25 - Len Winfield Ministries


Tuesday Topic – Explanations in a nutshell!

A weekly help through the scriptures


God created all things (the entire universe) as originally very good, and He did so to bring glory to Himself

God created the universe out of nothing (ie He did not use any existing material) – the Bible teaches this, Genesis 1:1; Psalms 33:6,9; John 1:3; Acts

4:24 and Revelation 4:11. From these scriptures we can also see that God existed before anything was created, and that uniquely God was not created;

God has always existed. As God created the entire universe out of nothing it follows that there is no physical matter that is eternal in its nature – see Psalm

90:2. If we were to consider that God did not create all things out of nothing, we would have to acknowledge that some physical matter has eternally existed.

This would challenge God’s supreme position of sovereignty, and the fact that worship is due to Him alone. If God did not make all things, then logically something did, and thus God’s sovereignty would no longer exist and be paramount. The Bible consistently teaches God’s sovereign attributes.

There is a spiritual universe as well – the entire universe consists of the unseen spiritual realm as well. We read of the creation of heaven, the angels and other kinds of heavenly beings – Acts 4:24 and Revelation 10:6. Nehemiah speaks of the heavenly beings worshipping God (Nehemiah 9:6) using the word ‘host’ to describe the worshipping angels – see also Psalms 103:21 and 148:2. Paul in writing to the Colossians goes further in covering every aspect of God’s creation

– Colossians 1:16 – and here we are clear to the extent of God’s handiwork.

The creation of humanity – In Genesis 2:7 we read of God’s life being infused into His special creation Adam, formed by the hand of God from the material of the Earth. The connection between God, Man and the physical realm is thus presented. Eve too was created as a complimentary partner to Adam (Genesis

2:21-22) God having told Adam of what He had done (Genesis 2:23). The Biblical account of the act of creation of Adam seems to preclude any stages of development. Eve had no female parent; she too was made by God as a finished work (see 1 Corinthians 11:8-9). Importantly, in contrast to the created animals,

Adam and Eve were uniquely created in ‘God’s image’ (Genesis 1:27). Their position was distinct from, though related to, the rest of creation.

Scripture to meditate upon – Genesis 1:31

‘And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.’

Len Winfield Tuesday 25th October 2011 Medway Christian Fellowship
