Controlling Cross Section Features

Tampa, FL
October 29 – 30, 2009
Instructor: Denise J. Broom
Advanced Systems Design/ECSO
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction
FDOT Criteria Features
Warnings/Helpful Hints
Chapter 2 – Getting Started
Pattern Lines
Existing Ground Cross Sections
Chapter 3 – Existing Features
Existing Features
Exercise 1 – Using the GKLNRD File
Proposed Cross Sections Dialog
Typical Section Generator
Exercise 2– Existing Features
Chapter 4 – Shapes
Automated Superelevation
Superelevation Preferences
General Considerations
Superelevation Autoshape Builder
Superelevation Shape Maker
Superelevation Shape Manager Tools
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Chapter 5 - Proposed Features
Controlling Cross Section Features
Redefinable Variables
Graphic Elements
Adhoc Attributes
Adhoc Attributes Manager
Exercise 3 – Adhoc Attributes Manager
General Considerations
Exercise 4 – Proposed Features
Chapter 6 – Earthwork
Earthwork Dialog Box
Exercise 5 – Earthwork
Chapter 8 – Cross Section Sheets
Cross Section Sheet Layout Tool
Exercise 6 – Cross Section Sheets
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Chapter 1 – Introduction
This workshop is designed to give users hands-on instruction through the process of creating
cross sections using MicroStation XM (Version and Bentley GEOPAK Suite – XM
Edition (Version These versions are important. Many functions required for the
criteria to work correctly are not present in earlier versions. The students will create cross
section components using the criteria developed for FDOT (Version 2008.00.03).
FDOT Criteria Features
All the cross section components are contained in one file, RDXSRD01.dgn. The fdotseedxs.dgn
file is set up with models. The models included are Rdxsrd (cross sections), Xsshrd (shapes),
Pattrd (pattern lines), and Rdxsrd_shg (sheets). Note, the naming convention of the models is
the same as the previous dgn file names used in V7 (FDOT2002 and earlier releases of the CADD
software). Separate files are recommended for each run of cross sections, i.e. main line, side
streets, etc.
The FDOT2008 criteria looks for elements contained in the design files to determine what cross
section elements to draw. It also gathers adhoc attribute values attached to those elements
found in the plan view to define how it is to draw those elements/features in cross section view.
When elements are not present in the design files, then the criteria does not draw those
elements into cross section view. This makes it very important to use the Design &
Computation Manager. It has been designed to set the correct symbology for the many design
files used with our software. Therefore the criteria looks for the design elements based on the
D&C items (often referred to as ddb features). Along with the attribute tags it places, it also
places pre-defined adhoc attributes on the necessary elements for the criteria to read and use
accordingly. It is highly recommended to read the Help documentation which clearly explains
what the criteria is looking for on the elements and how to set those elements correctly.
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The Help documentation for FDOT2008 has been re-written. It is now in html format for easy
navigation. In addition to the Description button on the Typical Section dialog, it can now be
accessed from the FDOT2008 Menu and from within the D&C Manager.
The typical sections for the proposed cross sections have been condensed for FDOT2008. Five
typicals have been provided. They are Existing Features, Proposed Features, DrawROW, and the
two existing cross slope report typicals. The Proposed Features typical encompasses divided or
undivided roadways, medians, milling, overlay, widening, new pavement, paved shoulders, curb
and/or gutter, sidewalks, ditches/special ditches, berms, driveways, special profiles, tapering
features miscellaneous asphalt, guardrail, walls, etc all in the same typical. The existing features
typical has been expanded and now includes the use of a “GEOPAK Lines” file. This approach
allows the users to “clean up” their topo files to run with the criteria without modifying the
original file from survey.
Additional levels have been added to the level library for cross sections. This allows more
flexibility to turn the cross section features on/off as desired.
Helpful Hints
 GEOPAK does not recognize models when searching DGN files. (i.e. Pattern lines, Design
Files) Make sure to be in the correct model before executing drawing commands.
 There must be an even number of existing edges of pavement for the existing features
criteria to function.
 When running cross sections, there will be a pause when it loads the define DGN
elements. This is due to GEOPAK loading the ddb file in the background.
 There will be times, after running cross sections, when the adhoc values in the dsgnrd
file will need to be modified. If, after modifying these values, the changes made to the
adhocs do not seem to be recognized by the criteria, exit the MicroStation session and
then reopen MicroStation to run the cross sections.
 There is a bug in MicroStation XM that “loses” the connection to the reference files after
running a GEOPAK tool which searches a dgn file, i.e. Ancillary Features or Cross
Sections. The next run of the tool will result in the tool not finding the elements in the
reference file. Reload the design file to “reconnect” the reference paths to the file.
(This can be done by typing in “rd=” in the Key-in Browser.
 Read the Help documentation!!
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Chapter 2 – Getting Started
This course is designed for the more advanced user. With this in mind, several steps to creating
cross sections have already been processed and are provided for this class. These steps are:
1. Creating the cross section file (RDXSRD01.dgn).
Creating a project within GEOPAK’s Project Manager.
3. Setting up the working alignment.
4. Create Pattern Lines and Existing Ground Cross Sections.
5. Create Profiles.
6. Create Shapes.
Pattern Lines
Pattern lines are used by the software to determine where the existing ground cross sections
need to be cut. Using the FDOT standards, these lines should be drawn into the Pattrd model of
the RDXSRD01.dgn file.
Draw Pattern Lines can be accessed from the menu Applications > ROAD > Cross Sections >
Draw Patterns by Station Range –or—from the Road toolbox –or—from the Project Road
dialog box.
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Six methods are supported for drawing pattern lines:
Increment – starts at the beginning station, and draws a pattern line at the given
Even – draws pattern lines at station divisible by the given value.
Once – draws a pattern line at a given station.
Critical Points Horizontal – draws a pattern line at each critical point (i.e. POT, PC, PT,
etc.) within a chain.
Critical Points Vertical – draws a pattern line at each VPC and VPT in addition to the sag
and crest station of vertical curves based on the profile defined in the dialog.
Superelevation Transitions – The current design file is scanned for Superelevation
shapes created with the specified chain. A pattern line is drawn at the beginning and
end of each Superelevation shape, ignoring the beginning and ending station fields in
the dialog. Note the Superelevation shapes cannot be in a reference file.
The pattern lines are drawn into the current MicroStation design file and are a visual
representation of where the cross sections will be cut. The user can use the MicroStation Place
Smart line or Place Line commands to draw additional pattern lines at any user defined location.
It is important that these lines be drawn from left to right in the direction of stationing. In
addition, MicroStation commands can be utilized to modify pattern lines drawn via the dialog to
lengthen, shorten, delete, copy, move, etc.
**Note: This should be completed before the existing ground cross sections are generated.
Existing Ground Cross Sections
The Draw Cross Sections tool can be accessed by selecting Applications > ROAD > Cross
Sections > Draw Cross Sections from Surfaces. It can also be invoked from Road Project by
clicking Existing Ground Cross Sections or by selecting Draw Cross Section from Surfaces from
the ROAD tool frame.
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Once the pattern lines have been drawn, the cross sections can be generated. Note the Job
Number must be defined in order to populate the Chain list. Once the Chain is defined, the
dialog unghosts.
The dialog contains a menu bar with three listings:
Standard file utilities to load, or save settings, plus a dialog exit option.
Options to Cut, Copy and Paste rows in the surfaces list box. Also, save
and restore settings in the RSC file or clear list of all surfaces.
Update Options:
User-defined options on how the software handles the redrawing of
cross sections.
Three update options are supported, along with a Query option:
Delete Existing
Elements and Redraw
When this option is activated, any existing ground lines previously
drawn with this tool are deleted and new ground lines are drawn.
Delete Non-Modified
Elements and Redraw
When this option is activated, any existing ground lines previously
drawn with the tool are deleted and new ground lines are drawn.
Draw on Top of
When this option is activated, any previously drawn ground lines
are ignored and a new set is drawn, resulting in two sets of
ground lines.
When activated, the user is prompted each time Draw is clicked
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to choose one of the above options.
Two tabs on the dialog support the input data required to draw cross sections:
XS Cells
Defines the location of cross sections utilizing either pattern by station
or pattern by design. In addition, the scale and spacing are defined on
this tab.
Define the surfaces utilized for drawing cross sections. Note multiple
surfaces may be drawn in a single processing. Source data includes
GEOPAK TIN files, Site Models, or Site Objects.
On the XS Cells tab, the Pattern group box has three choices:
Pattern by
Pattern by DGN
In Existing Only
Utilizes Begin and End Station values in addition to an Increment/Even
option and Left and Right Offset fields to determine cross section location.
This works well when no sections are needed that are at odd stations,
skewed or kinked relative to the Chain.
This method utilizes graphical representation and draws one cross section
for each line or line string of the specified parameters. Those parameters
include Design File which is the name of the file that contains the lines and
line strings in addition to their associated symbology.
No user input is required, as this option draws ground lines only for cross
section cells which were previously drawn. Therefore, no other pattern
requirements are needed.
The Surfaces tab is divided into 2 sections, Surfaces list box and Details.
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The list box contains the various defined surfaces. Once the Details portion of the dialog is filled
out, the surface can then be added to the list box using the Add Surface button located on the
right side of the list box. In addition, changes can be made to the details of the highlighted
surface in the list and then clicking on the Modify Surface Settings button or the surface may be
deleted using the Remove Surface button.
The Details portion of the dialog is broken into several sections.
Input File Type
Display Settings
Filter Tolerances
Text Settings
Indicates the data source for the ground lines. Two options are available: a
TIN file or a DTM file. The file name may be typed in or the browse button
can be used to locate the file.
Two methods are available: Triangles or Break Lines
Defines the method to draw the ground lines, either a series of individual
lines or a line string. (It is recommended to use line strings.)
Defines the level symbology used to draw the elements. Two options are
By Level Symbology: User defined by double clicking the Symbology
Settings box and choosing the desired level settings.
By Feature: This option uses the D&C Manager to set the symbology of the
elements. Clicking on the paintbrush opens the Select Feature dialog to
choose an item from the D&C Manager.
Sets the tolerances used when reading the data source file. (It is
recommended to leave these settings at the default.)
When the Elevation box is toggled on, the elevation of the existing ground
at the baseline will be labeled on the cross section. The text settings may
be defined by double clicking on the Text Symbology box.
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When the Void box is toggled on, any voids found in the data source file
will be drawn in the ground line. The Element Symbology Settings box
allows the void line to be drawn on the same or a different level as the rest
of the ground line. (Voids are areas within the .tin file that do not have
elevation data.)
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Chapter 3 – Existing Features
One of the most powerful and flexible features of GEOPAK is the use of criteria in generating
proposed cross sections. Within criteria, design conditions can be evaluated and complicated
design decisions executed in response to these design conditions. The flexibility of criteria
allows the designer to make the design as basic or as complex as the project requires.
