2012/03 MarBoard

Minutes of EOSARDA Board meeting, March 18, 2012
Judy Adams, Paul Adams, Cora Calwell, Don Clingin, Jean Clingin, Gavin Currie, Barbara
Dennison, Paul Dennison, Andy Himberg-Larsen, Billi Langtry, Chuck Langtry, Harold Moore,
Marion Moore, Bill Shields, Bruce Warner, Linda Warner, David Western, Pearl Western,
Elizabeth Wollaston, Peter Wollaston
Regrets: Nancy Morgan
1. Call to Order and approval of Agenda
a) The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM
b) Approval of Agenda
The draft agenda was accepted with no changes.
2. Opening Remarks - Dave Western
Here we are in March, almost at the end of another Dance Year. It’s hard to believe but New
Dancer Graduations are just around the corner, as is Swing into Spring, our blockbuster year end
dance weekend. And then there is Festival 2014. When we started working on that event, we
were 5 years away from THE DAY. Now we there are only about 28 months to go! We are also
smack dab in the middle of the Spring Dance Season. Maple Sugar in Vermont, St. Patrick’s in
Cornwall and St. Patrick’s in Kingston have come and gone, Spring Thaw is just over the
horizon as are Bunny Hop and Mississippi’s big 25th Anniversary Dance — oh, and did I
mention Swing into Spring?
Unfortunately, the Pearson’s have had to cancel the Annual Cancer Benefit Dance due to
Daphne’s health and Rhapsody Rounds is set to close at the end of this month. I’m sure that you
will all join me in wishing her a swift and complete return to good health.
In other news, I am advised that the Ontario Federation will shortly have a new Presidential
Couple, none other than our very own Peter Courdin and Karen Remy. I am looking forward to
working with them in their new capacity. In fact, Peter and I will be meeting next week to
discuss issues of mutual concern.
Speaking of matters of mutual concern, we have a full and interesting agenda before us today, so
let’s get down to work.
3. Approval of Minutes, February Board Meeting - Pearl Western
Harold moved approval of the Minutes of the Board meeting of February 19. The
motion was seconded by Andy and unanimously approved.
4. Reports
a) Operations Committee
i) Treasurer’s Report - Bruce Warner
As of this date the unencumbered bank balance is $ 10,726.59 with
O/S cheques of $ 495.26.
This results in a book balance of $ 7231.33.
There are no unpaid bills.
There is a reserve established for Festival 2014 in the amount of $3,000.00 which is the current
encumbered value.
ii) Registrar’s Report - Linda Warner
No change over previous report.
b i) Dance Committee - Gavin Currie
The dance will be held on October 27 at St Patrick’s High School. Callers for the event will be
Don Moger and Paul Adams; Cuers are Jerry and Bonnie Callen, Gerry and Jim Sawtell, and
Dorothy Tweed. Details of the program are still to be worked out, but we intend to follow the
pattern of 2011 and have dancing afternoon and evening.
The dance will be held on Feb 2. Mother Teresa High School has been booked for the event.
Given the lower numbers attending this year’s dance, Dance Committee is looking at possible
changes to the format in an attempt to make the dance appeal to a larger number of dancers.
Bob asked what more could be done to format it. Gavin said adding a new hall for Plus and A-1
is a possibility.
Barb asked about the profit from Frosty Fling 2012. Gavin replied that the profit was in excess
of $300.
b ii) Swing into Spring - Dave Western
Contracts for workshop instructors
Bill Cibula has replaced Gerry Sawtell on the Round Dance program.
All leaders have been sent signed agreements and most have returned them.
Workshop program
The minimum registration for any workshop is 8 dancers
20 of 29 workshops already have 8 or more dancers registered.
Evening dance programs
Dance Committee has set the programs for both evening dances.
Dance leaders are now filling in the details.
Mothers’ Day Dance
The SVSRDA has approved the Mothers’ Day Dance program. Those attending only
the MDD will pay $8.00 at the door.
School booking
The school has been booked.
All receipts and payments are being processed through SVSRDA Treasurer, Wendy
Sound equipment
This is being coordinated by Andy Himberg-Larsen, EOSARDA’s Equipment
Accommodations and restaurants
A list of local hotels has been posted on the Swing into Spring web site. More will be
added as they are identified.
