Q-mobile, Introduction - ADAM - Leonardo da Vinci Projects and

Q-mobil – Toolbox for European Mobility Quality Assurance
Stand: 28.09.2012
1. Introduction
1.1 What is behind Q-mobile, how to apply to it?
Since time immemorial, people prefer to work across the country. Once it was mainly
artisans using their skills in a foreign land. Changed only are the jobs of the people
who follow the work opportunities at another location or even in another country
looking to make a living. What are the barriers today that prevent us to send more
young people and teachers to other European countries, in order to develop their
skills in other countries.
Q-mobile is a toolbox of tools to implement European mobilities. It aims to enable,
skills, regardless of duration, place and context of learning to identify Europe, for
high-quality training needed to improve the quality of their European dimension and
European mobility.
With these recommendations, we want to address the diversity of the staff in the
education sector - from coaches, trainers, trainees, project to management.
Q mobile includes tools, practical approaches and methods for ample-mentation of
European mobility on the basis of the 4 phases of the European Framework for
Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training. It is therefore still focused
on quality improvement and offers a comprehensive system of quality guidelines criteria and implementation tools in all 4 phases of the quality cycle.
Q-mobile also considers the interfaces of EQF / ECVET DQR and in all 4 phases of
the quality cycle and therefore helps to increase the effectiveness of international
mediation and professional competence.
Another goal of our Q-automobile, is to prepare students for the requirements of the
EU. These include in particular the diversity of cultures and languages. The
developed module for cross-cultural training enables participants to move effectively
in an international and intercultural context. Lerner practical knowledge about the
target country, its people, economy and culture will acquire during training.
As an important part in further training to use modern means of communication for
learning will be. The internships also emphasize self-organized learning, so it can be
answered to the needs of the evolving European labor market.
The main ideas of innovation transfer are provided by the partners and participants of
the project are available. Later lead the consortium further transfer activities through
their networks, creating a sustainable implementation is provided in the training.
Q-mobil – Toolbox for European Mobility Quality Assurance
Stand: 28.09.2012
In addition to our international expertise project we also aim to create the outermost
requirements governing mobility. We want to leave room for adaptation to the region.
Target group of our project include the trainees as well as the diversity of the staff in
the education of coaches, trainers, project managers and management.
Which in our project Q-mobile-run transfer workshops in each partner country with
trainees and trainers as well as their evaluations demonstrate that the developed
documents our toolbox form a real basis for an effective and high quality planning,
implementation, evaluation and review of a European mobility.
In the knowledge-based European economy is a growing need for flexible,
knowledgeable and spoke interculturally trained people. We are convinced that the
combination of their skills with the complementary knowledge and actions of the
other European network components competencies leads to learning opportunities
lived European competence.