Biography Assignment - Metcalfe County Schools

Biography: Assignment Description
he biography should depict a person who is influential in your life or someone that you
look up to as a role model or someone you would like to model your life after, usually a person
you know well or know a lot about, but not so intensely that you are unable to evaluate the
person with some objectivity. The sketch should include the habits, attitudes, and personal
qualities that make the individual significant to you. It should combine descriptive, narrative, and
interpretive writing into one powerful form. Because you cannot tell everything you know about
a person in a few pages, you will need to identify what is special or unique about the person.
When you characterize someone, you describe specific qualities—or characteristics—that help
the reader to see and understand the person as you do. Anecdotes—stories about the person—
that illustrate those qualities add to the characterization and bring him or her to life.
Select a person who has been influential in your life in some way(could be a family member,
close friend, someone that you look up to as a star or famous role model). In writing, describe
and characterize the person, and explain her/his importance to you. Incorporate anecdotes to
bring the person to life.
Think about the form of your writing and the audience you’d like to address.
A. an article for the school newspaper
B. an essay for a family history
C. a letter to the person about whom you’re writing
D. a story for other students
E. a biographical sketch of an adult volunteer at your school (mentor, etc.)
Paper length: approximately 1–2 pages (depending on the form you’ve chosen); 12-point,
legible font; double-spaced.
Timeframe: Counting today you will have 3(in class) days to complete the task. It can be
accepted on the 4th day without a late penalty if it is turned in at the begging of class on the 4th
day. Anytime after that point it is considered late.
Please refer to the example biography and the biography organizer that will be .pdf documents
that can assist you as you design your biography.
Scoring: (See the attached rubric)
Very Effective: 100/100
Effective: 90/100
Somewhat Effective:75/100