ME 440 Solid Modeling and Animation

College Natural, Mathematical and Health Sciences
CHEM116 General Chemistry II (3,3)
Spring 2010
4 Credits
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: CHEM115 or equivalent with a grade of “C” (2.0) or higher. This course
serves as prerequisite to the following courses: CH220 Survey of Organic Chemistry, CH225 Organic
Chemistry I, CH231 Quantitative Analysis, CH361 Physical Chemistry I, BL204 Microbiology, BL220
Genetics, BL315 Plant Physiology, BL330 Animal Physiology, BL345 Limnology
David Myton, Ph.D.
Crawford 327
(906) 635-2349
Office Hours:
Required Texts:
11 AM-1 PM
Noon-2 PM
Class meets Mon/Wed/Fri from 11:00-11:50 AM
Students attend one 3-hr laboratory session per week
Noon- 1PM
Chemistry: Matter and Its Changes. 5th Edition. Brady & Senese Wiley 2009
General Chemistry Lab 8e for LSSU CH116 Beran. (PACKET @ BOOKSTORE)
i-Clicker Classroom Response device
Scantron Forms for tests and laboratory evaluations
Online Homework – bundled with book or separate registration required at
Protective eyewear for lab and a non-programmable calculator for tests
Blackboard course support:
Recommended Text: Optional Items: Laboratory apron and gloves, Student Study Guide, Student Solution
Manual, ACS study guide for General Chemistry (available directly from LSSU Chemistry Club).
Online Resources:
The LSSU Blackboard site
My personal website free online demonstrations from chemistry and physics - using a laptop during class – get the software - Nationally funded chemistry help website - An interactive Periodic Table - General Chemistry Online (very good) Help with your TI83 - Help with Math – American Chemical Society portal
Safety Information for Teacher Candidates - State Council of State Science Supervisors:
Course Description: General Chemistry is the continuation of the 1st year introductory university level course
for students pursuing further study in science. A solid foundation in chemical principles is needed for
College Natural, Mathematical and Health Sciences
CHEM116 General Chemistry II (3,3)
Spring 2010
4 Credits
continuing your studies in chemistry, biology, engineering, geology, physics, health sciences and
environmental studies. This course will work to emphasize the integration of concepts and applications
with factual information and to stress approaches to both conceptual and numerical problem solving.
Throughout the course, chemistry will be used to understand everyday phenomena, to evaluate the risks
and benefits environmental issues, and be related to other disciplines.
Catalog Description: Continuation of CHEM115 with emphasis on equilibrium. Prerequisite:
CHEM115 with C (2.0) or higher.
Course Goals: The goal of this course is develop basic knowledge of chemical concepts and applications,
and to develop problem solving skills in the application of chemical concepts to real world contexts.
Course Objectives: The successful student in General Chemistry will demonstrate operational proficiency in
basic laboratory operations and demonstrate intermediate competency in applying concepts and solving
numerical problems related to the following chemical topics:
Acid/Base Chemistry
Chemical Kinetics
Chemical Thermodynamics
Nuclear Chemistry
Grading Scale and Policies:
Grading Scheme:
Course grades will be derived from Assessments – up to 75%, Homework, Writing, and Laboratories up to 10% each, and
other (in-class quizzes, participation, and attendance) to make up the difference. The laboratory work is a mandatory
component for the course, a passing grade in the lab must be achieved to receive a passing grade in the course. In the
occasional circumstance where a student is repeating this course, the laboratory is still required and must be completed
irregardless of their past laboratory experience. Assessments includes writing assignments, quizes, scheduled tests and the
final exam. Grading is progressively weighted with later tests (whose content is cumulative for the entire course to date)
weighted more than earlier tests. Scantron forms and #2 pencil are required for each test/exam date and the first laboratory.
Attendance at all class sessions is strongly advised, graded activities will be included without further notice. If you find that
the class sessions are not meeting your needs please let me know how you feel we could change the structure to assist you.
