minutes - Cochise College

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Cochise College Sierra Vista Campus
6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jan Guy, Board Chair, at 6:04 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Mrs. Jan Guy
Mrs. Jane Strain
Mr. David DiPeso
Dr. John Eaton
Board Member(s) Absent
Mr. Donald Hudgins
Pledge of Allegiance
Adoption of Agenda
Dr. Rottweiler presented the Board with an amended agenda, which included the name
of the Director, Marketing and Creative Services in Item 4.01.3 of the Consent Agenda.
The amended agenda was adopted as published.
Citizen’s Interim
There were no requests to address the Board.
Standing Reports
1.05.1 Representative to the Arizona Association of District Governing
Boards (AADGB)
Dr. Eaton reported that the AADGB has not met; however, there has been
communication with the boards. He added that a date for the “Community
College Day at the Capitol” has not been set.
1.05.2 Representative to the Association of Community College Trustees
Mrs. Strain reported that she has been appointed to the ACCT Public Policy SubCommittee and will be participating in that committee meeting when she and Mr.
Hudgins attend the National Legislative Summit in Washington, DC in February,
Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
1.05.3 Representative(s) to the Lumina Foundation (Getting AHEAD)
Mr Butler reported on where the Finance Committee currently stands regarding
the Lumina Foundation (Getting AHEAD) grant. The university business officers
and/or their designees have met to contemplate what their formulas might look
like, and the CBO’s from the community college districts have done the same.
They have drafted a four-page, very preliminary, guideline principle statement as
to what the formulas might look like. Mr. Butler was pleased to report that,
included in the draft, is unanimous support for “less-endowed” districts.
However, whatever the formulas might be, the plan is not to redistribute what is
currently being received in the first year. It is anticipated that, within the next few
meetings, there will be some drafts of formulas and some real numbers to look
at. Dr. Rottweiler acknowledged the CBO’s for the good work they have done in
pulling the information together. Mrs. Strain added that, on Thursday, December
16th, she, Kevin Butler, and Dr. Rottweiler will be travelling to Phoenix for a
Finance Committee meeting, being held at the Arizona Board of Regents.
1.05.4 Senate
There was no Senate report.
1.05.5 Student Government Association (SGA)
Ajaa Jackson, President of the Sierra Vista Student Government Association,
introduced Jenn Wantz, SGA Advisor, and Michelle Scherr, SGA Treasurer. Ms.
Jackson reported that the Sierra Vista SGA has been working extremely hard this
year, and they are very proud of the progress made and the events that have
been held. She reported that approximately 2,500 students have attended 34
events held, including but not limited to, sponsored workshops, community
service events such as cleaning up the fitness train and collecting baby hats to
donate to children in Africa, and the Salvation Army Angel Tree (co-sponsorship
with the Spanish Club). The SGA also held the Kan-Jam tournament and the
Haunted Union (formerly known as Monsterfest). In addition, there are 14 active
clubs on the Sierra Vista campus that meet at least once a month. She
acknowledged the SGA officers for all their hard work. She was pleased to
announce there are 28 upcoming planned events, and distributed the schedule
for the Winter Welcome Week (January 10 – 14, 2011), which includes the
following events: Hot Cocoa and Donuts with SGA, Coloring Fun, Club Day,
Game Night, A Winter Relay Event, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
Event. In response to an inquiry from Mrs. Guy, Ms. Wantz explained the reason
behind the Angel Tree and how it works. Dr. Rottweiler acknowledged the
Student Government Association, officers and advisor, for all their hard work.
1.05.6 College President
Dr. Rottweiler reported that nothing has been happening in the legislature, yet.
Freshman orientation for the newly elected officials has been taking place for the
last two days. While recently attending a meeting at Kartchner Caverns, he had
an opportunity to speak with Representative Gowan and an official from Casa
Grande, to talk about some issues facing community colleges and where we
need to go. Dr. Rottweiler stated he is hopeful they are hearing his message and
will be prepared to work with us when the time comes.
Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
In working with Kristen Boilini, Dr. Rottweiler is anticipating scheduling a
Legislative Luncheon on the Sierra Vista campus, hopefully in January 2011. All
local representatives will be included, and a request has been received to
expand into some other areas, as there is an interesting movement around a
rural caucus and around what is being called “equalization schools”. There are a
number of meetings planned around that, and Dr. Rottweiler is hoping to
leverage some of the legislators together to recognize some of the critical issues.
The first President’s meeting related to the ‘rural group’ is scheduled for January
20, 2011, and he hopes to be able to provide some information to the yet to be
assembled rural caucus to take place in the legislature. They are also currently
working, as the four equalization schools, in an effort to be prepared should
those questions come up. Dr. Rottweiler added that the community colleges lost
one of its strongest equalization advocates when Rep. Konopnicki was defeated
in his bid for a Senate seat.
Dr. Rottweiler distributed a copy of an opinion paper that appeared in the Arizona
Daily Star on November 10, 2010, written by Chancellor Flores. He stated that it
was ‘a shot across the bow’ and has caused some movement in different
directions. We will need to be prepared to address many of the things mentioned
in the paper, and both the rural caucus and the equalization schools are
preparing to address some of the concerns.
Dr. Rottweiler provided the Board with a Draft Executive Summary (12/8/10) of A
Vision for 2020: Statewide Strategic Plan for Arizona’s Community Colleges, and
acknowledged all those who worked to put this document together. Three key
areas are highlighted: a statewide vision statement for Arizona community
colleges; three goals, the first one pertaining to Access, the second goal
pertaining to Retention, and the third goal (and the one currently having the most
attention), is Achievement and Completion. Also included are Key Indicators of
Progress, and a Summary Outcomes Measures and 2020 Targets (replicating
what ABOR has done) showing a Vision of Arizona Now and Arizona in 2020,
with key indicators and overall summary outcomes. Currently, there aren’t many
numbers on the chart as baseline data is needed for all the colleges first, then
decide what the bronze, silver, and gold targets would be. As this moves
forward, Dr. Rottweiler will bring this back to the Board to keep them apprised of
where the numbers have been set as they relate to Cochise College and to
request their approval. There is a tight timeline as they are trying to get this
prepared to roll out during the upcoming legislative session. He added that this
is really an effort to get the community colleges to try to work together to respond
to, or at least be seen as, a group that is willing to work together for the overall
improvement of the state. Dr. Rottweiler then discussed the response that came
from the Goldwater Institute related to completion rates for community colleges.
Regarding master facilities planning, there is an information item on this agenda
to discuss improvements on Huachuca Hall on the Douglas campus. There is
also an airport master plan, as the college is trying to acquire ADOT
transportation funds to help the airport on the Douglas campus. In scheduling a
Governing Board work session for January 2011, Dr. Rottweiler would like to
request one of his key agenda items to center around facilities, with an open
discussion on what we’re seeing and where we’re going. He also requested the
Board’s direction in helping shape the agenda around a Board Evaluation and
the initial discussions around tuition.
Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
In general comments, Dr. Rottweiler stated the college continues to be very
active in grant production to bring resources into the college to accomplish
important tasks. An enormous amount of work has been done on a STEM HSI
grant, which will allow the college to continue the exciting work in Running Start
and mechatronics and expand that into other areas to create a system where we
have some career-ready programs in the STEM area. The nursing department
has prepared, and Dr. Rottweiler signed, a letter to accompany a HRSA grant to
expand our nursing capacity and to work with students from under-represented
populations. The talent search grants, both on the Douglas and Sierra Vista
campuses are either out or set to go out. Rebecca Orozco’s Brownfield Program
in Bisbee will be ready to go as soon as the RFP is received. Thanks to the hard
work of Dr. Fick, the college did get the Gates Foundation project turned in for
Completion by Design, in conjunction with Pima Community College.
