
PROJECT: CUF Engineering Services
PROJECT NO.: 100-080-040-3520-1900
This project provides for preparation of a Central Utility Facility (CUF) Strategic Development Plan,
Steam & Chilled Water Metering Design Project and Future Design Projects to be identified in the
Strategic Development Plan. The projects are located at the Central Utility Facility and the Civic
Center Campus in Santa Ana, California.
Jacobs will provide engineering utility master planning, energy modeling, economic analysis and
design services to create a CUF Strategic Development Plan to improve the efficiency, safety and
reliability of Civic Center Campus utility services. The circa-1968 original CUF building houses
boilers, chillers, absorbers, feed water systems, air compressors, cooling towers, electrical
substations and other critical utility infrastructure systems. In 2009 the CUF added two gas fired
turbine engines producing a total of 10.4 megawatts of electricity, generating up to 128,000 pounds
of steam and 7,000 tons of cooling. The CUF provides utility service on a 24 hour a day, 365 day
per year basis serving County and other City, State and Federal buildings in the Civic Center
This project will provide a thorough evaluation of CUF utility services and identify improvements and
upgrades aimed at providing the following benefits to the County, in order of priority:
Return on Investment (ROI)
Reliability and Safety
Code compliance and risk management
In addition to maximizing Cogen’s potential, it will be necessary to upgrade and maintain the CUF’s
aging and inefficient infrastructure originally constructed in 1968. Maintenance, repair and upgrades
have been completed to portions of the CUF’s system and to buildings served by the CUF in the
Civic Center Campus, but many of the systems remain inefficient and are no longer reliable when
operating in conjunction with the demands of the Cogen. CUF operations are threatened with
equipment failures, pipe ruptures and other problems due to the deteriorating condition of the older
equipment. The failure of any of the major systems at the CUF will impact services to the County,
City, State, and Federal buildings in the Civic Center Campus.
The design shall include but not be limited to the following:
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a) All necessary reports, designs, drawings, specifications, equipment and utility documents,
construction observation and administration necessary to complete the reports and design
and construction of these current and future projects.
b) All facility assessments, 10-year strategic development plan preparation, design of specific
projects and full construction documents necessary to obtain construction proposals
through the public works procurement process on each specific project.
c) Review of County energy efficiency plans (Navigant report) incorporation of
recommendations and findings as appropriate.
d) See additional attached pages for project specific design program
Various reports, existing documentation, and as-built plants of County facilities.
Services shall be in accordance with the latest County A-E Guide and Computer Aided Design
Guide and other State or federal energy requirements.
The design shall fully consider the conservation of energy and water as indicated in the A-E Guide
and shall meet the requirements of Title 24 of the California Administrative Code. Furthermore,
design(s) shall consider recommendations on energy efficiency systems and optimization of utility
The design shall meet all Federal, State, and County applicable codes, State criteria for the
physically handicapped, the requirements of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), requirements of
the State Department of Industrial Safety and local fire department regulations.
EIR Procedures: Prepare initial study report (if applicable).
Compliance with General Plan. (Verify with County or City as applicable.)
A-E shall review all drawings for inconsistencies, completion and constructability prior to the 100%
submittal to OCPW/OC Facilities/A&E Project Management, and County Building Regulation.
Any and all changes in plans due to County review shall be the responsibility of the A-E. Any and all
costs for design revisions shall be borne by the A-E, except for those changes made after approval
of design to proceed with next phase. Plans for review shall be full size sheets.
Coordinate design through the Project Manager of OCPW/OC Facilities Operations/Project
Not applicable
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The submission of all CAD data files, in order of preference, must be in AutoCad.
The media format must be recordable/rewritable compact discs compatible with the County data
system and approved in advance.
Documents prepared to permit construction within a budget to be specified by the County at the
time of bidding, between 2012 and 2021, depending on the project.
SDP Task 1 - Research and review existing CUF operations, facilities, equipment, operational
procedures, etc. Perform a facility assessment of CUF, Civic Center Campus buildings served by
CUF and potential new CUF customers.
a. Jacobs will initiate background research for the preparation of the Development Plan
by conducting field walkdowns of the CUF and connected facilities. Data gathering
activities within the CUF to include collection of equipment nameplate data (chillers,
boilers, cooling towers, combustion turbines, condensers, pumps, etc), review of
system connectivity within the plant (piping connections and control system interfaces),
review and comparison of system alignments within the plan for comparison to
available as-built documentation, and overall review of system age, condition and
operability for assessment of remaining useful life. Available service and maintenance
logs will be reviewed to assist with useful life determination. Existing CUF system
capacities (steam production, chilled water production, electrical generation) and
redundancies will be identified, along with operational limitations and restrictions.
