Pennock Chapter One Worksheet

September 11, 2013
Fr. Doyle
Pennock Worksheet Chapter 1
1. Only __________________________ can make us truly happy because he created us and
made us with longing souls that only he can satisfy.
2. We will only achieve true happiness if we understand, accept, and live _______________
plan for us.
3. Human beings are made in the ________________________ and ______________________
of God.
4. God made human beings to share in his _______________________. Only when people
come to understand this truth will they achieve true happiness.
5. The source of every good and of all love is _________________________.
6. According to Pennock, ____________________________ in this life can make us fully
content or perfectly happy.
7. Who wrote, “Our heart is restless until it rests in you (God).”__________________________.
8. In what famous book did the author named in questions #9 write his quote?_____________.
9. Just like your heart yearns for love and happiness, your mind is searching for
___________________ about human existence.
10. We are made with powers to _____________________ God, to satisfy our restless hearts,
and to _____________________ God, to satisfy our quest for truth.
11. ____________________________ is related to the Latin word meaning “reconnecting to
the divine” or “binding to God.
12. _____________________________ is an indifference to religion and a belief that religion
should be excluded from civil affairs and public education.
13. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all believe in only one God. They are therefore considered
to be _________________________________________ religions.
14. A religion such as Hinduism believes in many gods and goddesses. Hinduism is therefore
considered to be a _____________________________________ religion.
15. An __________________________________ is someone who denies the existence of God.
16. _____________________________________ is a modern branch of atheism. For this
group of people the person is the center of the universe.
17. People who do not know if there is a God or not are known as _______________________.
18. God calls us first. He speaks to us through our human _____________________________-telling us to look at his creation.
19. _______________________________________ is coming to a knowledge of the existence
of a personal God through our human faculties or powers.
20. ______________________________________ is the way God communicates knowledge of
himself to humankind, a self-communication realized by his actions and words over time, most
fully by his sending us his divine Son, Jesus Christ.
21.______________________________________ is the name of your book.
22._____________________________________ is the author of your textbook.
23. Look up “Creation ex nihilo”. What does it mean? _________________________________
24. Paul’s letter to the ______________________ teaches that humans can discover the
existence of God by studying his creation.
25. Because we are created in the image and likeness of God, we are endowed with
26. What is the only Beauty that is not subject to change? __________________________
27. While St. Thomas Aquinas’s proofs are not actual proofs, they are reasonable ___________
for God’s existence.
28. Aquinas’s “proofs” for the existence of God are
29. ______________________________ is a practical judgment of reason that helps a person
decide the goodness or sinfulness of an action or attitude. It is the subjective norm of morality
we must form properly and then follow.
30. _______________________________________ has weakened our minds and hearts so
that we fail to perceive and follow the truth.
31. Look up and state what the sources of Original Sin are. _____________________________
32. Another way of saying that God is all-powerful is to say that he is _____________________.
33. To say that God is omniscient means that he is ____________________________________.
34. _____________________________ means “unveiling” or “uncovering”.
35. The story of God’s saving action in human history is called __________________________.
36. Salvation history has been revealed to us through the _______________, the
_____________________________, and most perfectly through _________________________.
37. __________________________________ is God’s free gift of self-communication by which
he makes known the mystery of his divine plan.
38. We learn of God’s plan of salvation found in both words and deeds in the ______________.
39. A ___________________________ is a binding and solemn agreement between human
beings or between God and people, holding each to a particular course of action.
40. The fisherman, Simon bar Jonah, the brother to the Apostle Andrew, is better known to us
as ________________.
41. Peter was probably martyred during the reign of the Roman emperor _________________.
42. Peter fished the Sea of Galilee near the village of __________________________________.
43. What symbol represents the authority given to St. Peter? _________________________
44. The power to forgive sins in Christ’s name is celebrated in the Sacrament of ____________.
45. The Church is guided by the _____________________________, who was sent by Jesus and
his Father to guide the Church in truth.
46. ______________________________ and ______________________________ contain the
truths about Jesus and Salvation History.
47. The successors of the Apostles (the bishops) entrusted to faithfully teach, interpret, and
preserve the truths about Jesus and Salvation History is known as the ____________________.
48. Look up the sign God gave with the Covenant with Noah. It was a sign that God would
never again destroy the world by a flood. ___________________________________
49. What was Abraham’s name before God changed it to Abraham? You will need to look this
one up.___________________________________
50. __________________________________ for Jewish males was a sign of God’s covenant
with Abraham as a way to set his descendants apart as God’s people.
51. ____________________________________ was the son of Abraham.
52. __________________________________ was the son of Isaac.
53. Jacob was renamed ____________________________ and was the father of twelve sons.
54. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are known as the __________________________ of Israel.
55. The _________________________ refers to God’s freeing of his Chosen People, Israel,
from slavery in Egypt.
56. The name of God in Hebrew meaning “I Am Who Am” is ___________________________.
The word contains no vowels because Hebrew does not have vowels.
57. God gave his Chosen People the Law through the prophet _______________________.
58. The greatest king of Israel is said to be ___________________________.
59. David made _______________________________ the capital city of Israel.
60. __________________________, David’s son, built the Temple in Jerusalem.
61. The ______________________________ warned the people against their failures to follow
the Law of God and encouraged God’s people when they were conquered and exiled.
62. ________________________________ conquered Israel, the northern kingdom, in 722 BC.
63. _______________________________ conquered Judah, the southern kingdom, in 586 BC.
64. ____________________________________ is composed of proverbs, riddles, stories,
warnings, questions, and similar types of writings to serve as a guide to daily successful living.
65. _____________________________________ constitutes the climax of Salvation History
and is the fullest Revelation of God.
66. Jesus was born while the _____________________________ ruled Israel.
67. ___________________________________ was the last prophet to prepare the way for
Jesus’ public ministry. He baptized Jesus in the Jordan River and recognized him as the
68. Jesus taught us about God in both his ___________________ and____________________.
69. The __________________________________________ is contained in Sacred Tradition
and Sacred Scripture. It was inspired by the Holy Spirit and handed down from the Apostles to
the Church.
70. ___________________________________ is the living transmission or “handing down”
from one generation to the next of the Church’s gospel message.
71. All of the Apostles died a martyr’s death except for __________________________.
72. St. Peter was the first Bishop of __________________. The popes are his successors.
73. _______________________________________ is the written form of what the Apostles
and early Christians handed down. It is the speech of God as it is put down in writing under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
74. Sacred Scripture is divided into the Old and New ______________________________.
75. There are ____________ books in the Old Testament of the Catholic Bible.
76. There are ___________ books in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.
77. A __________________________ is a central truth of Revelation that Catholics must
78. ________________________ is our appropriate response to Divine Revelation.
79. Faith, hope, and love are the ___________________________ virtues.