Dr. Rottweiler, accompanied by Bruce Richardson and other staff, met with Terry
Gent, Commissioner for the Arizona Department of Veteran Affairs. Discussion
centered around veterans and their experience on the Cochise College campus.
We will continue to monitor what we need to do in regard to serving our veterans
as they return.
On November 30, 2010, a group of deans, Dr. Fick, and Dr. Rottweiler
participated with the University of Arizona-South on initial planning of a joint
strategic plan of how they can better work together to accomplish some things.
Dr. Rottweiler stated that the ball is in their court, as Cochise College is ready to
move forward upon their request.
Dr. Rottweiler and senior administration had the opportunity to have lunch with
Student Governing Association on the Douglas campus. They presented a list of
items they would like to see changed, and Dr. Rottweiler felt they were fair in
their assessment and judgment. He stated he would like to do a better job in
meeting some of their needs, and that they are not different requests than what is
already being discussed – it’s just that the students are beginning to recognize
the areas that need improvements. That is one of the consequences or benefits
of our “Everything Speaks” model.
Dr. Rottweiler had lunch with some of the key leaders from Northrup Grumman,
and met with the gentleman who is part of and heads their University Strategic
Alliance. He believes Northrup Grumman is ready to begin working with us to
create a strategic alliance to do things together to make us a center of excellence
in some key areas that will benefit their industry as well as our educational
Dr. Rottweiler concluded his report by wishing the Board, the faculty, staff, and
students, as well as all those in attendance, Happy Holidays and a safe and
prosperous New Year!
1.05.7 Monthly Financial Report
The Financial Report for November, 2010, was presented and accepted as
Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Acceptance of Minutes from the Regular Meeting of November 9, 2010
The minutes of the November 9, 2010, Regular Meeting of the Cochise County
Community College District Governing Board were accepted and entered into record.
Ms. Rebecca Orozco received a letter from Representative Gabrielle Giffords,
thanking Ms. Orozco for her assistance in coordinating the Solar Power 101
class at Cochise College on October 27, 2010.
Dr. Rottweiler received a card of thanks from Ms. Barbara Highfield
Owner/Broker of Tombstone Real Estate, for speaking at the Women’s Council of
Realtors Chapter (November 4, 2010).
Dr. Rottweiler received a letter from Barry Midgorden, Instructor at The Pottery
Studio @ Sierra Vista, expressing appreciation for the work and creations of the
Cochise College community, from both the Sierra Vista and Douglas campuses,
that helped support the third Empty Bowls Project.
Collaboration with Arizona State’s Motivated Engineering Transfer Student
(METS) Center
Dr. Bubba Hall provided a handout and a PowerPoint presentation on the collaboration
between Cochise College and Arizona State University’s Motivated Engineering Transfer
Student (METS) Center, a partnership to create a pipeline for engineering students
starting at the high school level (the Running Start Academy), continuing at Cochise
College, and then on to Arizona State University (ASU). Dr. Hall provided some
background history on the partnership, which began with the Running Start Academy in
2007. He reviewed the program’s mission and goal, and added that the program is
student focused, and it targets under-represented groups in engineering. The three key
figures in the METS program are Dr. Mary Anderson-Rowland, Principle Investigator of
National Science Foundation (NSF) STEP grant, Dr. Tony Rodriguez, Co-Principle
Investigator of the NSF STEP Grant, and Anita Grierson, Director of the METS Center.