Deliverables associated with this subtask will include an inventory list of
existing equipment (in Microsoft Excel format) as well as a list of planned
building upgrades.
b. Jacobs will conduct walkdowns of individual Civic Center Campus buildings connected
to the CUF to collect electrical and thermal utility-side equipment nameplate data,
review system connectivity within the building (how building utilities and controls
interface with CUF), review and compare system alignments within the plant for
comparison to available as-built documentation, and overall review of system age,
condition and operability for assessment of remaining useful life. Available service and
maintenance logs will be reviewed to assist with useful life determination. This
assessment will be limited to the utility systems serving the overall building from the
CUF (e.g. pressure reducing stations, heat exchangers, transformers and pumps
serving their respective steam, electrical and chilled water systems). Evaluation of
dedicated building service systems (e.g. air handler systems and ductwork, etc.) may
be evaluated as an additional service (detailed Section 18. Special Services, a.
Detailed Building Energy Modeling) if warranted to better understand and define
building operational limitations or deficiencies that may impose problems or
inefficiencies onto the CUF.
Deliverables associated with this subtask will include an inventory list of
existing equipment (in Microsoft Excel format) as well as a list of planned
building upgrades.
c. Jacobs will interview plant operators and staff in responsible charge of individual
building utilities to better understand operations, persistent problems and service
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limitations. Estimate includes two days of field time plus one additional day to
interview staff in charge of Civic Center Campus buildings. Total estimate for this
subtask not to exceed three days. The County will schedule and coordinate interviews
with responsible personnel. Interviews will be conducted in parallel with field activities
defined in subtasks a and b above.
d. Jacobs, with direction and assistance from the County, will identify potential future
customers that could be served by the CUF, and assess existing system alignments,
thermal utility production equipment and electrical utility services.
e. Jacobs will document known and/or calculated building loads (min and max steam
load, min and max chilled water load, min and max electrical demand) to assist with
analysis and modeling associated with evaluation of master plan improvement
alternatives. Where loads are not known or metering data does not exist, Jacobs will
work with the County to develop appropriate calculations based on available industry
data with similar facility function, construction and climate to develop reasonable
approximations of utility loads.
Task 1 activities will culminate with delivery of a utility system condition assessment
report, which will include major equipment inventory lists (featuring nameplate data,
age, capacity and other relevant data), descriptions of each utility system alignment,
connection and operation, descriptions of building services and operations and a list of
deficiencies and operational issues warranting immediate action. Report will also
capture institutional knowledge of systems and operations for documentation and
record keeping purposes. Report will be submitted in a “live” format, suitable for
revision and update through the life of the Strategic Development Plant and for future
refinement and update. Report to be included as a section within the overall Strategic
Development Plan report, and for use as a standalone utility system assessment
SDP Task 2 - Develop a CUF 10-year Strategic Development Plan to identify major projects
including cost estimates to provide for short and long-term infrastructure improvements to the
system. Identify benefits of each improvement to support and establish return on investment goals.
Improvements will: Demonstrate a reinvestment of energy savings back into the system
infrastructure; demonstrate how existing operating conditions of equipment and current capacities
impact operations; provide rationale for repair vs. replacement; provide cost analysis comparisons;
identify risks to safety and/or reliability; identify current code and ordinance compliance issues –
building and environmental; and provide life cycle cost estimates.
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a. Jacobs will develop a dynamic utility consumption model for the existing campus
connected facilities to serve as a baseline for current energy consumption and utility
demand. The model will be calibrated to closely match (within + 5% overall annual
consumption) the actual CUF system consumption and demand data as identified with
Task 1 activities. Modeling will be accomplished using Trane Trace 700 and other
analysis tools as appropriate, to identify the current utility system (chilled water, steam and
electrical) load profiles, and to identify capacity shortfalls that could emerge as new
services are provided for planned or existing facilities not currently connected to the CUF.
