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Writing Assignments for C3 Process and Literacy Standards
Unit 1, chapters 1-4
1. First, create a question about state history you will research. It does not have to be about Chapter 1.
Look for answers to your question by using the Table of Contents or the Index. Then find a second
source (such as another textbook,, or the Library of Congress site,
Last, write one paragraph comparing that source and your textbook. Your paragraph should have five
complete sentences or more. It should tell the reader your research question as well as how well each
source answers the question, which source is easier to use, more thorough, and so on.
2. In one paragraph, compare and contrast (name similarities and differences in) the goals of the Spanish
and French explorers.
3. Explain in one paragraph why Oklahoma was ruled by three different nations from the late 1600s to
the early 1800s.
4. Write a paragraph about the Adams-Onis Treaty. Answer these questions: Who (which countries)
were involved? When did it happen, and why? What did it do? Paraphrase, do not quote, the textbook.
Unit 2, chapters 5-8
5. Write one or two paragraphs about religious beliefs of Europeans and Native Americans. Support your
main idea(s) with details and quotes (in quotation marks and with a page number) from your textbook.
Keep the style formal and not personal. End with a concluding statement that follows logically from the
details you give.
6. Report on the removal of the Choctaws and Creeks. Give causes of death among the Indians. State
facts and details, not emotion and opinion. Remember to use a topic sentence for your main idea and
three or more sentences for the details.
7. Pretend you are living in the 1830s. You have witnessed the mistreatment of the Chickasaw or
Cherokees. Write a factually persuasive letter to a newspaper editor. Describe what has happened to one
tribe and make suggestions for actual solutions. Be sure to state your position as your main idea and
include evidence.
8. This chapter has a section about No Man’s Land. You are going to tie this information to the longer
section called Oklahoma’s Climate and Geography (approx. page 40). Skim or scan that section for
details about No Man’s Land, and write a paragraph that uses information from both sections.
Unit 3, chapters 9-12
9. Suppose you are making a news documentary about the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction
on native people. Put together a team to report on different angles. Work with your team to draft three to
five paragraphs.
Your topics should include treaties, tribal sovereignty, and the enrollment of freedmen. Other topics
might be Buffalo Soldiers or the Battle of Washita. Use the Index to look up those names or the name
Custer. Another option, with your teacher’s approval, is using the Internet to learn about Fort Sill, Fort
Supply, and Fort Reno (for instance, when they were built and their impact).
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Allow time to critique each other’s drafts about the effects of the War and Reconstruction on the tribes.
Polish the writing. Put the whole report on separate paper or present it to the class.
10. Research how the native peoples resisted removals and the reservation system. You may focus on
one tribe or give an overview of several tribes. Look for print or electronic sources of information and
cite (name) the source(s). Start your notes on these lines. Allow time to plan, draft, and revise a report of
two or three paragraphs. If time allows, format your short report as a PowerPoint with photos and
include links to your sources.
11. Use Chapter 11 to draft a summary (1-2 paragraphs) of the growth of cattle drives and/or railroads in
Oklahoma in the 1800s. Then read your summary. Do you state a main idea (topic sentence)? Do you
support it with details? Do you give credit for any quotations from the book? Use complete sentences
and a serious, formal tone. Revise as needed.
12. Who could make a legal claim in the first race? How could they keep their claim, over time? Give
credit to the text and use quotation marks. (You might write, According to Chapter 12, “…” or The book
says, “…”)
Unit 4, chapters 13-16
13. State a position about the Dawes Commission and draft a paragraph about that. Mention an opposing
viewpoint. Use reasons/evidence to support your position. Connect your ideas (with wording such as
also, in addition, although, or because) so they are easy to follow. Use a serious tone and write in
complete sentences.
14. How well did provisional government work? Use your own words and then prove your answer with
a quote from Chapter 14 (According to Chapter 14, “…” or The book says, “…”).
15. Suppose you are describing the different sorts of land openings in a paragraph for 4th graders.
Organize your writing with transitions so the 4th grader follows along easily (transitions might be the
first type and the second type, or one kind and another kind, or first, second, third….) Check that your
main idea is in the first or the last sentence, and details are in the other sentences.
16. Oklahoma’s Constitution was both modern and restrictive when it passed. Give three ways it was
progressive and three ways it was restrictive. Then convert this information into an outline or
PowerPoint slide. Organize your ideas with a heading(s) and bullet points or numbers. Do you want to
group all the progressive ideas on one page, and all the restrictive ideas in another one, or show them
side by side? Pick a structure that makes it easy for a reader to follow your thinking.
Unit 5, chapters 17-20
17. Choose one of these topics to research: the Green Corn Rebellion OR the impact of political parties
that are not mainstream (before or after the early 1900s).
Look for information in your text using the Table of Contents or the Index. Next find two other sources
(such as or the Library of Congress site, Then, write two or three
paragraphs comparing/contrasting those sources with your textbook. Each paragraph should have three
to five complete sentences. They should say things like which source is easier to read, is easier to
navigate, is more thorough, has more pictures, and so on. (You may quote from your sources if you
mark the quotes.) Notice you are not writing about the topic, but about how to use the sources. Present
this on paper or online with links.
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18. This chapter covers social unrest, economic unrest, and racial unrest. Write a paragraph describing
one of these. Check that your sentences support your main idea.
19. Write a short cause and effect report about the Great Depression in Oklahoma. Your teacher may
require you to gather information from print and digital sources. Organize your ideas before you write a
draft, then revise it. Remember to use wording such as because, as a result, and so on.
20. Your textbook explains how the state mobilized (prepared for) World War II. Summarize the
information in your own words for someone who has not studied Oklahoma history. Give a main idea
and then support it with examples and quotations. You may want to define words or point out the order
of events.
Unit 6, chapters 21-25
21. Your class will work on one-paragraph reports and share them in a TV news format. For example,
one news segment (paragraph) should be about race relations in Oklahoma after the war. Another news
segment should be about economic/employment issues. Your TV newscast might also report on
technology in the 1950s, popular culture in the 1950s, etc.
Draft your report here. Read it aloud to partners or a small group and revise it according to their
feedback. Finish the paragraph with a concluding statement, as real reporters do.
22. Write a paragraph about the achievements of either Gov. Murray or Gov. Gary. Give examples from
the book but write in your own words, with a formal tone.
23. Imagine that you are a teacher telling students to write papers and you will tell them which sources
are worth using. Pick one of these people to study: J. Howard Edmondson, Henry Bellmon, or Carl
Albert. Then find three Internet sources that students could use to write a three-page paper about the
person. Now describe these digital sources, naming their strengths and weaknesses. Write a paragraph
about the usefulness of the sources. You may include evidence such as quotes or an outline from the
source, with proper credit.
24. For this assignment, your only source is your textbook, and you will not quote from it. Draft a
paragraph about economic booms and busts, their causes and their effects. On the same day or another
day (according to the teacher), revise your paragraph so that it has only one main idea and a few
supporting sentences. Is the tone formal? Are the sentences grammatical? Your teacher may ask for both
the draft and the final version.
25. This chapter mentions protests against the war in Iraq. Look back at some other protests in the book.
Draft a paragraph claiming that a citizen protest does, or does not, affect history. Proofread and revise
your paragraph. Your teacher may ask for both the draft and the final version.
© 2013 Oklahoma History Press
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Give a short definition for each of the following words, according to how the word
is used in Chapter 1.
1. papyrus ___________________________
5. obsidian___________________________
2. migration _________________________
6. atlatl___________________________
3. phenomenon ______________________
7. velocity___________________________
4. archeologist_________________________
8. artifact___________________________
II. MATCHING. Match the correct date to the event.
A. 1930s
B. 1970
C. 8000 B.C.
D. 1300 E. 1961
_____ 1. Folsom man lived in Western Oklahoma.
_____ 2. Spiro mound culture existed in Eastern Oklahoma.
_____ 3. Thor Heyerdahl sailed from Africa to North America in a papyrus boat.
_____ 4. Sculpted pieces were found in Mexico and identified as Roman on this date.
_____ 5. Spiro Mounds unearthed.
_____ 6. Recorded history began in Oklahoma
III. COMPLETION. Fill in each blank with a word that best completes each statement.
1. Indian legends about Indian origins were stories about ____________________________.
2. The land bridge thought to exist between Siberia and Alaska was called
3. Scholars of Indian history have divided Indians into classifications according to differences in
_____________________, ____________________, and ______________________.
4. The land area now called Oklahoma measures some _________________________ square miles.
5. The land area is divided geographically by the ____________________________.
6. The three main crops planted by Indians were, _________________, ___________________, and
_____________________ and were called the ____________________________.
7. The most important item for trade was _________________________.
8. The only records of the early dwellers are the ______________________________ and
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_________________________________ uncovered in archeological digs.
IV. On the following chart, compare the lifestyles of the Folsom people, the Clovis people, and the
Spiro people according to the column headings.
Social Programs
V. Fill in each blank with the word that would complete the sentence correctly.
1. A Norwegian explorer named ____________________sailed from Africa to
North America in a papyrus boat.
2. He may have proved that ancient people could have come to North America from
3. Life was much more difficult for people who lived in the ______________half of the state.
4. A purple stone traded by ancient merchants in eastern Oklahoma was the __________________.
5. Most scientists believe that the first Indians came during the _________________________age.
6. The ____________________________economic system was advanced for the time.
7. People who lived in Oklahoma 12,000 years ago were the ________________________people.
8. An early archeological discovery in Oklahoma is the _________________mammoth kill site.
9. Along with the mammoth, a small horse, the ground sloth, and the large bison, an ancient animal
once used for food here but no longer found to roam in Oklahoma, is the ____camel_________.
10. Items used by ancient societies which tell archeologists about these people are called _________.
11. People who lived in Oklahoma 10,000 years ago were the
12. Evidence of an advanced ancient tribe was found at _____________________Mound.
13. The mass of forest and thickets dividing the state was the ___________________________.
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14. _________________________was the most valuable trade item in ancient Oklahoma.
VI. On the following map identify the major geographic areas and the possible migration routes from Beringia.
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Give short definitions according to use in Chapter 2.
1. runes_________________________
5. artillery ___________________________
2. viceroy____________________________
6. mission ____________________________
3. gypsum __________________________
7. Teutonic ________________________
4. memoirs _________________________
8. invincible _________________________
II. MATCHING. Match the identification to the correct name.
______ 1. Padilla
A. first white explorer to cross Oklahoma
______ 2. LaHarpe
B. explorer sent to conquer Florida
______ 3. Onate
C. the good viceroy
______ 4. Quivira
D. captured Montezuma
______ 5. LaSalle
E. leader of the last major Spanish expedition into Oklahoma
______ 6. Ranjel
F. a Spanish chaplain who wanted to establish a mission for the tattooed people
______ 7. Coronado
G. DeSoto’s private secretary
______ 8. Mendoza
H. the tattooed people
______ 9. DeSoto
I. a French trader who traded along the Arkansas and Red Rivers
______ 10. Cortez
J. never saw Oklahoma but claimed the area for France
III. MATCHING. Match the correct date to the event.
______ 1. Oklahoma was claimed for France.
A. 1012 ________
______ 2. Swedish leader of a German colony may have made the Runestones.
B. 1540 ________
______ 3. Last Spanish expedition crossed Oklahoma.
C. 1541________
______ 4. Vikings may have made the Runestones.
D. 1601________
______ 5. A French trader traded along the Red and the Arkansas rivers.
E. 1682________
______ 6. Conquistadors crossed Oklahoma for the first time.
F. 1700’s________
______ 7. A French explorer may have come into Eastern Oklahoma.
G. 1718________
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IV. COMPLETION. Write the word or words in the blanks that would best complete the statement.
1. The most important contribution by and influence of the Spaniards to the Indians was _____________.
2. DeSoto’s expedition originated in _______________________________.
3. The French expeditions were primarily interested in ___________________and ___________________.
4. The Indians could not advance in technology because they had no knowledge of the ________________.
5. (TRUE or FALSE): It is __________that the Spaniards found that each tribe had its own government.
V . PROBLEM SOLVING. In working this activity, use problem solving skills to make your decisions: identify
the problem, gather information, analyze the problem, identify alternative solutions, select a solution, and reach
tentative decisions.
You are a conquistador who will accompany Coronado on his exploration of the area that is now the southwestern
United States. It is your responsibility to chart the way and to keep the expedition from getting lost. You will
march through a rough, arid country for much of your journey and cannot take all of your possessions with you.
You must decide what you will take. After you have listed your possessions, you must rank them to determine
what is most important to take. Below is the list you have compiled; write a number “1” beside the article you
think is most important. Continue t rank the items until you have written the number “20” in front of the item of
least importance. Be prepared to defend your choices.
_____star chart
_____trinkets for trade
_____gold and silver
_____cooking utensils
_____pieces of flint
_____animal traps
VI. On the following map of Oklahoma, trace the routes of the European explorers who crossed this area.
© 2013 Oklahoma History Press
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Give a short definition of each word below as is used in the textbook.