Numerous baselines can interrelate as ditches and medians are drawn between roadways and
ramps. Sophisticated drainage details can also be drawn with criteria. The list is endless. Cross
section criteria are used to draw cross section features outside of the mosaic of superelevation
shapes typically representing pavement. Operationally, the software constructs the cross
section features derived from the mosaic of shapes first. Then, the software constructs the
remaining portions of the cross section through the application of criteria emanating out from
the outer edges of the mosaic of shapes.
The FDOT2008 Criteria is designed to run all cross sections (existing, divided or undivided, mill
and resurface, new pavement or both, widening, etc.) through the Typical Section Generator.
The criteria combine all the proposed typicals from the FDOT2004 criteria. It uses proposed
pavement shapes to draw the sections. The shapes now need to cover the full width of the
proposed travel lanes. When adding shape clusters to the proposed cross section run, they need
to be added from left to right. The Typical Section Generator is set up for the typical to be
applied one time to the left roadway. The typical generates both the left and right side slopes
for each shape cluster eliminating the need to reapply the typical to the right roadway. The
criteria supports up to 5 pavements.
Existing Features
FDOT has provided two typicals to draw existing features on cross sections, Existing_Features
and DrawROW. The Existing_Features typical will extend existing ground lines to the extent of
the cross section cell and draw the base for the existing pavement, shoulders, curbs, sidewalks,
and traffic separators. The DrawROW typical draws and labels existing R/W and wetlands on
the cross sections. It also draws and labels proposed R/W and fence.
The Existing_Features criteria search the topo file to locate the plan view elements defining the
limits of the existing features. It also searches a supplemental design file, (GKLNRD) referred to
as the “GEOPAK Lines file”, for those same elements. This supplemental file is designed to be
used in conjunction with the topo file in instances when the topo file is not entirely correct.
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Sometimes the topo file elements are not coded with the correct features or do not have the
correct level symbology for the criteria to locate. In these instances, the correct elements are
drawn into the supplemental file for the criteria resulting in correct cross sections without
modifying the topo file received from survey.
There are a few important notes to remember:
 Do not copy all of the elements from the topo file into the GKLNRD file. Only the
individual elements that are not correct should be copied or drawn into this file.
 The GKLNRD file is NOT supported in the proposed features criteria.
Exercise 1 – Using the GKLNRD file
1. Open the GEOPAK lines file C:\e\projects\XSWorkshop\roadway\GKLNRD01.dgn.
2. Open the D&C Manager.
3. Using MicroStation’s Copy Element tool, copy the edge of pavement line located at
the crown of the roadway in the topo file into the current design file. Note: If the
Existing Features were run using just the topo file, the 3 edges of pavement found
would result in the warning “Irregular Pavement Found”. By drawing this line into the
GKLNRD file the criteria will now find 4 edges of pavement and be able to draw the
existing base.
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Proposed Cross Sections Dialog
When the Proposed Cross Sections button in the Road Project dialog is clicked, the Select
Run dialog is displayed. An existing run may be selected or new run may be started. When
complete, click the OK button, which closes the Select Run dialog and opens the Proposed
Cross Sections dialog. **Note: This dialog cannot be accessed outside of the Project
The left side of the dialog contains the list of categories required to process proposed cross
sections. When each category is selected, the right side of the dialog changes to reflect the
requirement of each category.
When XS DGN File is selected from the list box, the dialog dynamically changes as depicted
below. XS DGN File defines the MicroStation file wherein the original ground cross sections are
located as well as the location for the proposed cross sections. The tolerance setting is also
located under this section. Note: For the FDOT2008 criteria, the tolerance will need to be
modified from the default of 0.1 to 0.01.
When Pattern is selected, the dialog changes as illustrated below.
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The right side of the dialog has the parameters to define the pattern lines and the scale of the
cross sections.
Three sections in the dialog (Pattern, Existing Ground, and Shapes) support a toggle to Use
Working Alignment Definition. For example, in the Pattern section of the dialog, if the toggle is
not active, the user must supply all pattern information.
However, if the toggle is active when one of these three categories is selected, the data
information part of the dialog is ghosted and the required information is utilized from the
current working alignment definitions.
Existing Ground also has all the necessary parameters to define the existing ground lines for the
cross sections.
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When the Shapes parameter is selected, the dialog is displayed as depicted below.
Three Shape definition options are supported:
All in DGN
By Search Criteria
All shape elements within the specified file are utilized.
Only those shapes that match the specified search parameters are utilized.
No shapes are utilized, hence, there is no field for a shapes file name or
files button.
When the Shape Clusters parameter is selected, the dialog dynamically changes as depicted
below (there should not be any definitions within the dialog upon the initial invoking of this
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The user may Add, Delete, or Modify any specified shape cluster. When the Scan button is
clicked, GEOPAK scans the design file and search criteria specified in the Shapes dialog and list
all matching clusters. In the instance of shapeless criteria, the user must define each cluster by
utilizing the Select button or typing in the Chain, Tie/PGL and Profile associated with this run;
then click the Add button.
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After a cluster has been defined and highlighted, the Typical and Thick buttons in the upper
right corner are un-ghosted. (The Typical button will be discussed later in this chapter) The
Thick button invokes a separate dialog to assign different pavement thicknesses and different
symbology to different roadways. For example, in the dialog below, a pavement thickness has
been assigned to the Roadway defined by Chain CL1. After the information has been defined,
simply close the Pavement Thickness Plot Parameters dialog, as it does not need to be open
in order to process. Note: FDOT2008 Criteria does not use this setting. The pavement thickness
is defined by adhoc attributes on the edge of pavement lines drawn in the plan view.
The Define DGN Variables option allows the user to define how to locate MicroStation
elements used by the criteria files. Define DGN Variables can be determined from the element
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symbology, or from the symbology and attributes assigned in the D&C Manager database.
Variables that are previously defined in the criteria will show up in the list. If the Select button
is un-ghosted, variables remain undefined and must be defined before processing the sections.
Click Select to see a list of undefined variables, assign a value, and then click Add.
Note: While using the FDOT2008 criteria, this portion of the dialog will always be blank.
Define Variables enable the user to enter job specific values for certain variables. (I.e. special
ditches, design file locations, text sizes, etc.) The user can select the variable from the list, then
enter the new value and click the Modify button.
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Redefinable Variables are variables that can be redefined when certain criteria are met. It
could be said these variables can be changed “on the fly.” There is a brief description of the
variable along with what the variable has been set to in the bottom pane of the dialog box.
To edit these variables highlight the variable to be changed, and click Edit, or double click on the
variable in the Variable list. The following dialog box appears.
Modify the statement, or add to it by copying the if – then statement and modifying. Choose
Save when done. This will save to the run file in the projdbs directory.
Plot Parameters enables the user to determine how the data from the superelevation shapes
are going to appear. XS Lines determine the symbology of the pavement surface. Text plots
various pieces of text relating to the cross section. The elevation of the PGL of each shape
cluster is automatically plotted. Enable the Line Text toggle to define the symbology for the
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PGL text. The Plot group box enables the user to control different aspects relating to the cross
sections and criteria files as detailed below. Pavement Thickness draws the bottom of shaped
pavement for all clusters. If the Thick button was utilized in the Shape Clusters options, this
should be disabled. Fill Gaps Between Clusters draws a line between two shape clusters if the
criteria does not fill between them. Transition Definition defines the use of parabolic
superelevation transitions. Intersect Between Clusters extends or trims elements in a median
to create a finished, clean appearance. Process Clusters as Indicated forces the criteria to
process the clusters as they are listed in the Shape Clusters options. If this option is turned off,
the clusters are processed left to right. Remove Skew Effect forces GEOPAK to correct itself
back to the pattern line if a skewed element is encountered in the processing of the criteria
files. Process Only Sections With Existing Ground - If only one group (color) is indicated in the
input file for the existing ground in each run, the program loads into memory only the ground
lines of the specified color, and processes only those sections. The time reduction may vary
depending on the specific conditions of the job and type of machine. Pavement Shapes
controls the lines drawn on the cross sections indicative of where the shapes are located. (Until
XM, the user did not have any control to turn this feature off.)
Note: While using the FDOT2008 criteria, all of these toggles should be turned off.
Drainage allows the option to draw drainage features in the cross section from a drainage .gdf
file and DGN file.
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Once all the options have been filled out, go to Files.
Under Files, the options are Run, Save Settings, Export... and Exit. To process the cross
sections, click the Run button, which invokes the Process Cross Section dialog. Save Settings
simply saves the current settings to the run. (Save the settings before running the cross
sections.) When the File/Export option is selected, the user may save the dialog information in
an ASCII input file for review or subsequent processing. The File/Exit option enables the user to
exit the Proposed Cross Sections dialog box. The software also prompts the user with an
Alert box if the settings should be saved before exiting. Clicking the Yes button saves the
current dialog settings, No does not save the settings, but both buttons exit to the Road
Project dialog.
When File/Run is chosen, the dialog below appears.
The output can be displayed on the Screen Only, or written to a Log File and displayed to the
screen. The Pause On Each Section option enables the user to view each section as it is drawn.
Criteria View displays each step in the criteria file. This is primarily for debugging purposes.
Disable View Update runs the cross sections without viewing the cross sections or the Display
window as they are drawn.
Typical Section Generator
The Typical button opens the Typical Section Generator. This application allows users to
apply specific criteria files from a standardized library to specific typical sections, thereby
foregoing the need to pick and choose which criteria files are needed. There are 5 typical
sections supplied with the FDOT2008 Software. Upon selection of a typical section, click Apply.
The program fills out the rest of the Proposed Cross Sections dialog box. This includes the
side slopes and all 3 types of variables.
Note the button labeled Typical.
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When the Typical button is pressed, the Typical Section Generator dialog appears as depicted
The user must simply select the typical section from the left then click Apply. The typical can be
applied to the entire length of the alignment or only a portion of the alignment by changing the
Apply to Whole Chain toggle to Apply to Station Range and specifying a beginning and ending
station for the typical. Documentation is available for each typical section that explains what the
typical does and identifies variables that need to be set. In FDOT2008, the files can be accessed
from within the Typical Sections dialog by pressing the Description button. The Help
documentation can also be accessed through the FDOT Menu under Roadway/FDOT2008
Criteria Help Files or from the D&C Manager Adhoc Attributes dialog box.
When the Apply button is pressed, the Typical Sections dialog closes, returning the user to the
Proposed Cross Sections - Shape Cluster dialog. GEOPAK has inserted the Side Slope
Conditions with the appropriate criteria and set the variables in the rest of the dialog.
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Exercise 2 – Existing Features
In this exercise, the user will run the Existing_Features typical to create the existing base
elements of the cross sections, and review the sections.
1. Open the file C:\e\projects\XSWorkshop\roadway\RDXSRD01.dgn, model Rdxsrd.
2. Open Road Project by going to Applications > ROAD > Project Manager.
3. Select the project XSWorkshop and click OK.
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4. Select the user Student and click OK.
