Vocabulary from Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague by

Leaf-fall 1666
sennight (4) the space of seven nights; a week
snath (4) handle of a sythe
timothy (5) a European grass that is widely known for hay
tallow (9) white nearly solid rendered fat of cattle and sheep chiefly used in
soaps, candles, etc.
boon 10 timely benefit
nethers (10) placed or situated below, beneath, or underground
boose (10) A stall for an animal (usually a cow)
beasting 10 having to do w/ cow’s milk
moor (11) an expanse of open, rolling infertile land
dale (11) valley
precincts (11) boundary of a place
tenuous (12) flimsy, weak
aubergine (12) eggplant
unctuously (12) marked by a false earnestness
incendiary (13) one who deliberately sets fires or who deliberately excites
garth (13) small yard or enclosure
charger (15) large flat dish or platter
insolent (15) proud, overbearing, or impudent
slattern (15) untidy woman; also slut or prostitute
jussive (16) a word, form, case, or mood expressing command
supplicant (16) one who supplicates (begs humbly and earnestly)
arrogated (17) assumed
absolution (17) a remission of sins pronounced by a priest
iniquity (19) a gross injustice, wickedness or sin
Spring 1665
Surfeit (23) excess
sixpence (23) a former British monetary unit equal to six pennies
rushlight (25) a candle that consists of the pith of a rush dipped in grease
plying (25) to use or wield diligently
liveries (26) distinctive clothing, garb
courtier (26) one who practices flattery or one in attendance of a royal
footpads (26) one who robs a pedestrian
corpulent (27) obese
jerkin (27) close fitting, hip length, usually sleeveless jacket
defaulters (27) ones who fail to pay, perform or make good
debauchery (28) extreme indulgence in sensuality, orgies
parody (28) a literary work in which the style of an author or work is
closely imitated for comic effect or ridicule
bedecking (30) decorating
Preening (30) to dress or smooth oneself up; primp
propriety(31) marketed under the exclusive right of the maker
ague (32) fever and chills
discern (33) to detect with the eyes
gritstone (33) a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone
hamlet (33) a small village
whinchat (34) brown-and-buff European songbird of grassy meadows
choused (34) cheated, tricked
scruple (35) hesitate
charwoman (35) a cleaning woman
idolatrous (36) given to the worship of a physical object as a god
poultices (38) a soft medicated mass to put on sores
chastise (39) to inflict punishment (as by whipping)
philters (39) a potion, drug, or charm said to have the power to arouse
sexual passion
pallet (39) straw filled tick or mattress
physick (39) purge, heal, cure
rutting (40) to be in or enter the state of sexual excitement in a mammal
refractory (40) stubborn, unmanageable
efficacy (40) the power to produce an effect
unfettered (41) free, unrestrained
damascene (41) a firm, lustrous fabric made w/ flat patterns in a satin
bavins (41) A fagot of brushwood, or other light combustible matter, for
kindling fires; refuse of brushwood
excrescence (42) an abnormal projection or outgrowth
pungent (42) sharp, stinging, biting quality
sexton (47) a church officer or employer who performs minor duties
chattel (54) slave, bondsman
slake (53) satisfy, quench
vapid (57) flat, dull
disparage (57) to lower in rank or reputation, degrade
rake-shamed (57)
fanfarroon (57) blusterer, boaster, braggart
settles (58) a wooden bench with arms, a high back, and an enclosed
foundation that can be used as a chest
mirthless (59) without gladness or gaiety
periwig (59) fashion wig, hairpiece
hackney (60) a carriage kept for hire
rusticated (61) rustic life, country residence
bruiting (61) reporting
supercilious (62) coolly and patronizingly haughty, arrogant
ostentatiously (63) showily, pretentiously
bings (65) a heap or pile, esp of spoil from a mine
louring (65) lowering
rowan (66) an ash with white flowers followed by red pomes
caul (67) inner fetal membrane covering the head at birth
copse (67) thicket, grove, or growth of small trees
stint (74) stop, desist
wont (74) accustomed
hectoring (77) bullying
comportment (80) to behave in a manner that is right or fitting
cataplasms (81) poultices
mote (82) may, might
salve (82) an unctuous (fatty/oily) adhesive substance for application of
wounds and sores
salliative (83) something that reduces the violence of (esp a disease); abate
sillion (86) the thick, voluminous and shiny soil turned over by a plow
vie (87) contend, compete
hirsel (87) a multitude; a throng: applied to living creatures of any kind
adit (89) a nearly horizontal passage from the surface of a mine
stemple (89) A crossbar of wood in a shaft, serving as a step
friable (95) easily crumbled; fragile
clough (96) a gorge or narrow ravine
lacerate (97) to tear or rend roughly
besiegement (102) the surrounding w/ armed forces
precisian 104 a person who practices or stresses scrupulous adherence to
religious observance and morality
puce 107 a dark red
coffer 109 chest, box, strongbox
heft 109 weight, heaviness
quail 110 type of bird
rabble 111 the lowest class of people
succor (111) relief, help, aid
masty (112) full of mast; abounding in acorns
conciliating (112) to gain goodwill by pleasing acts
vials (114) a small closed vessel for liquids
shrift (115) quick work; confession
sledge (116) sledgehammer
graver (116) any various cutting or shaving tools
carter (116) worker
byword (117) a frequently used word or phrase
thatcher’s hook (118)
whisket (123) a basket; esp., a straw provender basket
poppets (125) doll, puppet
