
Ashlee Auchter 2-3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Animals on the Farm
Fall Week 13: November 4th, 2013 – November 8th, 2013
Education Standards are outlined using the Florida Early Learning and
Developmental Standards (FLDOE 2011) & High Scope COR
Monday: November 4, 2013
Morning Circle: We will be singing our good morning greeting song, adding
the day to our calendar, talk about our daily weather and complete
attendance check-in, then we will sing and move to our new song “Old Mac
Donald” with props. Each child will be given a turn to hold an animal to take
out or place into the barn.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to Adults, F: Relating to Other Children, III. Creative
Representation; K: Pretending, IV. Music and Movement; N: Feeling and
Expressing a Steady Beat, P: Singing, V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening
to and Understanding Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, VI. Mathematics and
Science; CC: Identifying Position and Direction
Book: “Barnyard Banter” By: Denise Fleming
Extension Activity: Art: Piggy Plates
Our extension activity will be creating pink piggy plates using paper plates,
pink crayons, pre-cut pink ears, a pre-cut pink nose and google eyes. “Oink,
COR: I. Initiative; B: Solving a Problem with Materials, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to Adults, F: Relating to Other Children, III. Creative
Representation; I: Making and Building Models, J: Drawing and Painting
Pictures, K: Pretending V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and
Understanding Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, S: Using Complex Patterns of
Speech, VI. Mathematics and Science; BB: Counting, CC: Identifying Position
and Direction, EE: Identifying Materials and Properties.
Ashlee Auchter 2-3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Animals on the Farm
Fall Week 13: November 4th, 2013 – November 8th, 2013
Monday: November 4, 2013 continued….
Small Group Circle Time: Today we will read the story “Barnyard Banter”.
This is a story about different animals and where they live on the farm. We
will have discussion about the difference between where the ducks live
compared to where the horses live, and etc. There is a mystery animal
“goose” that is chasing a dragonfly throughout the story, at the end we will
see if the goose is able to catch the dragonfly.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to adults. V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and
Understanding Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, U: Demonstrating Knowledge
About Books, W: Reading, VI. Mathematics and Science; Z: Identifying
Patterns, DD: Identifying Sequence, Change and Causality, FF: Identifying
Natural and Living Things.
Music and Movement: “Animal Action”
COR: IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and
Expressing Steady Beat, O: Moving to music, P: Singing
Recall: This is a large group setting where we will be answering a question
or commenting on something related to the day’s activities. Today’s
question or comment will be “What color is a pig? What is a pig’s favorite
thing to play in? What color is mud? Is it squishy or hard?”
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; F:
Relating to other Children, V. Language and Literacy; R: Using Vocabulary,
Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, S: Using Complex Patterns of
Ashlee Auchter 2-3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Animals on the Farm
Fall Week 13: November 4th, 2013 – November 8th, 2013
Tuesday: November 5, 2013
Morning Circle: We will be singing our good morning greeting song, adding
the day to our calendar, talk about our daily weather and complete
attendance check-in, then we will complete a new music and movement
activity by following the pages in a book and by following the teacher’s
model of movements. Each child will be given the opportunity to be a
helper in the classroom by choosing a peer to go next for check-in after
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to Adults, F: Relating to Other Children, IV. Music and Movement;
L: Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and Expressing a Steady Beat, P:
Singing, V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding
Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, VI. Mathematics and Science; Y: Sorting
Objects, CC: Identifying Position and Direction, FF: Identifying Natural and
Living Things.
Book: “Barnyard Hullabaloo” By: Giles Andreae
Extension Activity: Sensory: Milking a Cow
Our extension activity today will be pretending to milk a cow. Using a large
cow model with a glove attached as the udder and milk and water mixed
inside of the glove, we will poke small holes in the tips of the glove so we
can practice squeezing the udder to place milk into the pail below our cow.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, B: Solving Problems with
Materials, V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding
Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, S; Using Complex Patterns of Speech; VI.
Mathematics and Science; AA: Comparing Properties, CC: Identifying
Position and Direction, EE: Identifying Materials and Properties, FF:
Identifying Natural and Living Things.
Ashlee Auchter 2-3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Animals on the Farm
Fall Week 13: November 4th, 2013 – November 8th, 2013
Tuesday: November 5, 2013 Continued….