5. Click on Proposed Cross Sections from the Road Project dialog.
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6. At the Select Run dialog, select Run > New. When prompted, name the run Ex_Base
and click OK. Highlight the new run and click OK.
7. Proposed Cross Sections opens. Set the settings as shown below.
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8. Once the shape is added to the list box, highlight the entry and click the Typical button.
Typical Sections opens.
9. Select the Existing_Features typical. Click on the Description button to view the Help
files. Then click on Apply to apply the typical to the shape cluster.
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Note: Clicking on the Apply button populates the rest of the dialog box with the side
slope conditions, criteria files, and variables used with the criteria chosen. The Typical
Sections dialog closes.
10. Review the variables.
11. On the Redefinable Variables section, double click on the variable _s_EFTTL. Modify
the value to ^N^. Click Save.
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12. On the Plot Parameters section, uncheck all the options.
13. Select File > Save Settings.
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14. Select File > Run. Proposed Cross Section opens.
15. On the Proposed Cross Section dialog, select the option To Log File, check the option
Disable View Update and click Apply.
16. Once cross sections complete, review the sections using the Cross Section Navigator.
17. Close Cross Section Navigator.
18. Close the Proposed Cross Sections – Ex_Base dialog box. When prompted, click
Yes to save settings to the cross section run.
19. Select all the elements and then select Edit > Lock.
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Chapter 4 – Superelevation Shapes
Shapes are used by GEOPAK to determine the proposed pavement cross slopes of the cross
GEOPAK supports a myriad of options for the definition of pavement on proposed cross
sections. They range from a single slope specification emanating from a baseline/profile on
each section to complicated multiple roadways, each with its own superelevation transition.
The most basic is the project where no superelevation transitions are required, i.e., the roadway
slope for all pavement can be specified as a single value. In this case, the slope can be defined
with the proposed cross section processing and any additional superelevation work is not
required. Another option is the definition of superelevation when roadways are constant
widths without tapers, i.e., turn lanes, acceleration and deceleration lanes, etc. In these areas,
the automated superelevation can be utilized, based on a user-defined design speed and
considering the geometry of the specified roadway. After careful review of the data (in ASCII
format) and overriding any of the computed values, GEOPAK draws pavement representations
as complex shapes into a MicroStation 2D design file. A third option is the definition of
superelevation when roadways are not constant widths, i.e., gore areas, turn lanes, acceleration
and deceleration lanes, etc. In these areas, graphic elements within a MicroStation 2D design
file are utilized to create complex shapes which define the superelevation transitions. A
combination of these tools can be combined with a project, or even within a single roadway.
The shapeless mode is excellent for rural applications, low volume city streets, frontage roads,
etc., while the automated method quickly generates automated shapes for more complex
roadways. Any area which cannot be defined via the automated method can be augmented by
the graphical method.
Automated Superelevation (Autoshape Input File Maker)
The Automated Superelevation tool can be accessed by selecting Applications/GEOPAK
ROAD/Cross Sections/Superelevation Shape Manager Tools. It can also be invoked from Road
Project by clicking the Calculate Superelevation button or by selecting the Automated
Superelevation icon from the ROAD tool frame. The GEOPAK Superelevation package enables
the user to create, edit, and run and autoshape input file quickly, basing it on an existing COGO
alignment. A rich set of preferences is available which gives the user complete control over
every aspect of the standardization of the superelevation design process. AASHTO Method V is
available as a default, along with the ability to employ user-defined lookup tables both for e
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(superelevation rate) and for runoff length. User-defined equations may also be entered to
compute these values. A thorough set of options is available for resolving the superelevation
conflicts of Reverse Curves, Compound Curves, Broken Back Curves, and Short Curves.
GEOPAK calculates superelevation transition locations for any alignment stored into the
coordinate geometry database. The main superelevation dialog is simple and straightforward,
allowing the user to select which preference file is to be used for the current session, as well as
enabling the entry of the typical section lane configuration in the simple engineering terms of
Number of Lanes, Lane Widths, Median Width (if any), and Cross Slope. More complex lane
configurations may be represented as needed. Upon computation of the superelevation
parameters (cross slopes and stationing), the information is stored in an ASCII file, where the
user may review and modify the transitions, if desired. After reviewing the information, the
ASCII file is executed from the Autoshape Builder to generate superelevation shapes.
Job Chain
Begin Station
End Station
Design Speed
Coordinate geometry database containing the desired chains and
profiles. GEOPAK baseline chain dictating the horizontal geometry
for which superelevation transitions are calculated. This chain is
also called the Shape Cluster Baseline in the Auto Shape input file.
When the chain is defined, GEOPAK populates the Begin Station
with the default beginning of the chain. To compute superelevation
for part of a chain, adjust the station.
When the chain is defined, GEOPAK populates the End Station with
the default ending of the chain. To compute superelevation for part
of a chain, adjust the station.
Design Speed that determines what Design Speed is to be used
either in the tables or equations for e and length computations.
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Preference File e
selection L selection
The Preferences File combo box selects which Preference File is to
be used for this computation. The various preferences files which
are available in the combo box are determined by what files have
the .sep file extension in the Preference files Path on the User
Directories dialog. When it is set, the available e and length
Selection combo boxes are filled in according to the .csv file names
as specified in the Preferences File. Those combo boxes determine
which table within the .csv file will be used for computation.
Facility determines whether the roadway cross section is to be
divided or undivided. This option determines two things. For the
dialog box, it determines whether or not the values Profile, Tie
(Offset or PGL), and or the Tie or PGL values may be different. If
they are different, then two shape clusters are to be generated,
which usually is required for a median. The state of the Facility
option button also determines which Preference is used as found on
the Distribution tab of the Preferences dialog.
Left/Right tabs
The area enclosed in the Left/Right tabs is for the determination of
values specific to shape clusters.
NOTE: The right and left tabs contain data pertaining to each lane
within each roadway. If the Facility is undivided, then the left tab is
for the left lane(s) while the right tab is for the right lane(s). If the
Facility is divided, then the right tab is for the entire right roadway,
while the left tab is for the entire left roadway.
Create Input File
ASCII file wherein GEOPAK create the autoshape input file. DO NOT
include the extension, as GEOPAK adds .inp to the field.
Generate Superelevation Commence automatic superelevation calculations.
GEOPAK profile defined as the Shape Cluster Profile in the Auto
Shape input file.
Offset – horizontal distance from the Profile (PGL) to the Chain. PGL
Chain – Chain stored in the gpk file that the shapes will be
computed from. This chain does not require a profile be stored
with it as the defined profile will be applied to this chain.
Offsets define the dimension of the shape (usually a lane) by tow
offset distances from the baseline. Not that tapers are not
supported. Offset distances are negative if measured to the left.
Each lane must have the same offset on the left as the left adjacent
lane and must have the same offset on the right as the right
adjacent lane (no gaps in offsets). Computation may not proceed if
this condition is not met. Lane offset values are entered in terms of
master units, i.e., feet or meters.
% Slope
Cross Slope of each shape in normal crown in percent format. A
negative sign denotes the roadway going downward, while
emanating away from the PGL. A normal crown section of 2.0%
would, therefore, be entered as -2.0.
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Dependent/Independent One dependent shape, which is based on the profile, is required for
each shape cluster. All other shapes are drawn not based on the
profile, but on adjoining lanes, and are independent. For example,
turn lanes are drawn abutting next to the mainline roadway, so they
are independent. However, a lane based on the profile for its initial
elevation, such as one of the through lanes, is profile dependent.
Edit buttons: Add,
Add – populate the fields and click Add.
To delete a line, highlight the desired line, and then click Delete.
Delete Modify
To modify a line, highlight the desired line, click once on the value
to be modified. The value will be placed in an edit mode. Change
the value then hit enter or tab out of the field.
Quick Entry (second to
Enables the user to populate the shape cluster list boxes quickly
bottom tool to the right
while entering the data using engineering terminology.
of the list box)
Rectify Lanes (bottom
If Offset values have been entered that create a gap between lanes,
tool to the right of the
the Rectify Lanes option removes this gap. Click Rectify Lanes and
list box)
the values will be modified so that any gaps are removed.
Selection of the Generate Superelevation Transitions button performs the actual
superelevation computations. Three things happen at this point.
First, the superelevation transitions as computed by GEOPAK are written to the
Autoshape Input File specified by the user (in the Create Input File field).
Second, the log file is written.
Finally, the Autoshape Input File is loaded into the text editor running within
MicroStation. This Autoshape Input File Editor has an icon at the top that allows the
Autoshape Input File to be run. Autoshape Input Files can also be run form the
Autoshape Builder.
Example – Auto Shape ASCII Input File
/* Superelevation Settings and Parameters:
Project Name: C:\e\projects\BasicXSWorkhop\roadway\XSWorkshop.prj
Run Name:
Unit System is english.
Created input file "shapes.inp".
Created activity log file "shapes.log".
Created on Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 16:05.
Using Preference File "FDOT_Urban_e"
Using e Selection of "5% e max".
Using Length Selection of "All Cases"
Using Design Speed of 50.000000.
Page | 37
auto shape
job number = BXS
auto shape set
shape cluster baseline = CL
shape cluster profile = PPALT3
shape cluster pgl chain = PGLLT
dependent shape
chain / offset
filler line station / slope
auto shape set
shape cluster baseline = CL
shape cluster profile = PPALT3
shape cluster pgl chain = PGLLT
independent shape
chain / offset
filler line station / slope
auto shape set
shape cluster baseline = CL
shape cluster profile = PPALT3
shape cluster pgl chain = PGLLT
independent shape
chain / offset
filler line station / slope
auto shape set
shape cluster baseline = CL
shape cluster profile = PPRIGHT
shape cluster pgl chain = PGLRT
Page | 38
dependent shape
chain / offset
filler line station / slope
auto shape set
shape cluster baseline = CL
shape cluster profile = PPRIGHT
shape cluster pgl chain = PGLRT
independent shape
chain / offset
filler line station / slope
auto shape set
shape cluster baseline = CL
shape cluster profile = PPRIGHT
shape cluster pgl chain = PGLRT
independent shape
chain / offset
filler line station / slope
Plot Parameters
Dependent Shape
lvname = XSShapeDep01_dp
co = ByLevel
lc = ByLevel
wt = ByLevel
Dependent Text
lvname = XSShapeDep01_dp
co = ByLevel
Independent Shape
lvname = XSShapeIndep01_dp
co = ByLevel
lc = ByLevel
wt = ByLevel
Page | 39
Independent Text
lvname = XSShapeIndep01_dp
co = ByLevel
Write shapes into dgn = C:\e\projects\BasicXSWorkhop\roadway\RDXSRD01.DGN
Superelevation Preferences
A rich set of preferences is available which gives the user complete control over every aspect of
the standardization of the superelevation design process. AASHTO Method V is available as a
default, along with the ability to employ user-defined lookup tables both for e (superelevation
rate) and for runoff length. User-defined equations may also be entered to compute these
values. A thorough set of options is available is available for resolving the superelevation
conflicts of Reverse Curves, Compound Curves, Broken Back Curves, and Short Curves. The
Preferences Dialog can be opened from the Automated Superelevation dialog by selecting
Preferences from the File menu. The dialog consists of a simple menu bar containing File
utilities, four shortcut icons (also for File utilities) and a variety of tabs. As each tab is selected,
the dialog dynamically changes to reflect the selection. The small left and right arrows to the
right of the tabs scroll to display the tabs. Each press of one of the arrows moves the tabs one
position. Generally speaking, the left-to-right progression of the tabs matches closely with the
order of processing which GEOPAK goes through when computing superelevation. Therefore,
the detailed descriptions of the various items under each tab are presented within the following
discussion of the Superelevation Computation Process.
