Link to Local Mission Booklet - First Presbyterian Church Gainesville

First Presbyterian Church
Gainesville, Georgia
Local Mission
From the Missions Committee:
We at First Presbyterian Church understand the mission of the church to be
externally focused. That is why we seek to keep our congregational family keenly aware
of the ways God is leading us locally and globally. It is the hope of the Missions
Committee that this “opportunities” booklet will help you to better understand what God
is doing through this congregation. By using this resource, you will be able to determine
the many ways we are serving and the areas in which you might be able to share the gifts
with which God has so abundantly blessed you.
As you will see, there are many partners in our mission outreach and we hope to
strengthen and deepen each of those ties in the days, months and years to come. We seek
to undergird these ministries by utilizing our gifts, time, talents and resources in
conjunction with one another as we all seek to fulfill the Great Commission in this place
and at this time to meet the needs of those we seek to serve. It is our desire to recognize
our own brokenness so that we are better able and more aptly suited to walk alongside
those that are placed in our path. We understand the importance of the relational aspect of
ministry and are striving to make ourselves more available so that we might truly know
the stories of those we are called to serve. We will be better equipped to share the love of
Christ once we better understand their individual struggles from the perspective of their
May the Holy Spirit continue to lead us as we humbly seek to embrace those who
seem different from ourselves, and may we all be empowered as we walk the path
together seeking to fulfill His will in our lives. I encourage praying yourself through this
booklet page by page and asking God for discernment on the ways in which you might be
lead to engage those outside the walls of our church building. May Christ’s love abound
in you as you allow His love and light to shine for His glory.
Blessings and Peace,
Rev. Shon Peppers
Associate Pastor
Table of Contents
(Gainesville Agencies and FPC member liaison)
Boy Scout Troop 3 – Shon Peppers
Center Point – Rob Roberts
Challenged Child and Friends, Inc. – Dan Schaap
Children’s Center for Hope and Healing – Lea Bond
CHOICES Pregnancy Care Center – Vicki Thurmond
Eagle Ranch – Shon Peppers
Family Promise – Shon Peppers
Family T.I.E.S. – Lea Bond
Gainesville Action Ministries – Jeremy Caldwell
Gainesville/Hall Community Food Pantry – Jeff Parker
Gateway Domestic Violence Center – Barbara Griffeth
Good News Clinics – Jeremy Caldwell
Good News at Noon – Connie Floyd
The Guest House – Connie Floyd
Hall-Dawson CASA – Rob Roberts
Meals on Wheels – Jeff Parker
My Sister’s Place – Barbara Griffeth
Rape Response, Inc. – Dan Schaap
The Salvation Army – Jeremy Caldwell
 Angel Tree Tag Program
 Bell Ringers
Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Inc. – Vicki Thurmond
Three Dimensional Life – Jeremy Caldwell
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*Each local agency is assigned a Diaconate Liaison, who is responsible for making sure agency contact
information is up to date, agency needs are being met, and notifying Outreach Committee of upcoming
events, fundraisers or other needs to be publicized to the congregation.
(In house mission and point of contact)
Child Development Center – Susan Moon
Wonderful Works – Carol Squires
Radio/Streaming Broadcast of Worship – Fred Mulkey
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(FPC point of contact)
Ecumenical Mission – Dottie Rigby
 Birthday Offering
 Thank Offering
 Least Coin
 Columbia Friendship Circle
 Campus Ministry at the University of Georgia
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(Local, national and international missions and supporting FPC entity)
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child / Operation Shoebox –
Outreach Committee
Living Recovery – B.A.S.I.C. Sunday School Class
Easter and Thanksgiving Food Basket Program – Outreach
Souper Bowl of Caring – Youth Ministry
Women’s Prison Ministry– Mission Committee
Montreat WeeKirk (Small Church) Conference – B.A.S.I.C. Sunday
School Class and Presbyterian Women
FPC Endowment Fund – Mission Committee
Medical Benevolence Foundation – B.A.S.I.C. Sunday School Class
The Jesus Hospital in Korea – B.A.S.I.C. Sunday School Class
Thornwell Home for Children
Presbyterian Homes of Georgia
General Assembly Special Offerings
 One Great Hour of Sharing (special offering at Easter)
 Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
 Christmas Joy Gift
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In addition to the financial and volunteer support of the agencies listed here, many of
First Presbyterian Church members support mission endeavors through fun runs, walks,
various fundraisers, food and toy collections throughout the year.