Modeling activities will specifically accomplish the following:
Verify existing chilled water system load profile, and identify improvements to add
capacity and/or improve reliability to meet existing cooling loads and support the
addition of other facilities (existing and/or future) for CUF chilled water service.
Verify existing steam system load profile and identify improvements to add
capacity and/or reliability to meet the existing steam demand and support the
addition of other facilities (existing and/or future) for CUF steam service.
Verify the existing electrical consumption and demand on the Civic Center
Campus, and evaluate the capacity of the existing electrical distribution system
for load flow and feeder ampacity (using SKM Tools software) to meet the current
electrical loads and support the addition of other County facilities (existing and/or
future) for CUF electrical service.
Deliverable will include a load model that accurately describes and simulates
operation of the CUF as connected to the Civic Center Campus. Model will be
depicted with output in form of a load profile graph for electrical, steam and
chilled water production in comparison to load over a given simulated year.
b. Jacobs will develop chilled water and steam distribution models using hydraulic modeling
software (AFT Fathom or Pipe2000) based on the configuration of the existing chilled
water and steam distribution system piping. Models be calibrated to match existing
operational data where available, creating a baseline scenario model. This baseline
model will evaluate the capacity of the piping systems to delivery the full capacity of CUF
utility production services to connected facilities. Potential future facility additions will also
be evaluated building from the baseline model to determine bottlenecks and operational
limitations that would require piping system upgrade or expansion.
Deliverable will include a distribution model that accurately describes and
simulates operation of the CUF thermal distribution utility systems. Model will be
depicted with mapped output of nodal piping systems with pipe size, flowrate,
velocity and pressure loss for each segment of the system.
c. Sustainability Analysis: Jacobs will identify and characterize improvement options with
respect to sustainability and carbon emissions. This activity will consider and define the
implementation of projects related to energy and water conservation as part of the overall
strategies presented for meeting the future utility needs of the Campus (e.g., recovery of
blowdown for water reuse on campus, use and/or optimization of plant efficiency
measures such as free cooling and heat recovery and utilization of low-carbon energy
Deliverables associated with this subtask include a list of preliminary
sustainability projects to be evaluated within the Strategic Development Plan.
d. Greenhouse Gas Evaluation: Jacobs will develop a CUF-utility related Greenhouse Gas
(GHG) Emissions Reduction Program Plan, evaluating individual CUF projects, associated
costs and schedules and their individual contribution to overall GHG emissions reduction
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Deliverables associated with this subtask include a list of preliminary projects
with GHG-reduction potential to be evaluated within the Strategic Development
e. Building upon the Task 1 condition assessment in conjunction with the previously
described production and distribution modeling and load analysis, Jacobs will work with
the County to identify potential CUF and campus improvement projects that will improve
the operational reliability and safety of provided utility services, increase efficiency of
operation or expand the service of the CUF to new facilities. This will identify necessary
repairs and upgrades to existing CUF services required to maintain this infrastructure in
modern condition and enable future campus service growth. Potential projects that will be
evaluated are anticipated to include, but are not limited to, the following:
Replace and install new steam and chilled water metering and communication
system between CUF and Civic Center Campus (design included with Phase 2
Services of this proposal).
Complete connection of steam from CUF to 300 and 320 North Flower Street
Demolish three un-used boilers in old CUF.
Replace and install new high/low steam headers.
Design new emergency boiler system.
Replace and install six new skid mounted primary loop chiller/absorber supply
pumps and all correlated electrical feed equipment and piping systems.
Replace four cooling towers and pumps.
Replace chillers and branch supply piping.
Replace Civic Center Campus chilled water lines.
Replace surface condensers.
Replace air compressors and dryers.
Reline condensate and clarifier tanks.
Replace deaerating tank and flash recovery system.
Replace emergency generator.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) upgrades.
Deliverables associated with this subtask include an updated list of preliminary projects to
be evaluated (draft 10-year project plant recommendation). This list will define the
projects that will be more fully evaluated within the Strategic Development Plan. Upon
County approval of this project list, Jacobs will proceed with detailed economic analysis
and cost estimating.