Note: FDOT has two predefined preference files available to their users – one for rural
conditions and one for urban projects. Select the appropriate file per project. For a typical
project the preferences will need to be modified based on project conditions. If so, copy the
appropriate SEP file to the project directory and modify as needed. Outlined below is each tab
and typical adjustments that will be made for each type of project.
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e Tab
The first step in the process is the computation of e for each curve. Regardless of the manner of
computation, e computation is based on the curvature of each curve and the Design Speed.
E Method
Table Name
This option determines which method GEOPAK uses to compute e. The
available methods are AASHTO Method 5, Radius Table and Equation.
When Methodology is AASHTO Method 5 or Radius Table, this field
contains the name of the csv file in which to find the tables. Generally, no
path should be given in the file name since these are controlled by
Environmental Variables and/or user control in the Superelevation
Computation dialog. If a path is specified along with the csv file name,
that path will be used regardless of other methods of setting the path such
as Environmental Variables. If Methodology is Equation, the text field is
the location where the equation is entered. Pressing the Files button
opens the dialog, wherein the desired file may be selected. Pressing the
Edit button opens the editor specified in the environmental variable
GPK_SUPER_EDITOR and should normally be set to Excel or some type of
spreadsheet application.
Specifies how GEOPAK is to interpolate between Design Speed columns if
the user selects a Design Speed which is not found in the table. Speed
Interpolation applies to both the AASHTO Method 5 table and Radius
Table for e computation. The available options are Linear, Closest Entry,
and Conservative Entry.
Radius Interpolation only applies to the Radius Table option. This
interpolation option button specifies how GEOPAK is to interpolate
between Radius Rows if the given Radius does not have a corresponding
row with an exact match in the table. The available options are Linear,
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E Rounding
Closest Entry, and Conservative Entry.
Note: For rural conditions, the default is fine. For urban, the Radius
Interpolation should be set to Conservative Entry.
Applies to e regardless of how it is computed. This is simply rounding to
the nearest evenly divisible number of the rounding value. For example, if
e-rounding were set to 0.25, and e as it is computed from a table comes
out to be 3.789, the value would be rounded to 3.75, which is evenly
divisible by 0.25. Set a value of 0.00 to disable the rounding of e.
Runoff Length Tab
The second step in the process of computing Superelevation transitions is the computation of
Unadjusted Length, which is the Runoff Length as if the roadway had two lanes only. (Adjusted
Length is the true Runoff Length, adjusted for the true roadway width.) In all methods of
computation of Unadjusted Length, the computation is based on the rounded e value for each
curve. If one or both sides of a curve (ahead and/or back) have a spiral, no length computations
need to be made for the part with a spiral since the length of transition is dictated by the length
of the spiral. Within the Spiral Distribution group box, the user has the option to determine how
spiral lengths are matched to Superelevation Transition lengths.
If the option is set to Spiral Length = Runoff Length, the Runoff Length is the same as the spiral
length. Runoff begins with the TS or CS and ends at the SC or the ST. Tangent Runout falls on
the adjacent tangent, outside of the spiral. If the option is set to Spiral Length = Runoff Length
+ Tangent Runout, Runoff and Tangent Runout lengths are set such that the Total Transition
Length equals the spiral length, and the Tangent Runout falls on the spiral.
The remainder of the items on the Runoff Length tab page have to do with Unadjusted
Length computation for circular curves in which either the back, ahead, or both sides of
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the curve are not spirals.
Runoff Length
Table Name
E Interpolation
Closest Entry
Conservative Entry
Width Basis
All methods for computation of Length use e and Design Speed as the
primary inputs. The Length Method option button determines which
method GEOPAK will use to compute the Unadjusted Length. The
supported methods are e Table, Relative Gradient Table, and Equation,
each of which is detailed following the explanation of the dialog items.
When the Method is AASHTO Method 5 or Radius Table, this field
contains the name of the csv file in which to find the tables. Generally,
no path should be given in the file name since these are controlled by
Environmental Variables and/or user control in the Superelevation
Computation dialog. If a path is specified along with the csv file name,
that path will be used regardless of other methods of setting the path
such as Environmental Variables. If Method is Equation, the text field is
the location where the equation is entered. Pressing the Files button
opens the dialog, wherein the desired file may be selected. Pressing the
Edit button opens the editor specified in the environmental variable
GPK_SUPER_EDITOR and should normally be set to Excel or some type of
spreadsheet application.
Specifies how to interpolate between Design Speed columns if the user
selects a Design Speed which is not found in the table. Speed
Interpolation is applicable to e Table and Relative Gradient Table.
Specifies how to interpolate between e Rows if the given e value does not
have a corresponding row in the table. E Interpolation applies only to e
Linear Interpolation causes GEOPAK to perform a straight-line
interpolation between the two possible values.
Closest Entry forces the computed value to equal a value found in the
table. Which value to select is determined by how close the indexed
number is to either of the two choices. For example, if radius equals
1150, but the closest values available in the table are 1200 and 1000, e
would be computed based on the 1200 radius row because 1150 is closer
to 1200 than it is to 1000.
Conservative Entry forces the computed value to equal the more
conservative of the index values. As an example, if Design Speeds of 60
and 70 are available, and a user enters a Design Speed of 62, the actual
value would be set to 70 because it is more conservative than 60. For
Design Speed, Conservative Entry causes the value to be adjusted
upward. For radius, it causes the value to be adjusted to the higher
radius. For e (indexing to compute length), Conservative Entry causes the
higher e-value to be used.
Width Basis is used by GEOPAK to determine how to compute Unadjusted
Length if the inside lane has a width differing from Nominal Lane Width.
As an example let us consider a Typical Section with four lanes and no
median. The inside two lanes are ten feet wide and the outside two lanes
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are fourteen feet wide, while the Nominal Lane Width is twelve feet.
If Width Basis option is set to Nominal Lane Width, and the value read
from the table (or Equation) is 35, no change is made to that value.
If Width Basis option is set to Actual Lane Width, and the value read from
the table (or equation) is 35, that value is multiplied by 12 over 10,
resulting in an Unadjusted length of 42.
Consider Half Lane
if Width <
Note: For rural projects the default values do not need to be modified.
For urban projects, the Nominal Lane Width should be set for each
It is common that five or seven lane roadway sections have the crown
point in the center of the middle lane. In order to model this correctly,
that middle lane must be represented as two lanes, each being half the
true lane width.
Several options which adjust the runoff length must have an accurate
count of the number of lanes. By modeling a five lane section with six
lanes, this count is not correct
This situation is resolved by specifying a width below which a lane is
counted as a half lane. In this way, the five lane section modeled by four
full lanes and two half lanes is correctly considered by GEOPAK to have
five lanes.
As an example, if the center turn lane of a roadway were 16 feet wide,
the left and right halves of the center turn lane would each be 8 feet. If
the Consider Half Lane if Width < text field were set to 8 (or 9 or any
number greater than or equal to 8), those two lanes would be considered
together as one lane for the purpose of counting lanes in preparation for
making the Runoff Length Adjustment.
Runoff Rounding
The value in Length Rounding Increment applies to Unadjusted Runoff
Length regardless of how it is computed. See the Overview section for an
explanation of rounding.
Page | 44
Tangent Runout Tab
Tangent Runout is the distance from a Cross Slope of Normal Crown to a Cross Slope of zero as
depicted here:
Three methods are available to compute Tangent Runout Length: By Relative Gradient, Fixed
Distance, or Equation. When the Tangent Runout Distance option is set to By Relative
Gradient, the Tangent Runout Distance is computed as the result of applying the Relative
Gradient of the Runoff to the Tangent Runout. When the Tangent Runout Distance option is set
to Fixed Distance, a text field is revealed to the right which contains the numeric value for the
distance. With this option, Tangent Runout Length is set to a certain distance without regard to
the Relative Gradient of the Runoff. This will cause a discontinuity in the Relative Gradient at
Page | 45
the zero slope point. When computing Tangent Runout Distance by Equation, intrinsic variables
are available to assist in developing the needed equation.
After the Tangent Runout has been computed (regardless of the method), Total Length
Rounding is applied if specified as something other than zero in the Total Length Rounding text
If rounding takes place and the Tangent Runout Distance option is set to By Relative Gradient,
the length change caused by the rounding is applied evenly to both Runoff and Tangent Runout
such that the Relative Gradient remains the same over both portions of the transition.
If the Tangent Runout Distance option is set to Fixed Distance or Equation, the length change is
applied entirely to the Runoff portion so that the Tangent Runout distance remains unchanged.
Adjust Factors Tab
Two options are supported for Basing the Adjust Factor:
Total Number of Lanes (default option) - The multilane adjust factor is determined by
the total number of lanes across the entire roadway.
Number of Lanes Rotated - Compliant to AASHTO 2001 Standards. The multilane adjust
factor is determined by number of lanes being rotated on one side of each roadbed.
On the left side of each text field is a toggle. For a given lane number, if the toggle is turned off,
Non-Adjustment Factor adjustment is used. If the toggle is turned on, the Adjustment Factor in
the text field is used.
Length Adjustment is a modification of the two-lane length (unadjusted length) according to the
true width of the roadway. If Adjustment Factor is used, the length is adjusted by applying a
multiplier according to the number of lanes. If Non-Adjustment Factor is used, the length is
Page | 46
adjusted by dividing the total roadway width by the Nominal Lane Width without consideration
of the number of lanes.
Distribution Tab
After Adjusted Lengths have been computed for non-spiraled ends of circular curves, the
transition is distributed over the curve and its adjacent tangents and stationing is computed
relative to the PC and PT. The amount of the transition which falls on the tangent is termed
Percent on Tangent. Options are provided to base that percentage on Total Length or on Runoff
The Distribute Over option controls whether GEOPAK applies the % on Tangent value to Runoff
Length or Total Transition Length. If set to Runoff Length Only, the distribution percentage is
applied to the Runoff Length. If set to Tangent Runout + Runoff Length, the distribution
percentage applies to the Total Transition Length. The % on Tangent fields determines the
percentage of the distribution which is to be located on the tangent leading up to (or trailing)
the curve.
