Autumn 2011 Newsletter - Epsom and Ewell Town Twinning

Autumn Newsletter 2011 (no 43)
Chairman’s report
At the AGM on 21st June it was agreed that I would take over from Mary Talbot as
Chair of the Town-Twinning Association. Mary has been a tireless worker on behalf of
twinning, and under her stewardship twinning contacts have flourished. She will be a
hard act to follow!
The AGM was well attended with 26 members coming along, including some new faces
and others returning after an absence. It was particularly welcome to see former chair
Diana Deavin back in the fold. She will be an invaluable ‘re-addition’ to the committee,
and has kindly agreed to become our Liaison Officer, strengthening ties with Chantilly.
I am also fortunate to have Anne and Margaret to guide me in my new role!
We were also pleased to welcome Cllr Judith Glover who, along with myself, will be the
Council’s representative on the Twinning committee. She takes over from Jonathan
Reed, who has stepped down as a Councillor after over 20 years, and who had a lengthy
involvement with twinning. His contribution will be missed.
The coming year ahead promises many twinning contacts, which will be detailed in this
newsletter, and we are looking forward to taking part in the Christmas market among
other things in Chantilly. There will also be many events here in Epsom, and the French
conversation classes go from strength to strength.
The Cheese and Wine party which is usually before Christmas will now take place early
in the New Year, as a result of work taking place in the Town Hall Atrium. I look
forward to seeing many of you then.
Clive Woodbridge, Committee Chair
Chantilly Race on the cards
Twinning Chair, Clive Woodbridge, and committee member Betty Emery, were well
looked after by Epsom racecourse when they were asked to present a prize and trophy
to the winning owner and jockey of the Chantilly Race, held at the Bank Holiday race
meeting on August 29th. The race was won by Orientalist, ridden by TP Quealy and
owned by Eden Racing.
Clive and Betty also presented a prize to the lad of the best-turned-out horse before
the race.
The racecourse has confirmed that the Chantilly race next year will feature on Bank
holiday Monday 27th August 2012. With this advance notice we are hopeful that
representatives from Chantilly will be able to attend.
Clive Woodbridge, Twinning Chair
Les Journees du Patrimoine a Calais
Les Journées du Patrimoine are the French equivalent of our Heritage Days. They were
held throughout France, this year, during the weekend of 17th-18th September. This
year we returned to Calais largely because it is easily reached by ferry from Dover.
Although I prefer Normandy the ferry services from Portsmouth do not give very long
for a day visit to France.
To say that some showers were “prolonged” and “intense” was an understatement. Our
day in Calais started by escorting an English family to the bus stop where the frequent
free bus service (Le Baladin) conveniently carries people through the town centre. To
escape the rain we decided to visit the Town Hall again. This time there were no
welcoming posters etc. An official told us the Town Hall was only open for marriage
ceremonies. Obviously lunch was a better option.
After lunch we bought a local paper in which the heritage buildings were advertised.
This also proved less than reliable because although the Lighthouse was featured,
clearly it was closed. We opted for the Museum dedicated to World War II in Calais,
situated in an old bunker in the middle of the park opposite the Town Hall. Crowds were
flooding in and we joined them. Normally there is a charge but being heritage weekend
it was free. The museum really brought to life the suffering of the population of Calais
during the German occupation.
One problem with day trip visits to France is the increasing length of time the ferry
companies require for “check in” security clearance etc. However one aspect of
international travel is the ability to unite the world in adversity. We helped two
distraught American ladies to find the station at Dover Priory, and seats on the correct
train to St Pancras (there being no-one from the railway company present). Not quite
the day we had planned in Calais, but we enjoyed it nevertheless.
Peter Hardy, Committee member
A warm welcome at our Twinning dinners
Our Twinning dinners continue to be popular, with a variety of menus to tempt the
discerning palate. In June we had an inside barbeque at South Hatch, as the weather
was chilly. However, the conversation was warm, and during the evening we were able to
welcome two new members.