Other groups and individuals in the congregation support various mission projects of
particular interest by designated gifts and through small groups, such as Sunday School
Classes, Presbyterian Women Circles and the Men’s Breakfast group.
This document has been set up with Quick Response (QR) codes, which
can be read quickly by a cell phone with a barcode reader app. These
codes will direct you to the corresponding website for that agency or
organization we support through outreach and missions.
Table of Contents | 3
Local Mission Outreach
Boy Scout Troop 3
Mission: The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nations
largest and most prominent values-based youth
developmental organizations. The program helps young
people build character, trains them in the responsibilities of
participating citizenship and develops personal fitness.
First Presbyterian Church
800 South Enota Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 532-0136 ext. 12
Fax: (770) 287-1397
Center Point
(A Division of Christian Education Centers, Inc.)
Mission: To strengthen students and their families through
education, counseling, mentoring, substance abuse
prevention, and youth development.
Back in 1967, as a result of a casual conversation between
First Presbyterian Church elder and lawyer, William B. Gunter
and FPC pastor Rev. Bill Markley, the idea to give students
the opportunity to voluntarily supplement their public
education with classes in Christian Education was born. After
studies and research of other successful programs, First
Presbyterian Church purchased land adjacent to the
junior/senior high school. Soon after, the First United
Methodist Church, Grace Episcopal, and Saint Paul United
Methodist joined FPC in this cooperative venture. In 1969,
the Christian Education Center opened its doors to the
community. Over the last four decades, the Center has
expanded its ministries beyond Christian Education The
Center became Center Point in 2003 to reflect its current
broad array of services.
1050 Elephant Trail
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 535-1050
Fax: (770) 534-8204
I - Local Mission Outreach | 1
Challenged Child and Friends, Inc.
Mission: Challenged Child and Friends offers a tailored and
integrated experience where children with a variety of
developmental delays and disabilities learn and grow in a full
inclusion program with children who have typical
CCAF begins serving children as young as six weeks of age
up to six years. With a staff to student ratio that averages oneto-four, individualized programs occur for all students enrolled.
2360 Murphy Boulevard
P.O. Box 5758
Gainesville, GA 30504
Phone: (770) 535-8372
Fax: (770) 535-0252
Children’s Center for Hope and Healing
Mission: The Children’s Center for Hope and Healing
(formerly the Family Relations Program) is dedicated to
stopping the cycle of child abuse and to preventing the
exploitation of children. The center provides counseling,
education, and advocacy for those who lives have been
affected by sexual abuse.
Main Office:
226 Main Street, SW
Gainesville, GA 30501
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 907401
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 532-6530
Fax: (770) 532-7111
2 | I - Local Mission Outreach
CHOICES Pregnancy Care Center (formerly
Gainesville Care Center)
Mission: Choices Pregnancy Care Center is dedicated to
restoring the value of life through educational, emotional and
spiritual support. They are a non-profit Christian ministry and
provide no cost, confidential pregnancy tests, options
education for unplanned pregnancy, STD tests (males and
females), and limited ultrasound. Choices educates each
client in a compassionate environment. They also offer "My
Baby Counts" Program (clients earn baby items), "Encourage
Me" Group (for single moms), and P.A.S.T., Post Abortion
Recovery and Treatment Class (Bible study for women).
Choices operates by the generous donations of individuals,
churches, and businesses along with trained volunteer Client
Advocates (men meet with male STD clients) who share the
gospel with each client.
Gainesville Business hours:
Monday – Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
434 Green Street Place
Gainesville, GA 30501
South Hall Address:
4591 Winder Highway
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Phone: (770) 535-1413
To make an appointment, call the
24 hour Helpline: (770) 535-1245
9:00 a.m. – 12 noon
South Hall Business hours:
Tuesday and Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Eagle Ranch
Mission: Eagle Ranch provides a Christ-centered children’s
home for boys and girls in crisis and in need of hope and
healing. Partnering with their families, they pursue family
restoration and reunification. Eagle Ranch seeks to influence
and equip others who share a similar calling to impact
children, families, and future generations.
P.O. Box 7200
Chestnut Mountain, GA 30502
Phone: (770) 967-8500
Fax: (770) 967-3757
I - Local Mission Outreach | 3
Family Promise
Mission: Family Promise of Hall County is a non-profit
organization which is committed to the mission of helping
homeless families reclaim and maintain independence as they
help put an end to homelessness one family at a time. First
Presbyterian is a host church for this ministry.
