Reaction Paper 3


Reaction Paper 3- A Reconceptualization of Learning Disabilities via a Self-Organizing

Systems Paradigm & The Connection Between Social-Emotional an Learning Disabilities

Movie: Understanding Disabilities

Jinnifer Maust

SPE 550 2/8/2010

Of the reading we have done thus far, I had a hard time with the one from David

Zera but I really enjoyed the one by Maurice Elias. I whole-heartedly agree with the fact that many of the students with learning disabilities have difficulties with social relationships. I notice this even more prevalently in my student with autism. I think that it is beneficial where I work that they do ability grouping only for the fact that students feel more accepted within the group of peers that they are with every day. But generally speaking, I agree that these LD students tend to not be accepted by their non-disabled peers and display shortcomings in the way that they interact with peers and adults. I do see this more in older students, (3 rd

grade and above) and I think it is when a student has an ability that really impacts their life. Language impairment, as stated in the reading, is another one that I really see affecting student’s social interactions. I was very interested in the SEL principals that promote social and emotional learning. We are constantly trying to teach our students the importance of respect and responsibility and this is an idea that can work for both regular and special educators.

I noticed in both articles, the focus on Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD). According to Zera, NLD is a syndrome and students with NLD may exhibit a very different pattern of dysfunction. I think that this can include social communication such as difficulty comprehending nonverbal communication as well as adjusting to social situations. This makes me think of a student who I have to be very literal with because he has no idea how to distinguish between kidding and joking. I think that the SEL skills would be very

beneficial to many of my students (especially my student with autism). I think of him not being able to regulate and manage his emotions, especially anger and hope that I can use some of the things I have read to help me in my classroom. I am going to copy the

“ANGER THERMOMETER” to use with him. I also think that recognizing his strengths will be powerful as well. He takes a lot of pride in doing things well. I know that he will take pride in making contributions in any way he can to our classroom. I thought the accommodations such as having consistent order and structure in the classroom and offering immediate feedback in a firm and caring way were very important parts of this article as well. I gained a lot of useful information from the Elias article. It will definitely go in my easy to access collection.

After finally finding and watching the video I realized I would like my colleagues and even parents of special needs students to also watch it just for the purpose of helping explain IEP’S and how we need to keep in mind that these students have a special way of learning. And I think that I noticed something that I wish that other teachers would notice, just because a student has been identified in an area such as math for example, does not mean they will be qualified in all areas. They may be a great reader And soar in

Social Studies. We can’t label them across the board.