SDP Task 3 - Provide recommendations to balance CUF thermal capacity demands by identifying
usable outlets within Civic Center Campus (for County facilities currently partially served by the CUF
(e.g. served by electrical but not steam or chilled water service)).
a. Using the data and analysis from SDP Tasks 1 and 2, Jacobs will evaluate the current
steam and electrical demands on the campus, and identify potential improvement projects
or operational changes to provide an improved thermal load match from the cogeneration
system. Heat balance analysis will include potential addition of new steam hosts on
campus, or new systems within the CUF to more fully leverage the continuous usage of
steam in order to improve the overall efficiency of the cogeneration system. Improvement
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options will be vetted with the County, but could include the usage of steam driven chillers,
an additional steam turbine generator or operational strategy changes to more fully
leverage steam across a given day’s operation. Potential improvements will be estimated
for construction cost and evaluated on a life cycle cost basis.
i. Deliverables will include a preliminary list of projects to be evaluated within the
context of the Strategic Development Plan. Potential projects will be approved by
the County prior to proceeding.
SDP Task 4 - Identify immediate and potential County uses for thermal capacity to save County
resources, maximize operations and reduce costs by connecting facilities not currently served by the
a. Using the data and analysis from SDP Tasks 1 and 2, Jacobs will evaluate the potential for
extending CUF utility services to County buildings currently served by stand alone utility
systems. Potential improvements will be estimated for construction cost and evaluated on
a life cycle cost basis for comparison between stand alone and CUF service to determine
overall cost effectiveness. Factors including reliability, capital avoidance and overall
efficiency and sustainability will also be evaluated.
i. Deliverables will include a preliminary list of projects to be evaluated within the
context of the Strategic Development Plan. Potential projects will be approved by
the County prior to proceeding.
SDP Task 5 - Identify non-County users as potential customers for electrical capacities for revenue
generation. This will require understanding of legal constraints and technical requirements to connect
and provide service.
a. Using the data and analysis from SDP Tasks 1 and 2, Jacobs will evaluate the potential for
extending CUF utility services to non-County buildings. Potential improvements will be
estimated for construction cost and evaluated on a life cycle cost basis for comparison
between stand alone and CUF service to determine overall cost effectiveness. Jacobs will
investigate issues and legal requirements (requirements from CPUC, others) associated
with providing a thermal and/or electric utility service to a non-County entity. It is assumed
the County will assist with establishing estimates for load demand and relative operating
schedules when interacting with non-County agencies.
Deliverables will include a preliminary list of projects to be evaluated within the
context of the Strategic Development Plan. Potential projects will be approved
by the County prior to proceeding.
SDP Task 6 - Identify future opportunities for Cogen, including potential partnerships with energy
providers and expansion of system to further reduce overall costs (e.g. addition of third turbine over
a. Jacobs will evaluate the potential for existing CUF utility services to non-County buildings.
Potential improvements will be estimated for construction cost and evaluated on a life
cycle cost basis for comparison between stand alone and CUF service to determine
overall cost effectiveness. Jacobs will investigate issues and legal requirements
(requirements from CPUC, others) associated with providing a thermal and/or electric
utility service to a non-County entity.
Phase 1 Completion
Using the cumulative input from Tasks 1 through 6 as defined above, Jacobs will develop detailed
cost estimates for each mutually agreed upon selected improvement options (defined in Task 2)
suitable for establishing confidence in an overall expectation of project construction cost.
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Identified replacement and improvement projects for chilled water and steam production equipment
will be evaluated by comparing up to three different production alternatives and equipment alignments
(e.g., chilled water system electric centrifugal versus steam driven chiller options, thermal energy
storage, etc.) to determine overall energy consumption, efficiency and capital cost. Potential
production improvements will be evaluated on a life cycle cost basis using financial metrics approved
by the County to determine the overall option cost and return on investment. Evaluation of
improvement alternative reliability, safety, risk, code compliance, sustainability and overall
effectiveness in meeting CUF service needs will also be considered as secondary evaluation criteria.
Phase 1 services will culminate with delivery of a Strategic Development Plan report, summarizing
and documenting the activities associated with SDP Tasks 1 through 6. As part of evaluating
different improvement options, Jacobs will evaluate individual projects and groups of “bundled”
projects, to determine the combination of project(s) that offer the most favorable ROI. Jacobs will
also develop an overall CUF Utility Improvement Plan detailing individual infrastructure projects, their
estimated costs and anticipated project schedules. This Improvement Plan will provide a clear
roadmap of recommended projects with respective schedules and cost (over time).
