Disclaimer - Midwest Home Sellers

Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. has no affiliation with any real estate mortgage company or organization whatsoever. Midwest
Home Sellers, Inc. does not offer advice in pricing your home or any other information regarding the sale of your home.
Valuations of property, tax considerations and legal advice should be obtained from qualified professionals and any
information provided by Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. shall not substitute as such. Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. is strictly an
Internet advertising tool provided to “For Sale By Owner” homeowners (hereinafter referred to as “Sellers”).
Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. is not responsible for any inaccurate listings on the website. It is the Seller’s responsibility to
review their advertisement after it has been posted on the website and let Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. know of any
inaccuracies or errors entered by us immediately. We agree to correct these inaccuracies or errors within a reasonable time
of being notified.
A. Upon signing the agreement to advertise with Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. the Seller shall:
1) Complete a spec sheet. This is how Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. receives all information listed on the website
for the Seller
2) The Seller agrees that Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. reserves the right to assess a $10 dollar charge if the sign
is not returned in the same condition.
3) Place our advertisement sign in your yard. The location of the sign is the seller’s responsibility and must be in
compliance with state and local zoning regulations and the covenants or easements of the real estate.
4) Inform Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. when the home has been sold or a sale is pending.
B. Responsibilities of Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. are as follows:
1) Come to your property and take up to 10 pictures of your house. (Each picture the seller requests after the
10th picture will cost $3 per picture). You are responsible for what pictures you want taken. Our employees
may make suggestions; however, the final decision with respect to the photographs taken is the Sellers.
Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. makes no representations regarding the quality of the photographs and no
unreasonable photo requests will be honored.
2) Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. agrees to place your advertisement on the website once all necessary information
has been received. Necessary information means, the spec sheet filled out and in our hands and the
appropriate dollar amount for the pricing package you choose. In order for your property to be live on our site
by Saturday of the week we make our home visit, all necessary information must be received by Wednesday
of that week. Reasons for this is to allow us adequate time to guarantee all information for each customer is
correct and displays their property in the appropriate manner.
3) We agree to retrieve our sign within a week once your property has been sold or you no longer wish to
advertise on our website. In the event Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. determines the sign has been damaged or
stolen a $10 dollar charge will be assessed, we will provide written documentation of the reasons therefore.
Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. also reserves the right to refuse to list or advertise a home which does not properly represent our
website. Midwest Home Sellers, Inc. does not offer any refunds. Our operating expenses occur within the first five days of
listing the property and for this reason there will be absolutely no refunds.
Please select from one of the following price options:
30 Day Package: $195
60 Day Package: $215
Unlimited Package: $235
30 Day Renewal Package: $45
Cash _____
Check No. ______
By signing this contract to advertise your property on our site, you agree to all terms and conditions listed above.
Limit of Liability - Due to the nature of the service we are providing, it is difficult to foresee or determine (at the time this
agreement is formed) potential damages in event of negligence or breach of this agreement by us. Thus, if we fail to perform
the service as provided herein or are careless or negligent in the performance of the service, our liability for any and all
claims related thereto is limited to the fee paid for the service, and you release us from any and all additional liability. It is
agreed that such damage amount is reasonable. There will be no recovery for consequential damages.
We further make no guarantees or warranties with respect the success of the service.
Dated this ____ day of ____________________, 2014.
Midwest Home Sellers, Inc.,
Seller’s Signature
By: _______________________________