
Princeton Regional Schools
Mathematics Department, Princeton High School
151 Moore Street - Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: (609) 806-4280 Fax: (609) 806-4281
June 2nd, 2011
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I’d like to introduce myself and welcome you to a new school year!
My name is Graciela Elia, and I teach AP Statistics. I have taught this class for
nine years and have to come appreciate the strong capabilities of the Princeton High
School students.
The classes are hands-on oriented located in the math computer lab. The students
will use computers, graphing calculators and apply math concepts in every day use and
language. Homework assignments will be listed daily on the PHS website where students
and parents can check to ensure homework requirements are fulfilled. On this website
there are lesson reviews, guidelines on how to use graphing calculators and the use of
MINITAB, a statistical software.
At Back to School Night, I will review the grading policy (which is also listed on
the website and the student handbook), quarterly assessments, and teaching approaches.
My e-mail address is graciela_elia@monet.prs.k12.nj.us. I would appreciate you
sending me your e-mail address so I might contact you, in a timely way, about the class,
your son’s or daughter’s progress, and carry on a dialogue that may be difficult to have in
School begins on Tuesday, September 8th, 2011. Your son or daughter already
has received a list of items needed for class and their summer assignment which is due on
September 1st, 2011. I have included in this information packet an estimated time table of
assessments, the AP Exam, final exam and final project. Please, take a moment to review
this information with your son or daughter and sign in the appropriate space.
Sincerely yours,
Graciela Elia
… a place for learning
Princeton Regional Schools
Mathematics Department, Princeton High School
151 Moore Street - Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: (609) 806-4280 Fax: (609) 806-4281
June 2nd, 2011
Dear AP Stat student,
This is a brief letter to introduce myself as next year’s AP Statistics teacher. I
have been teaching this class for several years now. The class is packed with work
and activities. We use technology, calculators and computers, to develop and learn
statistical concepts. The material is not difficult at first but towards the middle it
becomes challenging. However, if you keep up with the assignments, you will not
have any problems learning advanced statistical skills. The first eight months of
school, we work at a fast pace to be able to cover 14 chapters. I have outlined an
estimated time table of chapters and related assessments. As we go through the
year, these dates most likely will change. I would like to remind you of the summer
assignment. This assignment is due at PHS September 1st. The summer assignment
test is on September 13th. There will be a box in guidance where you can drop it
off. I suggest you email me when you do. If you have any questions in general or
about a specific problem, email me right away. If you are not able to drop your
work off because you are away, you must bring it to PHS earlier or make
arrangements so it will be on time. No late assignments will be accepted. You have
the whole summer to work on these problems.
Summer Assignment
1. Read chapter 1.
2. Do all problems 1 thru 73. Include sketch of your graphs and show ALL
3. You need a calculator. Either the TI-83 or TI-89 is good for this
4. Check the website for updates,
5. If you have any questions or want to discuss topics, email me at
6. Send me an email so I can your email address.
Student Name: ___________________
Student signature: ________________ Date: ________
Parent signature: _________________ Date: _________
School year 2011-2012
Due Date
September 1st
September 14th
September 22nd
October 6th
October 18th
October 31st
November 9th
November 17th
December 5th
December 13th
December 22nd
January 31st
February 10th
February 24th
March 12th
March 26th
April – May
May 16th
May 22nd
May 30th
June 4th
June 5th
June 6th
Chapter 1 Assignments
Chapter 1 Test
Probability Test
Chapter 2 Test
Chapter 3 Test
Chapter 4 Test
Chapter 5 Test
Chapter 6 Test
Chapter 7 Test
Chapter 8 Test
Chapter 9 Test
Chapter 10 Test
Chapter 11 Test
Chapter 12 Test
Chapter 13 Test
Chapter 14 Test
AP Exam Review
AP Exam / Content Test
Project Proposal
Final Exam
Project Write-up
Project Completion
Project presentations start
Have a great summer and I will see you in September.
Mrs. Elia