The SDP report will be tailored to be “live” and suitable for real-time update, dynamically responsive
in nature. The plan will accommodate changes in County priorities or potential new project directives
to allow dynamic update and responsive output. The analysis and conclusions will demonstrate that
the identified recommendations were undertaken using a robust methodology capturing a wide range
of options and potential improvements. At the conclusion of the Strategic Development Plan, Jacobs
will prepare a report presentation for the Board of Supervisors, and participate in presentation in a
minimum of three County meetings. Additional meetings beyond three may be considered as an
additional service.
Jacobs will not proceed into detailed project design without prior approval from the County.
Jacobs will review the design drawings that have been prepared for the condenser water supply
and return piping replacement project within the CUF. Jacobs will provide review not-only for
technical content and sound engineering but also in consideration of the long term Strategic
Development Plan approach to ensure that the planned design maintains flexibility and space within
the plant to accommodate other future infrastructure improvements.
Jacobs will design new steam and chilled water metering as well as communication system
infrastructure between the CUF and currently connected Civic Center Campus buildings. Design
will include replacement of existing Venturi steam and chilled water flow monitoring devices with
new utility-grade metering devices calibrated for accuracy across the full range of expected flow,
from peak demand to the lowest feed valve inlet setting to allow the County to validate efficiency of
CUF operations. Metering will be used to enable the County to establish actual costs of steam and
chilled water used in the Civic Center Campus. Design will include new network communication
and conductivity to provide communication from each meter to the new Eaton Power Xpert
Software and Eaton Power Xpert Reporting System in the CUF (currently being installed under a
separate contract).
Design services for this package will be provided in accordance with the County Architect-Engineer
Guide. Design scope will consist of the following:
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a. Research and compile metering and control devices available and present
recommendations to the County.
b. Building walkthrough and documentation:
Jacobs will confirm any dimensions or details needed to design any
necessary piping modifications and meter/instrument devices installation and
provide photo documentation.
Confirm availability of spare circuits in local electrical panels.
c. Revise existing P&ID’s if available to reflect necessary piping/valve modifications and
device installation (including meters, pressure/temperature transducers, and
transmitters). Installation plans or piping schematics will be additionally be provided to
show relative locations of devices or piping/valve modifications for construction
d. Prepare electrical power plans, panel schedules and schematic wiring diagrams.
e. Provide instrumentation design, including system architecture and loop sheets.
f. Instrumentation programming and building of HMI screens can be provided at an
additional cost, but is not currently included in the proposed scope.
All engineering and architectural design services will be provided by Jacobs Engineering Group
resources. Construction Documents shall be prepared in three separate and distinct submittal
packages as defined below, with County review and approval for each package.
Schematic Design - Upon Contract approval and official notice to proceed, we will commence
with schematic design for the metering project. Schematic design deliverables will include a
project manual including narrative project description, design schedule, cost estimate and
plan drawings conveying the schematic design scope of work.
The Jacobs design team will conduct a meeting early during schematic design with County
staff review design intent, control system connectivity requirements, metering options and
overall project constraints. This meeting will document key decisions that need to be made
during the course of the design.
A schematic design review meeting will be held with the County to review and respond to
comments originating from the submitted documents. Upon schematic design approval from
the County, Jacobs will proceed with detailed design.
Construction Documents - The construction document stage will include completion of
technical specifications, complete plan drawings, sections and details conveying the full
project scope of work associated with each phase of construction. Documents will be
packaged and sealed, suitable for bidding and construction purposes. A detailed cost
estimate will be provided as well.
During construction document design, a 95 percent document package will be delivered for
County review and approval. A complete 100 percent construction document package will be
issued for approval by the County Planning and Development Services Department prior to
project bidding.
Construction Administration Services - Construction administration services will be provided
to assist the County in monitoring project construction and observing the quality and timely
completion of construction. Proposed construction administration services include:
a. Attendance at project pre-bid meeting, responding to questions from bidders, issuing
addenda to prospective bidders if necessary, analyzing bids and recommending
contract award by the County.
