January 30, 1933- Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany

January 30, 1933Adolf Hitler
appointed Chancellor
of Germany.
March 22, 1933- First
condentration camp
established at Dachau,
Germany for political
April 1, 1933- Nazis
organize a nationwide
boycott of Jewishowned businesses in
April 1933- First antiJewish laws passed.
Jews are no longer
allowed to be public
employees (teachers,
post office workers,
government workers).
May10, 1933- Nazis
burn books of those
considered unGerman. This
introduces the idea of
censorship and
government control of
September 15, 1935Nazi government
declared “racial
laws”, making Jews
non-citizens and
forbidding marriage
between Jews and
non-Jews. These laws
are known as the
Nuremberg Laws.
August 1-16, 1936The summer Olympic
Games are held in
Berlin, Germany. The
Nazis remove antiJewish signs from
public display and
restrained anti-Jewish
activities to avoid
March 12-13, 1938Germany annexes
Austria. Thousands of
Austrian Jews flee
due to harsh antiJewish actions that
November 9-10,
1938- In a nationwide
pogrom (attack) called
Kristalnacht, the Nazis and
their collaborators burn
synagogues and loot Jewish
homes and businesses.
Approximately 30,000
Jewish men imprisoned in
concentration camps.
September 1, 1939German troops invade
Poland, marking the
beginning of WWII.
October 1939- Nazi
government begins
program to kill
mentally and
physically disabled
people in a
“euthanasia” program
known as the “T-4
November 12, 1939German authorities
begin forced
deportation of Jews
from West Prussia,
Poznan, Danzig and
Lodz to locations in
their Polish territory.
May 10, 1940German troops invade
the Netherlands,
Luxembourg, and
June 22, 1941German troops invade
the Soviet Union.
Summer and Fall,
1941- German mobile
killing squads,
Einsatzgruppen, were
assigned to identify,
concentrate, and kill
Jew behind the front
September 15, 1941Jews over the age of 6
who reside in
Germany had to wear
a yellow Star of
David in public at all
October 15, 1941Deportation of Jews
to the ghettos of
Lodz, Riga and Minsk
December 8, 1941Gassing operations
begin at the the
Chelmno killing
January 1942- Nazi
officials meet in
Wannsee to organize
the Final Solution
(mass murder of Jews
in Europe).
July 11, 1942- First
direct deportation to