
Vocabulary List 3, “A Global Analysis of Culture” by Alex Thio, pp. 80-83
Academic Writing, Pool 4
Write one sentence with each word below.
-Use the word with the definition given below.
-Write your sentences on another piece of paper.
Bonanza n. source of sudden wealth or luck
Dissident n. people who disagree with or rebel against the political structure of their country
Kowtowing n. being overly respectful or attentive
Taboo n. something forbidden by society
Means n. strategies, ways
Norm n. socially acceptable behavior
Gusto n. enthusiastic enjoyment
Repugnant adj. distasteful, very unpleasant
Aesthetic adj. relating to beauty and art
Suppress v. put an end to or stop
Cease v. stop, discontinue
Strain v. to put pressure on
Pursue v. to follow
Constitute v. (formal) if several parts constitute something, they form it together
Relish v. enjoy