croft (126) small enclosed field usually adjoining a house
planet-struck (127) panic stricken, (affected by the influence of the planets)
barrow (127) (short for wheelbarrow)
travail (127) work, effort, toil
branks (130) (formerly) an iron bridle used to restrain scolding women
reposed (132) to lie at rest; to lie dead
prodigal (132) one who spends lavishly or foolishly
scrin (134) a small vein of ore
pipkin (135) a small earthenware or metal pot usually with a horizontal
tincture (135) color, tint, trace
languid (135) weak, listless, slow
zephyr (135) a breeze from the west
gamboled (135) skip about in play, frisk, frolic
gall (136) bile, something bitter, rancor
posset (136) a sweetened drink of spiced milk curdled with wine or ale
whisk (136) apron
mottle (140) a surface having colored spots or blotches
stooks (140) shocks
glazing (144) fitting windows with glass
wind-eye (144) term for window, meaning a hole through the roof of a hut
relict (147) a relief feature or rock remaining after other parts have
abetted(149) encouraged, assisted
scion (151) descendant, child
kine (158) plural of cow
doxies (159) floozy, prostitute
requited (160) repay, reciprocate
caudle (162) a drink (as for invalids) usually of ale or wine mixed with
bread, eggs, and spices
wraith (163) ghost, specter, shadow
alms (164) charity
tattoo (164) rapid rhythmic rapping
decoctions (165) a substance that comes from boiling down, reducing,
cicely (165) herbs of the carrot family
abatement (165) the act of putting an end to, nullifying
lowlanders (170) native or inhabitant of a lowland region
drake(170) male duck
spindle (171) a round stick with tapered ends
bouse (175) to haul by means of tackle
toadstone (175) a stone or similar object held to have formed in the head or
body of a toad and formerly often worn as a charm or antidote to poison
tine(176) a slender pointed projecting part; Prong
trews (177) tight-fitting trousers usually of tartan; close-cut tartan shorts
worn under the kilt in Highland dress
fathom (178) a unit of measure equal to six feet
cluzened (180) frozen
gravid (189) pregnant
remonstrate (189) present and urge reasons in opposition;
yeomen (190) a person assisting or helping another
salve (190) an unctuous adhesive substance for application to wounds or
loutish (191) boorish
cucking (194) a chair formerly used for punishing offenders (as dishonest
tradesmen) by public exposure or ducking in water
rictus (196) a gaping grin or grimace
depraved (197) speak ill of, malign
siling (203) straining
placket (208) petticoat
manikin (208) little man, dwarf
hob (209) a projection on the back or side of the fireplace used primarily to
keep things warm
depravities (209) corrupt act or practice
buggered (208) to commit sodomy with
keel-hauling (210) to haul under the keel of a ship as punishment or
press gang (210) a company of men under an officer detailed to force men
into military or naval service
amulets (211) a charm often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol
to protect the wearer against evil
talismans (212) an object held as a charm to avert evil and bring good
besotted (213) infatuated
malter (218) one who brews and distills grain
cockerel (218) young male domestic fowl
flagellants (220) a person who scourges himself as a public penance
clemmed (224) starved, hungry
sated (224) to appease (as a thirst) by indulging in the full
exigencies (230) that which is required in a particular situation
kestrels (231) any falcon who searches for prey
corncrakes (231) a short billed bird that frequents grainfields
discordant (241) disagreeable, quarrelsome
unslakable (243) unquenchable
blebs (245) blister, bubble
pillory (245) a device used for publicly punishing offenders
consisting of a wooden frame in which the hands and head can be
mete (246) to give out by measure, dole
abject (246) cast down in spirit, resigned, hopeless
restitution (246) making good of or giving an equivalent of some
penance (246) the act of self-abatement, mortification, or devotion
performed to show sorrow or express repentance for sin
blenched (248) flinch, recoil
discomposing (253) to disturb the composure or calm of; perturb
stanched (254) allay, extinguish
surplice (256) a loose white outer ecclesiastical vestment usually of
knee length with large open sleeves
Leaf-Fall 1666
ewer (264) vase shaped pitcher or jug
farrier (267) a person who shoes horses
spavined (271) old and decrepit, over-the-hill
spur (272) a ridge
phaeton (272) one that pulls a four wheeled, open carriage
expiation (278) the act of making atonement
font (282) a receptacle for baptismal water
prognostic (283) something that fortells
fluxes (290) a flowing of fluids from the body; an excessive,
abnormal discharge from the bowels
rending (298) splitting, as by violence
carrack (299) a sailing ship
cuddy (299) a small cabin or shelter
gimbaled (300) a device that permits the body to incline freely in
any direction
cardamom (300) a fruit of the ginger family with seeds that are used
as a spice or condiment
infidel (300) one who is not Christian or opposes Christianity
adamantine (301) unyielding
minarets (303) a tall slender tower of a mosque having one or more
balconies from which the summons to prayer is cried by the muzzin
haik (304) a piece of white cloth worn as an outer garment in
northern Africa
euphoniously (305) pleasing to the ear
prescient (306) perceiving the significance of events before they occur
incongruous (307) incompatible, disagreeing
pandemic occurring over a wide geographic area
haik (304) a piece of white cloth worn as an outer garment in
northern Africa