NBER Papers in Monetary Economics browse older papers in this

NBER Papers in Monetary Economics
browse older papers in this program
w17896 Michael D. Bordo
Christopher M.
Does Inequality Lead to a Financial Crisis?
w17885 Michael T. Belongia
Peter N. Ireland
The Barnett Critique After Three Decades: A New Keynesian Analysis
w17860 Christina D. Romer
David H. Romer
The Incentive Effects of Marginal Tax Rates: Evidence from the Interwar
w17858 Juliano J. Assunção
Efraim Benmelech
Fernando S. S. Silva
Repossession and the Democratization of Credit
w17838 Viral V. Acharya
Nada Mora
Are Banks Passive Liquidity Backstops? Deposit Rates and Flows during
the 2007-2009 Crisis
w17836 Laurence M. Ball
Ben Bernanke and the Zero Bound
w17830 Atif R. Mian
Amir Sufi
What explains high unemployment? The aggregate demand channel
w17823 Lars E.O. Svensson
Practical Monetary Policy: Examples from Sweden and the United States
w17822 Shekhar Aiyar
Charles W. Calomiris
Tomasz Wieladek
Does Macro-Pru Leak? Evidence from a UK Policy Experiment
w17791 Daniel F. Waggoner
Tao Zha
Confronting Model Misspecification in Macroeconomics
w17787 Valerie A. Ramey
Government Spending and Private Activity
w17780 Joon-Ho Hahm
Frederic S. Mishkin
Hyun Song Shin
Kwanho Shin
Macroprudential Policies in Open Emerging Economies
w17778 Gary B. Gorton
Andrew Metrick
Getting up to Speed on the Financial Crisis: A One-Weekend-Reader's
w17777 Gary B. Gorton
Stefan Lewellen
Andrew Metrick
The Safe-Asset Share
w17772 James D. Hamilton
Jing Cynthia Wu
Identification and Estimation of Gaussian Affine Term Structure Models
w17771 Gary B. Gorton
Guillermo Ordonez
Collateral Crises
w17769 Leonid Kogan
Technological Innovation, Resource Allocation, and Growth
Dimitris Papanikolaou
Amit Seru
Noah Stoffman
w17768 Arvind Krishnamurthy Sizing Up Repo
Stefan Nagel
Dmitry Orlov
w17736 Sumit Agarwal
David Lucca
Amit Seru
Francesco Trebbi
Inconsistent Regulators: Evidence From Banking
w17723 Tim Landvoigt
Monika Piazzesi
Martin Schneider
The Housing Market(s) of San Diego
w17717 Gregor Matvos
Amit Seru
Resource Allocation within Firms and Financial Market Dislocation:
Evidence from Diversified Conglomerates
w17691 Nicolas Coeurdacier
Hélène Rey
Home Bias in Open Economy Financial Macroeconomics
w17682 Charles Goodhart
Global Macroeconomic and Financial Supervision: Where Next?
w17670 Nicolas E. Magud
Carmen M. Reinhart
Esteban R. Vesperoni
Capital Inflows, Exchange Rate Flexibility, and Credit Booms
w17662 Emmanuel Farhi
Gita Gopinath
Oleg Itskhoki
Fiscal Devaluations
w17622 Fatih Guvenen
Macroeconomics With Heterogeneity: A Practical Guide
w17621 Òscar Jordà
When Credit Bites Back: Leverage, Business Cycles, and Crises
Moritz HP. Schularick
Alan M. Taylor
w17617 Martin S. Feldstein
The Euro and European Economic Conditions
w17597 Douglas A. Irwin
Anticipating the Great Depression? Gustav Cassel’s Analysis of the
Interwar Gold Standard
w17595 Douglas A. Irwin
Gold Sterilization and the Recession of 1937-38
w17594 Gita Gopinath
Oleg Itskhoki
Brent Neiman
Trade Prices and the Global Trade Collapse of 2008-2009
w17583 Veronica Guerrieri
Guido Lorenzoni
Credit Crises, Precautionary Savings, and the Liquidity Trap
w17525 George-Marios
Jennifer La'O
Optimal Monetary Policy with Informational Frictions
w17566 Fernando E. Alvarez
Francesco Lippi
Persistent Liquidity Effects and Long Run Money Demand
w17555 Arvind Krishnamurthy The Effects of Quantitative Easing on Interest Rates: Channels and
Annette VissingImplications for Policy
w17516 John Y. Campbell
João F. Cocco
A Model of Mortgage Default
w17500 Yiting Li
Guillaume Rocheteau
Pierre-Olivier Weill
Liquidity and the Threat of Fraudulent Assets
w17492 Michael D. Bordo
Harold James
Reserves and Baskets
w17489 Florin O. Bilbiie
Ippei Fujiwara
Fabio Ghironi
Optimal Monetary Policy with Endogenous Entry and Product Variety
w17454 Tobias Adrian
Markus K.
