Central Transport now has an established email address and fax

Central Transport Freight Claim
Inspection Required Information
Central Transport now has an established email address and fax number for requesting inspections and/or
information pertaining to the need for an inspection.
Please use the following contact information for requesting inspections:
Email address: freightinspections@centraltransportint.com Or freightinspections@goctii.com
Fax number: 586-819-0023 (this is a “right fax” and will be directed to the email queue listed above.)
The current claim form filing instructions indicate that damages over $500.00 require a joint Freight Inspection.
Those guidelines will remain the same.
If a Freight Inspection is required, the following information should be forwarded to one of the contact locations
listed above.
It is important that the Freight Inspection be performed before a cargo claim is filed and the inspection report
included with the actual filing.
The following information should be provided when requesting a Freight Inspection:
Central Transport Pro Number
Estimated Value of Damage
Commodity involved
Date Shipment Delivered
Indications of whether D/R was noted damaged at time of delivery
Location of freight to be inspected (if different that delivery location)
Name (first and last), along with phone number of contact person to view freight
Name and contact information for person requesting inspection
Any other applicable information to aid in the request
If an inspection cannot be perform due to location of goods, or it is determined that digital photos will fulfill the
proper requirement, the requestor will be notified.
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