My Name is……

My Name is……
You are going to create a PowerPoint Presentation based on your name.
Google “name meanings” and follow a few links to research and find out the meaning of your First and Last
name (your Middle, too, if you want too). Discover also the etymology, or history of, your name. For
example, it could be Old English, French, or Germanic. Find out.
After you’ve discovered the meaning, Search for pictures that might represent the meanings of your name.
Create a PowerPoint about your name based on your research. Use interesting Transitions for the slides and
Actions for the Text you use. If you know how, put sounds in your presentation.
Slide One
o “My Name Is _______ ________.”
 “My Name Is Stanley Maxwell Lough”
Slide Two
o “My First name means _________________. It is a ______________ name.”
 “My First name means stone clearing or rocky meadow. It is an English and German
o Have a picture or two in the background depicting the meaning of your name.
Slide Three
o “My Middle name means _________________. It is a ______________ name.”
 “My Middle name means Maccus’s (or Mack’s) Stream or simply Great Spring. It is
a Scottish-English name.”
o Have a picture or two depicting the meaning of your name.
Slide Four
o “My Last name means _________________. It is a ______________ name.”
 “My Last name means to come from or live by a lake. It is an Irish name.”
o Have a picture or two depicting the meaning of your name.
Slide Five
o Describe your name with all its meanings put together.
 “If you put the meanings of my name all together, it might describe a lake filled with
water streaming from a great well surrounded by a stony meadow.”
o Have a picture or two depicting the meaning of your name.
Slide Six
o Create an Acrostic of your name
 For each first letter of your names, put a word that describes you.
 S-Strong
 T-Tall
 A-Artistic
 N-Naturalist
 You get the idea…do this for all names you researched.
Slide Seven
o Bibliography Page- List what web sites you used to research your name
 Use the above web site to correctly write your sources