification=500,000 x surface
 Resolution=very good
 Magnifies by electrons
 Advantages=can view whole organisms
 Disadvantages=can only view surface of dead
Electron Microscopes
Electron Microscopes
Scanning Probe Microscope-forms images of
surfaces by scanning a probe over the surface of
the specimen.
Magnification= 10,000,000x
Resolution=extremely good
Uses a scanning probe to magnify image
Advantages=can see details of very small images (not
constrained to the wavelength of light or electrons.)-still
being developed with “Nanoscience”
Disadvantages=smaller pictures, possibly longer wait time
for image, some probes better than others
Electron Microscopes
Electron Microscopes