
Payment of fees in Civil Trials
This notice outlines the County Court’s policy in relation to hearing fees and jury fees for second
and subsequent days in civil trials. Payment of such fees is the duty of the responsible parties under
the County Court Act 1958, s28(1) which establishes requirement for payment of fees.
Fees must be paid by 9:30am the day of the continuation of a civil trial. The County Court accepts
the following types of payment methods:
Made payable to 'The County Court of Victoria' or 'The Registrar, County Court of Victoria'.
In person at the Court Registry; or
By mail addressed to Civil Listings, County Court of Victoria, 250 William Street, Melbourne,
Victoria, 3000; or
Addressed to the appropriate Regional Circuit Court location.
Only accepted in person at the Court Registry.
 CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD (MasterCard or Visa)
Only accepted in person at the Court Registry.
Pay conveniently online using your firms Citec Confirm account via the Courts Efiling system.
In the event that a fee is paid after 9:30am on the day of hearing, the responsible party must attend
the Court Registry and pay the fee by eftpos, cash or cheque/ money order. Parties will be advised
to produce the payment receipt to the Associate in Court. The production of the receipt must be
done prior to the recommencement of the hearing.
Parties are reminded that in the instance where a fee is not paid, a Judge may stand the
matter down until payment has been made.
*Payment of daily hearing fees is the responsibility of the plaintiff.
*Payment of daily jury fees is the responsibility of the party who elected to run the trial before a
Last updated 3 December 2014