Lab Report Format

Lab Report Format
Testable Question:
1. State your hypothesis, the answer(s) to the question above.
2. Must be an “If....Then…Because” statement.
List your materials used during the experiment/lab
Day 1: Soaking egg in vinegar
1. Label container with group names.
2. In the data table, make observations and a drawing of the egg in the appropriate space.
3. To Measure Your Egg, use a piece of string and a metric ruler. Measure the
circumference of the egg (along the “equator”). Record circumference to closest
millimeter. Measure from pole to pole of the egg to the closest millimeter.
4. Pour enough vinegar to cover the egg into the container.
5. Allow it to soak 2 days. Loosely place lid on top; if placed too tight it may break!
7. Put the container in the designated space.
8. Clean up materials and wash hands.
Day 2: Soaking egg in Corn Syrup
1. Carefully remove egg from the container of vinegar.
2. Remove any remaining bits of shell by gently running egg under water. Blot it dry with
a paper towel
3. Measure the “equator” and “poles” of your egg and record observations/drawing in
data table.
4. Pour used vinegar down the drain. Rinse container
5. Place the egg back in the cup and add enough corn syrup to completely cover your egg.
6. Allow it to soak 1 day.
7. Put container in designated space, clean up materials and wash hands.
Day 3: Soaking egg in Water
1. Carefully remove egg from the container of Corn Syrup, rinse it gently with water and
blot it dry with a paper towel.
2. Measure the “equator” and “poles” of your egg and record observations/drawing in
data table.
3. Throw out the cup with corn syrup in it and get a new one.
4. Place the egg in the cup and add enough water to completely cover egg.
5. Allow it to soak 1 day.
6. Put container in designated space, clean up materials and wash hands.
Day 4: Final observations
1. Carefully remove egg from the container of Water, rinse it gently with water and blot it
dry with a paper towel.
2. Measure the “equator” and “poles” of your egg and record observations/drawing in
data table.
3. Throw out the cup and the egg.
Data and Observation:
This is where your DATA TABLE goes…remember headings and labeled drawings!
Analysis of Data:
This is where your BAR GRAPH goes!
A clear statement of what occurred in the lab.
Transfer information in paragraph form from LEAF chart.