Dr. Hall then explained how the partnership works, stating it is based on an NSF grant,
which is in the 2nd of a five year grant. There are recruiting visits between Cochise
College and ASU, with ASU visiting and recruiting from both the Sierra Vista and
Douglas campuses, as well as local high schools, with an effort to get students into the
engineering pipeline at the community college level. Community college students visit
ASU to tour their campus and College of Engineering, to visit the METS center and meet
with the personnel, and to meet the ASU engineering faculty. Advisory meetings are
also held, and scholarship money is available for students to take Cochise College
classes, and also allows students to apply to move on to the university. JoAnn Deakin,
Cochise College Engineering Instructor, provided her perspective on the benefits of the
partnership between Cochise College and the ASU METS program. She stated that,
when she first came on board, she didn’t see a lot interest from the students in pursuing
engineering as a field. The METS personnel visits to Cochise College campuses has
garnered student interest and motivated students towards future plans. The college
visits to ASU allows students to envision a pathway, introduces students to campus life,
welcomes students into an organization, and allows them to meet students like
Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
themselves who may have come from rural communities. The scholarship money also
serves as an incentive for the student to continue towards a STEM degree.
Dr. Hall introduced Enrique Martan, a current Cochise College student who is a recipient
of one of our scholarships, and who will be transferring to ASU next year. Mr. Martan
provided his perspective on the benefits of the partnership between Cochise College and
the ASU METS program. His visits to ASU have proven to be an excellent opportunity
for him to explore all they have to offer, and has opened a whole new world for him in
the area of engineering. He stated it was exciting for him to meet the ASU instructors,
and feels it is a great opportunity for students to visit ASU, and it has helped him
tremendously in deciding where he would like to go. He also feels the scholarships are
a great incentive.
Dr. Hall then spoke about Victor Robles, a former Cochise College student who is
currently an ASU student, and who is a METS program success story, as well as a role
model for Cochise College students. He accompanies METS personnel when they come
to the college to recruit, and talks to students, both at the high school and community
college level. An article spotlighting Victor recently appeared in the ASU news. He was
a Douglas area student who grew up in Douglas, came to Cochise College, went on to
ASU, found his niche, and has been accepted into a Master’s program. His goal is to
eventually go into teaching as he wants to give back to the community. Victor has made
a name for himself state-wide, making visits to Mohave, and Central, and loves coming
back to Cochise College. The college is very proud of Victor, and Dr. Hall is confident
Victor will do great things in his life.
Dr. Hall then provided highlights of the METS Perspective: “The Cochise faculty has
been very welcoming and supportive of our mission as they see firsthand how the
METSTEP program and Cochise’s increased STEM focus work together to provide
better opportunities for students.” and “In the METSTEP program we work with five
community colleges throughout Arizona. Cochise is leading the way with their focus on
STEM fields. Cochise provides a role model for schools like Mohave Community
College, which has just started to build a pre-engineering program.” Dr. Hall concluded
by providing statistics of the METS program success rate and the benefits of the
Cochise College-ASU METS Partnership.
Improvements for Huachuca Hall
Dr. Rottweiler stated that the college kicked-off the 2010-2011 academic year with the
“Cochise Combo” program, a program that bundled housing and food service at a
significant discount for students who enrolled at specified credit hour levels. The college
increased its fall residents from 123 in 2009 to 157 in 2010, and recruiters and housing
staff are excited to promote this program again for 2011-2012. However, the housing
that the students are desirous of is the single occupancy housing in the older
dormitories. To house the 157 students, the college filled the new townhouses at double
occupancy and several of the rooms in Huachuca and Chiricahua Halls at single
occupancy. Because of issues with HVAC and electricity in these older dormitories, the
college had to relocate students from room to room for comfort reasons. Therefore, if
the older dormitories continue to be utilized, HVAC and electric, at a minimum, need to
be addressed. Dr. Rottweiler plans to bring to the Board, as an information item, a
feasibility study prepared by BWS architects, with direction to refurbish at least the
HVAC, electrical, and minor cosmetic updates in Huachuca Hall. The study will
subsequently generate estimates for the project. He added that, as the Board is aware,
Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
the college still has approximately $483,000 of unused Revenue Bonds from the 2008
issuance that can only be spent on projects such as housing. Dr. Rottweiler expects to
receive the results of the feasibility study in the next few weeks and will bring those
results to the Board. Mrs. Strain asked how, with very little marketing, the college
increased the number of students. Dr. Rottweiler explained there was some marketing
in April/May, but the increase was accomplished in large part by offering the Cochise
Combo. He added that, since then, the college has published significant literature.