1. chattel ________________________
6. geologist ________________________
2. remuneration _____________________
7. stockade ________________________
3. compensation _____________________
8. tributary ________________________
4. imperialism ________________________
9. pelt ________________________
5. expedition ________________________
10. thwart ________________________
II. MATCHING. Match the correct date for each event described below.
______1. The Glenn-Fowler Expedition opened trade with the Western Tribes.
A. 1682 ________
______2. Louisiana came under Spanish rule.
B. 1763 ________
______3. George Sibley discovered the Great Salt Plains.
C. 1800 ________
______4. Louisiana was purchased by the United States.
D. 1803 ________
_____ 5. The Treaty of San Ildefonso gave Louisiana to France.
E. 1806 ________
______6. LaSalle claimed Oklahoma for France.
F. 1811________
______7. Wilkinson and Pike Expedition set out to explore Louisiana,
including Oklahoma.
G. 1817________
______8. Major Stephen H. Long established Fort Smith.
H. 1821________
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III. MAP ACTIVITY. On the blank map of Oklahoma below, use colored pencils to color-code your map work.
Trace the expeditions of the American explorers in the state.
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IV. COMPLETION. Write the word or words in the blanks that would best complete each statement.
1. France acquired Louisiana from Spain by the Treaty of _______________________.
2. Western tribes exchanged _____________________ with explorers for various other items.
3. Frontier forts created a ________________________of defense.
4. The ruler of France who sold Louisiana to the United States was ______________________.
5. The Pike-Wilkinson Expedition was to follow the ______________________River to its source.
6. The French and Indian Wars lasted for
___________ years.
7. ___________________led an expedition to the edge of Oklahoma where he was
turned back by Spanish soldiers.
8. On his second expedition, Major Long sent ________________________to explore the
Arkansas River.
9. A ________________________ is land owned by the government that is not yet a state.
10. Americans worried that the French would close the port of ________________________.
11. Ft. Smith was located near the mouth of the _______________________ River.
12. The first fort in the West was Fort _______________.
13. _______________________ was the American minister to France in 1801.
14. ____________________was the Chief Minister of France under Napoleon.
15. _______________________’s expedition was instrumental in opening trade with Western tribes.
16. Colonel Glenn’s trading post was located at __________________________.
17. ______________________discovered the Great Salt Plains.
18. __________________________is the Spanish word for “river.”
19. __________________Lewis and ___________________Clark explored the Louisiana Territory.
20. _______________were kept by the Spaniards when Pike and his men were released from captivity.
V. THINKING ACTIVITY. Imagine that you are the first Spanish explorer to see one of the early inhabitants of
the Oklahoma Plains. Describe the person.
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1. VOCABULARY STUDY. Give short definitions to the following words. Define them as they are used in the
1. vigorous _________________________
6. subsistence _________________________
2. parallel __________________________
7. ammunition_______________________
3. meridian _________________________
8. interim ____________________________
4. relinquish _________________________
9. luxurious___________________________
5. hospitality _________________________
10. established _________________________
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks with the word or words that best complete each statement.
1. _______________________protested the sale of Louisiana to the United States.
2. The first American governor of the Louisiana Territory was_________________________.
3. The governor over the territory who later became the 9th President of the United States was
4. The territory of New Orleans was admitted to the Union as the state of ___________________.
5. As the territories divided and changed, the area now known as Oklahoma was included in the
territories of _________________, _________________, and _________________.
6. Spain gave up all claims to Florida and Oregon as a result of the ____________________Treaty.
7. As a result of that treaty, the United States gave up claims to __________________________.
8. A favorite tourist spot in the Oklahoma region was the ____________________________.
9. The two tribes of Indians considered to be indigenous to Oklahoma are the __________________
and the ___________________________.
10. Bean’s Salt Works was established on the ____________________________River.
11. The _______________________and the __________________were relative tribes to the Sioux.
12. Kiowas and Comanches came from the ____________________________and moved into the
western part of the state.
13. The Western Cherokees found themselves at war with the _____________________________.
14. The first fort established was Ft. _________________________________ .
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15. The first roads were constructed to connect the _____________________________.
Give four important facts about the Adams-Onis Treaty.
1. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
IV. MATCHING. Match the date to the event; dates may be used more than once.
A. 1817 1. The Adams-Onis Treaty was signed.
B. 1819 2. Territory of New Orleans was admitted to the Union as a state.
C. 1824 3. A trading post was established near Salina.
D. 1820 4. Arkansas Territory created.
E. 1812 5. Missouri Territory created.
6. Ft. Gibson was built.
7. Ft. Towson was built.
8. Bean’s Salt Works established.
1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
V . MATCHING. Match the name to the description.
A. Washington Irving
B. William Henry Harrison
C. William Clark
D. Western Cherokees
E. Auguste Chouteau
F. traders
G. Pierre Laclede Liguest
1. First settlers in Oklahoma
2. Member of a famous trading family
3. Man from Indiana Territory who was governor of Upper Louisiana
4. A co-founder of St. Louis
5. A famous literary visitor to the “log palace”
6. People who removed themselves from the East
7. A famous explorer who became governor of Missouri Territory
1. ____
2. ____
3. ____
4. ____
5. ____
6. ____
7. ____
VI. MAP. On the map of the United States below, using colored pencils and color-coding, outline the Louisiana
Purchase and the area effected by the Adams-Onis boundary.
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below.
1. assimilation ____________________
7. coffers ____________________
2. protectorate ____________________
8. acculturation ____________________
3. acquisition _______________________
9. expostulate ____________________
4. interdependence ____________________
10. mollify ____________________
5. desecration ______________________
11. agrarian ____________________
6. extended family ____________________
12. cede ____________________
II. Use the following key to identify the beliefs or attitudes listed below.
A= Indians
B=White Men
C=Government Officials
_____ 1. The land belongs to God or the Great Spirit.
_____ 2. Farming is honorable work for a man.
_____ 3. Land ownership is a sign of success.
_____ 4. Plowing the land is an assault on Mother Earth.
_____ 5. Land ownership is impossible.
_____ 6. Land can be acquired by “right of conquest.”
_____ 7. Land ownership is a sign of industry and hard work.
_____ 8. Services can be exchanged for land.
_____ 9. Plowing and harvesting from the land pleases God or the Great Spirit.
_____ 10. Land can be confiscated as reparations of war.
III. MATCHING. Match the date to the event.
1. Andrew Jackson was elected President.
A. 1638
2. The Quakers lost control of the Pennsylvania government and the treaty signed by
William Penn was abolished.
B. 1675-76
3. Chief Justice Marshall declared the states’ anti-tribal laws unconstitutional.
C. 1682
D. 1726
4. New Haven Christian Plantation was established.
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E. 1787
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5. Northwest Ordinance was signed.
F. 1796
6. William Penn signed a treaty recognizing Indian ownership of land.
G. 1828
7. The Government set up the Federal Factory System.
H. 1832
8. King Phillip’s War occurred.
6. William Penn signed a treaty recognizing Indian ownership of land.
7. The government set up the Federal Factory System.
8. King Phillip’s War occurred.
IV. Compare the beliefs of the following people by writing in the spaces below how the people felt about the land
and about land ownership.
New England
V. MAP: Pre-territorial tribal locations. On the map of the Southeastern United States below, identify the states
by their current names and then draw in the homelands of the Five Civilized Tribes.
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1. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below.
1. abolish ______________________
7. intrusion ___________________________
2. confiscate ______________________ 8. impractical _________________________
3. civilized ______________________ 9. annuity ____________________________
4. volunteer ______________________ 10. restrained __________________________
5. inevitable ______________________ 11. demand ___________________________
6. dissension ______________________12. concession _________________________
II. MATCHING. Match the date to the event. A date may be used more than once.
_____ 1. Indian removal was mentioned for the first time as a government obligation.
A. 1831
______2. A spring when 3,500 Creeks died from exposure and disease.
B. 1837
_____ 3. War with Britain began and involved many Indian tribes.
C. 1802
______4. General Scott ended the Creek War and moved the Creeks west.
D. 1836
______5. Congress passed the Indian Removal Act.
E. 1812
______6. Tecumseh, a Shawnee, asked for a tribal alliance with the Creeks.
F. 1825
______7. Treaty of Doak’s Stand was signed.
G. 1820
______8. Creek warriors surrounded the home of William McIntosh to carry
out his death sentence.
H. 1811
I. 1829
______9. Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek was signed.
J. 1830
______10. Creek warriors attacked Fort Mims.
K. 1813
______11. Creeks ceded lands in the East for lands in the West in a new
agreement with the government.
L. 1832
______12. The first government-moved party of Choctaws left the East for their new home in the West.
______13. William McIntosh and others signed the Treaty of Indian Springs.
______14. Mississippi passed laws revoking special privileges of Choctaws and restricting tribal functions.
______15. Creeks passed a resolution demanding the death sentence for anyone who signed away tribal lands.
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III. MATCHING IDENTIFICATIONS. Match the name to the identification.
______1. the primary instigator of Indian removal
A. Pushmataha
______2. government leader who decided to concentrate
on the Choctaws for the first removal
B. Tecumseh
C. John C. Calhoun
______3. leader of the Upper Creeks
D. Andrew Jackson
______4. A Shawnee chief who visited the Creeks
E. McIntosh
______5. President who declared Treaty of Indian Springs invalid
F. Opothleyahola
______6. A Creek who was the victim of a death penalty clause
he had helped to pass
G. John Adams
______7. Principal Chief of the Choctaws who believed
Andrew Jackson and persuaded others to believe Jackson
IV . You are a reporter following the removal of the Choctaws and Creeks. List the main causes of death among
the Indians on the removal trips.
V. On the map of the Southeastern United States below, using colored pencils and color-coding, trace the removal
routes of the Choctaws and Creeks.
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a brief definition of each word listed below.
1. tactic___________________________
7. menial ______________________________
2. subsequent ______________________
8. inevitability __________________________
3. unscrupulous______________________
9. rations ______________________________
4. commerce ________________________
10. indomitable _________________________
5. specie __________________________
11. enforcement _________________________
6. expertise ________________________
12. emigrate ____________________________
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blank with the word or words that would best complete each statement.
1. Before removal, the most prosperous of the five tribes was the _______________________.
2. The tribe that gave the name “Trail of Tears” to the removals was the___________________.
3. The tribe that first adapted to the ways of white men was the____________________________.
4. The treaty containing provisions for Chickasaw removal was the Treaty of____________________.
5. The treaty of Doaksville was a treaty between the___________________and the______________.
6. The Western Cherokees became known as the Old_________________________.
7. The principal chief of the Cherokees who opposed removal was__________________________.
8. The treaty that resulted in the removal of the Cherokee Nation was the Treaty of______________.
9. The general who commanded the removal of the Cherokees was General____________________.
10. The Chickasaws purchased their land in Indian Territory from the____________________.
11. The most successful of the Chickasaw removals was led by the_________________________,
______________________, and __________________________families.
12. The signers of the Treaty of New Echota were___________________, ____________________,
and ________________________.
13. The tribe that suffered the most economically in the removals was the___________________.
14. The state of _____________________________arrested and imprisoned missionaries who were
thought to be working against removal.
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15. The last of the five tribes to recover from the removals was the __________________________.
III. MATCHING. Match the date to the event; a date may be used twice.
______1. Chickasaws ceded all land north of the Tennessee River.
A. 1846
______2. Andrew Jackson called for Indian removal.
B. 1829
______3. Assassination of the Ridge brothers and Elias Boudinot took place.
C. 1805
______4. Treaty of Pontotoc was signed.
D. Winter of
______5. Cherokees were removed.
E. 1832
______6. First treaty signed that referred to removal (with Cherokees).
F. 1839
______7. First group of Chickasaws left for their new home in Indian Territory.
G. 1817
______8. A unity agreement was signed, bringing peace to the Cherokee Nation.
H. 1850
______9. The last of the Chickasaws moved west.
I. 1837
______10. Treaty of Doaksville signed.
IV. You are a white farmer living in Georgia in 1838. You have witnessed the mistreatment of the
Cherokees by members of the Georgia Guard. Pretend you are writing in a diary. Describe what has happened and
make suggestions for solutions.
V. MAP: Using colored pencils and color-coding, mark the routes of the Chickasaw and Cherokee removals from the
Southeast to their lands in Indian Territory.
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below, as it is used in the textbook.
1. skirmish________________________
5. evict________________________
2. forge (verb) ___________________
6. alliance________________________
3. staunch ________________________
7. formidable________________________
4. numerous ________________________
8. census________________________
II. MATCHING. Match the date to the event.
______ 1. The Treaty of Camp Moultrie
A. 1846
______ 2. The Mexican War
B. 1823
______ 3. The beginning of the Great Seminole War
C. 1835
______ 4. The ending of the Seminole Wars in Florida
D. 1819
______ 5. Spain ceded Florida to the United States
E. 1859
III. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks with words that complete the statements correctly.
1. The Seminoles lived in the present state of______________________________.
2. They inhabited a swampland known today as the______________________________.
3. Government officials tried to attach the Seminole tribe to the________________________Tribe.
4. White people came into the Seminole villages looking for_______________________________.
5. The first signed agreement or treaty with the Seminoles was the Treaty of_____________________.
6. The Seminoles had to violate the boundaries set by the treaty because they were________________
7. Demands were made to remove the Seminoles, even though the land they inhabited was unfit
8. The Seminoles rejected being rejoined with the Creeks because (1) _____________________
and (2)___________________________.
9. Colonel ________________________met with the Seminoles at Payne’s Landing.
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10. The two Seminole chiefs who signed the Treaty of Payne’s Landing were
Chief__________________ and Chief_________________________.
11. The Treaty of Ft. Gibson contained an agreement that the Seminoles would move west as part
of the _____________________________Nation.