The Canopy was the setting for our September meal. We were welcomed by Sean and
Joyce who produced a delicious menu for us as always.
Our next meal will be at The Chalk Lane Hotel which we visited last February. We will
have a private room for the event, so it easier to make announcements and to speak in
French if you wish. They have a French chef who will be creating a meal especially for
us, so keep the 6th December free for our Christmas dinner! Details and menu will be
sent out soon.
If you have not yet attended one of our dinners, please do join us. You will be sure of a
warm welcome. If you have a favourite restaurant that you would like us to visit please
let me know.
Anne Richardson, Membership Secretary
Epsom & Ewell Model Railway Club
Festival de Modèlisme in Chantilly
This event, arranged by the model railway club in Chantilly, over the weekend of
15th/16th October 2011, included two model railways built by members of the Epsom and
Ewell Twinning Association. Frank Warren took his 4mm. scale railway “Coombe Wharf”
whilst I took “Bridlington Quay”, a model in 7mm. scale (1:43). Although these two
railways differed in scale and character both had one common feature; like all serious
model railways they were constructed by hand, to represent the prototype. Such
railways cannot be purchased “off the shelf” but represent years of painstaking
research and development.
We were of course accompanied by other members of the Twinning Association, Brian
Angus, Michael Ball and Trevor Taylor. At the outset the limiting factor for each party
was the space available in the appropriate vehicles. “Bridlington Quay” can only just be
accommodated in my VW hatchback leaving little room for passengers and luggage.
From what I saw of Frank’s vehicle the same applied to “Coombe Wharf”.
Whilst Trevor and I travelled at leisure, by ferry, staying overnight on the preceding
Thursday in St. Valery sur Somme, Frank, Michael and Brian elected for a more direct
journey via the Channel Tunnel. However we all arrived safely in Chantilly on Friday, to
be welcomed by Jacky Noel, Philippe Fontaines, and the Chantilly model railway club.
After assembling our exhibits in a huge sports hall close to the Avenue Joffre, we
retired to our respective accommodation, arranged by the railway club; Brian, Frank
and Michael at the Hotel Campanile, whilst Trevor and I stayed with Chantilly twinning
association members Henri and Anne Marie Hurlin at their lovely home in Gouvieux.
One objective was to improve our French whilst Henri sought to improve his English.
We were made very welcome indeed and enjoyed a fantastic weekend.
M. Eric Woerth talking with Brian Angus, Frank Warren and Michael Ball at the Epsom stand.
The weather throughout the weekend was excellent, sunny but not particularly warm. A
large number of visitors attended the exhibition which included beautiful collections of
model boats, aircraft, fire engines, and even dolls houses. We were “attacked” by a huge
radio controlled model tank, and a massive “camion” patrolled the “ailes”. It was possible
to buy everything connected with the modelling hobbies. Among the visitors were
enthusiastic twinning supporter Peter Brandt, and Eric Woerth, Mayor of Chantilly.
M Woerth and Brian Angus at the Epsom model railway exhibit.
The French public seemed very interested in our exhibits and techniques which differed
widely from those popular on the continent. Much of our time was spent explaining what
we were trying to achieve. It was hard work, on our feet, literally, all day so we were
delighted to relax at the formal meal arranged for exhibitors on Saturday evening.
The whole exhibition was more or less dismantled in an hour on Sunday evening and it
was time to say “au revoir” to our friends in France. With the Epsom and Ewell Model
Railway Club exhibition booked for April 2012, we hope to see members from Chantilly
there, and I intend to maintain contact with Henri and Anne-Marie.
In conclusion, a highly successful twinning occasion.
Peter Hardy, Committee member
Les Soirées françaises
Our French conversation evenings are proving to be very popular. We have many
members who enjoy practising their French in sympathetic surroundings. We are a mix
of abilities and will be happy to hear of others who would like to join us. Our latest
meetings have included discussions of topics from French newspapers, a film with
Johnny Hallyday - L’homme du Train, completing a French crossword, singing a French
song, and listening to and reading articles from La Vie Outre-Manche.