w17468 Efraim Benmelech
Eyal Dvir
Does Short-Term Debt Increase Vulnerability to Crisis? Evidence from the
East Asian Financial Crisis
w17431 Gilles St. Paul
Toward a Political Economy of Macroeconomic Thinking
w17425 Michael D. Bordo
Owen F. Humpage
Anna J. Schwartz
The Federal Reserve as an Informed Foreign Exchange Trader: 1973 –
w17424 Yuriy Gorodnichenko
Anna Mikusheva
Serena Ng
Estimators for Persistent and Possibly Non-Stationary Data with Classical
w17391 Emi Nakamura
Jón Steinsson
Fiscal Stimulus in a Monetary Union: Evidence from U.S. Regions
w17380 Michael D. Bordo
A Fiscal Union for the Euro: Some Lessons from History
Agnieszka Markiewicz
Lars Jonung
w17379 Maurice Obstfeld
International Liquidity: The Fiscal Dimension
w17353 Pierre-Olivier
Hélène Rey
Kai Truempler
The Financial Crisis and The Geography of Wealth Transfers
w17344 Ivan Werning
Managing a Liquidity Trap: Monetary and Fiscal Policy
w17328 Robert J. Barro
José F. Ursua
Rare Macroeconomic Disasters
w17323 Stephen A. Ross
The Recovery Theorem
w17321 Marcin Kacperczyk
Implicit Guarantees and Risk Taking: Evidence from Money Market Funds
Philipp Schnabl
w17305 Takero Doi
Takeo Hoshi
Tatsuyoshi Okimoto
Japanese Government Debt and Sustainability of Fiscal Policy
w17274 Laurence M. Ball
Nicolás De Roux
Marc Hofstetter
Unemployment in Latin America and the Caribbean
w17272 Carlo Favero
Francesco Giavazzi
Jacopo Perego
Country Heterogeneity and the International Evidence on the Effects of
Fiscal Policy
w17240 Jonathan A. Parker
On Measuring the Effects of Fiscal Policy in Recessions
w17229 George-Marios
Luigi Iovino
Jennifer La'O
Cycles, Gaps, and the Social Value of Information
w17197 Robin Greenwood
Samuel G. Hanson
Issuer Quality and the Credit Cycle
w17191 Francois Gourio
Leena Rudanko
Customer Capital
w17154 Jonathan H. Wright
What does Monetary Policy do to Long-Term Interest Rates at the Zero
Lower Bound?
w17144 Efraim Benmelech
Nittai K. Bergman
Amit Seru
Financing Labor
w17140 Hyungsik Roger Moon Inference for VARs Identified with Sign Restrictions
Frank Schorfheide
Eleonora Granziera
Mihye Lee
w17133 Gianluca Benigno
Pierpaolo Benigno
Salvatore Nisticò
Risk, Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate
w17129 Isaac Mbiti
David N. Weil
Mobile Banking: The Impact of M-Pesa in Kenya
w17123 Richard C.K. Burdekin Irving Fisher and Price-Level Targeting in Austria: Was Silver the
Kris James Mitchener Answer?
Marc D. Weidenmier
w17090 Lieven Baele
Geert Bekaert
Seonghoon Cho
Koen Inghelbrecht
Antonio Moreno
Macroeconomic Regimes
w17084 Jordi Galí
Frank Smets
Rafael Wouters
Unemployment in an Estimated New Keynesian Model
w17076 Deniz Igan
Prachi Mishra
Thierry Tressel
A Fistful of Dollars: Lobbying and the Financial Crisis
w17071 Alejandro Justiniano
Giorgio E. Primiceri
Andrea Tambalotti
Is there a trade-off between inflation and output stabilization?
w17063 Rüdiger Bachmann
Eric R. Sims
Confidence and the Transmission of Government Spending Shocks
w17060 George-Marios
Jennifer La'O
Decentralization, Communication, and the Origins of Fluctuations
w17029 N. Gregory Mankiw
Matthew C. Weinzierl
An Exploration of Optimal Stabilization Policy
w17045 Zheng Liu
Pengfei Wang
Tao Zha
Land-price dynamics and macroeconomic fluctuations
w17044 Laurence M. Ball
Sandeep Mazumder
Inflation Dynamics and the Great Recession
w17038 Rüdiger Fahlenbrach
Robert Prilmeier
René M. Stulz
This Time Is the Same: Using Bank Performance in 1998 to Explain Bank
Performance During the Recent Financial Crisis
w17034 Olivier Coibion
Are the Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks Big or Small?