P.O. Box 1251
Gainesville, GA 30503
Phone: (770) 532-0136 ext. 12
Fax: (770) 287-1397
Family TIES
Mission: Family TIES is a nonprofit organization dedicated to
helping families provide a safe, nurturing, and positive
environment for their children and teenagers. The programs
seek to educate parents from conception through age
eighteen who wish to improve their parenting skills as well as
families who are incarcerated or mandated by DFCS or the
court system.
615 Oak Street
Suite F
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 287-3071
Fax: (770) 503-0439
4 | I - Local Mission Outreach
Gainesville Action Ministries
Mission: Gainesville Action Ministries outreach works in
partnership with churches and agencies in the community
responding to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of
persons who seek help. They have a focus on the elderly and
families with children to prevent homelessness in the Hall
County area by encouraging and empowering people in need
to become more self-sufficient. Gainesville Action Ministries
was developed by area churches, including First Presbyterian
Church, to provide a central source of help for people in need
of assistance and empowerment through self-sufficiency.
1 First Street
Gainesville, GA 30504
Phone: (770) 531-0144
Gainesville/Hall Community Food Pantry
Mission: Provides food to needy families in Hall County
referred by various agencies in the community.
The Pantry is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from Noon
until 1:30 PM and serves to assist families in distress with a
three day supply of food. Families are eligible to receive food
every 30 days.
Five area churches participate in collecting needed food
supplies and distributing them to referred clients from multiple
social service agencies and participating churches First
Presbyterian Church, First United Methodist Church, Grace
Episcopal, First Baptist Church, and Saint Paul Methodist
Church. In addition to food drives sponsored by the
participating churches, the Food Pantry is able to purchase
food from the Atlanta Food Bank at substantially reduced
Community Food Pantry
615 Oak Street
Suite E
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (678) 450-0077
King Gore
Cell: (404) 822-0650
Financial support, volunteers, non-perishable food items are
always needed.
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Gateway Domestic Violence Center
Mission: Gateway House provides shelter, crisis intervention,
and comprehensive support services for victims of domestic
violence. Gateway House also provides community education
and outreach services for the prevention of domestic violence.
For information on volunteering, contact Shelby Kinsey,
volunteer coordinator.
P.O. Box 2962
Gainesville, GA 30503
Visit one of their three thrift stores at the following locations:
Crisis hotline: (770) 536-5860
Dawsonville Highway at 1080 Dawsonville Highway (same
building with Play it Again Sports) open Monday - Saturday
from 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (770) 539-9645
Park Hill Drive at 1642 Park Hill Drive (near Poor Richard's
Restaurant open Monday – Saturday from 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
(770) 536-6789
Administration: (770) 539-9080
Fax: (770) 539-9990
Atlanta Highway at 213 Atlanta Highway (between the Atlanta
Highway Fish Market and Jesse Jewell Parkway) open
Monday – Saturday from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (678) 450-9100
Good News Clinics
Mission: Good News Clinics offers support and free medical
care to the indigent, homeless, and low-income people who
have no healthcare insurance and cannot afford medical care.
In addition to primary medical care, the Clinics also provide
dental care and medications. Good News Clinics provides
services through the volunteer efforts and resources of
medical professionals from the Gainesville/Hall County
community and is funded entirely from private donations and
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2683
Gainesville, GA 30503
Physical Address:
810 Pine Street
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 297-5040
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Good News at Noon
Mission: Good News at Noon’s mission is to enhance the
spiritual and physical well-being of the less advantaged by
bridging relationships with the larger family of God. Their goal
is a reciprocal flow of resources and to enrich the lives of both
givers and receivers. Their primary focus is the Melrose
community and adjoining neighborhoods in Gainesville / Hall
County, where, in cooperation with others they work to bring
about community development and spiritual renewal. During
FPC’s 17-year history with GNAN, our congregation has
served about 50,000 meals. Today the Good News at noon
ministry offers Bible Study, ESL instruction, after school
activities for children, a computer center for persons seeking
employment, housing for the homeless, counseling and much
more. This faith-based organization depends solely on
donations from churches, businesses, and individuals.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1577
Gainesville, GA 30503
Physical Address:
979 Davis Street
Gainesville, GA 30501
Office: (770) 503-1366
Fax: (770) 287-8416
Thomas Ramirez
Cell: (678) 707-4276
The Guest House
Mission: The Guest House provides daytime care for older
adults and offers a safe, caring environment that continues to
enrich the lives of the frail elderly in this community. It also
provides educational services for family members that
strengthen their care giving abilities and coping skills.