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b. Attendance at project preconstruction meeting.
c. Attendance at on-site construction meetings, to assist the County and contractor
during construction, as well as preparation of field reports documenting the observed
progress and design conformance.
d. Collect, track and review submittals and contractor shop drawings, managed through a
Jacobs internal database and project controls department.
e. Respond to contractor questions through a formally tracked Request for Information
process, to support the project through construction completion, managed through a
Jacobs internal database and project controls department.
f. Provide site visits for final punch list creation and review at substantial completion.
g. Review test reports as required by the specifications.
h. Review Operation & Maintenance Manuals as required by the specifications.
i. Review of substitutions to equipment and systems specified, as well as alterations to
Construction Documents for substitutions. Material changes to project scope requiring
significant additional design will be considered an additional service.
j. Prepare final as-built drawings based on contractor-provided electronic drawing
updates of modifications, delivered at project completion, as well as preparation of asbuilt drawing CAD updates based on completed construction conditions, for record
document purposes, based on contractor markups.
k. Review contractor progress payment requests.
Design by A-E of projects identified in the CUF Strategic Development Plan. It the County’s
intent with this Agreement to retain an A-E to provide full design services, prepare
construction documents and provide construction support services for all projects identified in
the CUF Strategic Development Plan. A-E will be required to negotiate fees for each project
and the County will retain the option to not award the work to the A-E. Work on future phases
is anticipated to occur between 2012 and 2021.
The following additional engineering consulting services are anticipated beyond the above
Basic Consulting, Design and Construction Administration Services for the CUF Strategic
Development Plan. These potential services are outlined below and may be activated if the
scope or overall direction of the project warrant. It is anticipated that a more exact scope and
fee will be developed and negotiated specific to each service if and when activated, but prior
to commencing work.
a. Detailed Building Energy Modeling: The initial Strategic Development Plan scope is
limited to evaluating the connectivity of CUF-supplied utility services to each building on
the Civic Center Campus. It is anticipated that during the Phase 1 Strategic Development
Plan activities, field observations and data collection may uncover building operational
anomalies which warrant further investigation. Detailed energy modeling of building-side
systems may be provided as an additional service to help determine improvement
opportunities within individual buildings that could enhance operations or efficiency.
b. Civil Utilities Master Planning: Utility master planning for civil utilities and infrastructure
(storm sewer, sanitary sewer, domestic water and natural gas) may be provided for the
Civic Center Campus in conjunction with activities associated with the Strategic
Development Plan. Planning activities would include evaluation of existing system
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capacities, projection of load increases due to new or added facilities, identification of
improvement projects needed to increase capacity or reliability of service, along with cost
estimates of proposed improvement recommendations.
c. Funding Assistance – SGIP Application : The following services may be provided in
support of the additional design scope required to support the SCE Self Generation
Incentive Program Application process.
i. Prepare reservation request including:
1. Gather and complete the required documents
2. Complete Waste Heat Emission Worksheet
3. Download, complete and mail the Reservation Request Form with all
required documents above
ii. Prepare the Project Advancement Milestone Report and Checklist with input from
facilities personnel. Gather and complete the required documents, including:
1. Equipment Specifications
2. Proof of Utility Service
3. 12-month Electric Load Documentation
4. Proof of Power Factor Eligibility (for conventional CHP projects)
5. Proof of NOx Emissions Qualifications (for conventional CHP projects)
6. Application Fee – 1% of the requested incentive amount shall be provided
by the County.
7. Proof of Non-Profit Status
8. Preliminary Monitoring Plan
9. Copy of RFP for Public Entities
10. Copy of Executed Contract or Agreement for Installation
11. Completed Air Pollution Permit Application (Internal Combustion Engines &
Gas Turbines)
iii. Prepare the Incentive Claim Form with input from County Personnel, including:
1. Gather and complete the required documents
2. Final Project Cost Breakdown Worksheet
3. Final Project Cost Affidavit
4. Revised Waste Heat Emission Worksheet
5. Electric Load Documentation
6. Energy Efficiency Audit
7. Proposed Monitoring Plan
8. Proof of Authorization to Interconnect
9. Substantiation of Load (for new construction or expansion)
10. Revised Sizing Calculation (if applicable)
11. Download, complete and mail the Incentive Claim Form with all required
documents above
12. Incentive Claim Form and Checklist
d. Funding Assistance – State and Federal: In conjunction with the strategic planning effort,
Jacobs is available to conduct an exhaustive review of potential federal, state and local
funding incentives that may be available to support the design and implementation of
recommended project improvements. Additionally, Jacobs will immediately engage with
its contacts at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and state and local sources to
identify potential funding sources for the front-end planning effort. Potential funding
sources will be investigated at the local, state and federal levels. A representative
sampling of these sources includes:
i. Federal investment tax credits for HVAC, CHP and renewable energy projects
ii. Federal grant programs related to CHP and district/campus energy projects
iii. Federal grant programs related to building energy efficiency improvements
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iv. State energy program funding related community energy efficiency and energy
conservation projects
v. State energy program funding related to community renewable energy projects
vi. Local utility rebate programs
vii. Local utility ancillary services programs
viii. Private third party performance contracting options
e. Review of Design Standards: Based on the recommendations associated with the
Strategic Development Plan, Jacobs can provide review of the County A-E design
guidelines and provide recommendations for opportunities for long term operational,
maintenance and energy improvements in keeping with the purpose and intent of the
Development Plan.
