Sales Book

Summer Checklist
Be ready for the school year by making sure you do the
____1. Sell at least ONE PAGE of ads
____2. Search the Internet for cool ideas to include in our
book this year.
____3. Practice my photography! Be sure to follow the
rules of photography. You can find these on the internet.
Also, try new things like different angles, focus, etc…
____4. Research the best ways to write copy and captions!
____5. Sell more ads! We can never sell too many! Let’s be
the staff that ADDS color to the book and the only way to
do this is SELL MORE ADS!
How to approach a potential business?
1. Dress appropriately.
2. Take your materials with you. Everything is in your
3. Ask to speak with the manager or another person in
4. Introduce yourself. Identify yourself with the Terry
High School Yearbook Staff.
5. Advise the decision maker that you are selling ads to
support the production of the yearbook.
6. If this business has supported us in the past, thank
7. Show them sample ads.
8. If the business person says “NO”, and they will,
politely thank them for their time.
9. If the business says yes, fill out the sales contract. Ask
for necessary artwork. This can be a logo, business
card, or any other artwork. If they would like to email
the artwork, they can do so by sending it to
Thank the business person whether they
purchase or not.
Sample Script
Hello, I am ___________________ with the Terry
High School Yearbook Staff. Is there someone I can
speak with in regards to buying an ad in our
The purchase of an ad helps support the
publication of our school’s yearbook.
If they say “no” Thank you very much for your
time. I appreciate the opportunity to speak with
you on this matter.
If they say “yes” We appreciate your support.
Now, let’s complete the ad contract so that I can
have the details for your ad.
Don’t be
Don’t beg, but
be firm!
Sales Instructions
1. Fill in the blanks the receipt. Tear of the end to give
the customer for their records.
2. Fill out the ad contract to keep for our records. This
will have the customer’s specifications for their
3. If they give you a business card, attach it to their
4. Place your initials in the SOLD BY blank.
5. Remember: We can only accept checks from
businesses. Individuals must pay with cash or
money order. Check the General Information page
for details.
Use the sample ad contract as a guide as to what to do.
Business Ad Prices
½ Page¼ PageBusiness Card4 Lines/ No Graphic-
Something to note… in order to increase the
attention paid to business ads, we have
started including student pictures in the
business ad section.
Senior Ads
Full Page½ Page¼ PageBusiness Card4 Lines/ No Graphic-
General Information
 Ad Sales are the main fundraiser for the THS
 As of right now, ads are NOT in color
 The Staff is responsible for the funds needed
to publish the yearbook. No other school or
public funds are used.
 CHECKS: Only business checks can be
accepted. Please, make checks out to Terry
High School Yearbook Staff.
Yearbook Advisor: Elizabeth Foster
School Information:
Terry High School
235 West Beasley Road
Terry, MS 39170
Past Ads
Building Bridges
Bella Salon
Wynndale Church
Bailey Engineering
Country Woods
TJ Hare plumbing
Terry Drugs
All MS Hearing
Richard Front Wheel
Terry Rd Tire
Bankston Fence
Blue Bell
Eternal Body Art
Select Auto
All Metro Fence
People Construction
Tri-Country Lumber
Super D
The Learning Curve
Riverside Insurance
Graves and Stoddard
Extreme Wireless
Martin’s Cleaners
Byram Physical Therapy
Sweet Pea Scribbles
Merle Norman
CS Soundoff
Gator Griffix
Barnette’s Body Shop
Pig Shack
Dr. Cope, dentist
Ad Sales Requirements
When you return from school, you must have at
least a page of ads sold. This will be your first test
grade. Your grade will drop with each portion of
the requirement not fulfilled.
HALF of your 1st 9 Weeks grade will be based on ad
sales. By the end of exams for the first 9 Weeks,
you should have a total of two whole pages sold
AT LEAST. That means if you did not meet the
requirement for the summer, you will have to
make up those ads before the end of the 9 weeks.
These can be Senior ads or Business ads.
2015 Yearbook
Terry High School
235 West Beasley Road
Terry, MS 39170
Please mail this to the school or return to a yearbook staff
Business/Senior Name
Ad Cost
Ad Size
Mark One: ___Senior ___Business
Payment Included: $ _________ Cash…Money Order…Check
SOLD BY: ____________________________________________________
Below: Please provide a rough sketch of the ad. Also, please, provide a
picture if one is to be included and wording exactly as it is to appear.