The Guest House hours are 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
360 Oak St.
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 535-1487
Fax: (770) 536-4264
Executive Director:
Dana Chapman
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Hall-Dawson CASA
Mission: The Hall-Dawson Court Appointed Special Advocate
(CASA) Program ensures abused and neglected children
have the right to safe placement and permanent homes.
CASA provides trained, screened, and supervised volunteers
to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected
children requiring court intervention.
Hall-Dawson CASA has two training programs per year, one
held in the early spring and the other in the fall. During eight
Tuesday training sessions from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM, you will
learn courtroom procedures and policies, signs and symptoms
of abuse and neglect, and how to gather and report
information about the case to the courts.
The need for bilingual advocates is critical, as well as a
current need for Spanish interpreters.
P.O. Box 907471
Gainesville, GA 30501-0908
Phone: (770) 531-1964
Fax: (770) 534-5851
Meals on Wheels
Mission: The nationally accredited Meals on Wheels
program provides hot meals and daily personal contact for
approximately 300 homebound seniors and persons with
disabilities. The program operates from the Community
Service Center in Gainesville, as well as four satellite sites
located in North Hall, South Hall, Lula, and Clermont. This
program has 230 volunteers who deliver meals throughout the
Volunteers are needed to deliver meals Monday through
Friday. Meal routes take approximately 1 hour or less to
deliver. Commitment to deliver meals can be as little as once
a month. Open orientation is held every Wednesday at 2:00
PM at the Community Service Center.
8 | I - Local Mission Outreach
430 Prior Street, SE
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 503-3330
Fax: (770) 503-3344
Volunteer Contact: Stephanie
My Sister’s Place
Mission: My Sister’s place is a Christ-centered ministry
providing shelter and a fresh start for homeless women and
their children since 2000. They enable their ladies to find
employment and learn stewardship principles. It is their goal
for each woman to leave their ministry with the ability to
succeed independently.
My Sister’s Place has a variety of volunteer opportunities.
Provide a meal for the women and children as an
individual or group.
Cover the Phones. Training on procedures is provided.
You can volunteer for a weekly or bi-weekly 4-hour shift.
Due to MSP policies concerning unsupervised visitors,
this opportunity is for ladies only.
For more information on either of these volunteer
opportunities contact Martha Howard, Volunteer Coordinator
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 908492
Gainesville, GA 30501
Physical Address:
2480 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Unit 4
Gainesville, Georgia
Phone: (770) 532-5111
Emergency Shelter: (770) 5031181
Serve on the Board of Directors to help map out the
future of MSP, plan events and provide oversight for the
ministry. The board of directors meets quarterly for
evening meetings.
For more information about this opportunity, please email
Brandee Thomas, Managing Director at
Rape Response, Inc.
Mission: Rape Response serves as a system of support,
advocacy, and education, providing services to the community
and survivors of sexual assault while safeguarding the dignity
of each person served.
P.O. Box 2883
Gainesville, GA 30503
Phone: (770) 503-RAPE
Fax: (770) 503-7208
Outside Hall County: (800) 721-1999
I - Local Mission Outreach | 9
The Salvation Army
Mission: The Salvation Army, an international movement, is
an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its
message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by
the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus
Christ and to meet human needs in His name without
discrimination. Two activities FPC is directly involved with
during the Christmas Season include the Angel Tree Tag and
Salvation Army Bell Ringers.
Angel Tree Tag Program
Through The Salvation Army's "Angel Tree," gifts are
provided to needy children and elderly citizens who would
otherwise be left out on Christmas." Angel tags are made
available to the FPC congregation at Christmas for the
purpose of purchasing clothing and toys for needy residents
and children of Hall County. The Salvation Army collects the
items, wraps them and distributes the packages to the
Local Address:
681 Dorsey Street
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 534-7589
Thrift Store/Pickups: (770) 5342305
Bell Ringers
The "miracle" of Christmas is repeated over and over again
through the joy of caring and sharing. The traditional red
kettle is an integral part of the Christmas scene, with millions
of dollars donated each year to aid needy families, seniors,
and the homeless, in keeping with the spirit of the season.