Note: For rural roadways, 80% on tangent is desired, but can be as little as 50% if necessary.
For rural divided roads, the low side can be set to either Match High Side Full Super
Station or Distribution.
For urban roadways, 80% on tangent is desired, but can be as little as 50% if necessary.
For urban divided roads, its desirable to set the low side to Match High Side Full Super
Page | 47
Rotation Tab
The Elevation Transition (Profile) has options for Linear or Parabolic. If the option is set to
Parabolic, the Transition ID option on the Superelevation Computation dialog is un-ghosted.
With that option, it is possible to specify Transition ID’s other than Linear.
If the Elevation Transition (Profile) option is set to Linear, the Transition ID on the Computation
dialog is not available and all transitions must be linear. Outside Lane Rotation has two options:
Rotate to Match Inside Lanes and Independent Rotation. When the option is set to
Independent Rotation, all transition stations begin and end at the same station, regardless of
Normal Cross Slope. If the Typical Section has Broken Back Normal Crown, this means that the
cross slope remains broken throughout the transition until Full Super is achieved, at which point
the cross slope is continuous.
When the option is set to Rotate to Match Inside Lanes and the Typical Section has Broken Back
Normal Crown, the lanes of lesser cross slope do not begin transitioning until the lanes with
greater cross slope come up to match. In other words, as soon as possible within the transition,
the cross slope is unbroken.
The Axis of Rotation option only applies to two lane roadways. The two options are Rotate
About Centerline and Rotate About Inside Edge. When the option is set to Rotate About
Centerline, the rotation point is at the grade point as illustrated by the icon.
When the option is set to Rotate About Inside Edge, the rotation point is at the edge of
pavement. For curves to the right, the rotation point is at the right edge of pavement. For
curves to the left, it is on the left edge of pavement.
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For FDOT projects, the defaults on the Rotation tab are desirable.
Superelevation Transition Conflict Resolution
Superelevation Transition Conflicts occur when the stationing of the superelevation transitions
of two adjacent curves overlap, or when the fully superelevated station range on one curve is
too short. When curve conflicts occur, GEOPAK attempts to resolve them by adjusting relative
gradients, distribution percentages or e values, depending on the applicable preferences.
Before writing the autoshape input file, GEOPAK scans the filler line stationing created by prior
processes in the superelevation flowchart for conflicts. Four types of conflicts are scanned for:
Reverse Curves, Broken Back Curves, Compound Curves, and Short Curves.
The Reverse Curve conflict occurs when two adjacent curves which deflect in opposite
directions have transitions which overlap, or which have a short section of full Normal Crown
between them.
The Broken Back conflict occurs when two adjacent curves which deflect in the same direction
have transitions which overlap, or which have a short section of full Normal Crown between
The Compound Curve conflict happens when tow curves deflecting in the dame direction have
no intermediate tangent, resulting in a PCC shared between them.
The three previous Curve Conflicts have to do with two adjacent curves. The final conflict of the
four, Short Curve, has to do with only one curve. It is the case in which the length of the fully
superelevated segment of the curve is too short.
It sometimes happens that two superelevation conflicts may happen on the same or adjacent
curves. Therefore, when double conflicts occur, GEOPAK prioritizes then as which takes
precedence, as follows:
Reverse Curves
Broken Back Curves
Compound Curves
Short Curves
This means, for example, that if there is a choice to be made as to whether to fix Reverse Curve
situation or the Broken Back Curve, Reverse Curves are fixed.
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Reverse Curves Tab
Reverse Curves occur when two adjacent curves which deflect in opposite directions have
superelevation transitions which overlap or are in close proximity. Two levels of conflict are
defined for Reverse Curves: Critical and Supercritical. The determining factors for defining a
conflict as Critical or Supercritical are both based on the Length of Normal Crown existing
between the two transitions. (Note that overlapping transitions may be considered to have a
negative Length of Normal Crown.)
The distinction, then, between Critical and Supercritical has to do with how the conflict is
handled. If the conflict is Critical, adjustments are made so that the Minimum Normal Crown
Length is maintained. If the conflict is Supercritical, the transitions of the two curves are merged
and Normal Crown never occurs between the conflicting curves. When GEOPAK checks for this
conflict, it first checks to see if the Length of Normal Crown violates the Supercritical threshold.
If it does not, GEOPAK then checks the Critical threshold. This means that if the value for
Maintain Minimum Length is less than or equal to Supercritical Length, no conflict would ever
be handled as Critical. Also note that either value may be negative, although this is ill-advised
for Maintain Minimum Length.
Page | 50
Compound Curves Tab
The dialog contains settings for two types of conflicts in which two adjacent curves deflect in
the same direction. “Compound Curves” are when two curves deflect in the same direction and
have no intermediate tangent section, but instead share a common station, the PCC. “Broken
Back Curves” occur when two curves deflect in the same direction and have an intermediate
tangent section which is short enough that the superelevation transitions of the two curves
overlap or nearly overlap.
The length of the transition is determined by one of the options detailed in the table below.
By Averaging Both
Relative Gradients
The Relative Gradients of the two conflicting transitions are averaged to
result in the new Relative Gradient and Transition Length. The End Full
Super Station of the first curve and Begin Full Super Station of the
second curve are determined by positioning the transition according to
the Length Distribution At PCC option.
By Using Relative
Gradient of Sharper
The Relative Gradient of the sharper of the two curves (as it is before
adjustment) is the Relative Gradient used to determine the Transition
Length. The End Full Super Station of the first curve and Begin Full
Super Station of the second curve are determined by positioning the
transition according to the Length Distribution At PCC option.
By Using Relative
Gradient of Flatter
The Relative Gradient of the flatter of the two curves (as it is before
adjustment) is the Relative Gradient used to determine the Transition
Length. The End Full Super Station of the first curve and Begin Full
Super Station of the second curve are determined by positioning the
transition according to the Length Distribution At PCC option.
By Using Unadjusted
The End Full Super Station of the first curve and the Begin Full
Page | 51
FS Station to FS
Unadjusted Super Station of the second curve are unchanged from
their values FS Station before adjustment. The Transition Length and
Relative Gradient are To FS set from the original Full Super stations.
The Length Distribution at Station PCC option is not considered.
Three of the four Determine Transition Length options involve the adjustment of the Full Super
Stations of the two curves. These three options allow the placement of the transition with
respect to the PCC to be controlled via Length Distribution at PCC, which has five options. Three
of the five, By Degree Of Curvature, By Radius, and By e split the ratio of distribution on each
curve according to the ratio of degrees of curvature, radius, or e or each curve. The Evenly
option causes the transition length to be half on the first curve and half on the second curve. By
Percentage On Sharper Curve allows control of the distribution by entering a percentage to be
applied regardless of the ratios of various attributes of each curve. Broken Back Curve conflicts
occur when two curves which are adjacent within a chain and deflect in the same direction have
superelevation transitions which overlap or are in close proximity. Two levels of conflict are
defined for Broken Back Curves: Maintain Minimum Normal Crown, and Maintain Minimum
Reverse Crown.
Short Curves Tab
The Short Curve conflict occurs when the length of the fully superelevated portion of the curve
is shorter than the desired minimum. This is not a conflict between two adjacent curves as the
other conflict types, but is instead an undesirable situation occurring on a single curve. The
conflict can be understood better with the following depiction:
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If a curve is in the Short Curve state, three methods of Treatment are supported, as detailed in
the table below.
Truncate e
The End Normal Crown Stations and Relative Gradients of the two
transitions of the curve are held constant. The e-value is reduced
sufficiently that the new Full Super Length equals Maintain Minimum
Slide Transitions,
Hold Relative
The Normal Crown and Full Super stations of both transitions of the
curve are moved outward from the PI of the curve by the same amount
such that the Relative Gradient does not change and the Full Super
Length equals Maintain Minimum Length.
Change Full Super
Stations, Change
Relative Gradient
The Full Super stations are moved outward from the PI of the curve by
the same among such that the Full Super Length equals Maintain
Minimum Length. The Normal Crown stations do not change.
Therefore, the Relative Gradients become steeper.
General Superelevation Considerations
Broken back curves should be avoided. If an engineer runs into this situation, FDOT
does not have standards in place. It is the engineer’s responsibility to calculate the
correct values and choose the correct options for the preference tab for compound
Try to allow sufficient length of tangent between reverse curves for adequate
superelevation transition. This suitable tangent length should be determined as follows:
Page | 53
o 80% of the transition for each curve should be located on the tangent.
o The suitable tangent length is the sum of the two 80% distances, or greater.
o Where alignment constraints dictate a less than desirable tangent length
between curves, an adjustment of the 80/20 superelevation transition
treatment is allowable (where up to 50% of the transition may be placed on the
Avoid compound curves. When they are necessary, the radius of the flatter curve
should not be more that 50% greater than the sharper curve.
For small deflection angles, curves should be lengthened to avoid the appearance of a
kink. (Curves should be at least 500 ft. long for a central angle of 5° and the minimum
increased 100 ft. for each 1° decrease in the central angle (900 ft. for a 1° central
angle.)(PPM Section
Rule of thumb, use the largest radius for the curve as is possible.
Superelevation transition is 80/20 (tangent/curve), but up to 50% of the transition can
be on the curve in special situations.
Minimum length of transition (for emax=0.10) is 100’ per PPM Table 2.9.3.
Minimum length of transition (for emax=0.05) is 50’ for design speed under 40 mph and
75’ for design speed of 40 mph or greater per PPM Table 2.9.4.
Superelevation Autoshape Builder
The Autoshape Builder is NOT accessible from Road Project but can be invoked by selecting
Applications > ROAD > Cross Sections > Superelevation Shape Manager Tools or by selecting it
from the ROAD tool frame. Once the shape input file (fname.inp) has been created and
reviewed, the designer can run the input file to place the superelevation shapes into the
specified graphics file. To use the interactive method
to define roadway superelevation (in a .dgn file) the
designer selects the Autoshape Builder from the
Superelevation Shape Manager Tools tool bar (or
alternately from this same tool within the Text Editor
as described above).
Page | 54
Autoshape Input File
Display Only
Override Input File
Level Symbology
Name of .inp file (shapes.inp) created by the Automated
superelevation generation containing the transitions.
Create the shapes in “Display Only” mode. That is, they are not
written to the design file and a view Update operation eliminates
them, as does zoom in, etc.
This option is used to override the Plot Parameters settings in the
Superelevation Shapes input file.
The shapes are placed in a 2D graphics file on level 63 by default. The plot parameters can be
modified in the input file with a text editor prior to building the shapes into the graphics file or
with the File/Level Symbology pull down on the Automated Superelevation dialog.
Superelevation Shape Maker
Superelevation Shape Maker gives the user the ability to manually create superelevation
shapes. To do this, the user must supply the information to build the shapes. This includes not
only the elements that make up the extents of the shape’s limits, but also information such as
slopes, baseline, profiles, etc.
