Notes - Solid Ground

Relationships According to Jesus Part 2 – “Caring About Others
the Way God Cares for Me”
Big Idea: Once we realize how loved, accepted, and cared for we
are by God, we can care for others and have better relationships.
How can we love the way John 13:34 talks about? We need a
model. If you want to know what God is like, look to _________.
I. We need to accept others the way _________ accepts ______>
A. Even when ___________ reject, God won’t. Psalm 27:10
B. How can God who is perfect accept me if others don’t?
Because His _________ is _________. Anyone who wants to come to
Him, He will not throw away – John 6:37
C. What is the difference between acceptance and ____________?
Illus. The woman caught in adultery. He protects her
____________, but corrects the _______________. Otherwise we can
“shoot our wounded”.
Action Step 1: This week I will show acceptance to. . .
II. Caring for people the way Jesus does means I _________
others the way Jesus values me.
A. God calls you and I His “______________” which means
“_______________”. Ephesians 2:10
What makes something valuable?
The scars on Jesus’ hands are proof of the value He puts on us.
Isaiah 49:15-16
Action Step 2: This week I will affirm the value of. . .
III. I must _________ others like Jesus forgives _________. Isaiah
43:25; Romans 8:1; Colossians 3:13; Luke 6:37
Parable of unmerciful servant – Matthew 18:33
Action Step 3: This week how can I begin to forgive _________?
How can I help someone else begin to experience God’s
IV. I must believe in _____________ the way that Jesus believes in
______. 1 Corinthians 13:7
A. Jesus entrusted the entire _________ to 12 fishermen and the
Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8
He said we would do even ________ _________ than He did and to
__________ one another on toward love and good works. John
14:12; Hebrews 10:24.
Action Step 4: Find someone who has the potential for growth
and affirm them this week by saying, “I believe in you.”
Your self worth often comes from what you think the most
important person in your life thinks of you. “Because of Jesus I
am valuable, lovable, forgivable and I am capable.”