FPC volunteers are a vital part of this program.
Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Inc.
Mission: Teen Pregnancy Prevention is committed to
addressing the issue of teenage pregnancy and its prevention
by providing comprehensive and age-appropriate prevention
programming, counseling and support services, community
education and awareness programs.
615 - F Oak Street
Suite 700
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 535-7066
Fax: (770) 503-0439
10 | I - Local Mission Outreach
Three Dimensional Life
Mission: Three Dimensional Life’s primary purpose is to
rescue students that are struggling with drug abuse, alcohol
abuse, divorce, and brokenness. Three Dimensional Life uses
five core values to meet this need.
Rescue Students:
To help any student who’s behaviors have led them to a need
for change.
Restore Families:
To get the entire family involved.
Grow Leaders:
To expose leadership potential in students and build them into
world changers!
Build Character:
To help students think wisely about their future and make the
best possible decision in every situation.
4141 Old Cornelia Highway
Gainesville, GA 30507
Phone: (770) 869-3551
Executive Director:
Greg Brooks
Change Culture:
Three Dimensional Life works in schools, families, and
communities to introduce a new culture by teaching classes,
raising awareness, and partnering with people in the
communities to get rid of destructive habits that plague our
I - Local Mission Outreach | 11
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First Presbyterian Church
Mission and Outreach
Child Development Center
Mission: The Center offers a challenging and supportive
environment for each child and works with the family and
school, using Christian teachings to give children the
opportunity to develop their fullest potential.
The Child Development Center supports families by providing
high quality, full day, developmental care for children ages six
weeks to five years. It was founded in 1957 and continues as
a ministry of the First Presbyterian Church. The center
teaches Christian values and worship with appropriate
reading, prayers and chapel. Well-trained staff prepare
planned classroom activities with equipment for art, musical
expression and cooperative play. The center also provides
nutritious hot meals, age-appropriate health education and
opportunities to increase fine and gross motor skills.
Enrollment opportunities are available all year round.
First Presbyterian Church
800 South Enota Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770-532-8188
Wonderful Works
Mission: This is a hands-on women’s group that serves both
the church and community. They use their sewing skills,
create craft projects and perform acts of kindness out of love
for others.
First Presbyterian Church
800 South Enota Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 532-0136
II - FPC Mission and Outreach | 1
Radio/Streaming Broadcast of Worship
Mission: To make the Worship service available to the
homebound and those who are traveling in the area.
First Presbyterian began radio broadcast of the worship
services over 36 years ago. Technology has evolved and
improved over the years and today, in addition to broadcasting
the sermons each Sunday, live streaming of worship and
other church events is on-going and available online and on
the church’s website. Our pastors tell of how people in the
community recognize their voices from the broadcasts and
how much they enjoy being able to “worship live” when unable
to physically attend church. Through this ministry, church
events such as weddings, baptisms, and other activities can
be captured live and on DVD.
2 | II - FPC Mission and Outreach
First Presbyterian Church
800 South Enota Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 532-0136
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women
Mission and Purpose:
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered
by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves
To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
To support the mission of the church worldwide,
To work for justice and peace,
And to build an inclusive, caring community of women that
strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) and witnesses to
the promise of God’s kingdom.
Presbyterian Women is an organized way for women in the
congregation to work together and to have fellowship. The
plan of grouping women in Circles provides an inclusive,
caring community.
All women members in the church are invited to be members
of a Circle. Circles meet once a month for Bible study and are
a vital link into the life of the church with opportunities for
small group interaction and involvement with activities of the
congregation. Circle members minister to each other in times
of bereavement and special needs.
First Presbyterian Church
800 South Enota Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 532-0136
A PW Coordinating Team provides direction. The team
includes a Moderator, several officers, and the Circle leaders.
PW is directly responsible to the Session of the church.
Activities, projects, plans, and goals of the local organization
are in keeping with the policies of the Session, Presbytery,
and General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Special Offerings:
Birthday Offering
The Birthday Offering is a PW offering collected in the spring
of each year to celebrate the blessings in the lives of
Presbyterian Women. The offering funds up to five projects
which are not included in ongoing General Assembly mission
support, such as agricultural development, child care,
community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling,
economic justice, elderly care, employment training,
homelessness, literacy, violence and women’s concerns.