The tool can be accessed from the Road Project dialog box by clicking on the Superelevation
Shapes button –or—from the Superelevation Shapes Manager Tools Toolbox by clicking on
the Shape Maker tool button.
Job Number
Coordinate geometry database number, wherein superelevation chains and
profiles are stored. The Job Number can be manually entered or identified by
pressing the Select button.
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In order to create a shape, the elements that represent the edges of pavement
must be coincident. This is where tolerance comes into play. If the elements are
not perfectly coincident, then building the shape may fail. If this happens, a
larger tolerance may be used.
Shape Parameters
Chain used to describe the proposed alignment of the superelevation shape.
Profile used to describe the vertical geometry of the superelevation shape
utilizing the stationing of the baseline defined.
Tie/PGL Chain When this option is set to Tie, then a constant offset distance is given and
applied to the Baseline to define a Profile Grade Line (PGL). A negative tie
means the profile is offset to the left of the proposed alignment. A positive
tie would be offset to the right of the alignment relative to the direction of
the stationing.
Superelevation Shape Maker- Tie Option
When the option is set to PGL chain, an alignment is selected that
defines the PGL. This is optional and only used when the offset distance
from the Baseline to the Profile is not constant.
Superelevation Shape Maker- PGL Chain Option
Dependent/Independent option identifies whether the shape is dependent
on the profile or not. A good rule of thumb is one dependent shape per
shape cluster.
Transition ID
Dictates the type of transition utilized by the software, either linear or
parabolic. If the Trans ID is blank or 0, linear interpolation is utilized. The
transition table is utilized when the transition ID is greater than 0. Note the
Trans ID reflects the number from the file.
Sets the graphical symbology of the superelevation shape.
Slope Label
Sets the text symbology and characteristics of the slope labels drawn with
the superelevation shape.
Identify Shape Fills out the dialog using the parameters of the selected shape.
Filler Lines The filler lines are the “ends” of the shape (i.e. where the shape begins and where
the shape ends). There are 3 options with which to define these extents. As each
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option is selected, the dialog will change to reflect required information for that
Filler Lines- Method
The beginning and ending extents of the shape are defined with data points.
If the transition toggle is disabled, then the given slope will be used for both
ends of the shape. If the toggle is enabled then the user will have to input a
second slope.
Filler Lines – By DP
By Line
The beginning and ending extents of the shape are defined by identifying a
MicroStation line. If the transition toggle is disabled, then the given slope
will be used for both ends of the shape. If the toggle is enabled then the
user will have to input a second slope.
Filler Lines – By Line
By Station
The beginning and ending extents of the shape are defined by giving a
station. This station can be keyed-in or identified by a data point in the
design file. If the transition toggle is disabled, then the given slope will be
used for both ends of the shape. If the toggle is enabled then the user will
have to input a second slope.
Filler Lines – By Station
Element Selection
There are three options with which to select the elements that make up
the edges of the proposed shape.
The user must manually identify each element that comprises the sides of
the proposed shape.
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Element Selection
Semi-Automatic The user can identify a single element, and then upon subsequent data
points the software will attempt to connect the elements and “walk”
around the shape edges. If the software comes to a fork then the user can
use the “right-click” mouse button to choose different options.
Element Selection – Semi Automatic
The user identifies a single point in the interior of the shape and the
software attempts to automatically figure out the sides and creates the
Radius defines the size of the circle displayed at each element end point
used to create the shape. These circles are for display purposes only and
will disappear once the view is refreshed.
Element Selection – Automatic
ID Element Used in conjunction with the above Element Selection methods to identify the sides
of the proposed shape.
Draws the shape into the design file.
Superelevation Shape Manager Tools
The Superelevation Shape Manager Tools can be invoked by selecting Applications > ROAD
> Cross Sections > Superelevation Shape Manager Tools or by selecting it from the ROAD tool
frame. The tools in the Superelevation Shape Manager Tools toolbox are detailed below.
Automated Superelevation – performs the actual calculations and stores the
results in an ASCII file, known as the autoshape input file.
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Autoshape Builder – processes the autoshape input file and draws corresponding
complex shapes in the specified 2D design file.
Shape Maker – graphical method of drawing irregular superelevation shapes. This
method is utilized for gore areas, turn lanes, etc.
Shape Analyst – provides information on any point within a GEOPAK
superelevation shape.
Shape Profiler – provides profile information based on user-defined increments
intersection a GEOPAK superelevation shape.
Shape Editor – dynamically change parameters on a previously created shape.
This includes filler line stationing, dynamic moving of shapes, etc.
Shape Selector – highlights or selects shapes based on a wide range of user
queries or filters.
Shape Properties – provides information on any GEOPAK superelevation shape.
In addition, this shape information can be modified on individual shapes or
selections of shapes.
Shape to DTM – provides the option to store a DTM Dat file from the
superelevation shapes. In addition, it can plot the calculated elevations into the
design file at a user specified interval.
Shape Analyst Tool
The Shape Analyst tool is extremely useful, as it provides information on any point within a
GEOPAK superelevation shape.
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Before using this tool, the Job Number must be selected. Upon selecting a Job Number, a Chain
must be selected that the shapes are defined relative to. If Display Only is enabled, information
like elevation and a flow arrow are drawn to the view, but they are not written as elements to
the active MicroStation file.
When the Cross Section toggle is not activated and a data point is issued within a shape, the
elevation of the data point and a flow arrow are displayed. When the toggle is activated, a
dashed line is placed through the data point, radial to the shaped cluster baseline. In addition
to the elevation and flow arrow placed at the data point, elevations are displayed where the
cross section line intersects any superelevation shape and cross slopes are labeled for each
The By Sta/Offset button causes the current Station / Offset value to be projected back onto
the shape cluster baseline and the elevation of the projected point is displayed. This option can
be manual entry only and requires no data point on the screen.
The DP button works within a superelevation shape where X, Y coordinates are utilized to
compute station / offset from the specified shape cluster baseline, which is subsequently
utilized in conjunction with the shape to compute the various slopes and elevations. After the
DP button is clicked, numerous data points can be placed. It is not necessary to click the DP
button again. Each corresponding station / offset is displayed along with the associated output
The Dynamic button activates the dynamic mode. As the cursor moves across the screen, any
momentary pause places the elevation and flow arrow in the MicroStation file and computes
and displays the analysis information.
The Extrapolate Fixed Slope toggle is another option supported in the Shape Analyst tool.
The option is utilized when the data point, dynamic point or station / offset is outside of the
shape. When the option is not activated, the data point is projected back to the shape's chain.
The elevations at the edges of the shape are displayed and the slope of the outside shape is
projected to the data point. When the toggle is enabled, the user defined slope is projected
from the outer most shape to the data point to determine an elevation.
Shape Profiler
The Shape Profiler tool computes elevations along any GEOPAK Shape or MicroStation
element at a user specified interval. The element can be inside or outside the shapes.
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The Job field can be populated by key in or using the Select… button. After selecting a GPK file,
click Identify Shape and data point on any shape along the desired Chain. Set the From Station
and To Station fields by keying in values or using DP.
Even should be selected when it is desired to have the elevations compute at the even station
values. Increment will allow the elevations to be computed starting at the From Station, then
adding the increment value to that station. Intersect is used with an element to compute
elevations at all locations that the element intersects the shape(s).
The Elevation Along toggle can be set to Shape or Element. When set to Shape, elevations will
be computed based on the Even/Increment value along both longitudinal edges of the shape.
When set to Element the elevations are computed along the element based on the
Even/Increment/Intersect toggle.
Continuous Extrapolation allows the user to identify multiple longitudinal elements outside of
the shape area and compute elevations by a user defined Slope and one of three methods:
Radial to Baseline, Radial From Element, or Radial to Element.
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Chapter 5 – Proposed Features
The FDOT2008 criteria support various design options based on plan graphics. It is important to
know what these options are during the design stage of the project to save time and effort
when it comes time to create the proposed cross sections. It is recommended that the Design
& Computation Manager be used during the design process to insure that the any adhoc
attributes required by the criteria are attached to the elements. It is much simpler to
accomplish this while drawing the elements than later in order to get the cross sections to run
Controlling Cross Section Features
The FDOT criteria are designed with many variables set with default values that control what
and how the cross sections are drawn. These features are controlled with redefinable variables,
graphic “trigger” elements, and adhocs attached to these graphics. Using a combination of
these options a user can control the output of the cross section run.
Redefinable Variables
Redefinable variables are populated into the Proposed Cross Section run when a Typical is
applied through the Typical Section Generator. These variables are designed to be used as
typical settings over the length of the project. They may be modified for the entire run or with
the use of additional “If/Then” statements to cover specific station ranges of sections. It is
important to note that a redefinable variable will be overwritten by any adhocs found on plan
graphic elements. For a complete list of the Redefinable variables used in the criteria, please
see the Cross Section Criteria Help documentation.
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Double clicking on one of the variables or selecting the variable in the list and clicking Edit
opens the Redefinable Variables Editor dialog.
From this editor, the value may be modified for the entire run by typing in the new value and
clicking Save. To maintain the value of the variable, but modify over a station range, the If
statement may copied and pasted with a new defining If statement. See below for an example.
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Graphic Elements
Many of the features are controlled through graphic elements found in the DSGNRD file. These
graphic elements are searched for through the use of Define_DGN variables. These variables
are defined in the criteria to match the symbology for the feature as defined in the Design &
Computation (D&C) Manager. It is important to use the D&C Manager to draw the
elements into the design. Most features are common elements that are required to be drawn
into the design file, such as EOP, curb and sidewalk or paved shoulders. Some features are not
required for plans production but necessary all the same to add certain features to the cross
sections. These features include special ditch lines, median lines, overlay profile lines, milling
limit lines, etc. Special attention should be paid in the placement of these lines. They must
cross the pattern lines and be placed in the area of the design file that the criteria will be able to
locate them. Simply placing a line into the file does not guarantee that it will be found by the
criteria. For example, a special ditch line needs to be placed outside the limits of the shoulder
of the roadway where the ditch would be constructed. (This includes paved and unpaved
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Graphic Element Summary
Back of Sidewalk
Front of Sidewalk
Edge of Pavement
Existing Ground
Existing R/W
Proposed R/W
Milling Limits
Miscellaneous Asphalt
Proposed Traffic Separators
Curb and/or Gutter (All types)
Paved Shoulder
Side Road Tie Down Lines
Match lines
Curb and Gutter Wall
Shoulder Barrier Wall (Cant. or L)
Shoulder Barrier Wall (Retaining)
Gravity Wall
Median Barrier Walls
Edge of Front Slope 1
Special Ditch Lines
Berm Lines
Front Slope 1 Slope Override
Front Slope 1 Width Override
Front Slope 2 Slope Override
Ditch Width Override
Back Slope Override
Ditch Depth Override
Force Slope Override
Feather Distance Override
Associated Adhocs?