12. Though not a chief, the most powerful leader of the Seminoles during the Great Seminole War was
13. In 1837, General ___________________was sent into Florida to stop the Great Seminole War.
14. After the death of their great leader, the most formidable Seminole leader
15. During the Seminole Removals, more than __________________per cent of their number died.
16. The Seminoles were given a portion of ___________________________land in Indian Territory.
17. The dollar cost for removing each Seminole to Indian Territory was $_______________________.
18. The two events that escalated the westward movement of whites were the __________________
and the ___________________________.
19. The most lawless area of the region of Indian Territory was called_________________________.
20. Soon after the removals, the nation was facing the_______________________________War.
IV . DISCUSSION. Answer the question below in paragraph form.
How did the issue of slavery play a role in the demands to remove the Seminoles?
V. MAP: Using colored pencils and color-coding, mark the routes of the Seminole removals from the Southeast to their
lands in Indian Territory.
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below.
1. supplement_____________________ 5. abolition___________________________
2. plantation_____________________ 6. defected___________________________
3. dragoon _______________________ 7. reconstruction_______________________
4. blockade _______________________8. subsidize___________________________
Define the following words as they relate to Chapter 9.
9. alignment ____________________________________________
10. “Golden Years” ____________________________________________
11. freedmen ____________________________________________
12. overseer ____________________________________________
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks below with the word or words that would make each statement correct.
1. The only state bordering Oklahoma that was a Union state was___________________________.
2. Most tribal agents favored the side of the_______________________________________.
3. The first battle of the Civil War in Indian Territory was the Battle of________________________.
4. The battle that was fought on the same day as the Battle of Gettysburg was the Battle of _______
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5. The battle that was a turning point for the war in Indian Territory was the Battle of_____________.
6. Tribal schools were supported financially by_____________________________________.
7. The Confederacy looked at Indian Territory as a source of supply for grain, meat, and____________.
8. The regiment where most Indians served in the Union army was called the_________________.
9. Plains tribes who refused to sign alliance agreements with the South were the ________________
10. After the war, the severity of the treaties between the tribes and the government depended largely
upon their_________________________.
III. MATCHING. Match the date to the event.
______1 . Creeks signed treaty with the South
A. 1861
______2. Seminoles signed treaty with the South
B. July 10, 1861
______3. Cherokees signed treaty with the South
C. July 12, 1861
______4. Choctaws signed treaty with the South
D. August 1, 1861
______5. Plains Comanches signed treaty with the South
E. August 12, 1861
______6. The Battle of Cabin Creek
F. November 19, 1861
______7. Last Confederate general surrendered
G. July 17, 1863
______8. Civil War declared
H. September, 1864
______9. General Robert E. Lee surrendered
I. April 9, 1865
______10. The Battle of Honey Springs
J. June 23, 1865
______11. The Battle of Round Mountain
K. January, 1866
______12. Reconstruction treaties signed in Washington between
the Federal Government and the Five Civilized Tribes
L. October 7, 1861
IV. MATCHING. Match the names to the identification. Some may be used more than once.
______1. Last chief of the Five Civilized Tribes to sign a treaty with
the South
A. Seminoles
B. Creeks
______2. The last Confederate general to surrender
C. Choctaws
______3. A Creek leader who led tribal neutrals and Union
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D. Cherokees
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______4. A slave who lent money to buy provisions for hungry people
E. Chickasaws
F. John Ross
______5. The only tribe to treat slaves as freedmen
G. Stand Watie
______6. The only tribe that didn’t adopt slaves into the tribe after
the war.
H. Opothleyahola
______7. The only tribe to remain completely loyal to the South
I. Albert Pike
______8. Leaders of this tribe were the first to make official contact
with the Union
J. Gopher John
______9. Military leader of the Mounted Cherokee Rifles
______10. The most influential Indian leader who favored neutrality
V. Using colored pencils and color-coding, mark the major areas of Indian Territory from 1855-1866.
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below.
1. devastating______________________9. misnomer______________________
2. reservation______________________10. disastrous______________________
3. agitation______________________ 11. shackle______________________
4. tenure______________________
12. retaliate______________________
5. latitude______________________
13. destitute______________________
6. bombard______________________ 14. exile______________________
7. proposition____________________ 15. covet______________________
8. massacre______________________ 16. marauding______________________
II. IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS. Give the year when each of the following events occurred.
______1. Sandusky Senecas, Mixed Senecas, and Shawnees arrived in Indian Territory to find their assigned
land belonging to someone else.
______2. The Quapaws were moved and settled on the wrong land.
______3. The Quapaws had to move again.
______4. The Nez Perce signed a treaty in which the government promised them perpetual tenure of their
______5. The Sac and Fox tribe was moved to Indian Territory.
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______6. The Nez Perce were moved to Indian Territory. (Give year.)
______7. The Sand Creek Massacre occurred.
______8. The Medicine Lodge Creek Treaty was signed.
______9. The Battle of the Washita occurred.
______10. The government declared that it would no longer deal with Indian tribes through treaties.
III. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks with answers that would best complete the statements.
1. The Sandusky Senecas were remnants of the original____________________________.
2. The Stokes Commission was appointed by President__________________________________.
3. ________________________, Chief of the Modocs, moved his tribe back to their homeland
without government permission.
4. Chief______________________
led the Nez Perce in a futile attempt to escape to Canada.
5. _______________________made several trips to Washington to plead for the return of his people
to their homeland.
6. The three things that government commissioners were to accomplish were
(1) ,_____________________________________________________________________.
(2) ,_____________________________________________________________________.
and (3)_______________________________________________________________________.
7. The leader of the troops at the Sand Creek Massacre was_______________________________.
8. The leader of the troops at the Battle of the Washita was_________________________________.
9. The leader of the Southern Cheyennes at Sand Creek and the Washita was___________________.
10. The Wichitas, Caddoes, and Delawares, with four other tribes, were settled in the
IV. What did the United States Government do to compensate the tribes for the large parcels of land ceded to the
© 2013 Oklahoma History Press
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V. THINKING ACTIVITY. In the space below, write a paragraph predicting what would have happened if all of
the tribes that had been removed to Oklahoma had united into a single nation of Native Americans.
VI. Identify the areas of Indian Territory 1866-1889.
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below.
1. subsidize________________________
5. antebellum__________________________
2. bovine __________________________
6. quarantine__________________________
3. dwindle __________________________
7. “wet”__________________________
4. railhead __________________________
8. “dry”__________________________
II. TRUE or FALSE. In the blank, write “T’ for true and “F” for false.
______ 1. Numbers of cattle in Indian Territory increased during the Civil War.
______ 2. The first major cattle drive was up the Dodge City Trail.
______ 3. Cattle railheads were located only in Kansas.
______ 4. There were no taxes placed on the cattle by citizens of Indian Territory.
______ 5. Indian Territory was “wet.”
______ 6. No cattle trails crossed lands owned by Comanches or Pawnees.
______ 7. Local landowners refused to rent their pastures to trail bosses for grazing lands.
______ 8. Towns along the trails suffered economically from the cattle drives.
______ 9. The Chisholm Trail ran across eastern Indian Territory.
______ 10. Most of the stockyards were owned by railroad companies.
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______ 11. Most of the cattle on the cattle drives were Herefords.
______ 12. There was never a railhead in Indian Territory.
______ 13. The Sand Bar Saloon was located in the middle of the Red River.
______ 14. After the Civil War, no Indians were involved in raising cattle.
______ 15. Cherokees owned the land in the Cherokee Outlet.
______ 16. The Cherokee Strip Association cheated the Cherokees out of their lands.
______ 17. The Cherokee Strip Association wanted to upgrade cattle.
______ 18. The first railroad to cross Indian Territory was the Rock Island.
______ 19. Jackson McCurtain fought building railroads through the territory.
______ 20. Gold and coal were discovered in Indian Territory.
III. SEQUENCING. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Place a number “1” beside the event
that occurred first and continue through number “10” for the last occurring event.
______ 1. Purcell, Indian Territory, became a railhead.
______ 2. Coal was discovered by J. J. McAlester.
______ 3. The first major cattle drive crossed Indian Territory.
______ 4. States quarantined Texas cattle.
______ 5. Cherokee Strip Livestock Association leased the Cherokee Outlet.
______ 6. Cattle drives began up the Chisholm Trail.
______ 7. Deadline date for cattlemen to move their herds out of the Cherokee Outlet.
______ 8. President Cleveland signed a bill to open Unassigned Lands to white settlement.
______ 9. Grazing fee was doubled for the Cherokee Outlet.
______ 10. The Atlantic and Pacific Railway was built as an east-west line through Indian Territory.
IV. THINKING ACTIVITY. You’ve been hired as a cook on an 1890 cattle drive from Texas to Purcell, Indian
Territory. Of the 20 items listed below, check the “Yes” column for the 10 items you will take and the “No”
column for the 10 you will not take. Beside the “No” answers write the letter (a, b, or c) corresponding with one
of the following reasons: a) not in general use at that time; b) luxury item for a cattle drive; c) useless on this kind
of trip.
Yes • No • Reason
Yes • No • Reason
1. 5 iron cooking pots
____ ____ ____
11. animal traps
____ ____ ____
2. 20 bedrolls
____ ____ ____
12. small fishing net
____ ____ ____
3. 1 aluminum skillet
____ ____ ____
13. plastic strainer
____ ____ ____
4. kerosene
____ ____ ____
14. toiletries
____ ____ ____
5. hatchet
____ ____ ____
15. wooden spoons
____ ____ ____
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6. 20 pillows
____ ____ ____
16. horseshoes
____ ____ ____
7. gasoline
____ ____ ____
17. horseshoe nails
____ ____ ____
8. electric saw
____ ____ ____
18. rat poison
____ ____ ____
9. skinning knife
____ ____ ____
19. leather strips
____ ____ ___
10. nylon rope
____ ____ ____
20. coal
____ ____ ____
V . MAP. On the following map of Oklahoma, identify the 19th century cattle trails that crossed the state. Identify
each trail and major geographical location by name.
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Chapter 12 - BOOMER SOONER
I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word listed below.
1. Allotment in Severalty______________
6. discrimination________________________
2. public domain____________________
7. entrant________________________
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3. excursion________________________
8. proclamation________________________
4. tentative________________________
9. disgruntle________________________
5. militant________________________
10. restriction________________________
II. IDENTIFICATIONS. Write a sentence identification of each item below.
1. Elias C. Boudinot_________________________________________________________.
2. David L. Payne_________________________________________________________.
3. William L. Couch_________________________________________________________.
4. Buffalo soldiers_________________________________________________________.
5. Boomers_________________________________________________________.
6. Sooners_________________________________________________________.
III. MATCHING. Match the date to the event.
______ 1. Couch became leader of the Boomers.
A. November, 1884
______ 2. Creeks offered to sell their unoccupied lands.
B. March, 1885
______ 3. Payne led the Boomers into Indian Territory.
C. 1879
______ 4. Unassigned Lands were opened to settlement.
D. January, 1889
______ 5. The President signed a bill authorizing a President to open
land for settlement.
E. March, 1889
F. December, 1884
______ 6. Couch led the Boomers into Indian Territory and defied
the military for a time.
G. April, 1889
H. February, 1880
______ 7. Payne organized the Boomer Movement.
______ 8. Congress passed the Indian Appropriations Act.
IV. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks with the words that would best complete each statement.
1. __________________encouraged the tribes to abandon old tribal customs of property ownership.
2. ________________________________was the founder of the Colonization Association.
3. The first Civilized Tribe to offer to sell unoccupied lands was the__________________________.
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4. President _______________________signed a bill authorizing a President to open unoccupied
lands for settlement.
5. President ______________________announced that lands would be opened in Indian Territory.
6. People who tried to settle the land before it was legally open were called_____________________.
7. People who slipped into the land early to stake a claim illegally were called___________________.
8. The estimated number of participants in the race for land was_________________________.
9. Land claims were usually parcels containing _______________acres.
10. Townsites were restricted to ________________acres.
11. The Run of 1889 was called President
_______________ ________________Race.
12. The run started at ________________________(time of day).
13. The town of______________was on the southern border of the land to be opened for settlement.
14. Of the 14,000 Boomers, only about ______________________________obtained claims.
15. All claims were subject to the
_________________ _______________________Act.
I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below.
1. incarceration________________________
7. alien_____________________________
2. jurisdiction ________________________
8. speculation________________________
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3. refuge ____________________________
9. vigorously_________________________
4. preside ________________________
10. penalize________________________
5. larceny ___________________________
11. subsequent________________________
6. manslaughter ______________________
12. reprimand________________________
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the word or words that would complete the
sentence correctly.
1. The U.S. District Court that had authority over white people in Indian Territory was located at____
2. Prisoners from Indian Territory were imprisoned at the federal prison in_____________________.
3. The federal judge who became known as the “Hanging Judge” was Judge____________________.
4. Indians repeatedly requested the establishment of a federal court in _________Indian Territory.
5. No other federal agency was so hated or distrusted by the Indians as the ___________________.
6. The law in Indian Territory was enforced by two hundred ___________________________
appointed by Judge__________________________.
7. The act that limited the authority of the Indian tribal courts was the___________________Act.
8. The Atoka Agreement involved the ________________and
9. The ______________tribe rejected the Atoka Agreement, despite the fact that the tribal leaders had
approved it.