Nancy has prepared and distributed posters to all clubs and has posted a downloadable sample on the web site. Electronic copies have been sent to all Swing into
Spring staff and anyone else we can think of. A large coloured poster has been
provided to all those visiting clubs and clubs have all received an information package.
10. Format and planning for Sunday Morning
Dancing will be from 9:30 to 11:00am. All our new Callers plus some in the Montreal
area were asked to participate in a New Callers’ Showcase. David Currie, Richard
Sharman, François Demers and David Hammock accepted the invitation. They will
each do 2 ten- minute tips. We are to choose the Calling order today .
11. Catering
Arrangements have been made with the school catering staff for lunch on Saturday.
The cost will be $6.00 per person plus a $100 “donation”.
Sunday Brunch is not yet set.
12. Event promotion and club visits
As many clubs as possible are being visited. Board Members are asked to seize every
opportunity to promote Swing into Spring. We hope to have a Swing into Spring table
at the St. Patrick’s Day Dance in Kingston, Maple Sugar in Vermont, Bunny Hop etc.
13. Sales
As of Friday, eighty-nine registrations have been received. Seventy-one people have
purchased Weekend Passes and 14 have purchased Saturday Only Passes, four Swing
into Spring Dance Leaders have registered themselves and their partners for various
workshops and dances.
14. Camping
The school has agreed to allow self-contained campers to park in the back parking lot
at the school. We are investigating other local camp grounds.
15. Conflicting club wrap-up events
An increasing number of clubs have advised that they are re-scheduling closing events
to avoid conflict with Swing into Spring.
16. Ribbons
Saturday-only ribbons will have the corners cut off. Mothers’ Day Dance only dancers will
pay at the door ($8.00)
Swing into Spring Ribbons are being sent out as registrations are received.
17. Service Clubs
Assistance is required with registration desk, decorations (minimal), signage, Share the
Wealth etc. Local clubs are being approached first, but other clubs may be asked to
help, if insufficient help is forthcoming.
18. Budget
A provisional Swing into Spring budget has been approved.
Estimated costs are:
Revenues to date are: $4,110.00
Profit (deficit)
Projected breakeven
125 Weekend Passes + 25 Saturday Only + 10 Sat Morning + 30MDD
19 Three for $5 Package and Vendors’ Village
Two Grenville Gremlins, Mary & Sandra, are working on the $5 morning workshops.
They will be putting out 100 posters throughout the Seaway Valley advertising the
Saturday "for all" Line, Olde Tyme & Round and they are looking into local
newspaper advertising. They are also taking on the mini vendor's village and now have
approximately 10 tables taken up with local artisans. They have written an agreement
that they will be sending to the artisans shortly to clarify all the details so that there is
hopefully no misunderstandings about who they are and what we are trying to
accomplish with this.
Schedule of Club Visits
Adams Aces
Bay Waves
Don and Jean
Capital Steppers
Billi Langtry by e-mail
Charmin Promenaders
Dynamite Tay Dancers
Good Time Squares
Peter and Elizabeth
Got Lines
Grenville Gremlins
Don and Jean
Harbour Lites
Peter and Elizabeth
Harmony Rounds
Don and Jean
Kanata Squares
Graham Ingram
Limestone Dancers
Bob Summers
Meri Squares
Mississippi Squares
Plus Done
Basic/MS Done
Nancy to ask Gremlins
Quinte Twirlers
Material to be provided to club
Rhapsody Rounds
Rock & Roll Squares
Peter and Elizabeth
Round Tuit Dancers
not currently dancing
Seaway Squares
Stepping Out Rounds
Sunshine Squares
Swinging B’s
Swingin’ Saints
Swinging Swallows
Take-a-Step Rounds
Don and Jean
Village Squares
Wendy’s Elegant Eights
Skirts and Flirts
Border Boosters
Marion asked if current dancers may purchase the $5 Saturday Morning package.