Piping Testing Services: Distribution piping inspection and testing services are not
included with the basic scope of work. Non-destructive testing services for existing
campus distribution piping may be added as an additional service at a later date if
requested to determine piping system integrity.
g. Board of Supervisor Presentations: As needed to support implementation of the overall
Strategic Development Plan or its individual elements, Jacobs will conduct meetings and
prepare summary presentations of our planning and evaluation work and progress suitable
for executive level presentation and review for individuals on the Board of Supervisors or
other relevant County officials (beyond the presentations included in the base scope of
services at the culmination of Phase 1 Strategic Development Plan services).
Presentation content and approach to be developed based on actual support needs as
indicated by the County.
h. Development of Conceptual Design Sketches: Jacobs will develop conceptual sketches for
potential utility infrastructure improvement projects associated with Strategic Development
Plan recommendations. The project(s) selected for development into concept sketches
will be based on the findings and recommendations of the Development Plan, and would
be used for initial project planning, scoping and budgeting purposes prior to actual detailed
design. Concept design would include drawings depicting major equipment locations, flow
diagrams demonstrating system connectivity and preliminary single-line electrical
drawings, along with a narrative project description and cost estimate.
Detailed Project Design: Detailed design for individual project recommendations
originating from the Strategic Development Plan are anticipated at a future time. Individual
design projects will be developed and proposed at a later time, consistent with the County
A-E guidelines. (See Future Phases)
Site Survey: As needed to accomplish project design, Jacobs can provide land surveying
services, consisting of survey of Civic Center Campus and ground mapping of certain
k. Utility Locating: Potholing or sub-surface utility locate services needed to determine
underground utility locations for design of site piping distribution or other design
improvements are not included in the proposed fee, but may be subcontracted as an
additional reimbursable expense if requested and/or required.
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Geotechnical Subsurface Investigation: Subsurface investigation needed to complete
project design may be included as an additional future service. Analysis type, number and
depths of borings and other investigation requirements will be negotiated at a future date
based on project type.
m. Arc Flash Hazard Analysis and Labeling: Jacobs will create an Arc Flash Hazard analysis
model for the CUF to fulfill the requirements of NFPA 70E. This study will incorporate the
relay and protective device settings and will be used to develop equipment labels for the
electrical equipment in the new plant. The labels would be installed in the field by the
installation contractor.
n. CEQA Environmental Impact Report: Preparation of Environmental Impact Reports
associated with CUF design projects will be provided as an additional service, with exact
scope and fee to be negotiated based on project type and size.
o. Environmental Testing Services: Environmental testing services, including but not limited
to flow and temperature measurements, air balance readings, as needed to complete
Strategic Development Plan evaluations due to incomplete or missing data, may be
requested and performed as an additional service, with exact scope and fee to be
negotiated based on testing service type and size.
p. Dynamic Airflow Modeling: Jacobs will sub-contract to provide wind engineering and
computational airflow analysis to evaluate cooling tower drift discharge and new boiler
stack designs associated with new design projects. This airflow analysis can be used to
help determine air quality impacts due CUF emissions on adjacent building ventilation
system air intakes. This analysis will aid in the evaluation of the stack elevations and
configuration options, and will identify risk and mitigation strategies, if needed, to prevent
operational and possible health related problems associated with emissions entrainment
into adjacent building ventilation systems. Computational modeling of the stacks and
cooling towers will also provide analysis of expected localized relative humidity levels
during cooling tower operation, helping predict when fogging problems may occur.
q. Equipment Procurement Package Preparation: Jacobs may prepare equipment
procurement packages to allow the County and/or its designated Construction Manager to
proceed with early procurement of equipment to facilitate an efficient design and
construction schedule for selected CUF projects, prior to the completion of detailed design.