10. At the advice of____________________, the Creek Council rejected the 1897 Creek Agreement.
11. The ________________________Tribe was the first of the Five Tribes to accept land allotments.
12. Under the allotment system, tribesmen could not sell their land for a period of ___________years.
13. A leader of the full-blood Creeks was Crazy Snake or _________________________________.
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III. TRUE or FALSE. Write the word “true” in the blank if the statement is true; write the word “false” if the
statement is false.
______1 . The major problem with the locations of the court and prison for Indian Territory was distance.
______2. After 1885, all cases involving murder, manslaughter, etc., were tried in state courts rather than
federal courts.
______3. In the 1890 Census, Indians outnumbered non-Indians three to one.
______4. Some gold was discovered in Oklahoma in the early 1890’s.
______5. When non-Indians first came into Indian Territory, they could not own land.
______6. Allotments in severalty freed lands for white ownership.
______7. After March 2, 1889, all Indian tribes in Indian Territory were affected by the Dawes Act.
______8. Most Indians vigorously protested the work of the Dawes Commission.
______9. The Dawes Commission did not begin enrollments until tribal governments approved.
______10. The Atoka Agreement preserved the tribal citizenship and tribal judicial system for the Indians.
______11. If Indians refused to select a land allotment, selections were made for them.
______12. The Crazy Snake Rebellion was a successful Creek rebellion.
IV. MAP. The federal courts that had jurisdiction at various times over Indian Territory were located at Van
Buren and Fort Smith, Arkansas: Wichita and Topeka, Kansas; Paris, Texas; and Muskogee, Ardmore, and
McAlester, Indian Territory. Mark and identify each of these courts on the map below.
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a definition of each word or term below.
1. Oklahoma__________________________
7. “soddie”__________________________
2. implement (verb)_____________________
8. bicameral__________________________
3. provisional __________________________
9. endowment__________________________
4. vigilante __________________________
10. subscription______________________
5. “dugout” __________________________
11. carpetbagger_______________________
6. school lands _______________________
12. indemnity lands_____________________
II. MAP. Identity the Oklahoma counties and county seats that were in Oklahoma territory.
III. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks with the word or words that would best complete the sentence.
1. Oklahoma Territory was the _____________________________half of Indian Territory.
2. Official government for Oklahoma Territory was not established until the Oklahoma ____________
______________________Act was passed.
3. Schools were supported by___________________________.
4. There were _____________counties named in the act establishing a government for Oklahoma
5. “No Man’s Land” became __________________County.
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6. The capital of Oklahoma Territory was located in________________________.
7. The act also established a Supreme Court made up of _______________judges.
8. The act established a ______________________legislature.
9. Eight of the territorial governors belonged to the _____________________party.
10. The least controversial of the territorial govemors was Govemor__________________.
11. The last territorial governor was Governor_____________________.
12. The last territorial governor was appointed by President______________________.
13. The sections of land set aside for school lands were Sections_______and________.
14. In the Cherokee Outlet, Sections ____and ____were set aside for endowments for higher education.
15. When the First Territorial Legislature met, they spent much of their time arguing about the location
of the__________________________________.
IV. MATCHING. Match the date to the event.
______1. When meetings were held to elect the first public officials
and to set up a temporary government
A. August 5, 1890
B. April 23, 1889
______2. When the President signed a bill to establish a government
of Oklahoma Territory
C. May 2, 1890
D. December 23, 1890
______3. When the election was held to select the first legislative assembly
______4. When the act passed that established the public school system
V . MATCHING. Match the name to the identification; some may be used more than once and some may not be
used at all.
______1. A Choctaw chief who coined the word “Oklahoma”
A. George W. Steele
______2. Public Land Strip
B. Chitto Harjo
______3. Cimarron Territory
C. No Man’s Land
______4. Robber’s Roost
D. Chickasaw Nation
______5. First Territorial Governor
E. Allen Wright
______6. A Creek who led a rebellion
F. Pushmataha
G. William Cary Renfrow
H. The Cookson Hills
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write short definitions of each word below.
1. negotiate_________________________
7. cistern___________________________
2. extract___________________________
8. retain___________________________
3. conveyance_______________________
9. invalid___________________________
4. ethnic___________________________
10. deliberation_____________________
5. arid_____________________________
11. candid_________________________
6. “gyp” water_________________________
12. clamor___________________________
II. MATCHING. Match the date to the event.
______1. Jerome Commission appointed
A. April 19, 1892
______2. A run for 900,000 acres in Lincoln and
Pottawatomie Counties
B. 1895
C. May 4, 1896
______3. Cheyenne-Arapaho lands opened
D. September 16, 1893
______4. Cherokee Outlet opened
E. 1906
______5. Kickapoo lands opened
F. June 30, 1892
______6. The Big Pasture and wood reserve sold at public auction
G. July, 1889
______7. Congress ruled Greer County in Oklahoma Territory
H. September 22, 1891
______8. Governor Seay estimated that 7,600 people settled Cheyenne-Arapahos Lands
COMPLETION. In the blanks, fill in the word or words that would complete each sentence correctly.
1. The Jerome Commission was also known as the________________________Commission.
2. The Jerome Commission was to negotiate with the tribes in the___________half of Indian Territory.
3. Most early land holders lived in_________________. (kind of shelter)
4. Farmers found that the most suitable crop for the Cheyenne-Arapaho lands was________________.
5. When land openings began, many people waited for land to be opened in the_________________
6. The most famous of all the land openings was the opening of the__________________________.
7. ___________________was a frontier photographer who took famous photographs of the land run.
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8. The last area opened by a land run was the_________________________________Reservation.
9. The Kiowa-Comanche-Wichita lands were opened and settled by_________________________.
10. Nearly 500,000 acres of Kiowa-Comanche-Wichita lands were reserved for__________________.
11. Over 50,000 acres were reserved for________________________________.
12. In the land auctions, land sold for an average of _______________dollars per acre.
13. ________________________County was in dispute between Oklahoma and Texas.
14. The ______________________Act ordered a lawsuit to determine the actual boundary between
Oklahoma and Texas.
15. The largest ethnic group settling in Oklahoma was______________________________.
16. The county that was abolished and became a part of Roger Mills and Ellis Counties was ________
MAP. Complete the following map to show the land openings in Oklahoma, naming each area.
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Chapter 16 - STATEHOOD
I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below.
1. allotment______________________
5. suffrage________________________
2. thwart________________________
6. progressive________________________
3. initiative_____________________
7. contingent________________________
4. referendum___________________
8. constitute________________________
II. COMPLETION. In the blanks, write the word or words that would complete each sentence correctly.
1. The first territorial settler to be nominated for a national office was_________________________.
2. The first nomination was for the office of____________________________________.
3. The founder of Langston University was______________________________________.
4. A leader who hoped to make Oklahoma Territory a blade state was_________________________.
5. The man elected as president of the Sequoyah Convention was____________________________.
6. The five vice-presidents of the convention were representatives from the______________________.
7. The proposed name for a state composed of Indian Territory was___________________________.
8. The capital of this state was to have been located at___________________________________.
9. The Hamilton Bill was also known as the_______________________________________.
10. The Congressional act combining the twin territories into the state of Oklahoma was the ________
11. The constitution for the new state of Oklahoma was declared legal by President_______________.
12. A man appointed head of a committee to prepare an enabling act was______________________.
III. STATE CONSTITUTION. Oklahoma’s Constitution was both modern and restrictive when it was passed in
1907. In the column on the left give 3 reasons why the Constitution was considered “Progressive.” In the column
on the right give 3 reasons why some groups did not like it.
______________________________________ ______________________________________
(2)____________________________________ (2)____________________________________
______________________________________ ____________________________________
(3)___________________________________ (3)___________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
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IV. MATCHING. Match the date to the event below.
______ 1. Oklahoma Enabling Act passed
A. January 25, 1892
______ 2. Enrollment of Indians began
B. November 20, 1906
______ 3. First statehood convention in Oklahoma City
C. September 17, 1907
______ 4. Oklahoma became a state
D. November 16, 1907
______ 5. Constitutional Convention in Guthrie
E. June 16, 1906
______ 6. First state officials elected
F. 1905
______ 7. First statehood bill introduced
G. December 16, 1891
______ 8. Five bills introduced into Congress to make twin
territories one state
H. June 10, 1896
V. MATCHING. Match names to identifications. Some may be used more than once.
______ 1. A Cherokee lobbyist
A. James Norman
______ 2. An attorney and builder of railroads
B. William H. Murray
______ 3. A Creek chief
C. W. C. Rogers
______ 4. Cherokee representative at Sequoyah Convention
D. Pleasant Porter
______ 5. Choctaw representative
E. Green I. Currin
______ 6. Seminole representative
F. Charles N. Haskell
______ 7. Creek representative
G. John F. Brown
______ 8. Chickasaw representative
H. Green McCurtain
______ 9. First African American elected to political office
______ 10. President of Constitutional Convention at Guthrie
______ 11. The first governor of the state of Oklahoma
______ 12. Legislator who introduced first civil rights bill into the Oklahoma legislature
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below.
1. certified__________________________
7. Jim Crowism__________________________
2. “grandfather clause”____________________________________________________
3. contending________________________
8. sedition________________________
4. incorporate________________________
9. profound________________________
5. proclamation _______________________
10. controversy__________________________
6. conclusive__________________________
II. COMPLETION. In the blank, write in the word or words that would complete each sentence correctly.
1. The temporary state capital in Oklahoma City was housed in the__________________________.
2. The first official act of the first governor was to prevent__________________________________.
3. Haskell’s administration is best known for the removal of the_____________________________.
4. Oklahoma City was ratified as the official state capital by the legislature on__________________.
5. The greatest problem of early oil producers was________________________________________.
6. The average cost of drilling the first oil wells in Oklahoma was__________________dollars.
7. The _________________________Commission was given authority to regulate and govern the oil
8. _________________________________became one of Oklahoma’s biggest contributions to the
war effort in World War I.
9. The “grandfather clause” was declared unconstitutional because of the _____________Amendment.
10. War was declared on Germany on __________________________.
11. World War I ended on________________________________.
12. Oklahoma women were given the right to vote in ____________________(year).
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III. MATCHING. Match the name to the identification; some may be used more than once.
______1 . First governor of Oklahoma
A. Dennis T. Flynn
______2. First Commissioner of Charities and Corrections
B. Thomas P. Gore
_____ 3. Congressional delegate who prevented moving the
capital to Oklahoma City
C. W. B. Anthony
D. H. H. Munson
_____ 4. One of the first senators from Oklahoma
E. Kate Barnard
_____ 5. Second governor of Oklahoma
F. Joseph Oklahombi
_____ 6. First woman to be elected to state office
G. Lee Cruce
_____ 7. A socialist leader
H. Charles N. Haskell
_____ 8. The governor’s secretary who removed the state seal
to Oklahoma City
_____ 9. World War I’s Most Decorated Soldier
_____ 10 . Governor when capital was moved
IV. GREEN CORN REBELLION. Using library reference materials, read about the Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion
in 1961, and then write a paragraph explaining the ways in which the Bay of Pigs invasion was like the Green
Corn Rebellion.
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition for each word listed below.
1. incur _________________________
9. Bolshevism____________________________
2. nomination_______________________
10. evolution____________________________
3. perimeter_________________________
11. atheism____________________________
4. refugee_________________________
12. fundamental________________________
5. jurisdiction_______________________
13. infiltrate____________________________
6. impudent_________________________
14. subversive____________________________
7. hysterical________________________
15. indictment____________________________
8. “yellow journalism”_________________
16. workman’s compensation____________________
II. COMPLETION. In the blank, write in the word that would complete the sentence correctly.
1. The _______________________Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gave
women the right to vote.
2. The first woman elected to Congress from Oklahoma was a member of the ______________Party.
3. “Minerva Place” later became_________________________.
4. The last states to grant full citizenship privileges to Indians were _________________________
5. The treaty that set the boundary of Texas at the south bank of the Red River was the Treaty.
III. MATCHING. Match the name to the identification; some may be used more than once.
______1. First American woman to earn a Doctor of Philosophy
______2. Governor who broke the hold of the Ku Klux Klan on
state government
______3. First woman to preside over the U.S. House of Representatives
A. Sawakla
B. Martin E. Trapp
C. Alice Mary Robertson
D. Alice Brown Davis
E. Jack Walton
F. E. K. Gaylord
G. Ann Eliza Worcester
______4. A governor impeached and removed from office
______5. A governor who couldn’t succeed himself because he had served more than half of his
predecessor’s term
______6. An orphanage for Creek Indian girls
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______7. Publisher of the Daily Oklahoman.
______8. First governor under whose administration Klansmen were convicted of crimes
______9. Second woman ever to be elected to the U.S. Congress
______10. Chief of the Seminole tribe
IV. TRUE or FALSE. Write “true” for true statements and “false” for false statements.
______1. The first woman to be elected to Congress from Oklahoma was opposed to Women’s Suffrage.
______2. Governor Robertson escaped impeachment by a single vote.
______3. The two houses of the legislature worked in harmony during the Robertson administration.
______4. Indians throughout the country were granted full citizenship as a result of their participation in
World War I.
______5. Unlike the rest of the nation, there was little unrest in Oklahoma after World War I.
______6. The first Oklahoma woman representative to Congress was a Democrat elected from a strong
Republican district.
______7. Many social and labor reforms were enacted in the post-World War I period.
______8. Economically, Oklahoma was thrust into a major depression in the twenties.
______9. Although the southern bank of the Red River was established as the state boundary between Oklahoma and Texas, Texas was given the mineral rights of the southern half of the river.