New Governing Board Policy – Trustee Emeritus
The administration brought to the Board, as a first-read, a new Governing Board policy –
Trustee Emeritus. There were no recommended changes; the policy will be brought to
the Board at the January 2011 Governing Board meeting as an action item.
Consent Agenda*
Mr. DiPeso moved and Dr. Eaton seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
There was no further discussion by the Board. The Board unanimously approved.
The following items were approved:
* Classified; Appointment (Darrell Campbell, Facilities Maintenance TechnicianSenior, Douglas Campus)
4.01.2 * Classified; Appointment (Joy Miller, Administrative Assistant-Senior, Sierra
Vista Campus)
4.01.3 * Administrative Support ; Appointment (Edward Roskowski, Director-Marketing
and Creative Services, Sierra Vista)
4.01.4 * Classified; Resignation (Laurie Stratton, Administrative Assistant-Principal,
Sierra Vista Campus)
4.01.5 * Administrative Support; Resignation (Denisse Escarcega, Coordinator of
Teacher Education, Douglas Campus)
4.01.6 * Administrative Support; Resignation (Adrienne Kuntz, Adult Ed IBEST
Teacher, Sierra Vista Campus)
4.01.7 * Classified; Retirement (Cheryl [Sherry] Sims, Coordinator-Online
Technologies, Online Campus)
4.01.8 * Faculty; Retirement (Jim Martin, Math Instructor, Sierra Vista Campus)
4.01.9 * Faculty; Retirement (Emilie Vardaman, English/Reading Instructor, Douglas
4.01.10 * Curriculum Changes
Dr. Rottweiler introduced Mr. Edward Roskowski; Mr. Frank Dykstra introduced Mr. Darrell
Campbell, and Ms. Becky Orozco introduced Ms. Joy Miller.
Administrative Support Appointment – Director, Small Business
Development Center (Sierra Vista)
The administration brought forward the recommendation to hire Mr. Mark Schmitt as the
Director, Small Business Development Center (Sierra Vista). Dr. Eaton moved and Mr.
Cochise College Regular Governing Board meeting
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
DiPeso seconded a motion to approve the appointment. There was no further discussion
by the Board. The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
Ms. Sheila DeVoe Heidman introduced Mr. Mark Schmitt.
Prior to adjourning the meeting, Mrs. Guy opened the floor for comments from the Board.
Mrs. Strain stated that on December 6th and 7th, Cochise County First Things First
Council, which she participates in, hosted the State Board of First Things First visit to
Cochise County, and in large part, to southern Arizona. She was pleased to recognize
the staff of Cochise College that helped to make the visit successful. The State Board
members were impressed not only with the Community Room facility, but with the
campus as well. The State Board also visited the child care center and other facilities on
Ft. Huachuca. She stated it was a great collaborative moment using First Things First
as a vehicle to show off Cochise College and to continue collaboration.
Mr. DiPeso stated he had the opportunity to meet with some people associated with the
University of Arizona, who are developing greenhouses. They expressed an interest in
working with Cochise College on an educational program on greenhouses and how they
work and how to set them up. He is hopeful that they will contact the college in the near
future with a proposal.
Dr. Eaton stated he is very pleased that there is a rural group from community colleges
who are meeting, as it is much needed. He then inquired about the meeting with
Northrup Grumman re. their partnering with “universities” and asked if they know the
words “community college”; Dr. Rottweiler stated yes, and that this is their first reach out
into the community college area. Dr. Eaton then stated he is very pleased with the
participation of universities here, and that Arizona State University is making an effort.
Mrs. Guy wished everyone a safe, healthy, and happy holiday, and she looks forward to
more great things in 2011.
Mrs. Guy adjourned the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Ms. Loretta Mountjoy, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the President
Mrs. Jane Strain, Secretary of the Governing Board