Thank Offering
Birthday Offering
Thank Offering
III - Presbyterian Women | 1
The Thank Offering is a PW offering collected in the fall of
each year that gives women a tangible way to express their
gratitude for the special blessings in their lives. The offering
funds projects such as agricultural development, child care,
community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling,
economic justice, elderly care, employment training,
homelessness, literacy, violence and women’s concerns. At
least 40 percent of this offering supports health ministries
throughout the world. The remaining 60 percent funds new
creative ideas for mission.
Least Coin
The ecumenical Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) prayer
movement celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2006. FLC
invites women from around the world to set aside the least
coin of their country as a concrete symbol of their prayers for
peace and reconciliation. These least coins support a range of
programs, including gender justice issues, literacy and
education, and health and social concerns. The brochure
includes the prayer of thanksgiving appropriate for FLC giving.
Least Coin
Columbia Friendship Circle
Columbia Friendship Circle, celebrating its 63rd Anniversary in
2012, includes women from six southeastern states. Their
purpose is threefold:
Columbia Friendship Circle
To pray for the students, faculty, staff, and all members
of the seminary community
To encourage men and women to consider Christian
To provide financial assistance through selected projects
that help meet the seminary's needs
In recent years the funds are providing scholarships for
selected students with families. CFC sponsors Come See
Columbia Day each April, offering opportunities to worship
with the seminary community, meet the scholarship recipients,
have lunch, visit with students and faculty and tour the
For additional information:
Columbia Theological Seminary
Columbia Theological Seminary is an educational institution of
the Presbyterian Church (USA), and a community of
theological inquiry and formation for ministry in the service of
the Church of Jesus Christ. Located in Decatur, Georgia, just
east of the city of Atlanta, Columbia offers seven graduate
degree programs and dozens of lifelong learning courses and
events as a resource for church professionals and lay people.
2 | III - Presbyterian Women
701 South Columbia Drive
Decatur, Georgia
Phone: (404) 378-8821
Campus Ministry at the University of Georgia
Mission: Presbyterian Campus Ministry at The University of
Georgia aspires to furnish students with a rich community
experience through which they mature in their faith, develop
into committed disciples of Jesus Christ, and become effective
leaders of his church in the world.
Regional Address:
Presbyterian Student Center UGA
1250 South Lumpkin Street
Athens, GA 30605
Phone: (706) 548-5932
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Additional Missions Supported
By First Presbyterian Church
Samaritan’s Purse
Mission: Samaritan's Purse is a nondenominational
evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and
physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970,
Samaritan's Purse has helped meet needs of people who are
victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine
with the purpose of sharing God's love through His Son, Jesus
The organization serves the Church worldwide to promote the
Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Regional Address:
P.O. Box 3000
Boone, NC 28607
Phone: (828) 262-1980
Fax: (828) 266-1056
Operation Christmas Child/Operation
Mission: For more than a decade, Operation Christmas Child
has answered the call to share the love of Jesus Christ with
hurting children around the world. In 2011, more than 8.6
million shoebox gifts were collected internationally from the
United States and 10 other countries. Since 1993, more than
94 million gift-filled shoeboxes have been distributed to
children in more than 130 countries worldwide.
Regional Address:
P.O. Box 3000
Boone, NC 28607
Phone: (828) 262-1980
Fax: (828) 266-1056
IV - Additional Missions Supported by FPC | 1
Living Recovery Ministry
Mission: To empower people to make a difference in their
lives that will last a lifetime.
Living Recovery provides residential sober living for people
with a substance use disorder. An average of 35% maintain
long-term sobriety after completion in comparison to the 10%
national average. Christian role-models demonstrate how
serving the Lord gives a person the strength to change.
Living Recovery, Inc.
P. O. Box 1149
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Toll Free: (888) 507-5433
Fax: (770) 967-9640
Residential Recovery Home
Donna Keener and Debi Hymel
Easter and Thanksgiving Food Basket
Mission: To prepare and distribute food baskets to needy
residents of Hall County. For years, this has been a mission
outreach activity of First Presbyterian Church. As Gainesville
has grown, this ministry, as many with which we have been
supporting, has been evolving into a more community-wide
ecumenical movement involving multiple churches and
organizations, thus giving us the opportunity to have a much
wider impact.
