TEXT: Environmental Science: Toward A Sustainable Future, 9th edition, Richard T. Wright
Brief description of topics that will be covered and when major tests will be given.
1. Introduction: scientific analysis, collecting & interpreting data
[Chapter 1 & other notes]
2. Ecosystems: [Chapters 2, 3, 4 & other notes]
a. structure of, climate effect, types of biomes (terrestrial & aquatic)
b. flow of energy, production, living/nonliving systems, chemistry review
c. cycling of matter: carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, trace elements
d. how change: dynamics of population, mechanisms of equilibrium, response to disturbance, managing ecosystems,
exponential growth and carrying capacity, evolution and biodiversity, adaptations to environment, succession
TEST 1: Chapters 1-4 & other information and labs covered
3. Human populations: history and distribution, demographics, developing/nondeveloping countries, demographic
transitions, population growth, carrying capacity, development and social modernization, cultural and economic
[Chapters 5 & 6 & other notes]
4. Hydrologic Cycle: natural cycle, processes, groundwater, human impact on cycle, use and managing
resource, public-policy and challenges, water quality (testing)
[Chapter 7 & other notes]
5. Geological Processes: soil formation, types, components, nutrients, erosion & conservation; geologic time scale and major
events; plate tectonics: causes, creates, formations
[Chapter 8 & other notes]
6. Production & distribution of Food: crops, animals, major patterns of food production, distribution, trade, hunger,
malnutrition, famine
[Chapter 9 & other notes]
TEST 2: Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & other information and labs covered
7. Wild Species & biodiversity: value of wild species, saving, decline of biodiversity, protecting; global perspective,
conservation, restoration, preservation; public & private lands in USA
[Chapters 10 & 11 with other notes]
8. Energy: types, uses, policies, sustainable future
a. fossil fuels: types, sources, uses, policies
b. nuclear power: how works, hazards, costs, advantages, disadvantages, advanced reactors, future of
c. other renewable energy: solar – use, indirect, direct; biofuels, hydrogen fuel, geothermal energy, tidal energy, OTEC
[Chapters 12, 13, 14 & other notes]
9. Environmental Hazards/human health: link between health and environment, pathways of risk, risk assessment,
infectious diseases, public health and environmental assessment
[Chapter 15 & other notes]
10. Pests and Pest Control: methods, problems, types of approaches used, socioeconomic issues, pest management,
pesticides, policies
[Chapter 16 & other notes]
TEST 3: Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & other information and labs covered
11. Water pollution: sources, types, criteria, nutrient enrichment (eutrophication), sewage management and treatment;
alternative treatment systems
[Chapter 17 & other notes]
12. Municipal Solid Wastes: solid waste problem, reduction, recycling, disposal methods, limitations and alternatives,
solutions, public policy, waste management
[Chapter 18 & other notes]
13. Hazardous Chemicals: toxicology, thresholds, sources, threat, environmental impact, disposal, cleaning up mess, current
management, policy, pollution prevention
[Chapter 19 & other notes]
14. The Atmosphere:
a. climate, change, and ozone depletion: structure of, weather, climate (local and global), response to changing climate,
ozone layer (purpose, importance, formation, destruction of)
b. atmospheric pollution: pollutants, types, sources, acid deposition, effect on human health and environment, controlling
and monitoring
[Chapters 20, 21 & other notes]
15. Sustainable Future: economics and public policy, nations wealth, pollution and public policy, benefit-cost analysis,
politics and public policy; urban sprawl, urban blight, sustainable cities and communities
[Chapters 22, 23 & other notes]
TEST 4: Chapters 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 & other information and labs covered
16. Review for AP Environmental Science Exam: May 4, 2015; 8 AM
17. Project