Our next Soirée française will be held at Margaret’s house at 18 The Ridings, Downs
Road, Epsom KT185JJ on Monday 7th November at 7.30pm. As usual there will be a small
charge of £3 to cover the cost of wine and nibbles. Please let her know beforehand tel.
01372 209704 if you intend to come. We would be grateful if members could offer to
host one of these evenings. Please let us know if you might lead a discussion, or would
like to borrow a copy of La Vie Outre-Manche and CD to practice between meetings.
One of our members, Janet Shiret, is proposing to start a small group conversation
class for those who would like a boost to their confidence in speaking French.
Janet writes: Do you love French but find it difficult to put a sentence together? Do
you lack the confidence to speak because you don't want to make a mistake? If so,
Janet would like to invite six people to come to a Christmas Conversation Evening on
Tuesday 13th December from 8.00pm onwards. Tea and biscuits will be provided.
Please ring 01372 721199 if you are interested. This session is only intended for those
with a limited amount of French.
Anne Richardson, Membership secretary
Christmas Market
We have already begun planning for this event which will take place on 10th-11th
December. We have had some volunteers to help on the stall, but would be happy to
hear from anyone who would like to join us. The more people come, the more free time
you will get to buy your last minute presents, visit the other stalls, take a walk to the
Chateau or even have a cup of tea in the English shop! This is a memorable weekend
which gives us a chance to tell the people of Chantilly more about Epsom.
We will be taking the usual mince pies and Christmas puddings, and English cheeses, but
would also like to take other local produce. Does anyone out there enjoy making
Christmas cake, marmalade, or crafts which we could sell? Those of you who cannot
come but would like to contribute to the cause could make mince pies, Christmas
puddings or donate some crackers. Costs can be reimbursed. I will begin the puddings
soon and any volunteers who would like to help stir up the mixture will be welcome!
Anne Richardson, Membership Secretary
Sponsalia Chamber Choir
Sponsalia Chamber Choir is pleased to report that they are exploring two exciting new
choral ventures for 2012. We have been invited to attend the second Festival du Chant
Choral 2012 to be hosted by Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgium 12 – 13 May. The proposed
format will be an evening concert on Saturday followed by a reception for all the choirs
to meet socially, and an afternoon concert on Sunday. We have confirmed our
participation, and will begin rehearsals in the New Year to prepare a varied 20-minute
programme of choral music for each concert.
We are also supporting a planned Combined Choirs of Epsom event, to be staged at the
Duchess Stand, Epsom Racecourse. This is planned to take place either in late July or
September 2012. The event will be open to the public and the organising committee are
currently in discussion regarding the format of the event. At the moment we have 4
Epsom-based choirs participating, and are looking to send an invitation to Chantilly for
one of their town choirs to join us. We are pleased to have secured significant support
from both the Racecourse and the Borough Council. More information in Spring 2012.
Janee Foxon , Chair, Sponsalia Chamber Choir
News from Chantilly - October 2011
Des graffitis qui dégradent l’image de notre ville
Graffiti is on the increase in Chantilly. In 2003 the town issued a regulation that all
buildings visible from the public highway must be graffiti free.
In typically French fashion owners who have suffered from tagging, have the
responsibility to remove it. The town has its own Technical Services Department
(pictured above) who are available for 126 € an hour or an independent company can be
brought in. Furthermore residents are encouraged to make a formal complaint to the
Chantilly Gendarmerie, who recently have been able to identify several perpetrators
degrading public and private buildings.
"Bonjour facteur"
In the summer Chantilly was the second town in the Oise, after Beauvais that put in
place a monitoring service in partnership with the Post. This service, which ran in July
and August, was aimed at vulnerable people who lived alone. Therefore, 2 days a week,
the postman or postwoman who would normally deliver the post, carried out a visit to
those people who had subscribed. They assured themselves of their well-being and their
physical presence. Any problems or at the specific request of the person visited social
services could be brought in. Social services could then take control, call in the family or
designated contact people or call in emergency help. This service is entirely free and
supported by social services.
