Name: ______ Address: __________________ Phone: ______

TotallyTess presents: February Freeze Tradeshow and Craft Sale
Saturday February 27, 2016 11 am to 4pm
Saskatoon Travelodge Hotel 106 Circle Drive West
Cost is $65 8 foot table
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________ Cellular: _______________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of your business: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Type of business or services/treatments you wish to provide:
Vendors will have use of one 8 foot table. Only one vendor per table is permitted. Set up starts 0900 hours on Saturday am.
Registration is $65 for an 8 foot table. All tables are rectangular. Registration fee is non-refundable.
Tables will be confirmed once payment is received. Cheques to be made payable
NO EXCEPTIONS. See Contract Provisions for
to Tess Boehm or funds can be sent by email money transfer to
Mail completed registration form, contract and payment to: February Freeze Saskatoon #217 – 2001 Cornwall Street, Regina SK S4P 3X9
Each vendor is responsible to clean up their own table area after the show
Please list below your requirements: Power space is limited – first come first serve – You will have two chairs at your table, unless you specify differently.
To ensure variety, registrations will be limited for specialized services and items.
Questions? Call Tess at 529-2850 (after 5pm ) or email to
On Facebook? Add me so the event can be sent to you and you can post your site on the event
Vendor signature and date
Vendor requests:
Be specific of what you need and what you might wish to bring so proper table assignments can be made.
NOTE : Each paid vendor will get their name in a draw for their February gas bill, up to $150 value. A copy
of your bill will be required if you win. Each vendor is asked to have a draw box at their table, where each
guest can put their name in the box on your table. If YOU win the Feb power bill draw, then YOU pick a name
from your bin and that person wins too. This will inspire folks to visit all the tables. Vendors cannot put their
names in other vendors boxes, or their own, as they will be part of the draw with me already. This will provide
a bit of heat for all of us during February Freeze!!
TotallyTess Trade Show Contract Provisions
Space assignments: Space is leased on a first come first serve basis. Tables are 8 feet. Exhibitor agrees to hold harmless
TotallyTess and staff any liability which may result from table assignment or any cause.
Payments and Cancellations: In applying for space, the Exhibitor will lease a space for $65 for one day. In the event of cancellation
by the Exhibitor at any time, TotallyTess will have the right to lease the space to anyone else without obligation to return monies
already paid, and the right to retain such amount as liquidated damages.
Tables: Each exhibitor is responsible for the safe set up of the table display. An 8 foot table and two chairs will be provided unless
additional chairs are requested. Only one exhibitor per table is allowed. Storing of inventory outside the table area will not be
permitted; fire regulations do not permit it. All empty boxes should be stored under tables. All demonstrations and exhibits must
be contained within the contracted table spaces.
NOTE: large banners cannot be put up on inside tables and the outside tables will go to those that require power first. Banners can
be placed just outside the venue in the hallway or please, leave them out.
Electricity is available on a first come first served basis and based on availability. Bring your own extension cords.
Each exhibitor installs and removes their exhibit at their own expense.
There will be NO burning of scented candles or any such other product. Reminder that all shows are rated scent sensitive for the
comfort of exhibitors and their guests. Those vendors with scented products are to use them sparingly. Please consult with the
vendors on either side and across and behind you for their comfort.
Each exhibitor is responsible to follow all health, food, safety, OHS and fire regulations that pertain to their business being
demonstrated and to the space provided.
Liability: The Exhibitor agrees to make no claims for any reason whatsoever, including negligence and/or omissions, against
TotallyTess for loss, theft, damage, destruction of goods, injury to themselves by virtue of failure to provide space or removal of
exhibit, any action of any nature of the above organization, failure to hold exhibition as scheduled, or for any cause that may render
exhibit area unusable.
No refunds will be provided.
I understand, and agree to the terms of this contract.
Signature of Primary Contact
Please print name
©2012 TotallyTess.
All Rights Reserved