______10. By 1920, the lynchings of African Americans by angry mobs had ceased in Oklahoma.
V . TULSA RACE RIOT. Of the following items, check the 15 which relate to the Tulsa Race Riot.
____1. OK National Guard
____2: Col. W. J. Simmons
____3. amps 8 ammunition
____4. Indian problems
____5. Dick Rambo
____6. Alice Mary Robertson
____7. Tulsa Post-Dispatch
____8. racial prejudice
____9. concentration camps
____10. telephone operators
____11. detention camps
____12. church
____13. elevator
____14. Labor strikes
____15. Bolshevism
____16. Thanksgiving
____17. Hollywood
____18. Dick Rowland
____19. Sarah Parker
____20. Convention Hall
© 2013 Oklahoma History Press
____21. Greenwood
____22. Sarah Page
____23. impeachment
____24. bootleggers
____25. Democrats
____26. Claremore
____27. maids
____28. Tulsa Tribune
____29. Col. Rooney
____30. mob violence
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition for each word below.
1. prolific___________________________
6. ad valorem_____________________________
2. spewed___________________________
7. gusher _____________________________
3. revenue___________________________
8. stringent_____________________________
4. yeoman___________________________
9. debilitating_____________________________
5. unkempt__________________________
10. barricade _____________________________
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the word or words that would make each
sentence correct.
1. The crash of the ____________________is the day used to mark the plunge of the
United States into the_________________________________.
2. During the first two years of the Depression, farm prices fell___________per cent.
3. The oil well that spewed more gas and oil into the air than any other well in the state’s history was
called _________________________________.
4. William H. Murray believed that the only lasting society was a/an __________________society.
5. William H. Murray took a group of followers to_____________________to establish the kind of
society that he thought would last.
6. ____________________________ reform was the foundation of Murray’s campaign for governor.
7. The State ________________________Commission was created during Murray’s term as governor.
8. Migrants traveling from the dust bowls of Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma were called
III. How was Oklahoma agriculture affected by the Great Depression?
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IV. MATCHING. Match the date to the event.
______1. The day the stock market fell.
A. August 4, 1931
______2. The Great Red River Bridge War
B. 1939
______3. Governor Murray ordered the National Guard
to stop oil production.
C. January, 1931
______4. Two days after Oklahoma’s banks were closed,
President Roosevelt ordered a national bank
closing for more than two weeks.
D. October 29, 1929
E. July, 1931
______5. Governor closed all Oklahoma banks.
F. 1933
______6. Severe drought hit Western Oklahoma.
G. August, 1935
______7. Will Rogers and Wiley Post were killed.
______8. William H. Murray became Governor.
______9. Wiley Post became first man to fly solo around the world.
______10. Steinbeck’s Grapes Of Wrath published
V. TRUE or FALSE. Write ‘rue” for true and “False” for false in the blanks.
______1. The Depression arrived in Oklahoma after it did in the rest of the nation.
______2. Thousands of farms went bankrupt and were foreclosed during the first half of the thirties.
______3. All major industries were hit hard by the Depression except the oil industry.
______4. Governor Murray defied a Federal Court order by opening the free bridge between Durant and
______5. The Texas governor agreed with Governor Murray about the free bridge.
______6. Murray strongly supported Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal policies.
______7. Murray succeeded in making the state government financially sound during the worst economic crisis
in American history to his time.
VI. In this age of television, do you think that “Alfalfa Bill” Murray could be elected Governor of Oklahoma?
Give reasons for your answer.
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Chapter 20 - WORLD WAR II
I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below.
1. hindered_________________________
5. emigrate____________________________
2. avid____________________________
6. infamous____________________________
3. notorious__________________________
7. proficient____________________________
4. patronage_________________________
8. indomitable____________________________
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the correct word or words.
1. One of the migrants from the Dust Bowl in the thirties was an Oklahoma balladeer named ______
2. William H. Murray was succeeded as governor by____________________________________.
3. William H. Murray’s nickname was “______________________________” Murray.
4. Murray’s successor devised a state relief aid plan that was known as the “Little___________.”
5. Because of their handling of state finances, the 16th Legislature was known as the_______ Sixteenth.
6. The agreement among several states to organize a council to provide guidance in regulating and
stabilizing the oil industry was called the_________________________.
7. The Senator known as the great orator from Norman was Senator__________________________.
8. The constitutional amendment prohibiting the state from spending more money than it takes in was
passed during the administration of Governor_______________________________.
9. Most political limitations against women holding office were removed during the administration of
10. The Oklahoma National Guard changed its insignia because the original symbol resembled the
of the________________________.
11. The Germans called the men of the 45th Division the_______________________
12. Two cartoon characters who helped make the 45th famous were____________________and
13. The U.S. Navy’s only inland base was located at______________________________.
14. The first governor born within what is now Oklahoma was_____________________________.
15. The governor who improved the state’s image nationwide and left a surplus in the state treasury was
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16. The Oklahoman who was known as the “King of the Senate” was ____________________.
III. TRUE or FALSE. Write “True” for true and “False” for false.
1. Governor Marland served with a friendly legislature which was ready to pass any bill he sent to it.
2. Many state relief programs were successful, despite the problems and abuses.
3. An Oklahoma law prohibited a governor succeeding himself.
4. Military communication for the 45th was not broken by the Germans because communications were
in Indian languages.
5. In Oklahoma, there were several training facilities for the Army and Air Force but none for the Navy.
6. Some Prisoners of War were imprisoned in Oklahoma.
_____ 7. According to the Geneva Convention, Prisoners of War could not be used as a labor force.
8. Leon Phillips defeated several candidates for the office of governor, including Robert S. Kerr.
______9. The greatest problem in getting to use Prisoners of War as farm labor was government red tape.
______10. Robert S. Kerr believed in and supported “big government.”
______11. Kerrs interests were more national and international than local so he did little for Oklahoma when
he was senator.
______12. Kerr died while in office as Senator.
IV. MAP. Using a wall map, a roadmap, or an atlas, locate the following 7 military installation sites which were
active in Oklahoma during World War II: Midwest City; Muskogee; Lawton; Clinton; Norman; Miami; El Reno.
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I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition for each word below.
1. ration_____________________________
5. epidemic_____________________________
2. diplomatic_________________________
6. factor_____________________________
3. envoy_____________________________
7. influx_____________________________
4. convert___________________________
8. subside_____________________________
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the word or words that would complete each
sentence correctly.
1. The name of the airplane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima was__________________.
2. The number of Oklahomans killed in World War II was___________________________.
3. The number of Oklahomans killed in the Korean Conflict was__________________.
4. General Clarence L. Tinker was a member of the______________________Tribe.
5. The only man in the army during World War II who rose from civilian status to the rank of general
was Lt. Gen.___________________.
6. Educational benefits for veterans were called the_____________________________.
7. The President of the U.S. at the close of World War II was_______________________
8. The first bull to sire $2,000,000 in offspring belonged to the____________________Ranch.
9. The Korean Conflict occurred ____________years after the end of World War II.
10. The Chinese Jeri Hai, or “_______________ ,” engaged the 45th Division in combat in Korea.
III. Circle the 3 words or phrases on the right which describe or relate to the subjects on the left.
rancher; war hero; TR Zato Heir; 4-H; senator
Chicano; Chickasha; law school; segregation; OSU
separate table; Chickasha; OU; ECSU; law school
fire; OSU; sacrifice; reward; dormitory; ECSU
Japanese Jeri Hai; T-Bone Hill; Thunderbirds; navy;
Kuwait; music teacher
governor; senator; congressman; gunplay;Scott
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Infantile Paralysis; tuberculosis; iron lung;
Crippled Children’s Hospital; influenza; aging
Hiroshima; Tokyo; atom bomb; hydrogen bomb;
neutron bomb; surrender
IV. WARTIME IMPROVISING. During World War II many items were rationed and others were very scarce, so
that citizens who remained at home often found even the most menial daily chores difficult to accomplish. Daily
menus had to be planned to include only those foods which were readily available. Walking became a national
means of transportation because of the scarcity of gas, oil, and rubber. Paper products were extremely hard to get.
Another item of extreme scarcity was soap. Boxes of detergent were hard to find, and once a consumer obtained
one, the powdered substance inside was doled out very carefully. Frequently there was no soap in the household
for washing dishes or clothing or even for bathing.
Talk with the older people in your family or in your neighborhood who might remember the war. Library
references may be used, also. Then, on the lines below, record two alternatives to soap which may be used for
cleaning in the specified situations.
V. Interview a senior citizen and ask him or her how to make lye soap. In the space below, explain how lye soap
is made.
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VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition of each word below.
1. disenfranchise___________________
6. terminated ______________________________
2. unscrupulous_____________________
7. regulation_______________________________
3. confrontation______________________
8. generosity _______________________________
4. assignment_________________________
9. journalism ______________________________
5. extensively_______________________
10. anti-nuclear ____________________________
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the word or words that complete each sentence
1. Major accomplishments of Roy J. Turners term as governor were
___________________________, and______________________________.
2. Things that Turner wanted to accomplish but was unable to were to____________________,
____________________, and_______________________.
3. Turner was succeeded by___________________________.
4. The new governor was sworn into office by his 81-year-old father,______________________.
5. The first woman to run for the office of Governor of Oklahoma was________________________.
6. The first governor born in Oklahoma after statehood was________________________________.
7. The Federal-Aid Highway Act provided for a/an__________________________________system.
8. The Supreme Court decision that ruled that all types of educational segregation was unconstitutional
9. Raymond Gary campaigned on_________________________________issues.
10. Interstate 44 included the ____________________Turnpike, the_____________________
Turnpike, and the _______________________Turnpike.
11.Gary’s first step toward complying with laws on segregation was a constitutional amendment
reorganizing _____________________________________.
12. The biggest state celebration during Gary’s administration was in celebration of_______________.
13. Gary felt that Oklahoma’s economy relied too heavily on _____________and________________.
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14. The founder of a nationally known institute for eye treatment and research was_____________.
III. MATCHING. Match the date to the event.
______1. Turner’s term as governor ended
A. 1954
______2. Roy J. Turner died
B. 1956
______3. Turner Turnpike opened
C. October 4, 1947
______4. Court-approved Loyalty Oath became a requirement
for state officials and employees
D. October 11, 1955
E. 1957
______5. National Guard called out to guard polling places in
some counties
F. 1955
______6. Raymond Gary became governor
G. 1953
______7. Federal-Aid Highway Act passed
H. June 11, 1973
______8. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Kansas, decision
I. January 10, 1955
______9. Better Schools Amendment passed by people of Oklahoma
J. January, 1951
______10. Oklahoma premiered on Broadway in New York
______11. Oklahoma’s International Exposition held
______12. An Oklahoma oil company drilled the first successful offshore oil well out of sight of land
IV. TRUE or FALSE. Write “T’ for true and “F” for false.
______1. Johnston Murray had never held a state office before being elected governor.
______2. Johnston Murray was the first Oklahoma governor of Indian descent.
______3. It was during Johnston Murray’s term that legislation was passed permitting women to serve on
______4. Raymond Gary did not succeed in building 2500 miles of highways as he had promised,
______5. Gary said that he intended to comply with laws on segregation in education.
______6. The Better Schools Amendment abolished separate funding systems for African American and white
______7. Russia was the only major nation who did not have an exhibit at Oklahoma’s International Exposi
______8. Gary was unable to balance the state budget without increasing taxes.
______9. Raymond Gary refused to attend meetings where there was racial discrimination.
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______10. Gary later ran for governor again and for the U.S. Senate but was defeated.
I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition for each word below.
1. accustom_____________________________________________________________.
2. stalemate______________________________________________________________.
3. inconvenient______________________________________________________________.
4. referendum_____________________________________________________________.
5. reapportionment______________________________________________________________.
6. expenditure _______________________________________________________________.
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the word or words that would complete each
sentence correctly.
1. Edmondson’s very effective Attorney General was___________________________________.
2. Repeal of prohibition became the _______________Amendment to Oklahoma’s constitution.
3. A federal court ordered___________________________________to equalize state voting.
4. The youngest person to be elected governor of Oklahoma was____________________________.
5. Edmondson was succeeded by _________________, who was governor for_______days.
6. Presently, Oklahoma City is the ____________largest city in the U.S.
7. The state’s first Republican governor was Governor ______________________________.
8. The most controversial issue during Bellmon’s first administration was in the area of_____________.
9. The State Merit System was established during Governor __________________’s administration.
10. Edmondson resigned as governor so that he could be appointed to the office of_______________.
11. The young teenage protestors who began the sit-ins in Oklahoma City were led by____________.
12. Henry Bellmon was succeeded as governor by_______________________________.
13. The state’s first Republican Attorney General was_____________________________________.
14. The person who achieved the highest political office attained by an Oklahoman was____________
15. The highest political office held by an Oklahoman is the office of_________________________.
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16. Dewey Bartlett was succeeded by__________________________________________.
Ill. MATCHING. Match the date to the event.