w17026 Francois Gourio
Credit Risk and Disaster Risk
w17024 Michael D. Bordo
Peter L. Rousseau
Historical Evidence on the Finance-Trade-Growth Nexus
w17021 Simon Gilchrist
Egon Zakrajšek
Credit Spreads and Business Cycle Fluctuations
w17005 Bennett T. McCallum
Should Central Banks Raise their Inflation Targets? Some Relevant Issues
w16996 Martin Lettau
Sydney C. Ludvigson
Shocks and Crashes
w16994 Douglas W. Diamond
Raghuram Rajan
Illiquid Banks, Financial Stability, and Interest Rate Policy
w16988 Igal Hendel
Aviv Nevo
Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Storable Goods Markets
w16979 Fiorella De Fiore
Harald Uhlig
Bank Finance Versus Bond Finance
w16967 Manju Puri
Jörg Rocholl
Sascha Steffen
Global retail lending in the aftermath of the US financial crisis:
Distinguishing between supply and demand effects
w16965 Thomas Philippon
Virgiliu Midrigan
Household Leverage and the Recession
w16956 James D. Hamilton
The Effectiveness of Alternative Monetary Policy Tools in a Zero Lower
Jing Cynthia Wu
Bound Environment
w16946 Michael D. Bordo
Owen F. Humpage
Anna J. Schwartz
U.S. Intervention During the Bretton Woods Era: 1962-1973
w16941 Isil Erel
Brandon Julio
Woojin Kim
Michael S. Weisbach
Macroeconomic Conditions and Capital Raising
w16931 James D. Hamilton
Jing Cynthia Wu
Testable Implications of Affine Term Structure Models
w16925 Gabriel P. Mathy
Christopher M.
Trade, Exchange Rate Regimes and Output Co-Movement: Evidence from
the Great Depression
w16911 Xavier Gabaix
A Sparsity-Based Model of Bounded Rationality
w16910 William Poole
Robert H. Rasche
David C. Wheelock
The Great Inflation: Did the Shadow Know Better?
w16903 Carolin E. Pflueger
Luis M. Viceira
Inflation-Indexed Bonds and the Expectations Hypothesis
w16893 Carmen M. Reinhart
M. Belen Sbrancia
The Liquidation of Government Debt
w16892 Carolin E. Pflueger
Luis M. Viceira
An Empirical Decomposition of Risk and Liquidity in Nominal and
Inflation-Indexed Government Bonds
w16890 Lisa D. Cook
Were the Nigerian Banking Reforms of 2005 A Success ... And for the
w16883 Jeremy C. Stein
Monetary Policy as Financial-Stability Regulation
w16845 Paul Bloxham
Christopher Kent
Michael Robson
Asset Prices, Credit Growth, Monetary and Other Policies: An Australian
Case Study
w16847 Stephanie SchmittGrohé
Martin Uríbe
Pegs and Pain
w16827 Carmen M. Reinhart
Kenneth S. Rogoff
A Decade of Debt
w16825 Eugene N. White
“To Establish a More Effective Supervision of Banking”: How the Birth of
the Fed Altered Bank Supervision
w16815 Carmen M. Reinhart
Vincent Reinhart
Pride Goes Before a Fall: Federal Reserve Policy and Asset Markets
w16805 Nicolas E. Magud
Carmen M. Reinhart
Kenneth S. Rogoff
Capital Controls: Myth and Reality - A Portfolio Balance Approach
w16787 Santiago Carbo-
Safety-Net Benefits Conferred on Difficult-to-Fail-and-Unwind Banks in
Edward J. Kane
Francisco RodriguezFernandez
the US and EU Before and During the Great Recession
w16781 Frank Schorfheide
Estimation and Evaluation of DSGE Models: Progress and Challenges
w16777 Nicolae Gârleanu
Lasse Heje Pedersen
Margin-Based Asset Pricing and Deviations from the Law of One Price
w16775 Hyunseung Oh
Ricardo Reis
Targeted Transfers and the Fiscal Response to the Great Recession
w16764 Alexander David
Pietro Veronesi
Investor and Central Bank Uncertainty and Fear Measures Embedded in
Index Options
w16763 Michael D. Bordo
David C. Wheelock
The Promise and Performance of the Federal Reserve as Lender of Last
Resort 1914-1933
w16759 James Feyrer
Bruce Sacerdote
Did the Stimulus Stimulate? Real Time Estimates of the Effects of the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
w16758 Isabel Correia
Emmanuel Farhi
Juan Pablo Nicolini
Pedro Teles
Unconventional Fiscal Policy at the Zero Bound
w16755 Frederic S. Mishkin
Monetary Policy Strategy: Lessons from the Crisis
w16750 Emmanuel Farhi
Jean Tirole
Bubbly Liquidity
w16727 Thomas Philippon
Philipp Schnabl
Informational Rents, Macroeconomic Rents, and Efficient Bailouts
w16725 Jon Faust
Simon Gilchrist
Jonathan H. Wright
Egon Zakrajsek
Credit Spreads as Predictors of Real-Time Economic Activity: A Bayesian
Model-Averaging Approach
w16707 Olivier Coibion
Yuriy Gorodnichenko
Why Are Target Interest Rate Changes So Persistent?
w16688 Charles W. Calomiris
Joseph Mason
David Wheelock
Did Doubling Reserve Requirements Cause the Recession of 1937-1938?
A Microeconomic Approach
w16684 Jonathan A. Parker
Nicholas S. Souleles
David S. Johnson
Robert McClelland
Consumer Spending and the Economic Stimulus Payments of 2008
w16681 Peter N. Ireland
Stochastic Growth in the United States and Euro Area
w16680 Judith A. Chevalier
Best Prices
Anil K Kashyap
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Generated Fri Mar 9 00:01:16 2012