For a detailed list of the graphic elements the criteria searches for, consult the FDOT Criteria
Help files. They may be accessed through the FDOT Menu under Roadway > FDOT2008 Criteria
Help Files.
Adhoc Attributes
Most but not all graphic elements needed for criteria have associated adhoc attributes. These
adhocs represent variables in the criteria. They can represent numeric values for thicknesses,
heights, widths, etc. They can have a text or string value that can represent a trigger (Yes or No)
or the names of COGO chains or profiles. It is important to understand that only the adhocs
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defined by the delivered FDOT2008.ddb file will be recognized by the FDOT 2008 criteria. New
adhocs may not be introduced onto an element and then be expected to be read by the criteria.
Adhocs are attached to elements in several ways. The first way is through the D&C Manager
using either the Design or Set Modes with Place Influence and Adhoc Attributes toggles on.
The values for the adhocs have been set to a default and will revert back to these values each
time the item is invoked. (Note: The values shown in the adhoc box within D&C Manager do
NOT represent the adhocs attached to an existing element. They may be modified to add to
new elements drawn or set onto existing elements.) They may also be placed on elements using
one of the Adhoc Attribute Managers (GEOPAK or FDOT). Adhocs may be gathered for review
and subsequent modification by these programs, then set back onto existing elements in the
For a detailed list of the adhoc attributes the criteria searches for, consult the FDOT Cross
Section Help files. They may be accessed through the FDOT Menu under Roadway > FDOT2008
Criteria Help Files –or—by clicking on the “?” button on the adhoc table that pops up with the
D&C Manager.
Adhoc Attribute Manager
The Adhoc Attribute Manager can be accessed from the menu pull down Applications > Road
> 3PC Adhoc Attribute Manager – or – from the Road Toolbox.
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File Menu
The File menu opens the Preferences dialog box.
Set Mode
Defines the actions of the tool. Options include to Append (add the adhocs
in the list box to the selected element) and Replace (remove existing adhocs
and replace with adhocs in the list box to the selected element).
Offers to options to view the active element when reviewing adhocs on a
selection set. When toggled on and set to Center, the active element is
automatically centered on the screen. When Pan is selected, MicroStation
pans to the selected element.
The active element for review is highlighted.
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Attribute Display Filter Opens the Attribute Display Filter dialog box which queries the
adhocs attached to MicroStation elements. The results can be
used to create a selection set.
Identify Element
Selects an element to review the adhocs. If adhocs are attached to
the element, they will be populated in the list box.
Set Attributes
Sets the adhocs contained in the list box to selected element(s).
Adhoc Scooper
Scans the file for elements with attached adhocs and creates an
output file with the adhocs and associated information.
Previous Element
Navigates to the previous element when a selection set has been
identified for review.
Next Element
Navigates to the next element when a selection set has been
List Box
The list box contains the adhocs associated with a selected element. Once adhocs are in the list
box, new adhocs can be added or deleted using the Add New Row and Delete Row buttons on
the right of the list box. Adhocs may be modified by clicking on the Name, Type, or Value and
typing or selecting the new value. Once changes have been made, the adhocs can be set or
attached to elements in the file.
Attribute Display Filter
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Options to Open, Save and Save As. The filter settings are saved as .txt files that
can be used at later time.
Opens the Display Properties dialog. Allows control for highlighting color used
with the Display options.
Right clicking on a highlighted row in the list box will bring up the option to Copy to Display
Filter. Selecting this option will copy the adhoc information into the display filter using the
correct format.
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The options at the bottom of the dialog are used to create new conditions that can be added to
the list using the insert button. The display buttons above the list box provide display options
for the elements which meet the conditions in the list box. Those options are from left to right,
Normal Display, Highlight Selection, Hide Selection, and Display Only Selection. Once the
conditions for the selection are listed, the Add Elements to Selection Set button adds the
elements to a MicroStation selection set.
Exercise 3 – Adhoc Attribute Manager
In this exercise, the user will check the adhocs on the existing elements and modify adhoc
values using the Adhoc Attribute Manager.
1. Open the file C:/e/projects/XSWorkshop/roadway/dsgnrd01.dgn.
2. Open the Adhoc Attribute Manager. It can be accessed through Applications > ROAD
> 3PC Adhoc Attribute Manager or through the Road Toolbox.
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3. Select the Identify Element button and then click on one of the Milling Limit lines. (Tip:
Turn off the display for the topord and utexrd references along with all the levels except
ShldrPaved, EOP, and MillingLimits. This will make selecting the desired elements
Review the list of adhocs on the Milling Limit line.
5. Open the Design & Computation Manager and navigate to the item MillLimit
(Roadway Design/Plan Features/MillLimit). Select the item and click on the Design
button. Turn on Place Influence and Adhoc Attributes on the Place Influence dialog
6. The MillLimit Milling Limits Adhoc Attributes dialog box opens. Compare the list of
default adhocs necessary for cross sections with the adhocs currently on the elements.
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Note: The last 2 adhocs found in the D&C do not exist on the current elements.
7. In the Adhoc Attribute Manager, highlight Milling Depth in the list box. Right click
over the line and select Copy to Display Filter.
8. Click on the Highlight Selection button to see the highlighted elements that match the
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9. Click on the Add Elements to Selection Set button to place the highlighted elements in a
MicroStation selection set.
10. In the Adhoc Attribute Manager, click on the Add New Row button to the right of the
list box.
11. Double click in the new Name field and type in Design Method. Change the Type to
String. Double click in the Value field and type in M.
12. Repeat step 11 to add the Shape Cluster BL Name adhoc, setting the Type to String and
the Value to CL1.
13. Double click in the Value field to modify the Overlay Type (CC ME) adhoc value to CC
and the Widening Slope (SC ME) adhoc value to SC.
14. Turn off D&C Manager’s Place Influence.
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15. Click on File > Preferences.
16. Preferences opens. Set the Set Mode to Replace.
17. Click on the Set Attributes button.
18. An alert will appear. Click Yes to set the new attributes to the elements.
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19. Click on the Identify Element button. The elements from the selection set are dropped
from the selection set and appear in the Adhoc Attribute Manager list box. Use the
arrow buttons to toggle through the elements to double check that the new adhocs
were added.
General Considerations
Due to the additional functions built into the criteria, there are a few things to check in the
design files.
 Make sure there is a Median Line drawn into all median sections. This also includes
crossovers and traffic separators. Crossovers and traffic separators are handled by an
adhoc on the Median Line.
 Check for any special lines that are required for special features such as special ditches,
berms, slopes plan graphic overrides, etc.
 Check design elements for required attribute tags or adhocs. If there has been a new
release of the criteria, double check the adhocs on the existing elements using a
combination of the D&C Manager (has all the required adhocs set up) and the Adhoc
Attribute Manager (lists all the adhocs currently set on the elements).
If any of the design elements are not correct, the resulting cross sections will not be as
expected. The Help documentation can help guide the designer to achieving the desired results.
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Exercise 4 – Proposed Features
In this exercise, the user will run the Proposed_Features typical to create the proposed
elements of the cross sections.
1.Open file C:\e\projects\XSWorkshop\roadway\rdxsrd01.dgn, model Rdxsrd.
2.Open Road Project.
3.Click on the Proposed Cross Sections button on the Road Project dialog.
4. Create a new run called Proposed, select and click OK.
5.Fill out the dialog box. Use the following diagrams to set the settings.
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*Note: Be sure to change the tolerance to 0.01. The default is 0.1.
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Tip: Use the Scan button to read the shape cluster information. Highlight the desired
shape cluster in the List of Clusters dialog box to populate the Proposed Cross
Sections dialog. Click the Add button and then close the List of Clusters dialog box.
This prevents errors inputting the cluster information.
Once the shape cluster has been added, highlight the shape cluster and the Typical
button will un-ghost. Click on the Typical button.
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Select the Proposed_Features typical. Leave the setting to Apply to Whole Chain. Click
Apply. (Note: The Help documentation can be accessed through this dialog by clicking
on the Description button.)
Notice that the Side Slope Conditions have been filled out. The variables have also
been filled out and defined. Scroll through the settings to see what has been set up.
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Verify that the Define Variables file names and locations are correct.
Modify the following list of Redefinable Variables to the values given.
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Set the Cross Section Lines settings and uncheck all the plot options.
6. Go to File/Save Settings, and then select File/Run.
7. Select To Log File, give it a name (temp is OK), then click Apply.
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8. Review the cross sections using the Cross Section Navigator. (It can be accessed
through the Road tool frame or Applications > ROAD > Cross Sections > Navigator.)
9.Go to the FDOT Menu and select Actions > Miscellaneous > Cross
Section Element Lock Tool. Lock all the cross section elements.
10. Exit the Proposed Cross Section dialog box. It will ask to save
settings. Click Yes and it will take you back to the main dialog.
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Chapter 6 – Earthwork
GEOPAK forms graphical earthwork shapes in a (MicroStation) cross section design file to
represent the end areas used to calculate volumes by the end-area method. These shapes are
created when the designer processes an earthwork run in which the existing ground, finished
grade, base, etc. are identified by level, color, weight and type.
Earthwork Dialog Box
When Earthwork in the Road Project dialog is clicked, the Select Run dialog is displayed. An
existing run may be selected or new run may be started. When complete, click OK, which closes
the Select Run dialog and opens the Earthwork dialog.
The left side of the dialog contains the list of parameters required to compute earthwork.
When each parameter is selected, the dialog changes the key-in fields to reflect the selection.
In XS DGN File the user can specify the file name in which to find the cross sections. Tolerance
specifies the maximum distances between two elements (in a cross section) to be considered as
adjoining. Vertical Search Distance specifies the distance above and below the cross section to
look for elements pertaining to that cross section. Baseline specifies the GEOPAK COGO chain
the cross sections are based from. Begin/End Station specifies the beginning and ending
stations to perform the earthwork calculations.
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Soil Types
The Soil Types dialog requires the user to define the symbology and shrinkage/swell factors to
be used.
The user must first select the Class of the soil type.
Existing Ground
o Identifies the surface of the existing ground. This Class is required to calculate
earthwork. It also defines the default excavation material.
Proposed Finished Grade
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o Surface of the proposed roadway. This Class is required to calculate earthwork
and defines the default fill material.
Existing Suitable
o Material between excavation limits that is to be removed only when it
encroaches on the proposed design. For example, if the proposed design is in
fill, then above the existing suitable is not removed.
Existing Unsuitable
o Material between excavation limits that is to be removed in all circumstances.
Proposed Undercut
o Proposed layers that are not part of the finish grade, i.e. pavement layers,
shoulder layers.
Excavation Limit
o Pairs of vertical lines drawn in the cross sections to demarcate the limits of
removal for any existing suitable or unsuitable material.