Dave replied that this package is available to anyone who wants it whether a current dancer or
not. The Organizing Committee is considering allowing the purchase of individual workshops
but at this time, only the announced packages (Weekend $55, All Day Saturday $45, Saturday
Morning $5, Mothers’ Day Dance $8 at the door) are being sold.
Harold asked whether singles are being accepted. Dave said that he didn’t know where the
rumour that singles were not being accepted for Swing into Spring came from. This is clearly
not the case. Several singles have already registered and there will be a specially marked
gathering area for singles. The Organizing Committee cannot guarantee that every single will
have a partner at all times, but this is not expected to be a problem. Bob said that this is no
different than any other open dance.
Elizabeth said that the OPP should be informed and that the mayor of Prescott should be invited.
She was advised to share her suggestions with the Organizing Committee.
Barb said that she has heard that some people feel that the cost of Swing into Spring is too high if
one stays in a hotel for the whole weekend. Dave said that the costs were similar to those
incurred by people attending Maple Sugar in Vermont and T&D. Many people from Ottawa
may choose to drive back and forth as the drive to Prescott only takes about an hour.
c) P, P andP Committee - Barb Dennison
P,P and P’s plan for September is to have three out-of-town communities try the temporary signs
previously discussed. We do have one club interested at this point and that is the Mississippi
Squares. These signs can be placed where highways or roads meet, intersections within the
town, on lawns of dancers belonging to the clubs & in front of community mailboxes. Of course
word of mouth is very effective as well. These signs could say “Do you love to dance? Along
with the club’s website information. If every dancer spoke to 5 people that would really help
their square dance club.
P, P and P is researching pricing. Once we have pricing we would be looking for 2 other clubs to
participate. Billi asked what phone number would be on the sign. Barb said the number would
be of the club distributing the sign.
d) Club Liaison Committee - Nancy Morgan
Billi and Chuck Langtry have assumed responsibility for organizing this year’s New Dancer
Graduations at Nancy’s request.
The next edition of Square Time has to be in the hands of the printer this Monday. Nancy has
saved a page for the Council of Dancers Notice of Meeting, as she did last year. AND yes... the
clubs, events and all that other jazz that people have been crying for will be put back in. We will
not be able to pay back some of our deficit this time.
e) IT Committee - Bob Summers
nil report
Bob asked for a contact for Meri Squares.
f) Festival 2014 - Dave Western
As of January this year, the Festival Board has increased the frequency of its meetings to every
second month.
Following our appeal at the November Council of Dancers, a number of volunteers have come
forward. All Groups except Facilities now have Group Chairs and all have now recruited key
players. There are still a few gaps in the organization, but Groups are now getting down to work,
with the first order of business being the preparation of work plans identifying the work that has
to be done and the time lines attached to each work item.
Registrations to date are a little disappointing (281), but should begin to pick-up as our
advertising group begins to hit its stride.
It is worth remembering that time-wise, we are almost where we would normally be if there was
going to be a Festival this summer.
g) OACA Report - Paul Adams
We were unsuccessful in booking St. John’s Ambulance for a demonstration of how to use a
defibrillator. This may be rescheduled for the fall.
Wendy has booked Tom Brown Arena for Monday evenings from May 7th till July 30th to hold
Basic Review sessions for our New Graduates. Callers wishing to participate, should contact
Wendy VanderMeulen.
We had an open discussion on the status of Square Dancing in the EOSARDA region. Many
problems exist, from low recruitment to dancer burn-out. Several suggestions were made on how
some of these problems could be resolved. However we did not come up with a solution at this
point in time.
Barb asked what the suggestions were. Paul said areas were identified where dancer attendance
was low. He said age is also a factor. Callers had ideas but nothing concrete is being proposed
at this time. Identifying the problem is the first step in finding possible solutions.
Bob said dancers leaving the lower levels and going up to the next level too soon causes
problems both for themselves and for other dances.
OACA is going to continue its search for possible solutions. Dave said that EOSARDA will
support their efforts to the fullest extent possible.
h) RDTA Report - Jean Clingin
Jean confirmed that Rhapsody Rounds will be closing at the end of March and that Daphne
hopes to resume her activities in the fall. A closing party is being planned for April 4th.
Gerry Sawtell is taking a break from teaching Rounds since Jim is scheduled for a triple by-pass
on April 2.
