Call on Consultants to stand who either joined Mary Kay for this
reason or are currently in this situation:
1- Has to leave her children in daycare while she works!
2- Has a job that is no longer exciting!
3- Would like to have fun while making $25-$50 an hour!
4- Knows that the only job security is in building a business of her
5- Would like to drive a FREE Car or have the equivalent of a car
payment in cash!
6- Would Like to be in a management position within the next 512 months!
7- Likes to have the tax benefits that are afforded to the selfemployed!
8- Likes to help other people feel better about themselves!
9- Would like to earn a full-time income with part-time hours of
10- Would like to have a retirement income that most people only
dream of?
On the top of one side put "philosophies" and a $ sign on the other, draw a
line down the middle. As I explain to you our company, write the titles
down in one column or the other.
1) No territories. do you travel? You can have clients in other cities,
2) No quotas. flexibility to work when you want, important to you?
3) Golden Rule. Treat others the way you would want to be treated,
important to you?
4) Priority System. Faith, family, then career, Mission to enrich women's
5) Equal opportunity advancement, you decide when to move up, own
boss, our job is to train and support you in YOUR goals.
1) Classes - 3 to 6 people, 50% profit $150 avg sales, 1 - 2 hr.
2) Facials - 1-2 people, 50% profit, $100 average sales, 1 hour
3) Reorders - consumable product, customer service 50%
4) Dovetailing - Double booking! 15% commission
5) Recruiting Bonuses - 4-13% monthly commissions paid by MK Inc.,
never taken from another's profit!
6) Car Program - bonus for Consultants based on sales and recruiting,
Grand Am, Chevy Blazer, Grand Prix, or Cadillac!!! Insurance &
registration paid, or cash option of $350 to $835 paid monthly.
7) Tax Deductions -everything from gas, mileage, phone, travel, etc.
8) Directorship - still a consultant PLUS paid bonuses from corporate for
training, etc. additional $5000 monthly, trips, etc.
9) NSD - highest paid women in America. Awesome retirement program,
10) Embrace Life - 25% commission on any order, products shipped
directly from company
11) Web-based business - presence on internet 24/7 for only $50/yr,
working & growing home-based business
After I cover this...I tell them it only costs $100 plus tax and shipping to
Some of you are here to hear about MK and some of you aren’t.
Intelligent women can make a decision but you need the facts first.
How many of you have a sister-in-law that you like?
Where does she live? If she’s stingy, you’ll probably keep it for yourself.
If you like your neighbor, you’ll probably want to share with her.
How many of you work a full time job? We want MK to be fun for you.
We are not asking anyone to quit. Wouldn’t it be fun to have $400 extra a
week or a month?
What would happen if you were making more money in MK thn your job,
then you can choose to quit if you desire. More women make more money
having fun part time than some women make full-time.
What would happen if you won a car at work? Would they cheer you? Or
would they be talking about you or not talking to you?
We like to win in gangs. Everyone cheers everyone else. You are
rewarded by what you do, not by degrees, looks or money. It is so nice to
go home and not be crying every night.
We sell the products 5 ways:
On the Face
On paper
On the Go
On the Web
Gift Service
MK Sales Directors are the highest paid women in the world. We have
more women in our company that have made over 1 million dollars.
I am not a womens libber, but I would like to make more than the
president. What kind of people are we looking for? How many of you
like to eat? Like to dress up? Like people? Like to shop?
Congratulations, you are a MK Consultant.
What impressed you the most on what you heard tonight?
It is not a life & death decision. It is really easy. You are either an A, B,
C, or D. A=absolutely, sign me up. B=means buy me a cup of coffee and
let me ask some questions. C=invite me again to another event. D=never
again, I’ll pay full price the rest of my life.
How many of you are married?
What would your husband say if you came home a new beauty consultant?
How many of you think he would kill you? If you go home tonight and he
says no way, we’ll rip it up. (with or without but not against)
Sometimes it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for
(make checks out for everyone who would like to sign up tonight)
ask consultant to write a check and we’ll do a drawing
If you come to an event like this and go home and wake up and you
haven’t thought about MK, it is not for you. It’s not for everyone. All
intelligent women can make up their mind in 24hrs. Your consultant will
call you tomorrow!
Please do not tell your mother, she has your life planned out for you. Do
not tell your best friend. She doesn’t want you to do it before she does.