Word Document - Computer Science Technology

Resources for Instructors
and Telecommunications
Course Level
Course Title
Cisco Exploration 2 - Routing Protocols and Concepts
Course Rubric and Number
ITCC 1404 Cisco
Semester with Course
Reference Number (CRN)
Course Location/Times
Course Semester Credit
Hours (SCH) (lecture, lab)
4 (2 lecture, 4 lab)
Total Course Contact Hours
Course Continuing
Education Units (CEU):
Course Length (number of
Type of Instruction
Instructor contact
information (phone
number and email address)
Office Location and Hours
Course Description: WECM
Course Description: HCC
Catalog Description
Course Prerequisite(s)
Academic Discipline/CTE
Program Learning
Course Student Learning
Outcomes (SLO):
This course describes the architecture, components, and operation of routers,
and explains the principles of routing and routing protocols. Students analyze,
configure, verify, and troubleshoot the primary routing protocols RIPv1, RIPv2,
EIGRP, and OSPF. Recognize and correct common routing issues and problems.
Model and analyze routing processes.
This course describes the architecture, components, and operation of routers,
and explains the principles of routing and routing protocols. Students analyze,
configure, verify, and troubleshoot the primary routing protocols RIPv1, RIPv2,
EIGRP, and OSPF. Recognize and correct common routing issues and problems.
Model and analyze routing processes.
ITCC 1401
 Install, configure, upgrade, and troubleshoot personal computer
operating systems
 Install, configure and troubleshoot networking hardware, protocols and
 Manage and Maintain a Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Environment/Network Infrastructure
 Demonstrate knowledge in General Security Concepts, Communication
Security, Infrastructure Security, and Unified Communications
 Explain the critical role that routers play in enabling communication
across multiple networks
 Describe the purpose and nature of routing tables
 Explain how a router determines a path and switches packets
 Configure and verify router interfaces
 Describe how metrics are used by routing protocols and Identify the
To be completed by Dept/Discipline Chair
To be left blank
To be completed by Dept/Discipline Chair as appropriate
Revised 4/16/10
metric types used by dynamic routing protocols
Identify the characteristics of distance vector routing protocols
Describe the network discovery process of distance vector routing
protocols using Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
 Describe the functions, characteristics, and operation of RIPv1
 Compare and contrast classful and classless IP addressing
 Describe classful and classless routing behavior in routed networks
 Design and implement a classless IP addressing scheme for a given
 Demonstrate comprehensive RIPv1 configuration skills
 Apply basic RIPv2 configuration commands and evaluate classless
routing updates
 Describe the main features and operation of the Enhanced Interior
Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)
 Use advanced configuration commands with routers implementing
 Describe the basis features and concepts of link-state routing protocols
 Explain the purpose, nature, and operation of OSPF
CCNA 2: Routing Protocols and Concepts is the second of the four courses
leading to the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. CCNA 2 is
an integral step towards achieving CCNA certification. CCNA 2 continues to
familiarize Cisco Networking Academy Program students to the networking field.
The course focuses on initial router configuration, Cisco IOS Software
management, routing protocol configuration, TCP/IP
Learning Objectives
The course focuses on the following:
 Routing Basics
 IP addressing
 Subnetting
 LAN and WAN Interfaces
 Routing Protocols, and Routed Protocols
 Cisco IOS
 Configuring Routers
 Backing up IOS and Configuration
In addition, the course provides instruction and training in the proper care,
maintenance, and use of networking software, tools, and equipment. Course will
present information to meet the learning objectives for the Certified Cisco
Network Associate (CCNA) certification test.
The course has been designed for a semester and consists of theory and
designated lab activities. A case study in using and configuring Routers is
SCANS or Core Curriculum
Competencies: If applicable
Course Calendar (Weekly)
Instructional Methods
Student Assignments
Student Assessment(s)
To be completed by Dept/Discipline Chair
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To be completed by Dept/Discipline Chair as appropriate
Revised 4/16/10
Instructor’s Requirements
Requirements: If applicable
HCC Grading Scale
A = 100 – 90;……………………………………4 points per semester hour
B = 89 – 80: …………………………………….3 points per semester hour
C = 79 – 70: …………………………………….2 points per semester hour
D = 69 – 60: …………………………………….1 point per semester hour
59 and below = F………………………………..0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress) …………………………………………………….0 points per semester hour
W(Withdrawn)……………………………………………………..0 points per semester hour
I (Incomplete)……………………………………………………….0 points per semester hour
AUD (Audit) ………………………………………………………….0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student
must re-enroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and
continuing education courses. To compute grade point average (GPA), divide
the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The
grades “IP,” “COM” and “I” do not affect GPA.
Instructor Grading Criteria
Instructional Materials
HCC Policy Statement:
Academic Honesty
Student attendance
Withdrawal deadline
Distance Education and/or
Continuing Education
(Required) Cisco Systems Networking Academy Program: First-Year Companion
Guide, Second Edition (Cisco Press)ISBN: 1-58713-025-4
(Required) Cisco Systems Networking Academy Program: Lab Companion
Volume I, Second Edition (Cisco Press)ISBN: 1-58713-027-0
Recommended: Cisco Systems Networking Academy Program: Engineering
Journal and Work Book (Cisco Press).ISBN: 1-58713-026-2
Access Student Services Policies on their Web site:
Access DE Policies on their Web site:
Access CE Policies on their Web site:
Test Bank
Scoring Rubrics
Sample Assignments
Sample Instructional
To be completed by Dept/Discipline Chair
To be left blank
To be completed by Dept/Discipline Chair as appropriate
Revised 4/16/10