______1. Prohibition repealed in Oklahoma
A. January, 1959
______2. Oklahoma City became largest city in land area in the U.S.
B. November 5, 1962
______3. Henry Bellmon inaugurated
C. April 7, 1959
______4. Civil rights protests began in Oklahoma City
D. 1962
______5. Justice of the Peace system eliminated in Oklahoma
E. January 14, 1963
______6. First Republican Attorney General elected to office
F. July 11, 1967
______7. Stores began to sell liquor legally
G. October 31, 1961
______8. First Republican governor of Oklahoma elected to office
H. September 1, 1959
______9. Edmondson inaugurated as governor
1. 1966
______10. Republicans and Democrats involved in near-riot in
Oklahoma City
J. August 19, 1958
IV . TRUE or FALSE. Write “T” for true and “F” for false.
______1. Edmondson was elected governor by largest voting majority ever given a gubernatorial candidate.
______2. Edmondson was determined to prevent the repeal of prohibition in Oklahoma.
______3. Edmondson’s programs grew increasingly popular with the people near the end of his administration.
______4. Edmondson resigned as governor only days before his term of office ended.
______5. Edmondson was re-elected to the U.S. Senate in 1964.
______6. Henry Bellmon favored an increase in the state sales tax.
______7. Oklahoma experienced a scandal in the Oklahoma Supreme Court during Bellmon’s first term in
______8. Although a Republican working with a Democratic legislature, Bellmon was able to get
more bills passed through the legislature than any of his three predecessors had.
______9. Professional sanctions against Oklahoma because of the low salaries of teachers and the poor
educational conditions were opposed by the Oklahoma Education Association.
______10. The county attorney system was replaced by a district attorney system during Bellmon’s
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Chapter 24 - HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 1970s and 1980s
I. VOCABULARY STUDY. Write a short definition for each word below.
1. women’s liberation___________________
5. collateral______________________________
2. extortion______________________
6. “loan shark” __________________________
3. allege____________________________
7. “inheritance tax” _________________________
4. expenditure___________________________ 8. ultimatum _____________________________
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks.
1. The reapportionment plan adopted by the legislature was written mostly by__________________.
2. The most serious, acute state problem faced by Governor David Hall was the_________________.
3. David Hall was defeated in his bid for reelection by____________________________________.
4. David Hall was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury on the charges of ______________________.
5. The first governor to have more than 500,000 votes in a general election was_________________.
6. Some of David Boren’s most important work as governor was in __________________________
7. Boren resigned as governor __________________________days before the end of his term so
that he could be appointed___________________________________________.
8. The governor of Oklahoma during the remaining days of Boren’s term was____________________.
9. David Boren was succeeded by_________________________________________.
10. The youngest person to be elected state representative was__________________________.
11. The first Oklahoma governor to succeed himself was___________________________________.
12. The biggest news stories in the state in 1981-82 were the________________________scandals.
III. MATCHING. Match the date to the event.
______ 1. Patience Latting sworn in as mayor
A. July 27, 1973
______ 2. David Hall elected governor
B. 1975
______ 3. McAlester Prison riot
C. September 28, 1982
______ 4. Federal judge ruled “double celling” illegal
D. April 13, 1971
______ 5. Double celling is court approved
E. January, 1980
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______ 6. Former governor indicted by Grand Jury
F. March 14, 1976
______7. Former governor convicted on charges
and sent to Federal prison
G. May 30, 1974
______8. David Boren inaugurated as governor
H. 1970
1. August 29, 1983
______9. Idabel race riot occurred
J. January 13, 1975
______10. Connors Prison riot occurred
K. July 5, 1982
______11. Voters approved pari-mutuel betting
L. September 21, 1982
______12. Penn Square Bank failed
IV. TRUE or FALSE. Write “T” for true and “F” for false.
______1. Patience Latting was the only woman mayor of cities over 30,000.
______2. Latting was the first woman to be mayor of a city over 200,000 people.
______3. David Hall inherited a state with financial problems.
______4. Most of the state’s increased revenue during Hall’s administration went to fund and improve
______5. Despite personal efforts, few industries came into the state during Hall’s administration.
______6. David Boren was the youngest man to serve as governor of Oklahoma.
______7. Boren was responsible for eliminating inheritance tax between husbands and wives.
______8. Oklahoma produces more race horses per capita than any other state.
______9. Penn Square Bank’s failure had no effect on banks in other states.
______10. The county commissioner scandals were largely confined to Oklahoma and Tulsa counties.
1. Explain the “Boom and Bust” cycles that cause severe problems in Oklahoma’s economy.
2. Explain the interrelationships of “Boom and Bust” on various sectors of the economy, including
energy, industry, financial, and real estate sectors.
3. What were the results of the grand jury investigation into Governor David Walters’ campaign of
4. What were some of the positive accomplishments of the Walters’ administration?
5. Discuss the role of Oklahomans in the Gulf War; include military involvement
of Oklahomans who helped to extinguish the oil well fires in Kuwait.
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6. Discuss the accomplishments of William J. Crowe.
I. Identify:
1. century____________________________________________________________
2. millenium____________________________________________________________
3.Y2K bug____________________________________________________________
4. heartland____________________________________________________________
5. extensive _____________________________________________________________
6. encouragement _____________________________________________________________
7. expectation _____________________________________________________________
8. mourning _____________________________________________________________
9. devastation _____________________________________________________________
10. renovation _____________________________________________________________
11. terrorists ______________________________________________________________
II. COMPLETION. Fill in the blanks.
1. What was the exact time of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building? _________________
2. Why was it called “the worst act of terrorism in history? _________________________________
3. Identify:
a. Timothy McVeigh __________________________________________________________
b. Terry Nichols ______________________________________________________________
c. Branch Davidians ___________________________________________________________
d. Stephen Jones ______________________________________________________________
e. Michael Tigar ______________________________________________________________
f. Michael Fortier _____________________________________________________________
h. Osama bin Laden ___________________________________________________________
4. What major tragedy occurred on May 3, 1999? __________________________________.
5. How many people died in this event? __________________________________________.
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6. What is a “safe room?”_____________________________________________________.
7. In the elections of 1996, who was elected to be a United States Senator? ____________________.
8. What political party won all of the congressional district representative positions in 1996?
9. In 1998, who was elected?
a. Governor______________________________________________________________.
b. Lieutenant Governor_____________________________________________________.
c. United States Senator_____________________________________________________.
10. How many farmers are operating in the state? _______________________________________.
11. What is the most notable change in farm production in the last five years of the century? _______
12. What is the controversy about hog production? _______________________________________
13. What is the number-one cash crop in Oklahoma? ____________________________________.
14. What was the major change in corrections in the last five years of the century? ____________
15. Where are the private prisons located? _________________________________________
16. How many American Indian tribes are recognized in the state of Oklahoma? ___________________
17. What industry do the American Indian tribes operate in the state?
18. What are some advantages and disadvantages to the tribes and the people of the state?
19. Who was elected governor and took office in 2003? What was his party affiliation?
20. What is the MAPS Project? ___________________________________________________
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21. What new facilities were to be built or renovated?
22. What event happened on September 11, 2001?
23. What reason did the terrorists give for attacking the United States on September 11, 2001?
24. What were some of the problems that resulted from the attacks?
25. Who was President at the time of the attack? Discuss how he led the nation to respond to the attack?
(It may be necessary to research current events in this area.)
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I. DIRECTIONS. Fill in the blanks below with the word or words that would complete each sentence correctly.
1. Oklahoma’s climate zones are influenced by a
___________________________________________________from the north.
___________________________________________________from the east.
___________________________________________________from the south.
___________________________________________________from the west.
2. Oklahoma’s average annual temperature is___________degrees.
3. ___________________________movement dominates much of Oklahoma’s climate.
4. The average annual rainfall varies from________inches in the northwest to _________inches in
the southeast.
5. The six states that share borders with Oklahoma are
6. Among the states, Oklahoma ranks________in land area.
7. ______________________________in Oklahoma are dominated by small ranges of
hills and mountains.
8. Western Oklahoma is mostly___________________________________.
9. The Oklahoma mountains that are of most interest to geologists are the___________________________.
10. In these mountains, geologists can see the_____________________________materials of mountains
exposed on the surface.
11. The _________________________Mountains on the East Coast and the_______________________
Mountains in Oklahoma were both a part of some ancient collision of the earth’s plates.
12. The lowest elevation in Oklahoma is found in the___________________________________in
the _________________________part of the state.
13. The highest elevation occurs at_____________________________________________________.
14. The two rivers that form the state’s major drainage systems are the_____________________________
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15. Cyprus trees grow at_________________________________________.
16. A vegetation belt that grew so thick across Oklahoma that pioneers could hardly pass through was called the
17. (TRUE or FALSE): Red River falls over a thousand feet as it flows west to east. (circle one)
II. DIRECTIONS. Use the key below to identify the section of the state where the listed hills or mountains are
A. northwest
B. southeast
D. northeast
E. southwest
C. south-central
______ 1. Antelope Hills
______6. Winding Stair Mountains
______ 2. Quartz Mountains
______7. Ouachita Mountains
______ 3. Cookson Hills
______8. Wichita Mountains
______ 4. Kiamichi Mountains
______9. San Bois Mountains
______ 5. Arbuckle Mountains
______10. Black Mesa
III. DIRECTIONS. In the space below, describe how the Arbuckle Mountains were formed.
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IV. Identify Oklahoma’s geographic regions on the following map.
V. Identify Oklahoma’s major rivers and lakes on the following map.
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VI. Identify Oklahoma’s growing seasons on the following map.
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I. TRUE or FALSE. If a statement is true, write a “T” in the blank to the left of the statement. If the statement is
false, write “F” in the blank.
______1. When early explorers reached the land that is now Oklahoma, mound builders still lived in eastern
______2. The Wichitas and Caddoes were two of the earliest tribes in Oklahoma.
______3. The Plains Apaches depended upon the buffalo for a living.
______4. The nomadic lifestyle of some tribes had little or no effect upon their cultural development.
______5. The Plains Apaches placed great importance upon physical strength and skill in battle.
______6. Girls were of little importance to the Plains Apaches.
______7. When an Apache man married, he moved to the home area of his wife’s parents.
______8. The Caddoes and Wichitas were hated by the Europeans because the Indians were such skillful
______9. The Osage warriors were feared by Indians and whites.
______10. The Osages were called Picts by the French because of the Osage custom of tattooing their bodies.
______11. The Quapaws lived in the area and often acted as “middlemen” for the French.
______12. The Quapaws carried on no agriculture but lived by trading and fishing.
______13. Quapaw women enjoyed equal rights with the men in their tribe.
______14. The Osages were more warlike than the Quapaws or the Caddoes.
______15. Although fearsome as warriors, the Osage tribe didn’t have a well-organized tribal government and
were not skilled in trading.
______16. The horse brought about a big change in the Indians’ total society and economy.
______17. Osage warriors seldom reached over five feet in height.
______18. Many Osage Indians followed Auguste Pierre Chouteau to the Three Forks Area of Oklahoma.
______19. When the first Cherokees came in, they settled on Osage hunting grounds.
_____20. The agreement that Major William L. Lively got the Osages to sign kept the Osage and the
Cherokees from having any trouble between them.
II. THINKING ACTIVITY (ADAPTION): For this activity, you will take many of the characters from the early
chapters of the textbook and place them in an imaginary modern setting, a 20th century economic system.
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A. Coronado
B. Ranjel
C. LaSalle
D. DeCampo
E. Tattooed People
F. Charles V
G. Onate
H. LaHarpe
I. Padilla
J. Louis XIV
K. Mendoza
L. DeSoto
M. Montezuma
N. Cortez
O. Cities of Cibola
In the space to the left of each item, list the corresponding letters from the list above. Some categories will
describe more than one item from the list. In the blank to the right, explain your answer.
______ 1. an unhappy consumers group____________________________________________
______ 2. the public relations department___________________________________________
______ 3. ousted corporate president______________________________________________
______ 4. market research analysts_______________________________________________
______ 5. financial investors_____________________________________________________
______ 6. bankrupt businessmen__________________________________________________
______ 7. independent small business owner_________________________________________
______ 8. clerical staff________________________________________________________
______ 9. Colonel Sanders_____________________________________________________
______ 10. chemical waste disposal site_____________________________________________
MAP. On the map of Oklahoma below, locate where the following early tribes lived:
Plains Apaches
Cherokees (“Old Settlers”)
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I. COMPLETION. In each blank below, fill in the word or words that would complete each statement correctly.
1.__________________________explorations brought the first blending of cultures to the Americas.
2. In Oklahoma, the earliest explorers were from___________________________________
3. The first African American explorer associated with Oklahoma’s history was named
4. This African American explorer was a trailblazer for___________________________________.
5. This African American explorer was probably killed by the______________________Indians.
6. ________________________________became places where men of different
cultures met and learned one another’s languages and ways.
7. The horse and the ______________________made the greatest difference in the lives of Indians.
8. ___________________________traders often lived in Indian villages and married Indian women.
9. ____________________________________________were major trade items from the Orient.
10. ____________________________________accompanied Estevan on his explorations
11. Early in his travels, Estevan and the Spanish explorer ______________were captured by Indians.
12. The Indians who captured Estevan during the early part of his travels liked him because he leamed
their ____________________________________________
II. PROBLEM SOLVING. Think about what would have happened if Estevan had been the first explorer to cross
the territory that is now Oklahoma. Read about the tribes that lived in Oklahoma at that time, find out about the
type of terrain that he would have crossed, find out what kind of animal life inhabited the territory.
1. What would have been the major problem that Estevan would have encountered?
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2. What information would he have needed to overcome that problem?