Jean and Don have resumed teaching.
until May.
All round dancers are welcome to just dance phase 2 to 4
Dave stressed that Round Dancing in Eastern Ontario is in a crisis situation with only Don and
Jean teaching in Ottawa and Susan in Kingston. This is happening at a time when the popularity
of the activity is increasing. There is a pressing need for more Cuers. Jean said that she and Don
are willing to work with anyone willing to learn to cue.
i) Hearing Assistance Working Group - Barb Dennison
The last campaign has been completed and the 4 systems ordered have been received. All kits
have been delivered. The EOSARDA 25% subsidy for 4 FM Deluxe systems amounted to
Harold has received a defective system.
j) Other Reports
Square Dancing Through Continuing Education - Bill Shields
A proposal to partner with Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus in presenting a Basic
Square Dance program to new dancers was investigated this spring. After meeting with the
Coordinator for the Centre of Personal Development a course outline was constructed to cover
one semester of 15 weeks duration - 3 hours per week, and presented for evaluation.
A second meeting followed to discuss the cost of the course if presented. It was determined by
the college representative that 16 registrants over 45 hour course would be required to pay
approximately $500 each. Needless to say, with the square dance club providing the dance
location and caller, the proposal was quickly discounted. So much for a partnership.
5. Old Business
a) Web Site renewal Working Group Recommendations - Bob Summers
The members of the Working Group are:
Bob Summers
Barbara Dennison
Chuck Langtry
Peter Wollaston
Andy Himberg-Larsen
The Working Group met on Sunday, March 4 to discuss how to proceed. Discussion included
such topics as: needing a home page that catered to visitors and was more attractive visually;
needing more graphics and videos on the site; whether or not our members could enter their own
events on the calendar; and providing a user forum where clubs could post information
The Working Group agreed that:
EOSARDA should purchase a web hosting plan from a commercial provider. This would
allow us to clone the current EOSARDA website in case we need to continue service in the
We would draft a letter to the EOSARDA webmaster thanking her for helping us in the
past but saying that we needed to take a different route to be able to make a broad range of
I have researched a number of popular website hosts. After reading many reviews of the
hosts, you find that it’s very hard to determine which host to choose; there are so many negative
posts (“these guys are scam artists, they take your money, they don’t provide technical help”) to
positive posts (“great technical support, they fixed my problem and had me up and running in no
time”). In the end I started checking on Better Business Bureau ratings. My own host had a “C”
rating, others equally poor. I found a host called InMotion that had an “A” rating. I have had a
number of emails with them and plan to purchase their service for a year in the upcoming week.
The current EOSARDA website has been cloned. It takes up less than 13 MB on a hard
disk. It will be copied to the new hosting site when it is ready.
A letter to the current webmaster is still to be drafted
No conclusion was made as to the cost. The information required for the pages is the topic to be
decided. Bob said the details need to be decided before someone designs the pages.
Dave said that the Working Group was to report back with a recommended course of action and
asked when this would be done. Following some discussion it was decided that the Working
Group would present a recommendation to the Board at the next Board meeting.
Bob made a motion to purchase a web-posting plan from InMotion for one year for up to $100.
Gavin seconded the motion which passed unanimously
b) The Future of Square Time - Nancy Morgan
Discussion deferred to the April Board meeting due to Nancy’s absence.
c) EOSARDA Procedures Manual - Dave Western
Last month I introduced the idea of an EOSARDA Procedures Manual that would set out in
writing what we do, who does it, how it is done and when it is to be done. My concern stems
from the concentration of corporate memory in the hands of only a few people. This leaves
EOSARDA vulnerable in the event that these individuals were to leave the Board for whatever
reason. For example, were we to lose Bruce’s services, I don’t know if anyone around this table
would have any idea of the details of our financial and registrations processes.
The Board agreed that this project was needed and agreed to proceed with it.
I subsequently sent out an e-mail asking Board members to identify which subject areas they are
prepared to write about. The response was – not overwhelming.
Barb Dennison has agreed to set out procedures related to running a Hearing Enhancement
Campaign, including equipment supplier contact information and
Gavin is up-dating the Dance Manual.
