5 question Quiz (Dictate)

5 question Quiz (Dictate)
Who are the characters in Mother Tongue?
What is the main subject of the article?
What did Amy Tan, as a child, have to do for her mother?
How did her mother feel about Amy Tan’s book after she read it?
What could a possible theme be for this article?
“Mother Tongue”, by Amy Tan
Amy Tan
 Born in the US to immigrant parents from China
 Disappointed her mother by not being a doctor or concert pianist
 Amy Tan grew up as a first generation American. There were generational conflicts with
her mother.
Background Information
 Generational conflict is a struggle between characters when beliefs and values change
from one generation to another
 Motivation is the reason behind a character’s thoughts, feelings and actions
 Amy Tan writes an article expressing her love for language. She uses her experiences
with her mother to express the power of language.
 Amy Tan begins by stating she is not an expert on language. Writing is something that
fascinates her though.
 According to Amy Tan, language is powerful.
 As a child and an adult, Amy spoke for her mother, to facilitate the communication
between her stock broker and doctor at the hospital.
 Amy also wrote her famous book, The Joy Luck Club, using her mom as the audience to
make the ideas accessible to all.
 Amy and her mother’s challenges with writing shaped who they are and guided their lives
down a certain road. It is all described within the article.
 Minor Characters
o Du Zong
o The stockbroker
o The doctors and nurses
 Major Characters
o Amy Tan
o Amy Tan’s mother
 Language is powerful and can have a great impact on your life.
o Language can:
 form your perception of the world
 help communicate with the outside world
 inhibit acceptance into society, limit and enable you
 provide a challenge you can either overcome or give in to
 change and transform in light of the audience of your language
Literary Devices
 Imagery – She describes her and her mother’s experiences with vivid descriptions. The
imagery added to the reader’s empathy for her mother.
Lesson Plan Format: Family Unit Short Stories
Name: Mr. Cavanaugh
Date: 9/21/11
Story: “Mother Tongue”
Goals of Lesson:
 Students will recall a summary of the article.
 Students will recall information on Amy Tan and her family background.
 Students will analyze the themes of, “Mother Tongue”
 Students will understand the power of language.
 Students will create a story without using words to help understand the power of
 “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan
 Art supplies
 Paper
 Story prompts
(5 min.)
Quick Quiz – Class takes out a piece of paper and answers the 5 dictated
questions. The teacher collects them and uses them to get information on the
student’s understandings of the story.
Development: 5 minutes will be used to take notes on Amy Tan and background information.
20 minutes will be used to create your story prompt and depict your story on a
piece of paper.
5 minutes will be used for volunteers to present their picture and students guess
what the story is about.
(30 min.)
Review and questions and answers.
 Picture stories
 Final test
The Soup Kitchen that I volunteered at as a teenager is now my only source of 3
meals a day.
The day our Uncle was crushed by a forty foot machine, my mother and brother
could not stop discussing how cool it would be if he came back as a zombie while
looking at his body and making arrangements for it at the funeral home.
Today I had to break into my own home.
I realized I was lonely when i started kissing the sides of my fish tank to say good
night to my fish.
I was excited to climb out and meet her, but the window glass wasn't.
After driving 800 miles non-stop to visit my family, I got lost for the only time that
day within 2 blocks of my old home.
He used to call me "Juice-Juice" because "Alyssa" was too hard to say and it was his
favorite drink.
He used to call me "Juice-Juice" because "Alyssa" was too hard to say and it was his
favorite drink.
As I heard "maybe we should just be friends" for the 14th time in 4 years I began to
think my current approach wasn't working.
I worked 8 hours today stocking a store, complete with lifting, bending, stretching,
only to throw out my back while flushing the toilet at home.
When I paused in between songs, I could hear my husband applauding on the other
side of the shower door.
My aunt taught me to drive in the cemetery because "I couldn't hurt anyone in
Meeting him in calculus taught me to love math.
Faced with answering the phone or going to lunch I chose the phone with no way of
knowing that the wrong number on the other end would someday be my husband.
My 46-year-old father chipped his tooth pretending he was Jimi Hendrix.
Last night I saved a guy's life using the Heimlich Maneuver and after he calmed
down, finished eating, and had dessert he left me thirteen percent.
After noticing that I alone filled up a whole dumpster in a week, I realized my carbon
footprint was the equivalent of Sasquatch.
Unlikely activities where I've hurt myself: sitting down at a desk, getting up from a
desk, getting in a car, playing guitar, using a broom.
My first kiss left me feeling grossed out.
Yesterday, at my ripe old age of 43, my young son had to explain to me that the
band was spelled and named "The Beatles" due to a music beat and not "The
Beetles" after a bug.
I found it oddly appropriate that the night I couldn't get the temporary heart tattoo
off my forearm was the night you broke my heart.
The last thing I heard before going under anesthesia was the nurse saying, "Oops."
I slipped into my three-inch purple heels and wobbled around for a minute, getting
used to being the tallest person in the room.
I couldn't help but smile as my third grader threw the ball through the hoop and
yelled, ''Touchdown!''
Not many people would have required stitches after washing the dishes, but then
again I've always thought of myself as special.