Small Group Circle Time: Today we will read the story “Barnyard
Hullabaloo”. This story is about all the animals we can see on a farm, each
animal has a cute rhyme that tells us a little bit about the animal and where
that animal lives on the farm. We will identify and re-create animal sounds
for each of the pages in this book.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to adults. III. Creative Representation; K: Pretending, V. Language
and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, R: Using
Vocabulary, T: Showing Awareness of Sounds in Words, U: Demonstrating
Knowledge about Books, W: Reading, VI. Mathematics and Science; EE:
Identifying Materials and Properties.
Music and Movement: “5 Little Ducks” Song with Props
COR: IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and
Expressing Steady Beat, O: Moving to music, P: Singing
Recall: This is a large group setting where we will be answering a question
or commenting on something related to the day’s activities. Today’s
question/comment will be “Today we milked a cow. Did you have to push
or squeeze the cow’s udders to make milk come out? Was the cow udder
hard or squishy?”
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans V. Language and Literacy; S:
Using Complex Patterns of Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, Q: Listening to and
Understanding Speech.
Ashlee Auchter 2-3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Animals on the Farm
Fall Week 13: November 4th, 2013 – November 8th, 2013
Wednesday: November 6, 2013
Morning Circle: We will be singing our good morning greeting song, adding
the day to our calendar, talk about our daily weather and complete
attendance check-in, then we will sing and move to our new song
“Barnyard Dance”. Each child will follow the movements of different farm
animals within the story. (Twirl, bow, bounce, swing, trot)
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to Adults, F: Relating to Other Children, III. Creative
Representation; K: Pretending, IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in
Various Ways, N: Feeling and Expressing a Steady Beat, P: Singing, V.
Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, VI.
Mathematics and Science; CC: Identifying Position and Direction.
Book: “Giggle, Giggle, Quack” By: Doreen Cronin
Extension Activity: Art: Duck Prints
Our extension activity today will be creating duck prints using yellow and
orange paint on white construction paper with webbed feet shaped
sponges. The children will be encouraged to move the prints along the
paper like a duck might when they waddle. “Quack, Quack”
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, B: Solving Problems with
Materials, V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding
Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, S; Using Complex Patterns of Speech; VI.
Mathematics and Science; AA: Comparing Properties, CC: Identifying
Position and Direction, EE: Identifying Materials and Properties, FF:
Identifying Natural and Living Things.
Ashlee Auchter 2-3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Animals on the Farm
Fall Week 13: November 4th, 2013 – November 8th, 2013
Wednesday: November 6, 2013 Continued…..
Small Group Circle Time: Today we will read the story “Barnyard
Hullabaloo”. This story is about all the animals we can see on a farm, each
animal has a cute rhyme that tells us a little bit about the animal and where
that animal lives on the farm. We will identify and re-create animal sounds
for each of the pages in this book.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to adults. III. Creative Representation; K: Pretending, V. Language
and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, R: Using
Vocabulary, T: Showing Awareness of Sounds in Words, U: Demonstrating
Knowledge about Books, W: Reading, VI. Mathematics and Science; EE:
Identifying Materials and Properties.
Music and Movement: “Animal Action”
COR: IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and
Expressing Steady Beat, O: Moving to music, P: Singing
Recall: This is a large group setting where we will be answering a question
or commenting on something related to the day’s activities. Today’s
question/comment will be “Today we made duck prints. What colors did
we use? How does a duck walk, do you remember what we call that?
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans V. Language and Literacy; S:
Using Complex Patterns of Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, Q: Listening to and
Understanding Speech.
Ashlee Auchter 2-3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Animals on the Farm
Fall Week 13: November 4th, 2013 – November 8th, 2013
Thursday: November 7, 2013
Morning Circle: We will be singing our good morning greeting song, adding
the day to our calendar, talk about our daily weather and complete
attendance check-in, then we will sing and move to our new song “Old Mac
Donald” with props. Each child will be given a turn to hold an animal to take
out or place into the barn.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to Adults, F: Relating to Other Children, III. Creative
Representation; K: Pretending, IV. Music and Movement; N: Feeling and
Expressing a Steady Beat, P: Singing, V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening
to and Understanding Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, VI. Mathematics and
Science; CC: Identifying Position and Direction
Book: “Barnyard Banter” by: Denise Fleming
Extension Activity: Sensory Table: Pigs in mud
Our extension activity today will be manipulating plastic cows in mud that
we will create in the sensory table using powdered cornstarch, water,
brown food dye, and potting soil. The consistency of cornstarch and water
is magical as it hardens when under pressure but “melts” and drips when
lightly grabbed. We will complete our exploration by washing the pigs clean
of mud by using water in the sink. What Messy Fun!!!
