orthopedic conditions affecting the rest of the

Cassie Cowdell
7th period
Medical Anatomy and Physiology
How do orthopedic conditions biomechanically affect the rest of the skeleton?
Orthopedic conditions such as gout, osteoporosis, postural deformities,
and many more can cause many problems that can affect the rest of the
skeleton. The problems can range from mild to severe depending on your
Some diseases like gout can turn into a condition called Arthritis. Arthritis
is inflammation of the joints. The effect can turn into swelling, redness, warmth,
pain, and restriction of motion. It could even become more serious and turn into
Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease. That will make the joints much more
painful and stiff with restricted movement.
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes the bones to become weak
and brittle caused by a calcium deficiency. This will cause bones to break and/or
fracture very easily.
Posteral deformaties such as Lordosis, Kyphosis, and scoliosis can cause
problem that will affect the rest of the body. Not only do these diseases cause
major issues with the shape of the spine but will also cause lots of pain that can
spread through the rest of the body. These diseases can cause symptoms such
as fatigue, headaches, and a whole of other types of pain in other types of the
Works Cited
Ivory Rose,(2003) Conditions and Disorders of the Skeletal System
Wheaten Resource Corp, (2011)
Porter Health System, (2011) What is arthritis