Grading Scale:
Exam Dates: Graded daily work may be used to help chart your progress and mastery of the content. We will hold our
regular exams: February 12, March 12 and April 16 and a group final held during finals week. Missed exams cannot be
retaken except in emergency or extenuating circumstances – contact me as soon as possible, preferably in advance of the
emergency to schedule a make-up early exam if an approved absence is unavoidable. The cumulative exam is required. No
grades are dropped or replaced, no extra credit is available. Full credit is available only to work completed by the assigned
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College Natural, Mathematical and Health Sciences
CHEM116 General Chemistry II (3,3)
Spring 2010
4 Credits
completion date, late work may be discounted or rejected. Course grades are broadly based on a 90% = A-, 80%= B-, 70% =
C- scale referenced to an assigned maximum value.
Exams: Each student is advised to bring a personal calculation aid with them to every class, laboratory and test/examination
(abacus, slide rule or calculator) - these cannot be shared during tests and should be capable of manipulating scientific
notation, logarithms and exponents. Only NON-PROGRAMMABLE SCIENTIFIC CALCULATORS may be used
during tests, quizzes and examinations. My philosophy regarding the memorization of formula and physical constants is
that each student can and will learn those that they find useful and valuable on an ongoing basis. Therefore I, for this
semester only, (don’t count on anyone else doing this) will allow the use during any quiz or mid-semester test, in addition to
your personal calculator, pencil, and blank scratch paper, the use of one and only one 3”x5” conventional index card. No
card may be used on the course final – you must work toward full independence by the end of the course. This one card may
contain any physical constants, formulas, sample calculations, prayers and/or meditative verse that you believe you may find
useful. All information on the card must be handwritten. I will provide unusual or unique physical constants for specific
chemicals, bond energies, activities of metals, and standard molar enthalpies, etc. Each student may possess one and only
one card as described above, violations of this rule are considered academic dishonesty - severe penalties will be enforced. It
is vital that you report promptly for exams, as no time extensions are possible.
Online Homework/Quizzes: Success in General Chemistry is undeniably linked to the amount of time invested in learning
the material and problem solving. Online quizzes and homework will be assigned through the publisher’s website: Additional information on the assignments will be given in class. Blackboard has additional
resources for non-graded practice questions for each chapter to test your knowledge and to reinforce and review for exams.
Full credit for edugen homework will be given for students who successfully complete 90% of the assigned sections. The
10% grace factor is to allow for technical difficulties, poorly structured questions, or issues with deadlines.
Writing Assignment:
Our ability to translate thoughts to writing is inseparably linked to our understanding about a subject. It is very
difficult to correctly explain something when we don’t understand it. In order to facilitate greater chemical
thought and understanding in CHEM116 the writing assignments will focus on writing about conceptual topics
from the chapter. One worksheet will be required from 6 of the 8 chapters (we will cover Ch 13-20). These
worksheets are posted to the RSS feed page and to the class website, and each is tailored to the chapter's key
subjects. In these writing activities you will draw molecular illustrations and write explanations about the topics
under consideration. Writing assignments for the chapters covered on each test will be due the day of the test,
full credit only for work submitted on time.
Ground Rules:
The LSSU Catalog/Calendar contains a more complete description of your rights and responsibilities as a
member of the University community. In the Catalog/Calendar you will find a complete statement of our
institutional purpose, definitions of university terminology, our Equal Opportunity policy, and especially the
ACADEMIC POLICIES. NOTICE: A failing grade (F) can be assigned to students who commit acts of
academic dishonesty. At the instructor’s discretion this grade may be for the assignment or the entire course
depending on the nature and severity of the offense. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating
(the intentional use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic
exercise) , fabricating (intentional or unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an
academic exercise), facilitating academic dishonesty (Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help
another violate any provisions of this code), or plagiarism (intentionally or knowingly representing the words or
ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise). Definitions from the Code of Academic Integrity,
University of Maryland at College Park. This syllabus is not intended to be a comprehensive statement, please be
aware that other academic policies and procedures are outlined in the catalog and they apply to you as well. The
course syllabus represents the best estimate and projection of course content, scope and sequence. In the case of
extenuating circumstances, changes in enrollment, flood, fire or tornado, other Acts of God, by mutual consent,
or at the discretion of the instructor, the course and lab syllabi are subject to change.
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College Natural, Mathematical and Health Sciences
CHEM116 General Chemistry II (3,3)
Spring 2010
4 Credits
University Policies and Statements:
The Americans with Disabilities Act & Accommodations
In compliance with Lake Superior State University policies and equal access laws, disability-related
accommodations or services are available to students with documented disabilities.
