What are your goals in life

What are your goals in life?
After it is all said and done, there will only have been 2 goals that we shoot in here on Earth.
Phil. 3.1-11
Vs. 1-6
Goal #1—Self Profit
What they do. Shooting into the goal of Self Profit.
Paul was very ambitious. Ambition can be a good/bad thing.
“Ambition” is from the Latin word meaning “applying for promotion.”
? = Who’s being promoted!
It’s not wrong to have the ambition to be the best at what you do. It is wrong to brag about it;
or flaunt it; or get a haughty spirit about it.
**Ambition can be a good/bad thing—it all depends on who is being promoted.
Vs. 7-11
Goal #2—Christ’s Profit
We can shoot in the wrong goal and not even know it.
Do we do everything for Christ’s profit?
If not, there needs to be a Paradigm Shift
Definition of “Paradigm”-- A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that
constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an
intellectual discipline.
**The values you hold that affect the way you live.
What are your goals in life and how do they point to Christ?
Family Goals Worksheet
SMART Goals are:
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely
Family Goals Sample Ideas
Questions to ask:
1) Does it honor God?
2) Does it matter in 20 yrs?
3) Does it build character?
Spiritual – Growing in relationship to God
- Share in a weekly devotion as a family
- Attend & serve in church for 3 of 4 Sundays/mo
- Pray each morning together as a couple
- Study one chapter of the Bible each day
Relational – Growing in relationship to others
Relational – Growing in relationship to others
- Take a family vacation to the mountains
- Have a family “date” night once a month
- Invite a new family over to dinner once/month
Developmental – Growing in relationship to myself
Developmental – Growing in relationship to myself
- Each person exercising 2-3 times each week
- Read an educational book each month
- Family “Study” time each weeknight for 1hr
Financial – Growing in relationship to future
Financial – Growing in relationship to future
- Reduce debt by $________
- Save $______ for college, retirement, …
- Setup and live within a family budget
Spiritual – Growing in relationship to God