La "Carte Jeunes Cantiliens" 2011-2012 est disponible !
There is a new card available for the young people of Chantilly, designed by the town as
a tool to support the autonomy of its young people. This innovation was brought in
because the town knows that support for young people is necessary to build the
Chantilly of tomorrow. It was launched at the September Forum for the town’s
associations. There are 2 cinema tickets, 2 swimming tickets and 2 horse racing tickets
as well as other incentives with retailers, associations and partners of the town hall
included in the price of 10 €. Surely a bargain? If you are interested then
Renseignements au service Jeunesse 03 44 62 70 53.
Le timbre "Dentelle de Chantilly”
The French Post has issued a Chantilly Lace stamp, one of a series of 4 dedicated to
French lace towns. After decades of oblivion Chantilly is recognised as a lace town as
are Calais, Alencon and Le Puy. Showing a real pattern of Chantilly, this is a rare stamp
for stamp collectors, lace lovers or Cantiliens proud of their heritage. On sale 8 th - 9th
October at the Heritage Museum and thereafter at the tourist office. Office de
tourisme, 60 avenue Joffre - Tél. : 03 44 67 37 37.
As a round up of the things going on in Chantilly in their associations and
societies: Richesses du Japon are offering Shin-Bojutsu, Shintaido classes. Trial
classes are available free of charge Renseignements : Pascale Vizioz, 03 44 58
20 27 ou
Salsa classes are available in the Halle des Bourgognes.
Judo Club de Chantilly has 80 graduates and welcomes adults and children from
the age of 6. Renseignement, contacter Martial Charlette au 03 44 57 81 47
Chantilly Triathlon are coming to Hever Castle in England to take part in the
Castle Triathlon Series. They have taken part in about 20 local and international
If you are interested in reading about this man, his rise to power and his fall from grace
and his retirement to Chantilly, the Great Stables and the Officers’ House:
Louis-Henri de Bourbon, prince de Condé
(Versailles, 1692 - Chantilly, 1740)
Then click here:
Alison Chatterton, Committee member
Calendar of Future Events
Thurs 3rd November
Monday 7th November
Tuesday 6th December
Sat 10th – Sun 11th December
‘Tuesday 13th December
Committee meeting at the Town Hall
Soiree francaise at 18 The Ridings
Members’ Christmas dinner at Chalk Lane
Christmas Market in Chantilly
Christmas conversation at Janet Shiret’s
……. January
……. February
……. March
....... April
Sat 12th – Sunday 13th May
Twinning Cheese and Wine Party
Soiree francaise at …….tba
Members’ dinner at ……. tba
Model Railway Exhibition at Nescot
Choirs Festival in Watermael-Boisfort
Committee for 2011/12
Cllr Clive Woodbridge – Chairman
Mr Brian Vandervilt - Treasurer
Mrs Margaret Nightingale – Secretary/ Newsletter Editor
Mrs Anne Richardson – Membership Secretary
Mrs Diana Deavin – Liaison Officer
Mrs Betty Emery
Mr Brian Angus
Mrs Alison Chatterton
Mr Cyril Frazer
Mr Peter Hardy
Mr Ron Thorley
0208 3932853
0208 3958996
01372 209704
01372 723698
01372 727382
01372 725027
0208 3931749
01372 811099
0208 3933628
01372 721148
01372 727592
Representatives of Local Groups supporting Twinning
Mr Geoffrey Stone – Epsom Protection Society
Mr Bill Henderson – Epsom Male Voice Choir
Mr Terry Maggs – Epsom Rotary
Mr Cyril Frazer – Epsom Rotary
Mrs Jill Preiss – Epsom Choral Society
Mr Frank Warren – Epsom Model Railway Club
Ms Janee Foxon – Sponsalia Chamber Choir