If you are a student with a disability and you think you may require accommodations you must register with
Disability Services (DS), which is located in the KJS Library, Room 130, (906) 635-2355 or x2355 on campus.
DS will provide you with a letter of confirmation of your verified disability and authorize recommended
accommodations. This authorization must be presented to your instructor before any accommodations can be
Students who desire such services should meet with instructors in a timely manner, preferably during the first
week of class, to discuss individual disability related needs. Any student who feels that an accommodation is
needed – based on the impact of a disability – should meet with instructors privately to discuss specific needs.
IPASS (Individual Plan for Academic Student Success)
If at mid-term your grades reflect that you are at risk for failing some or all of your classes, you will be contacted
by a representative of IPASS. The IPASS program is designed to help you gain control over your learning
through pro-active communication and goal-setting, the development of intentional learning skills and study
habits, and personal accountability. You may contact 635-2887 or email if you would like to sign
up early in the semester or if you have any questions or concerns.
Jan 11
Tentative Course Outline
Chemical Kinetics
Chapter 13
Jan 18
Chemical Kinetics
Chapter 13
Jan 25
Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 14
Feb 1
Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 14
Feb 8
Chapter 15
Feb 15
Chapter 15
Feb 22
Chapter 16
Mar 1
Mar 8
Spring Break
Chapter 16
Mar 15
Solubility Equilibria
Chapter 17
Mar 22
Chapter 18
Mar 29
Chapter 18
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Assignment Due
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:13
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:13
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:14
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:14
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:15
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:15
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:16
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:16
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:17
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:18
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
College Natural, Mathematical and Health Sciences
CHEM116 General Chemistry II (3,3)
Spring 2010
4 Credits
Apr 5
Chapter 19
Apr 12
Chapter 19
Apr 19
Nuclear Chemistry
Chapter 20
Apr 26
Course Final Exam
Homework – Ch:18
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:19
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:19
Writing on Concepts, Edugen
Homework – Ch:20
Laboratory: Chemistry is an experimental science. You are encouraged to think independently about the data you
collect and you will not be graded solely on whether you acquire the right number or deduce the correct explanation, but
rather whether your explanations and hypotheses follow logically from the data and that your reasoning is clearly stated.
In the laboratory component of this course students may OCCASIONALLY work together in teams of no more than
two, as directed by the instructor. Each student team member is responsible for assuming an equal share of the lab
responsibilities and work load. Following the instructions of your laboratory instructor, students are generally to prepare
the pre-laboratory assignments before coming to lab, and to complete and turn in their own laboratory reports as assigned.
Students are advised to read the laboratory procedures and carefully plan their work to maximize efficiency and
guarantee success.
If you must be absent from a laboratory session you should contact your laboratory instructor immediately. Missed labs
cannot be made up after the end of the week following the scheduled lab. Appropriate lab clothing covers the body for
modesty and personal protection, and includes long pants but not sandals. Since spills happen, I would not recommend
you wear fine or expensive clothing to lab. The laboratory grade is included in the course grade. ***It is MANDATORY
that you attend and pass the laboratory. Failing to complete two or more laboratories, or earning a failing grade in the
laboratory may result in a failing grade for the class.
Fall 2009 TENTATIVE Laboratory Schedule:
Week# - Experiment/Activity
1. Writing assignment
2. Exp. 20 Molar mass of a solid
3. Exp. 22 Factors affecting reaction rates
4. Exp. 23 Determination of a rate law
5. Exp. 25 An equilibrium constant
6. Exp. 26 Antacid Analysis
7. Exp. 13 Acids, bases and salts; pH
8. Spring Break
9. Exp. 9 A volumetric analysis
10. Exp. 29 Molar solubility – Common Ion Effect
11. Exp. 31 Thermodynamics of Borax solubility
12. Exp. 32 Galvanic Cells
13. Exp. 27 Potentiometric Analysis
14. Exp. 30 Hard Water Analysis
15. Nuclear Fusion Reactors
Spring 2010 Lab Sections
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College Natural, Mathematical and Health Sciences
CHEM116 General Chemistry II (3,3)
Topical Outline for CHEM116
Spring 2010
4 Credits
(5 credits)
% of time spent
Acid/Base Chemistry
Chemical Kinetics
Chemical Thermodynamics
Nuclear Chemistry
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