Schedule - AGA Washington, DC Chapter

Early Career Presentation: Protecting
the Public’s Interests in Iraq
Wednesday, June 6, 12-1
GAO Building, Room 7C13
441 G St., NW
Washington, DC 20548
Governments provide a vast array of services for its citizens. Education, public
works, and defense are just a few of the many areas of government responsibility.
Because of the many services governments offer, government financial
management professionals can find themselves engaged in a broad range of career
opportunities and experiences. Those experiences may include performing
economic and financial analysis in a home office or auditing security and
reconstruction programs in a foreign country engaged in military conflict.
To demonstrate the broad range of challenges and rewards and opportunities to
learn and grow as a leader in government financial management, the AGA DC
Chapter will offer a presentation on a team’s work experience in Iraq. The
presentation will feature Tetsuo Miyabara, Assistant Director, Government
Accountability Office (GAO), and GAO analysts working on various issues in the
Iraq region. The team will discuss GAO's work in Iraq, the work conditions
(including field visits to Iraq), and the results of their efforts.
Contact Ross Simms at by May 25, 2007, to register.