RSD 1101

RSD 1101
Course Name:
Religions in the Contemporary World I
(Phenomenology of Religion & African Religion)
Mr. Chris Tuhirirwe (Course Coordinator)
Prof. Byaruhanga-Akiiki
Ms Josephine Bweyale
Course Description:
The course defines the phenomenology of religion as a mater of relationships that are a product of the
Creator and not of society. It discusses religion as a dynamic activity that human being universally
engage in. It helps the student to think in a systematic, holistic and organized way about religion and
religious experience in the context of those features that are common to all religions.
Course Outline:
1. Definitions of religion
2. Origins and theories of religion.
3. Major characteristics or dimensions of religion (cf DORMEE)
4. History of religion
5. Religious pluralism and the variety of religious expressions and experiences
6. Similarities in religions (i.e desire for unity, love, justice, peace etc) and dissimilarities.
7. The concept of value: note controversy-essentiality vs relativity
8. Motivations to religion(s)
1. African Religion as a World/True religion
2. Sources for the study of African Traditional/World Religion
3. African myths of origins: theories of creation
4. Prejudices against African Traditional religion
5. Spirit identity and Divinities in Traditional Africa (life after death-African views)
6. Nature and role of ancestors
7. The existence of the Master Creator: names and attributes
8. Philosophy and Theology of the Rites of Passage: lie praxis note: Birth; Naming; puberty and
Initiation; Marriage and the family; and Death and Funeral rites.
9. Mystical powers in nature: Divination, Magic, Witchcraft, Sorcery etc. the role of Traditional
Religious Specialists, Leaders and Teachers.
10. Why study African World/Traditional Religion.
References/Reading list
1. Byaruhanga-Akiiki, A.B.T. (Ed) African World Religion: A grassroots Perspective.
2. Byaruhanga-Akiiki, A.B.T. Religion in Bunyoro
3. Eastman Roger. (Ed.)The Ways of Religion: An Introduction to the Major Traditions. 1993
Second Ed.
4. Gehman, R.J. African Traditional Religion in Biblical Perspectives.
5. Hopfe, M. Lewis. Religions of the World (4th Ed.)
6. Lugira, A.M. African Religion: World Religions. (1999)
7. Metuh, E I, God and Man in African Religion
8. Ngomlokjo, J.J. Rituals of Religious Worship Among the Traditional Alur.
9. Ninian Smart. The Religious Experience of Manking (3rd Ed.)
10. Njinya-Mujinya L. (Ed.) Journal of African Religion and Philosophy Vols. 1 & 2
11. Parrinder, E.G. African Traditional Religion (1962)
12. Publications by Mbiti, J.S.
 The African Concept of God (1970)
 Introduction to African Religion (1975)
 Love and Marriage in Africa
 African Religions and Philosophy (1969
13. Ranger, T.O. & Kimambo, I. The Historical Study of African Religion (1972)
14. Westerlund, D. African Religion n African Scholarship
Students are advised that this list is not exhaustive. They should also look out for other relevant
references in both the Departmental and Main Libraries