These are good beginnings, but if we are to make this project a reality, much more needs to be
First of all, I need feedback on the drafts that I presented to this Board last month. These are
only drafts that clearly need work. Your thoughts and comments truly would be most helpful.
Secondly, we need each and every one of you to take on the task of writing a draft document for
the rest of us to critique. As stated last month, subjects that need to be addressed include:
a) the Roles and responsibilities of our Standing Committees
b) the Role and responsibilities of Council of Dancers
c) Board grants and bursaries
d) Compensation for out-of-pocket expenditures
e) Posting information electronically
f) Web site maintenance
g) EOSARDA Equipment Inventory and how to access it
h) Annual Graduation Exercises
i) Registration
j) Duties and responsibilities of our Federation Reps
k) Recognition of Club/Caller/Cuer milestones
l) Maintenance of our Not-for-profit status
m) The EOSARDA Eagles
n) The Election of Directors
o) The Election of Officers
Feel free to add to the list.
I realize that most of the items relating to IT will only be resolved as the Web Site Renewal
Project moves forward. I only ask that the Web Site Renewal Working Group keep the need for
detailed written procedures in mind as they project unfolds.
I am asking all of you who have not yet committed to contributing to this project, to please
identify at least one subject area, whether on the list of not, for which they are prepared to write a
draft and advise as to when they think the draft will be available for the Board to critique.
With your help, in addition to editing the items I submitted last month, I am prepared to draft
documents on:
- the Roles and responsibilities of our Standing Committees; and
- The EOSARDA Eagles
I will also write up a step-by-step guide on submitting material for posting on Dance Ottawa.
These drafts will be ready for review by the April Board meeting.
Following the presentation:
- Andy volunteered to draft a section dealing with EOSARDA equipment;
- Bob will write up Graduation procedures;
- Pearl will do Guidelines for Secretaries;
- Bruce will write up our Financial processes;
- Cora will do Not-for-profit;
- Chuck will write up the roles and responsibilities of Council of Dancers; and
- Andy will set out the details of booking the room for Board meetings.
If possible draft reports should be presented to the next Board meeting.
d) Agenda for April 15 Council of Dancers - Dave Western
Prescott has been booked for both the April Board meeting in the morning and Council of
Dancers in the afternoon. The Board will meet from 10:30-12 Council will run from 1:30 to 4pm.
Dave went through the last minutes and doesn’t believe there are any outstanding items although
he expects that there will be questions for Wendy concerning Festival 2014.
Four Directors are not going to stand for re-election. They are: Bill Shields, Pearl Western,
Harold and Marion Moore. Andy is undecided.
It was decided that in addition to the usual reports and the election of a new Board for 2012/13
the Council meeting would take the form of a Town Hall meeting with lots of time for discussion
from the floor. Suggested topics will include:
- Good recruitment practices
- surcharges for uninsured dancers
- declining attendance at Open Dances
- should EOARDA cease operating dances?
- are clubs happy with the situation on the dance floor?
Dave will put out a draft agenda in early April.
Linda asked if we are going to supply refreshments? Each Directors is asked to provide a dozen
6. New Business
a) Graduations - Nancy Morgan (Chuck and Billi Langtry)
Billi sent a note out to clubs if they have any new dancers. Three clubs have replied so far.
Volunteers have been identified for visits to clubs with early graduations. Billi will solicit
volunteers for the other clubs via e-mail. Free tickets for FallFest and a pin will be given to new
graduates again this year along with a certificate.
7. Other Business
a)Incorporation - Cora Calwell
The Associations’ not-for-profit status is in jeopardy since notices of changes in the Executive
have not been filed with the province since 1994.
Cora has a copy of the requisite form that should be filed annually with the province. The
present Board will strongly recommend to the new Board that an up-date be filed with the
province as soon as possible following the election of the new Board in April.
b) Correspondence - Pearl Western
Pearl read a thank you card and note received from Aline Brazeau. Dave has spoken talked to
Ian and Pam Cuthill about the incident at Canterbury.
c) Next EOSARDA meeting
The next meeting will take place on April 15 at 10:30 at the Presbyterian Church on Dibble St.
in Prescott.