US2H Chapters 30 and 31 test review sheet

APUSH Progressivism test review sheet
- Progressives
- Who were they?
- problems
- goals and accomplishments
- time period
- What gains were made at national level?
- Jane Addams
- muckrakers
- Ida Tarbell
- Upton Sinclair and The Jungle and effects
- Pure Food and Drug Act
- Meat Inspection Act
- Exs. of how Progressives made government more democratic?
- 16th Amendment
- direct primary
- initiative
- referendum
- recall
- corrupt-practices acts
- 17th Amendment
- commission system (Galveston, TX)
- city-manager system
- Robert La Follette
- Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire and effects
- 18th Amendment
- Elkins Act
- Hepburn Act
- Muller v. Oregon
- Other reforms to know: ten-hour workday for factory workers (1917), women’s suffrage in
some western states, limiting the number of saloons, workmen’s compensation,
secured laws in some states setting maximum hours and minimum wages.
- limitation on progressivism
- who was disliked? Why?
- Immigration Restriction League
- Plessy v. Ferguson and effects
- Compare and contrast Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois
- Who helped to create the NAACP?
- suffragettes
- 19th Amendment
- Alice Paul and NWP
- Carrie Chapman Catt and NAWSA
Roosevelt vs. Taft
- Other Roosevelt info.
- Square Deal
- How did TR feel about trusts?
- JP Morgan and Northern Securities Company
- coal strike of 1902
- What did TR do? What does this show about him?
- conservation
- Newlands Act
- National Conservation Commission
- How did he add to the Federal Reserve Act?
- Taft
- How did Taft differ from TR?
- How did Taft anger TR and other Progressive Republicans?
- Ballinger/Pinchot affair
- What happened?
- Why did Taft support Ballinger?
- Payne-Aldrich tariff - describe
- Why did Taft support it?
- How did Taft feel about trusts?
- Speaker Joseph G. Cannon
- his beliefs?
- Why did Taft support him?
- What were Taft’s accomplishments as president?
- Election of 1912
- Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party)
- What was their platform/goals?
- TR and New Nationalism
- Wilson and New Freedom
- What was the main reason Wilson won?
- Wilson
- How did Wilson feel about trusts?
- Wilson’s main progressive goals
- Federal Reserve Act