First Presbyterian Church
800 South Enota Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 532-0136
2 | IV - Additional Missions Supported by FPC
Souper Bowl of Caring
(Sponsored by the Youth Ministry Team)
Mission: Using the energy of the Super Bowl to mobilize
youth in a united effort to care for people in their local
communities who are hungry and those in need of food.
"Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help
us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat"
is inspiring a youth-led movement to help hungry and hurting
people around the world.
P.O. Box 23224
Columbia, SC 29224
This prayer, delivered by Brad Smith, then a seminary intern
serving at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia,
SC, gave birth to an idea. Why not use Super Bowl weekend,
a time when people come together for football and fun, to also
unify the nation for a higher good: collecting dollars and
canned food for the needy? Youth collect donations at their
schools and churches in soup pots, and then send every
dollar directly to a local charity of their choice. Since 1990,
$33 million has been raised for charities across the country.
Toll Free: (800) 358-7687
Fax: (803) 419-7244
Local Contact: Lori Peppers
Phone: (770) 532-0136
Women’s Prison Ministry
Three times a year members of First Presbyterian Church
teach a 10 week Anger Management course to inmates at Lee
Arrendale Prison. The goal is to help them identify the true
sources of their anger, and to teach them how to change their
behavior and responses in potential anger producing
situations. The role of faith and forgiveness are frequently
woven into the lessons. The course has been very successful
and rewarding for both the inmates and for those who have
taught the course. It is not an understatement to say that
each person involved has benefitted greatly.
First Presbyterian Church
800 South Enota Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 532-0136
Contact: Reverend Bob
IV - Additional Missions Supported by FPC | 3
Montreat Wee Kirk (Small Church)
The purpose of this conference is to inspire, equip, motivate,
encourage, and provide rest and refreshment for pastors,
commissioned lay pastors and leaders of small Presbyterian
congregations. Provided at a modest cost, this conference is
designed as a gift from individuals, larger congregations, and
governing bodies in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Regional Address:
Presbyterians for Renewal
8134 New LaGrange Road
Suite 227
Louisville, KY 40222
Phone: (502) 425-4630
Fax: (502) 423-8329
Local Address:
First Presbyterian Church
800 South Enota Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 532-0136
FPC Endowment Fund
In 1994, the Session and the congregation approved the
creation of the Endowment Fund and formation of an
Endowment Committee to oversee use of funds donated to
advance specific ministries of the church.
You can easily create a lasting tribute today or from your
estate. You can even make a gift that will provide income for
you and your spouse for a period of years or for the rest of
your life. With proper tax planning, an estate gift can be made
without reducing what you leave to your heirs.
Memorial and honorary gifts can be made to a specific fund of
your choice. For a detailed list of all current funds and for the
opportunity to start a fund, please contact the church office.
4 | IV - Additional Missions Supported by FPC
First Presbyterian Church
800 South Enota Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (770) 532-0136
Medical Benevolence Foundation
MBF, a validated ministry of PCUSA, proclaims and
demonstrates the gospel of Jesus Christ by encouraging and
supporting the healing ministries of our worldwide partners.
Program areas include community health and development,
missionary support, indigenous healthcare training, women
and children's health, HIV/AIDS, diseases of poverty, medical
supplies and equipment, hospital and clinic facilities and
charity/curative care.
10707 Corporate Drive
Suite 220
Stafford, TX 77477
Phone: (281) 201-2043
Toll Free: (800) 547-7627
Jesus Hospital/Presbyterian Medical Center
at Chonju (Jeonju in modern spelling)
The Presbyterian Medical Center in Jeonju (Chonju), Korea,
has been fulfilling its role of providing medical care and
proclaiming the gospel for 112 years, beginning from the
opening of a dispensary on November 3, 1898 by Dr. Mattie
B. Ingold, a woman physician from Hickory, North Carolina.
In 1902, the first western-style outpatient clinic was built for
her by a fellow-missionary, the Rev. William B. Harrison, and
run by Dr. Wylie H. Forsythe. In 1912, the third hospital
director, Dr. Thomas H. Daniel, built a clean, tidy 30-bed
hospital. This hospital and subsequent buildings became
known as the “Jesus Hospital” in Korea.
In 1947, Dr. Paul S. Crane, the 7th hospital director, returned
to Korea after WWII and decided that the hospital in Jeonju
should be developed into a teaching and state-of-the-art
hospital, and received Mission approval. The doors of the
newly named “Presbyterian Medical Center” were opened on
April 1, 1948.