FAQ’s… Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I have to get the money and the contract right then? NO! You can
give them the information and they can mail it to me at the school. It
would be nice to provide them an addressed, stamped envelope.
2. Can they pay without knowing what they want on the ad? YES!
3. If they are mailing the contract and money, do I write them a
receipt? NO! Only write receipts for ads BOUGHT, money in hand. If
they mail the money, you will add it to your receipt list when it is
4. Can I mail out copies of the contracts to businesses? YES! Great
idea! I would write a nice letter explaining what you are doing,
include a self-addressed stamped envelope, and an ad contract.
5. What if I have an ad question? You can email me at
or contact me through the app Remind 101…or ask a past yearbook
Receipt 1
Page # ______
Yearbook Staffer: _________________________
Ad Sold To: _______________________________________________________
Size of ad: _______
Receipt 2
Cost: _______
Page # ______
Contract Completed: Yes…..No
Yearbook Staffer: _________________________
Ad Sold To: _______________________________________________________
Size of ad: _______
Receipt 3
Cost: _______
Page # ______
Contract Completed: Yes…..No
Yearbook Staffer: _________________________
Ad Sold To: _______________________________________________________
Size of ad: _______
Receipt 4
Cost: _______
Page # ______
Contract Completed: Yes…..No
Yearbook Staffer: _________________________
Terry High School Yearbook Ad Receipt
Receipt 1 Page # ______
Sold By: ________________
To: ______________________________
Size of Ad: __________ Cost: _______
Date: _____________________________
Terry High School Yearbook Ad Receipt
Receipt 1 Page # ______
Sold By: ________________
To: ______________________________
Size of Ad: __________ Cost: _______
Date: _____________________________
Terry High School Yearbook Ad Receipt
Receipt 1 Page # ______
Sold By: ________________
To: ______________________________
Size of Ad: __________ Cost: _______
Date: _____________________________
Terry High School Yearbook Ad Receipt
Receipt 1 Page # ______
Sold By: ________________
Ad Sold To: _______________________________________________________
Size of ad: _______
Receipt 5
Cost: _______
Page # ______
Contract Completed: Yes…..No
Yearbook Staffer: _________________________
Ad Sold To: _______________________________________________________
Size of ad: _______
Receipt 6
Cost: _______
Page # ______
Contract Completed: Yes…..No
Yearbook Staffer: _________________________
Ad Sold To: _______________________________________________________
Size of ad: _______
Receipt 7
Cost: _______
Page # ______
Contract Completed: Yes…..No
Yearbook Staffer: _________________________
Ad Sold To: _______________________________________________________
Size of ad: _______
Receipt 8
Cost: _______
Page # ______
Contract Completed: Yes…..No
Yearbook Staffer: _________________________
Ad Sold To: _______________________________________________________
Size of ad: _______
Cost: _______
Contract Completed: Yes…..No
To: ______________________________
Size of Ad: __________ Cost: _______
Date: _____________________________
Terry High School Yearbook Ad Receipt
Receipt 1 Page # ______
Sold By: ________________
To: ______________________________
Size of Ad: __________ Cost: _______
Date: _____________________________
Terry High School Yearbook Ad Receipt
Receipt 1 Page # ______
Sold By: ________________
To: ______________________________
Size of Ad: __________ Cost: _______
Date: _____________________________
Terry High School Yearbook Ad Receipt
Receipt 1 Page # ______
Sold By: ________________
To: ______________________________
Size of Ad: __________ Cost: _______
Date: _____________________________
Terry High School Yearbook Ad Receipt
Receipt 1 Page # ______
Sold By: ________________
To: ______________________________
Size of Ad: __________ Cost: _______
Date: _____________________________
Dear Yearbook Staffer:
This is your Ad Sales Packet. Make sure your read through everything before
you start.
Things to remember:
 You need to make sure you fill out EVERYTHING on the ad contract.
 If it is a business ad, be sure to attach the business card to the ad.
 Do not submit a contract until you have the money in your hand unless it is
being mailed.
 Hint: Type a letter to mail to different businesses. Include a contract and
self-addressed/stamped envelope. Then, visit the business to see if they
have received the contract and if they are interested.
 DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep going back over and over and over and over.
DO NOT LOSE THIS BOOK!!! You must bring this back with you when school
When you have completed an ad, including the money and contract, follow the
link through the yearbook page to complete an ad submission form.
Make sure you are signed up for Remind 101. Also, keep checking the
yearbook page on the school website for updates. Text @staff2015 to 409-5278566 to join.
Have a great summer!!!
Ms. Foster 