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to adults, F: Relating to Other Children, III. Creative
Representation; K: Pretending, V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to
and Understanding Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, W: Reading, VI.
Mathematics and Science; Z: Identifying Patterns, FF: Identifying Natural
and Living Things.
Ashlee Auchter 2-3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Animals on the Farm
Fall Week 13: November 4th, 2013 – November 8th, 2013
Thursday: November 7, 2013 Continued……
Small Group Circle Time: Today we will read the story “Barnyard Banter”.
This is a story about different animals and where they live on the farm. We
will have discussion about the difference between where the ducks live
compared to where the horses live, and etc. There is a mystery animal
“goose” that is chasing a dragonfly throughout the story, at the end we will
see if the goose is able to catch the dragonfly.
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to adults. V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and
Understanding Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, U: Demonstrating Knowledge
About Books, W: Reading, VI. Mathematics and Science; Z: Identifying
Patterns, DD: Identifying Sequence, Change and Causality, FF: Identifying
Natural and Living Things.
Music and Movement: “5 Little Ducks” Song with Props
COR: IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and
Expressing Steady Beat, O: Moving to music, P: Singing
Recall: This is a large group setting where we will be answering a question
or commenting on something related to the day’s activities. Today’s
question / comment will be “Today played in mud at the sensory table.
How did it feel? Did you like playing with the pigs in mud? What did we
need to wash them off and make them clean?”
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, V. Language and Literacy; R:
Using Vocabulary, Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, VI.
Mathematics and Science; Y: Sorting Objects
Ashlee Auchter 2-3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Animals on the Farm
Fall Week 13: November 4th, 2013 – November 8th, 2013
Friday: November 8, 2013
Morning Circle: We will be singing our good morning greeting song, adding
the day to our calendar, talk about our daily weather and complete
attendance check-in, then we will sing and move to our new song
“Barnyard Dance”. Each child will follow the movements of different farm
animals within the story. (Twirl, bow, bounce, swing, trot)
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans, II. Social Relations; E:
Relating to Adults, F: Relating to Other Children, III. Creative
Representation; K: Pretending, IV. Music and Movement; L: Moving in
Various Ways, N: Feeling and Expressing a Steady Beat, P: Singing, V.
Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech, VI.
Mathematics and Science; CC: Identifying Position and Direction.
Cooking: Pretty Pink Pigs
Small Group Circle Time: Today we will make a list of ingredients for our
cooking activity on the white board. We will look at each item, taste it and
guess what we think it is called. We are creating pretty pink pigs using half
of a bagel for the face, pink colored cream cheese, sliced bananas for a
nose, sliced strawberries for ears and raisins for eyes.
Ashlee Auchter 2-3yr olds
Assistants: Tamara Sprague, Denice Kowalski
Theme: Animals on the Farm
Fall Week 13: November 4th, 2013 – November 8th, 2013
Friday: November 8, 2013 Continued……
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and plans, D: Taking Care of Personal
Needs, II. Social Relations; E: Relating to Adults, F: Relating to Other
Children, III. Creative Representation; I: Making and Building Models, K.
Pretending, V. Language and Literacy; Q: Listening to and Understanding
Speech, R: Using Vocabulary, S: Using Complex Patterns of Speech, VI.
Mathematics and Science; AA: Comparing Properties, BB: Counting, EE:
Identifying Materials and Properties.
Music and Movement: “Old Mac Donald” Song with props
COR: III. Creative Representation; K: Pretending. IV. Music and Movement;
L: Moving in Various Ways, N: Feeling and Expressing Steady Beat, O:
Moving to music, P: Singing
Recall: This is a large group setting where we will be answering a question
or commenting on something related to the day’s activities. Today’s
question will be “Today we made a pretty pink pig for cooking group, can
you name one food that we used to make a piece of our pig? What did you
like to eat the most?”
COR: I. Initiative; A: Making Choices and Plans V. Language and Literacy; R:
Using Vocabulary, Q: Listening to and Understanding Speech.
Have A Wonderful Weekend!!