3. Analyze the problem; that is, what are the causes and possible results?
4. What are 3 possible solutions to the problem?
5. Select one of the possible solutions, the one that you think has the best chances for success
6. What do you think will happen as a result of your choice of a solution?
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I. DIRECTIONS. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write a “T” if the statement is true; write “F” if
the statement is false.
______1. Both Sequoyah and Stand Watie were full-blood Cherokees.
______2. Sequoyah spoke Cherokee, English, and French fluently.
______3. Sequoyah was among those Westem Cherokees emigrating to Arkansas before the forced removals.
______4. Sequoyah began work on a written Cherokee language before he moved west.
______5. A willing learner would usually be able to read and write in the Cherokee language in just a few days.
______6. The Cherokee alphabet contained fewer symbols (or letters) than the English alphabet has.
______7. Sequoyah died on a journey to Europe.
______8. Sequoyah’s Cherokee alphabet is no longer in use today.
______9. Stand Watie was the last Confederate general to surrender his command at the close of the Civil War.
______10. Stand Watie believed the removal was inevitable for the Cherokees and thought it best to secure the
best conditions possible.
______11. John Ross led the full-blood faction of the Cherokees.
______12. Stand Watie was the only one of the four leaders who opposed Ross who was not
______13. Once the tribe was in Indian Territory, the inter-tribal troubles and killings stopped.
______14. Watie was an enthusiastic supporter of the Southern cause.
______15. Stand Watie and Elias Boudinot were brothers.
______16. Watie confined his guerilla warfare to Indian Territory.
______17. Watie and his Cherokee soldiers lost more battles than they won.
______18. Watie was one of the leaders of a successful raid on Ft. Smith.
II.PROBLEM SOLVING. The Cherokee Nation was split between the full-blood tribesmen led by Chief John
Ross and the treaty group led by Elias Boudinot, Stand Watie, John Ridge, and Major Ridge. Study about the
conflict. Using problem solving skills, determine which group you would have supported if you had been a
Cherokee living at that time.
1. What would have been your major problem in determining which side to join?
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2. What information have you found to help you to reach your decision?
3. What are the possible results of your decision?
4. What are some possible solutions to solving the rift between tribesmen?
5. Which solution do you think has the best chance to succeed?
6. What do you think will happen--to the tribe and to you--as a result of your decision?
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I. DIRECTIONS. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write a “T” if the statement is true; write
“F” if the statement is false.
______1.To the Indian, his homeland was holy ground.
______2. Instead of withdrawing to the west, the Five Civilized Tribes adopted the ways of the white man.
______3. The Five Civilized Tribes refused to become farmers.
______4. The Indians in the Southeast were victims of illegal land seizures and yet had no redress in the courts.
______5. The Cherokees were the first tribe to remove to Indian Territory.
______6. The first Indians removed to Indian Territory were forcibly removed in manacles and chains.
______7. The removal decree allotted one blanket for each Indian family.
______8. There were no protests from white people who saw the sufferings of the Indians during the removals.
______9. The thousands of Indian exiles were victims of one disaster after another.
______10. After learning about the early removal disasters, several thousand Choctaws in Mississippi refused to
______11. The Chickasaws were the most primitive of the Five Civilized Tribes.
______12. The Chickasaws were kinsmen of the Cherokees.
______13. The Chickasaws were well-known for their fine horses and cattle.
______14. The Chickasaws purchased land in Indian Territory from the Choctaws but refused to be governed
by the Choctaw Nation.
______15. Alabama law forbade an Indian’s word from being entered into court against the word of a white
______16. A minor Creek uprising successfully delayed removal for the Creeks.
______17. Many Creeks were manacled and linked together with chains and then marched westward with their
women and children trailing behind.
______18. Some Creek warriors fought against the Seminoles.
______19. By the time the Creeks completed the removal, they had lost nearly 40% of their tribe.
______20. The most advanced of the Five Civilized tribes were the Creeks.
______21. Stand Watie was the Cherokee leader with the greatest amount of tribal support.
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______22. Cherokee law decreed death for anyone deeding away Cherokee lands.
______23. The smallest and least advanced of the Five Civilized Tribes, the Seminoles, were the easiest of the
tribes to convince to remove.
______24. The Seminoles were less inclined to fight for their land because it was swampland and practically
worth less.
______25. After the removal, not a single Seminole was left in the Southeast.
II. MAP. On the map below, identify the states where each of the Five Civilized Tribes originally lived. Using
colored penclis, mark the removal routes of each of the tribes. Use RED for Cherokees; BLUE for Creeks;
GREEN for Chickasaws; ORANGE for Choctaws: and PURPLE for Seminoles.
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I. DIRECTIONS. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write “T” if the statement is true; write “F” if
the statement if false.
______1. The Kiowas called 1833 the “year of the cutthroat massacre” because it was the year when Osage
massacred many of their tribe.
_____ 2. Indians traded land in the East for an equal amount of land in the West.
_____ 3. The white man thought the Indian was a barrier to progress.
_____ 4. Major Edward W. Wynkoop was a trusted white man among the Plains Indians.
______5. Major Wynkoop and Chief Black Kettle were personal friends.
_____ 6. Chief Roman Nose was a great leader despite his short stature and his warlike attitude.
_____ 7. At the meeting at Medicine Lodge Creek, Black Kettle was the only Indian chief allowed to speak.
_____ 8. Wynkoop angrily denounced Custer’s massacre of the Southern Cheyennes at the Battle of the
_____ 9. General William Tecumseh Sherman also denounced George Armstrong Custer’s role in the Battle of
the Washita.
______10. Kickingbird was known as the “Orator of the Plains.”
______11. Kickingbird tried to convince the Kiowas that they had to adapt or die.
______12. The peace that Kickingbird sought came to the Kiowas soon after his death.
______13. The Ponca Chief Standing Bear had to prove in court that Indians are human beings.
______14. Although Standing Bear won his court case, the judge and the white people in the audience were
against him.
_____ 15. Standing Bear was forced to bury his son on the Ponca lands in Indian Territory.
II. PROBLEM SOLVING. Read from the textbook and from library resources about the Battle of the Washita,
then work the following exercise.
1. DEFINE THE PROBLEM. What difficulties did Major Edward W. Wynkoop face in his efforts to defend
Black Kettle and to get the United States Indian Commission to condemn General George A. Custer’s actions at
the Battle of the Washita?
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2. What information did Major Wynkoop need in order to be successful?
3. What charges against Black Kettle were made by General William Tecumseh Sherman?
4. What are two different approaches that Wynkoop could have taken to defend Black Kettle and to convince the
Indian Commission to condemn Custer?
5. Predict what would have happened to our history if the Indian Commission had condemned Custer’s actions?
6. Do you think Major Wynkoop did the right thing when he resigned his position as an agent to some of the
Western Tribes? Give reasons for your answer.
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I. DIRECTIONS. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write “T” if the statement is true; write “F” if
the statement if false.
_____ 1. The real cowboy simply was hired to take care of cows.
_____ 2. The real cowboy’s work was more tiring than heroic, more boring than romantic.
_____ 3. The handkerchief around the cowboy’s neck was simply for decoration and had no practical value.
_____ 4. Cattle ranching began in Mexico.
_____ 5. Cattle were already numerous in the New World long before the Spaniards came to explore.
_____ 6. The first cowboys were the Spanish vaqueros.
_____ 7. The major events in the cowboy’s year were the spring and fall roundups.
_____ 8. Ranches couldn’t work together for roundups because of the gunfights over stray cattle and calves.
_____ 9. Barbed wire fences changed the structure of the cowboy’s life.
_____ 10. The cattleman’s reputation with his men was built on what kinds of bunkhouses, chuck wagons, and
cooks he had.
_____ 11. The famous 101 Ranch was located in North Texas.
_____ 12. Colonel George Washington Miller inherited the 101 Ranch from his father.
_____ 13. Colonel Miller had a very close relationship with the Ponca Indians.
_____ 14. Bill Pickett the famous African American rodeo performer, was not allowed to perform in the Miller
Wild West Show.
_____ 15. The 101 Ranch went broke in 1929, along with many other American businesses.
II. DIRECTIONS. Answer in paragraph form: How can the cowboy be called the “Great American Mythical
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III. DIRECTIONS. Summarize the history of the American cowboy, beginning with the Spanish vaquero and
ending with the modern day working and rodeo cowboys.
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I. DIRECTIONS. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write T’ if the statement is true or “F” if the
statement is false.
_____ 1. During the 19th century, Indian Territory was a kind of “dumping ground.”
_____ 2. Many Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes owned slaves.
_____ 3. The cattle drives across Indian Territory began long before the Civil War.
_____ 4. All Indians from all tribes opposed opening any land in Indian Territory for settlement.
_____ 5. The Boomer Movement was a loose organization of pro-settlement people.
_____ 6. No women were allowed to file land claims.
_____ 7. No African American people were allowed to file land claims.
_____ 8. The east bank of the South Canadian River was the dividing line between Indian Territory and the
Unassigned Lands.
_____ 9. Would-be homesteaders were not allowed to ride trains into the land to be opened for settlement.
_____ 10. Taking part in the Run was often dangerous.
_____ 11. Only about one in ten who took part in the Run actually won a claim.
_____ 12. Sooner activity ceased after the Run of ’89.
_____ 13. The Panhandle became a kind of battle ground between cattlemen and outlaws.
_____ 14. Many homesteaders built homes from “sod.”
I I. DIRECTIONS. Use the space below to describe the methods of land distribution in Indian and Oklahoma
Territories. Include the locations of land distribution and methods used to settle the land; also include how land
was distributed to Indians.
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III. If you had been a person wanting cheap land, which of the land distributions would you have participated in
and why?
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I. DIRECTIONS. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write “T’ if the statement is true or “F” if the
statement is false.
_____ 1. Bill Doolin was killed by U.S. Deputy Marshal Heck Thomas.
_____ 2. “Bitter Creek” was the place where the Doolin Gang hid from the law.
_____ 3. All of the Dalton Brothers were killed in Coffeyville, Kansas, when they tried to rob two banks at the
same time.
_____ 4. The Dalton Gang was also called the “Wild Bunch.”
_____ 5. Bill Tilghman had once been a government scout during the Cheyenne-Arapaho War of 1874.
_____ 6. Bill Tilghman was once marshal of Dodge City, Kansas.
_____ 7. Bill Doolin had the chance to kill Tilghman but refused to shoot Tilghman in the back.
_____ 8. To add to his fame as a lawman, Tilghman wanted to shoot and kill Bill Doolin himself.
_____ 9. None of the famous lawmen or outlaws were African American.
_____ 10. “Cherokee Bill” was a member of the Cook Gang.
_____ 11. Ned Christie was probably innocent of the charge of murdering U.S. Deputy Marshal Daniel
_____ 12. Belle Starr often dressed as a man and called herself “Tom King.”
_____ 13. Belle Starr was the only outlaw who was a woman during the outlaw days in Indian Territory.
_____ 14. Belle Starr was a beautiful woman.
_____ 15. Belle Starr died from being shot in the back by an unknown assailant.
II. DIRECTIONS. Using the textbook and library resources, write a summary of law enforcement by Indian tribes
and by the federal court during the tenure of Judge Isaac Parker. Be sure to include the multi-ethnic backgrounds
of the lawmen.
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I. DIRECTIONS. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write “T” if the statement if true; write “F” if
the statement is false.
_____ 1. Will Rogers was part Cherokee Indian.
_____ 2. To reach Argentina, Will Rogers had to go from New Orleans, back to Galveston, then to New York,
and finally by way of Liverpool, England.
_____ 3. Will’s return trip from Argentina was even longer and more circuitous than his trip to the Argentine.
_____ 4. Will got his start in show business in Argentina.
_____ 5. Will went to Africa and Australia before he returned home.
_____ 6. His friend Dick Parris stayed with him throughout his travels around the world.
_____ 7. Will was good in the Wild West Shows but was a failure in Vaudeville.
_____ 8. Will Rogers did not like politicians and often made fun of them.
_____ 9. Rogers was called the “Patron Saint of Aviation.”
_____ 10. Will realized the commercial importance of aviation but never saw the military possibilities.
_____ 11. Will Rogers was killed in a plane crash in Alaska.
_____ 12. Rogers would not have gone on that last flight had he known that they would fly over Siberia.
II. WRITING ACTIVITY. A young man from another state is visiting Oklahoma. He has asked you, “Why was
Will Rogers so famous?” How could you answer his question so that he would understand who Will Rogers was
and why he was a famous man?
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I. DIRECTIONS. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write “T” if the statement if true; write “F” if
the statement is false.
_____ 1. Whey Post’s plane was named the “Winnie Mae.”
_____ 2. Post was a wealthy man who was able to fund his own projects.
_____ 3. Post lost the sight of his left eye in a plane crash in 1928.
_____ 4. Post always wore a black eye patch over his left eye socket.
_____ 5. Post was born and raised on a farm near Maysville, Oklahoma.
_____ 6. Post was among the first to notice high winds in the upper atmosphere.
_____ 7. Post never finished high school but was a self-educated man.
_____ 8. Post built a pressurized suit for flight in the upper atmosphere.
______9. Will Rogers and Wiley Post had planned an airplane trip around the world.
______10. Rogers and Post were killed when the “Winnie Mae’ crashed in Siberia.
_____ 11. Two of the original seven Mercury astronauts were from Oklahoma.
_____ 12. One of the first group of women astronauts chosen is from Oklahoma.
_____ 13. L. Gordon Cooper was the youngest of the Mercury astronauts.
_____ 14. Whey Post’s invention of a pressurized suit was the model for the suits worn by the astronauts into
_____ 15. Jerrie Cobb was one of the trailblazers for women in the space program.
II. How was Wiley Post a man “ahead of his time?”
III. Defend the statement: Whey Post deserves the title “Father of Modem Aviation.”
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I. DIRECTIONS. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write “T” if the statement if true; write “F” if
the statement is false.
