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Louis Burge
Sowk 300
Ms. McArther
Darden, E. C. (2009). The paddle problem. American school board journal,
196(1), 39-40. Retrieved from
According to Edwin C. Darden the U.S. Supreme Court denied the federal
appeal of an 18 year old student who was paddle for leaving the campus
for breakfast. While being paddled she sustained injuries to the hand and
butt and was taken to the hospital. Some would say that Corporal
punishment is connected to slavery and it’s morally wrong to hit a child in
school. The failure of the teacher is to blame not the student.
McCarthy, C. (2008). Better discipline! 5 traps to avoid. Parenting, 22(6), 114119. Retrieved from
Some common mistakes of parenting to avoid when disciplining a child:
avoid using suggestions from other parents on how to discipline a child;
find your own method that work for you and your child. Try not to get
caught in the moment release your anger on the child but don’t let wrong
doing go unheard. Effective parenting is being consistent with rule of the
house and not focusing on the bad but as well as the good.
Rosellini, L., & Mulrine, A. (98). When to spank. U.S. News & World Report,
124(14), 52. Retrieved from
An open-handed single swat to a child's clothed bottom is not the same
thing as a closed fist to the face, a humiliating experience of repeated
swats to a child's bare-bottom in public, or any other kind of discipline that
leaves a bruise. In this article child development specialist and child
advocacy agencies discuss ways of alternative methods of discipline and
the issue of why or way not if it’s beneficial to spank children.
Shute, N. (2008). A good parent's dilemma: is it bad to spank? U.S. News &
World Report, 144(18), 60-61. Retrieved from shute, Nancy (2008/6/23). A
good parent. u.s. news& world report, 144, Retrieved 1/28/2009, from
While there was a lot of evidence that spanking makes children do what
they are told in the very short term, it seems only to teach children not to
get caught. What it doesn’t do is teach them to do better. Spanking should
encompass a multitude of other alternatives: talking, removing activities
and toys, time outs etc. In many cases, it is not the spanking that has
caused the problems; however, it is the history of inadequate or ineffective
Clarke, M. (2008). Nobody deserves a good spanking. U.S. Catholic, 73(6), 2325. Retrieved from
Some may argue that spanking is wrong and that it doesn’t teach
anything, but many would disagree. We all know how important it is to
have obedient children. At times, their lives will depend on it. We also
understand that discipline is about much more than shaping a child's
behavior but to develop a child understanding of right and wrong when it’s
appropriately used. We should also model ourselves after God’s love and
perhaps we can start to build a better tomorrow starting with our children.
The extra Article:
Samuels, C. (2008). Corporal punishment. Education week, 28(1), 5. Retrieved