
ST. Frances Cabrini Medical Center is proud of its dynamic management. Its
vision and strategies are innovative and forward looking – welcoming changes
and willingly adapting to market demands. In the end, this will help the
hospital remain strong even in uncertain times. This provides a very distinct
advantage in the industry and augurs well in insuring tat its overall objectives
are met.
To provide a patient-centered environment that will enable the healing of the
body, mind and spirit of our patients, achieved through the holistic integration
of the best medical care, modern technology and complementary healing
Excellence is fulfilling our potential to be the best that we can be through a
strong commitment to the highest standards of quality and by fostering a
service culture enriched by learning, teaching and research.
We will strive to become more than a hospital and be recognized as a
healthcare institution providing world-class service to its patients and clients.
Our strategic directions and our service provision shall be grounded in a clear
understanding of the demographic profile and needs of the patients and clients
we serve.
We will recognize the increasing complexity of client needs and the challenge of
meeting social and psychological care needs as well as physical.
Management shall adhere to the principles of sound governance, management
and financial accountability systems and processes in ensuring long-term
viability of the organization.
The human resource acquisition and retention policies will be founded on the
development and enhancement of skills and competencies. The staff will be
treated with fairness and accorded respect and dignity.
We shall recognize the importance of enhancing partnership and collaborative
activities to maximize the effectiveness of service. We shall endeavor to
contribute to a better quality of life through awareness of and adherence to
sound environmental management.
We believe in contributing to a better health care system through an
integration of the physical and social environment that works towards building
a healthy society that will promotes sustainable development and supportive of
the needs and opportunities of future generations.
Business should support and respect the protection of international
human rights within their sphere of influence.
Health is a major determinant of the ability of an individual to attain
his/her full potential. He/she is better able to contribute to society
through meaningful livelihood when he/she is not ill or physically
disabled. The hospital provides quality health services to its patients
and clients and continuously enhances its operational effectiveness and
efficiency to ensure that the access to health services remains reasonable
and equitable. Person in need of urgent care are attended to promptly
and when conditions are stable, case managers are available to assist
patients who may not have the resources in ensuring their continued
care through networking agreement with public hospitals.
Corporations should make sure they are not complicit in human
rights abuses.
The Hospital regularly monitors the quality of service rendered to its
patients through a Patient Satisfaction Survey, the result of which are
part of the regular agenda of the Management Committee. A mechanism
for conflict resolution and addressing patients’/clients’ concern is in
 Businesses should uphold freedom of association and the effective
recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and
compulsory labor.
Businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labor.
Businesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination in
respect of employment and occupation.
One of the guiding principles of the hospital is stated thus: The human
resource acquisition and retention policies will be founded on the
development and enhancement of skills and competencies. The staff will
be treated with fairness and accorded respect and dignity. This finds
expression through the following actions:
Full compliance to Labor Laws and standards governing the
Minimum recruitment age of 18 years old.
Whenever possible and as long as the welfare of the patients are
not at risk, the hospital recruits and hire employees without
experience and is given ample opportunity to gain this through
systematic training supplemented by mentoring and coaching of
team leaders and management.
The team leaders representing various sections of the hospitals
attend periodic consultations with their operating heads. On a
quarterly basis, executives of the hospital meets with the team
leaders to listen to their reports and concerns, as well as resolve
issued that will enhance the working relationship and build
teamwork in the organization.
Businesses are asked to support a precautionary approach to
environmental challenges.
Businesses should undertake
environmental responsibility.
Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of
environment-friendly technologies.
The hospital recognizes that the presence of environmental risks and
hazards negatively impacts on the ability of its patients and clients to
achieve good health. Thus, a guiding principle of the hospital is its
commitment to contributing to a better quality of life through awareness
of and adherence to sound environmental management.
The hospital established and maintained a sewage treatment plant
long before the other hospitals did and even when it was not
required by the regulatory bodies. This STP is in conformance with
the standard of the Laguna Lake Development Authority. Water
wastes are treated and rendered non-harmful and non-health risk
before it goes out to the main tributary.
The hospital regularly conducts teach-ins and laymen’s forum for
patient education especially in the prevention and management of
common illnesses. Likewise, special lectures are held for diseases
which may have rising incidences to enable them to prevent
transmission of such diseases.
The hospital’s waste management program is through a company
that autoclaves rather that incinerates infectious waste. This is
supportive of the Clean Air Act to help save the ozone layer from
being destroyed.
Business should work against corruption in all forms, including
extortion and bribery.
The hospital adheres to legal and regulatory requirements to avoid
situations where opportunities for bribery and corruption may arise.