_____ 1. The President of the United States presented Jim Thorpe with the gold medal for the decathlon and
called Thorpe the greatest athlete in the world.
_____ 2. Jim Thorpe’s name is usually the first name on any list of the world’s greatest athlete.
_____ 3. Thorpe was full-blood Sac and Fox Indian.
_____ 4. Thorpe’s father Hiram was also a great athlete.
_____ 5. It was at Haskell Indian School in Lawrence, Kansas, where Jim grew to love football.
_____6. Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania was where Jim Thorpe won All-American honors.
_____ 7. The Carlisle coach wanted Jim Thorpe to forget about track and field sports and to concentrate on
_____8. The Carlisle football team defeated such powerful college teams as Harvard and Syracuse.
_____ 9. The Carlisle Team never defeated the University of Chicago, which was coached by the famous Alonzo
_____ 10. Thorpe was stripped of his Olympic medals because he had played baseball for the New York
Yankees for a large sum of money.
_____ 11. Thorpe played both football and baseball professionally.
_____ 12. Thorpe’s amateur status was never restored.
_____ 13. Thorpe’s coach at Carlisle was “Pop” Warner.
_____ 14. Thorpe won both the pentathlon and the decathlon in the Olympics.
II. WRITING ACTIVITY. Use library resources, such as a biography, to read about the International Olympic
Committee’s taking away the Olympic medals from Jim Thorpe. Answer the following questions:
1. Upon what basis did the committee take away the medals?
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2. If you had been a member of the committee, how would you have defended Jim Thorpe in order to recommend
that he be able to keep the medals?
III. Defend the statement: Jim Thorpe was the greatest athlete of the twentieth century.
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I. DIRECTIONS. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write “T” if the statement if true; write “F” if
the statement is false.
_____ 1. The Dust Bowl had its tragic beginnings in the 1940’s.
_____ 2. The “Black Blizzard” that hit the Oklahoma Panhandle on “Black Sunday” was the very first of the
dust storms that struck the area for years.
_____ 3. The storms grew more frequent as vegetation grew more sparse.
_____ 4. The dust storms spawned bitter side effects similar to the plagues of Egypt.
_____ 5. Thousands of people died of dust pneumonia.
_____ 6. The dirt in the dust storms was always an ashy gray color.
_____ 7. Over a million people were “dusted out” and moved west.
_____ 8. The emigrants were welcomed by the California growers of fruits and vegetables because the
emigrants were a cheap source of labor.
_____ 9. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck glorified the plight of the dust bowl emigrants.
_____ 10. President Franklin Roosevelt planned programs to salvage the plains from the disaster.
_____ 11. George Gorgstrom ranks the Dust Bowl as one of the three ecological blunders in history.
_____ 12. The decade of the Dust Bowl was the worst decade of depression and drought in America’s
economical history.
II. Who were the “Okies?” Explain why the term came to be a derogatory word.
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III. WRITING ACTIVITY. Interview a senior citizen in your community who can remember the dust storms of
the 1930’s. You may interview a relative, if you wish. Use the space below to tell the story as the senior citizen
has told it to you. Be prepared to read your report to the rest of the class.
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I. TRUE or FALSE. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write “T’ if the statement is true; write “F” is the
statement is false.
______1. An African American man named Paul accompanied Jacob Fowler on his expedition into what
later became Indian Territory.
______2. The painter George Catlin reported that he did not see a single African American woman or man
on his travels.
______3. There were often bad feelings between African Americans and Indians.
______4. Often Indians were hired to catch runaway slaves.
______5. Throughout the Civil War, the Union Army refused to accept African American recruits.
______6. In 1866, the United States Congress passed an act providing for six African American regiments
in the regular United States Army.
______7. General George Custer was one of those who refused to serve as an officer for the African Ameri
can regiments.
______8. The first African American man to graduate from West Paint served with the 10th Calvary, which
served in Indian Territory.
______9. Even before the Civil War, African Americans in Indian Territory were, mostly , free men.
______10. Bill Pickett, the famous African American rodeo performer, invented the sport of bulldogging.
______11. Pickett’s way of throwing the calves is still being used by rodeo cowboys today.
______12. None of the trail crews on cattle drives had African American cowboys among their crews.
______13. Buffalo soldiers helped to patrol the Unassigned Lands and to keep Sooners out of the lands that
were to be opened for settlement.
______14. Ike Rogers and Bass Reeves were famous blade outlaws.
______15. Edward McCabe opposed those African American leaders who wanted to establish a African
American state.
______16. The first bill that came before the Oklahoma Senate was a “Jim Crow” measure that segregated
the races in transportation.
______17. Even though the races were segregated, African American teachers were paid as much as whites
and African American schools received as much money as did the white schools.
______18. Governor Haskell’s legislation called the “Grandfather Clause” was designed to deny voting
privileges to African American citizens.
______19. State leaders did not cease their efforts to deny voting rights to African American citizens until
after World War II.
______20. By 1970, nearly 80% of Oklahoma’s African American citizens still lived on small rural farms.
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______21. A prominent African American leader who helped the NAACP to develop as a major force
against discrimination was Roscoe Dunjee, editor of the Black Dispatch.
______22. Dunjee was respected by both African American and white communities.
______23. “Alfalfa Bill” Murray was Roscoe Dunjee’s supporter and friend.
______24. African Americans were allowed to serve on juries from the time of statehood.
______25. The lunch counter sit-ins stopped when Katz Drug Store ended discrimination at their lunch counters.
______26. The Ada Lois Sipuel case broke the barriers of discrimination against African Americans in
higher education in Oklahoma.
______27. In 1963, Federal Judge Luther Bohanon ruled that the Oklahoma City Public Schools were in
full compliance with the requirements of school integration.
______28. Public school integration in Oklahoma began right after World War II.
______29. Hannah Atkins introduced legislation to require immunization for children entering Oklahoma
public schools.
______30. The first African American man to be elected to the Oklahoma senate was E. Melvin Porter.
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I. TRUE or FALSE. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write “T’ if the statement is true; write “F” is
the statement is false.
1. Many pioneer women had to educate their own children at home.
2. Education and religion were important to the pioneer woman.
3. Kate Barnard was one of the first women in the nation elected to a state office.
4. When Kate took office, Oklahoma was boarding its prisoners in Kansas.
5. The Oklahoma State Prison at McAlester was a model prison when it was built.
6. Kate lost her power and retired from her position when she tried to keep Indian orphans from being
cheated of their inheritances.
7. The African American children who took part in the Civil Rights “sit-ins” in Oklahoma City had had
no training in non-violent protests.
8. The young protesters were led by Mrs. Clara Luper.
9. The first sit-ins took place at the John A. Brown lunch counter in downtown Oklahoma City.
10. The John A. Brown Store was the first of the downtown stores to end discrimination in public
11. A boycott of downtown businesses by African American citizens was ineffective.
12. In the late 1960’s, five of the most famous ballerinas in the world were Indian women from
13. Yvonne Chouteau is the direct descendant of Jean Pierre Chouteau.
14. Of the five Indian ballerinas, Maria Tallchief has maintained the closest ties with Oklahoma.
15. The coach with the best “win-loss” record in any sport in the nation is Mrs. Bertha Frank Teague,
former girls’ basketball coach in Byng, Oklahoma.
16. Mrs. Teague influenced changes in the rules for girls’ basketball that greatly improved the speed and
quality of the game.
17. In 1920, Alice Mary Robertson was elected to the United States Senate from Oklahoma.
18. The first African American woman elected to serve in the Oklahoma legislature was Mrs. Hannah
19. The first woman to serve as a justice on Oklahoma’s Supreme Court is Alma Wilson from Pauls
Valley, Oklahoma.
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20. The first woman to preside over the United States House of Representatives was Representative
Hannah Atkins of Oklahoma City.
21. Since Mrs. Alma Wilson’s appointment to the State Supreme Court, no other woman has been
appointed to the court.
22. Mrs. Clara Waters became the first woman in the United States to serve as a warden of a penitentiary.
23. Mrs. Waters served as warden of the state prison in McAlester.
24. Mrs. Waters was appointed to her position by Governor William H. “Alfalfa Bill” Murray.
25. When Wilma Mankiller was elected chief of the Cherokee Nation, she was the first woman ever to
serve as a chief of an Indian tribe.
26. Chief Mankiller has been named by national magazines as one of the most admired women of
modern times.
27. Perhaps Oklahoma’s most recognized woman in national politics is Mrs. Jeane Kirkpatrick from
Duncan, Oklahoma.
28. Dr. Kirkpatrick has served her country as Ambassador to the United Nations.
29. Dr. Kirkpatrick has held the highest office ever held by a woman from Oklahoma.
30. When Hannah Atkins was named Oklahoma Secretary of State, she was the first African American
woman to serve in that position, and she was replacing Jeannette Edmondson, who was the first woman of
any race to serve as Secretary of State for Oklahoma.
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I. TRUE or FALSE. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write ‘T’ if the statement is true; write “F” is
the statement is false.
1. The major inflow of European settlers occurred before Oklahoma Territory was opened to white settle
ment in 1889.
2. The largest groups of land-seeking immigrants to come to Oklahoma were German in culture and
3. The German people who came from the Volga River area in Russia were fishermen.
4. Most of the German immigrants came directly to Oklahoma from various European sites because they
heard about the land runs.
5. Most of the Mennonite immigrants settled in north-central counties of Oklahoma.
6. Polish immigrants were mostly miners who came into the Choctaw Nation in the early 1870’s.
7. Many Czech settlers were ‘Sooners” who lost land claims because of hasty actions.
8. Among the first settlers to come to Oklahoma were trappers from England, who settled near the
trading posts at Fort Gibson.
9. Many Irishmen came into Oklahoma to work on the railroads.
10. In comparison with the other groups of immigrants, Italians were numerous.
11. Italians settled in the McAlester and Krebs areas.
12. During the 1920’s, Jewish immigrants who had come to the area for religious reasons found
themselves victims of persecution by the Ku Klux Klan.
13. The latest inflow of immigrants into Oklahoma brought people from Asia to the state.
14. Many Mexicans lived in Oklahoma long before Oklahoma became a state.
15. The railroads brought the first large inflow of Mexican immigrants.
16. Mexican immigrants have kept their character, language, and culture in their homes.
17. Mexican-Americans were the nation’s most highly decorated ethnic minority during World War II.
18. Many of the Ethnic groups have found profitable sources of income in restaurants that specialize in
ethnic foods.
19. Of all people living in Oklahoma, only the members of the Five Civilized Indian Tribes can claim to
be indigenous.
20. Many African American citizens came into Oklahoma during the Indian Removals.
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II. MAP. On the map of Oklahoma below, use the following color code and color in the counties settled by
immigrants from Europe.
Green - English Trappers
Blue - Italians
Yellow - Czechs
Pink - Mennonites
Orange - Poles
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I. TRUE or FALSE. In the blank to the left of each statement below, write “T” if the statement is true; write “F” is
the statement is false.
_____ 1. According to the United States Patent Office, Oklahoma ranks very high among the states in number
of inventions.
_____ 2. Sylvan Goldman invented both the shopping cart and the parking meter.
_____ 3. The automatic wire tier for hay balers was invented by Earl Burford from Garvin County.
_____ 4. Like most other states, Oklahoma has passed legislation providing incentives for inventors.
_____ 5. Burford ti`ers are used today on bags for bakery products and for other foods.
_____ 6. The “Predictor” is a medical invention that predicts which patient will get cancer.
_____ 7. The Predictor was invented by Dr. David Albert, who is a distant relative of former Speaker of the
House Carl Albert.
_____ 8. Wiley Post invented the world’s first pressure suit.
_____ 9. The first pressure suit is the basic design of pressurized suits worn by astronauts today
_____ 10. Phillips Petroleum Company, through its Research and Development Department, is responsible for
numerous patents on inventions.
II. Use the space below and the back of this page to identify what you believe to be a great need of people today;
then tell what kind of invention is needed to meet that need. Tell how such an invention could be made.
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I. DIRECTIONS. Write a sentence identification of each of the Native Americans listed below. In the sentence,
give the major area of success accomplished by the Native American.
1. Ann Shadlow ____________________________________________________________________
2. Harvey Pratt____________________________________________________________________
3. Hal Muldrow____________________________________________________________________
4. M. Scott Momoday_________________________________________________________________
5. LaDonna Harris____________________________________________________________________
6. Charles Pratt____________________________________________________________________
7. Ernest Childers____________________________________________________________________
8. Allie Reynolds____________________________________________________________________
9. Bert Seaborn____________________________________________________________________
10. Enoch Kelly Haney__________________________________________________________________
11. Alice Brown Davis_________________________________________________________________
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12. Napoleon B. Johnson_______________________________________________________________
14. Muriel Wright____________________________________________________________________
15. Jim Thorpe
II. DIRECTIONS. Select a Native American whom you most admire, either from this article, textbook or a library
source. Write a brief biographical sketch of that person in the space below. Include within the sketch why you
admire this person.
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