Ron Vinson
Executive Director
Presbyterian Heritage Center
P.O. Box 207
Montreat, NC 28757
Phone: (828) 669-6556
The facility has been supported over the decades by Korean
and U.S. Presbyterians and now dispatches medical
missionaries to many third-world countries.
Ron Vinson, who is the Executive Director of the Presbyterian
Heritage Center, which replaced the Historical Foundation, is
the source of information for this ministry.
IV - Additional Missions Supported by FPC | 5
6 | IV - Additional Missions Supported by FPC
Northeast Georgia Presbytery
Northeast Georgia Presbytery
Mission: To become a Christ-centered, inclusive community
of faithful and healthy congregations. Its purpose is to initiate
and assist the development of churches throughout their life
cycles; strengthen connections among congregations, other
governing bodies, and denominations; provide training and
education for leadership development; foster spiritual growth
and discernment; and provide support for students preparing
for ordained ministry, in the calling of pastoral leadership and
in the caring of pastors, church professionals, and
Regional Address:
1011 Woodridge Lane
Watkinsville, GA 30677
Phone: (706) 310-7100
Toll Free in Georgia: (866) 3531743
Fax: (706) 310-7101
V - Northeast Georgia Presbytery | 1
2 | V - Northeast Georgia Presbytery
Regional Support
Thornwell Home for Children
Mission: Once an orphanage, today Thornwell serves
abused, abandoned and neglected children: boys and girls in
a range of ages from toddler to young adult. The majority of
Thornwell’s children are private placements; however, some
children come to Thornwell through the Department of Social
Services. Thornwell’s program is not for offenders or youth
with addictions.
Regional Address:
302 South Broad Street
Clinton, SC 29325
Phone: (864) 938-2100
Presbyterian Homes of Georgia
Mission: Since 1949, Presbyterian Homes has been
synonymous with excellence in senior living. In planning for
retirement living, consider Presbyterian Homes of Georgia. A
Christian ministry providing exceptional services, they offer
gracious retirement living in four outstanding communities for
those 62 and older.
A full spectrum of living accommodations including residential
cottages and apartments, assisted living, memory support,
and nursing care are available at our two continuing care
retirement communities: Presbyterian Village in Austell and
Presbyterian Home and Retirement Community in Quitman.
Two additional communities, Calvin Court in Atlanta's
Buckhead neighborhood and Philips Tower in Decatur, offer
comfortable, affordable apartment living for active seniors. A
fifth community, Presbyterian Homes Athens/Oconee, is in
development. In addition to the exceptional communities,
commitment to excellent care sets us apart. Never in our
history has a resident been asked to leave because of
outliving his or her financial means. Learn more about these
exceptional communities, extraordinary people, and caring
Corporate Office:
301 E. Screven Street
Quitman GA, 31643
Phone: (229) 263-6191
Toll-free: (800) 808-3309
Office of Development:
3675 Crestwood Parkway
Suite 370
Duluth, GA 30096
Phone: (404) 231-5758
VI - Regional Support | 1
General Assembly Special Offerings
Through special church-wide offerings Presbyterians feed the
hungry, respond to disasters, care for the sick, minister to
children and youth, support racial ethnic schools and colleges,
train young adult leaders, and make peace in homes,
communities, and nations.
In doing so, the PC (USA) not only offers its gifts, it offers a
visible witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Special Offerings Include:
 One Great Hour of Sharing (special offering at Easter)
 Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
 Christmas Joy Gift
Regional Address:
Office of the General Assembly
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202-1396
Toll Free: (888) 728-7228
Fax: (502) 569-8038
One Great Hour of Sharing (special offering at
Sharing resources, changing lives
Since 1949 Presbyterians have joined with millions of other
Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s
love with those in need. Your generous gifts assist those
affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and
help build strong communities.
2 | VI - Regional Support
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and
mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) to
witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for
communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is the emergency and
refugee program of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. The core
budget, including staff and administrative costs, is funded
through the One Great Hour of Sharing, and its program work
is additionally funded through designated gifts.
Christmas Joy Gift
Giving back to those who have given so much
Providing financial assistance to current and former church
workers and their families, your generous gifts to the
Christmas Joy Offering will bring Good News of Great Joy to
the poor in circumstance or spirit.
VI - Regional Support | 3
4 | VI - Regional Support
VIII - FPC Connected Missionaries | 1