Pre-purchase will allow detailed design completion to be focused on the actual equipment
to be installed, ensuring coordination of relevant design details. The procurement
packages will consist of equipment schedules, specifications and necessary supplemental
documentation to facilitate bidding as distinct stand-alone procurement packages.
Proposed services include bid evaluation and recommendations for purchase of the
Enhanced Engineering Support Services: The following support services are not included
in the base proposed scope of services;
i. Commissioning Services.
ii. Preparation of documents or attendance in the capacity of an expert witness.
iii. Provide revisions to completed design work as a result of Owner-directed changes
to the original design scope or criteria.
iv. Amendment of Existing Air Permitting: Jacobs can assist the County with
developing the necessary technical supporting data and paperwork to complete the
Scope of Work (Board Awarded)
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As of 4/28/11
revision of the existing air permit based upon new equipment or operational
Development of Plant Operation & Maintenance Manuals: The O&M manuals
would incorporate the manufacturer’s equipment data and O&M procedures for the
chillers, boilers, combustion turbine engines and generators, HRSGs, control
systems, cooling tower and balance of plant equipment. Procedures would include
normal startup, operation, and shut-down procedures for each component as well
as the combined systems. The procedures would also include emergency upset
procedures for shut-down and operation.
Startup Assistance: Startup assistance under this scope would include field and
office support of the startup and field commissioning for the new equipment to be
installed as part of the Strategic Development Plan recommendations. This would
include development of performance and safety verification procedures, wiring
verification and troubleshooting assistance.
Witnessing of Factory Testing of Equipment: Factory witness testing to be
performed at the location of manufacture or third party testing location. Tests to be
performed will be determined during equipment procurement, but will generally
serve to verify performance and specification conformance of the equipment as
well as to minimize construction complications prior to it leaving the factory.
Detailed Control System Drawings: Jacobs can provide the following detailed
controls drawings for the Phase 2 Metering Project, if requested:
1. Point-to-Point Interconnection Wiring Diagrams: Electrical, instrumentation,
and controls point-to-point interconnection wiring diagrams will be provided
as a supplement to the Construction Documents packages. Terminal
blocks, wire and cable designation, and routing are included in this scope.
2. Logic and Function Diagrams: Jacobs will provide loop diagrams,
functional diagrams, and logic diagrams further depicting control system
functionality for the balance of plant systems. These controls will be
implemented in the balance of plant control systems by the control systems
The following assumptions apply to work in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of this Agreement and may
apply to future Phases.
a. CADWorks 3D computer aided design software will be used for the preparation of
engineering production drawings (AutoCAD compatible).
b. Jacobs will have access to all drawings, specifications, surveys, geotechnical reports and
other information previously prepared for the County, and other pertinent documentation
available and necessary to complete the scope of work for the new CUF Strategic
Development Plan.
c. Jacobs reserves the right to modify or initiate contracting of sub-consultants for the
execution of this work, in order to improve work product or schedule performance.
d. Identification of environmental hazards and/or contamination remediation at the existing
site (cleanup of existing fuel oil leaks, asbestos, lead paint, etc.), if discovered during the
course of field survey, design or construction, is not included in this scope of work.
e. The preparation of detailed engineering design packages for identified and accepted
Strategic Development Plan infrastructure improvements is not included in basic services,
but may be included as additional services.
f. Power distribution analysis of future buildings will be based on estimated watts per square
foot by building type.
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g. Number of improvement options to be analyzed per system (chilled water, steam and
electrical) will be limited to three, unless noted otherwise.
h. Effort includes detailed modeling of chilled water, steam, cogeneration production and
electricity distribution systems. Detailed modeling of individual buildings can be included
as an enhanced engineering service.
i. Life cycle sensitivity analysis is included for up to 5 variables of economic nature only.
Sensitivity analysis related to significant load changes can be included as an additional
j. Chilled water, steam, and electric system condition assessments will be developed based
on prior assessments completed by the County, staff interviews, O&M data reviews and
visual inspection at the CUF.
k. Jacobs will be provided two weeks advanced notice of on-site meetings to reduce travel
l. Jacobs will provide video conferencing software for use by the County to accommodate
meetings between the County and the SDP project team. It is assumed as meeting
meetings as possible will be accommodated using video and/or internet-based
conferencing technology.
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As of 4/28/11