Once the Class is chosen, a Soil Type, the element symbology of the material, and the
shrinkage/swell factors need to be entered. A Class, except Existing Ground, can be listed
multiple times. The Soil Type determines how the cut and fill are calculated. For example, a
user creates an earthwork run with a Class of Existing Ground with a soil type of Existing, Class
of Proposed Finish Grade with a soil type of Suitable_Grading, and a Class of Proposed
Undercut with a soil type of Pavement. The output from the run would look as follows.
Material Name End Areas Unadjusted Adjusted Mult Mass
Station Volumes Volumes Factor Ordinate
(square (cubic (cubic
Excavation 0.00 0 0 1.00
Fill 12.32 336 336 1.00 2887
Excavation 25.88 654 654 1.00
Fill 0.00 0 0 1.00 3541
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In the same example, if both Classes of Existing Ground and Proposed Finish Grade had the soil
type of Suitable_Grading, then the output would look as follows.
Material Name End Areas Unadjusted Adjusted Mult Mass
Station Volumes Volumes Factor Ordinate
(square (cubic (cubic
Excavation 25.88 654 654 1.00
Fill 12.32 336 336 1.00 3541
As can be seen from the above examples, when the soil types for the Existing Ground and
Proposed Finish Grade Classes were named differently, both soil types appeared in the output.
When the soil types for the Existing Ground and Proposed Finish Grade Classes were named
the same, the quantities for each Class were combined into one soil type. By paying close
attention to the soil types, the user can specify when material can be re-used and exactly where
a specific soil type should be placed. Once the Class and Soil Type are chosen, the user can
select the Element Symbology to define that particular Soil Type and the Multiplication Factors
for the Soil Type. The Match button can be used to select the Element Symbology. Once the
Match button is selected, the user can select the elements in the MicroStation view. The
symbology of that element will be added to the symbology list used to define the Soil Type.
EW Shapes
EW Shapes enables the earthwork shapes to be drawn and the associated symbology to be set.
The colors of the earthwork shapes can be stratified, so that cut and fill shapes for each soil
type are different.
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Output Format
Output Format enables the user to specify which items to show in the earthwork report.
With this command, any combination of the three classes of excavation volumes can be
formulated. For example, if the user desires to combine all three into an earthwork listing of
simply cut and fill, press the < or > arrows until the desired option is displayed. Options include:
Common Exc, Subgrade Exc, Subsoil Exc, and Fill
Excavation (Common and Subgrade), Subsoil Exc, and Fill
Excavation (Common and Subsoil), Subgrade Exc, and Fill
Excavation (Subgrade and Subsoil), Common Exc, and Fill
Excavation (All types) and Fill
Add/Sub Vol
Add/Sub Volume allows the user to enter volumes to be added or subtracted from the total
earthwork calculated from the available sections. The user can specify whether to add
excavation or fill, the soil type, the station, and the volume to be added.
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Centroid Adjustment
Earthwork volumes are calculated by averaging end areas and then multiplying these averaged
areas by the distance between two successive cross sections as measured along the baseline. If
the bulk of the cross section areas are located predominantly to either the left or the right of
the baseline, as in a detour, an error occurs in the volume calculations for all non-tangential
portions of the baseline. This error can be negligible or substantial depending on the degree of
baseline curvature as well as the degree to which cross section areas are offset about the
baseline. These types of errors can be optionally accounted for by selecting the Centroid
Adjustment check box.
Skip Areas
Skip Areas enable the user to specify an area (i.e. bridge exception) in which to not calculate
earthwork volumes. Skip Areas will stop the earthwork calculations at the last cross section
before the Skip Area station range, then proceed to the first section past the Skip Area station
range and begin the calculation anew. This results in separate quantities before and after the
Skip Area.
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Ignore Areas
Ignore Areas enable the user to specify an area (i.e. bridge exception) in which to not calculate
earthwork volumes, but treats the areas differently than Skip Area. Ignore Areas treats the
sections within the Ignore Area station range as though they do not exist. Earthwork
calculations continue through the Ignore Area using the section before the Ignore Area and the
section after the Ignore Area and the length in between to get the End Area calculation and
resulting volume. This results in only one quantity being calculated.
Sheet Quantities
Sheet Quantities allows a user to write an earthwork quantity file to be used when plotting the
cross-section sheets.
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The name of the ASCII File can be chosen (by using the browse option) or typed in the box. The
user then selects the columns in which to place the quantity, the number of decimal places, the
total column width, the soil type, the earthwork operation, and the type of quantity. This
information is written to the ASCII file, and can be used to plot the quantities on the crosssection sheets.
From the File menu, the Run option processes all parameters that have been set in the
Earthwork dialog box. The Save Settings option saves all information in the Earthwork dialog.
The Export option saves the parameters in the Earthwork dialog box as an ASCII input file. The
Exit option exits the Earthwork dialog.
After all necessary information has been entered, the user has two options. The preferred
method of running the earthwork is to select the Run option. The following dialog appears and
the user may proceed by entering a log file name, choosing the Pause On Each Section option
and then clicking Apply. The second method is to export the information as an ASCII input file,
then use the Process Cross Sections tool.
Exercise 5 - Earthwork
In this exercise, proposed cross sections will be used to generate earthwork quantities.
Open file C:/e/projects/XSWorkshop/roadway/rdxsrd01.dgn; model rdxsrd.
2. On the Road Project dialog, select Earthwork.
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3. Create a new run named Earth. Select Earth and click OK.
4. Fill out the dialog using the images below. If a parameter is not shown or left blank,
leave it as is.
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Note: Use the Match option to select the proposed ground line elements from the cross
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Once all the settings have been defined, select File > Save Settings, and the select Run.
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Make sure the output option is To Log File (temp is OK) and click Apply.
Review the log file. The output details the earthwork quantities on a by station basis
and also includes a summary of all the quantities.
Review the generated file, earth.txt. This is the file that will be used to place the
quantities onto the cross section sheets.
Exit the earthwork dialog. It will prompt to save settings. Click Yes.
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Chapter 7 – Cross Section Sheets
The GEOPAK sheet layout component provides an automated tool to draw cross section data in
a format suitable for producing hard-copy cross section construction drawings. The input
includes specifying sheet layout parameters as well as the graphic design file where the cross
sections were originally created by GEOPAK. The output is a MicroStation design file of the cross
sections. Each cross section is displayed as a reference file and labels such as baseline, station,
offsets and elevation are added. There are several advantages to using sheet input:
The cross sections will be sorted in numeric order for the specified baseline.
The cross sections will be spaced closer together.
The original cross section file is left intact and any modifications to the cross sections
will be automatically displayed in the sheet file due to the use of reference files.
The cross sections are placed into "sheet format" according to user specified criteria.
The parameters for each sheet are defined in a Sheet Library. In order to lay out sheets, a Sheet
Library must be attached to the current session. The name of the currently attached Sheet
Library is shown in the title bar. Sheet Libraries have an extension of xssl. An unlimited number
of different sheets can be stored within one library. When the user begins the sheet process, he
selects the desired sheet layout from the attached library, which loads the associated
parameters. If a different Sheet Library is needed, it can be attached via the menu items File >
Sheet Library > Attach. Detailed information on the set-up of the Sheet Library can be found in
the online help section entitled "Sheet Library Set-up."
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Cross Section Sheet Layout Tool
The Cross Section Sheet Composition tool can be accessed by selecting Applications > ROAD
> Cross Sections > Cross Section Sheet Composition. It can also be invoked from Road Project
by clicking the Cross Section Sheets button or by selecting the Cross Section Sheet Composition
icon from the ROAD tool frame.
File/Sheet Library
Save As
Create a new Sheet Library.
Attach a Sheet Library.
Saves a Sheet Library.
Save a Sheet Library as a new name.
Create a new Sheet in a Sheet Library.
Delete a Sheet in a Sheet Library.
Copy a Sheet in a Sheet Library.
Update a Sheet in a Sheet Library.
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File/Load V7 Input File
This option gives the user the ability to load an ASCII input file that was created in previous
versions of GEOPAK.
File/Save Settings
Saves all dialog settings in Project Manager
File/Layout Sheets
Layout cross sections into sheet format.
Exit the Cross Section Sheet Composition application.
Cross Section Sheets Dialog
The left side of the dialog contains the list of parameters required to lay out cross sections on
sheets. When each parameter is selected, the dialog changes as do the key-in fields to reflect
the selected parameter.
XS DGN File – Tells the software where to locate the cross sections. The Chain and stationing
will be filled out automatically with the working alignment settings. By default, the software
will find all elements within the confines of the cross section cell.
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Sheet DGN File - Specifies which file the cross section sheets will be placed in. Also allows the
user to set the horizontal and vertical scale at which they are to be laid out and the coordinate
location in the MicroStation Design file at which the sheets will be placed.
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Sheet Dimensions/Cell – Sheet Dimensions defines the Sheet Height and Sheet Width to be
used for the cross section sheet. When Place Sheet Cell is toggled on, the application will place
a sheet border cell from the specified cell library. A scale can be applied and the sheet cells can
be placed as Shared Cells. Sheet Offset from Cell Origin is the X and Y offset from the sheet
border cell origin.
There are two options for Sheet Cell Placement. The sheet border cell can be placed in the
sheet file with the cross section reference files as shown above. It can also be placed once in a
reference file then the sheet cell file is attached to the file that contains the cross section
reference files as many times as it is needed. Note: FDOT recommends using the Reference
XS Search Criteria – Indicates the search criteria (symbology) for the data to be used as input to
the sheet layout software. The Lower and Upper Vertical Range Limit values are used to define
the search area beyond the cell limits.
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Sheet Stack Orientation – Defines whether the sheets are to be stacked vertically or
horizontally. Also allows the user to set the maximum number of sheets placed per column in
the file as well as the Horizontal and Vertical spacing between sheets.
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Sheet Stack Columns – Defines whether there is a single stack or a double stack of cross
sections per sheet. Baseline X Offset defines the distance from the left-hand edge of the sheet
to the zero offset position (i.e. baseline) of the cross sections. If Double Stack is selected, an
offset value is defined which is the distance of the second stack from the left hand edge of the
Margins and Spacing – Cross Section Clip Limits defines the clipping limits from the left hand
edge of the sheet. To the left of the Left Clip X Offset remains clear space and to the right of the
Right Clip X Offset remains clear space. All minimum spacing requirements as well as the
maximum allowable vertical size of any cross section is also set here.
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Station Labels – Allows the user to define the station label locations and plot parameters.
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Offset Labels – Allows the user to define the offset label positions, increments and plot
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Elevation Labels – Defines the elevation label locations, increment and plot parameters. Add
Top Elevation Label - Activating this toggle adds another elevation label above the current
labels placed within the elevation labels parameters. If two sets of elevations labels are placed
(one on each side of the section), the top elevation is added to both. Add Bottom Elevation
Label - Activating this toggle adds another elevation label below the single label placed within
the elevation labels parameters. If two sets of elevations labels are placed (one on each side of
the section), the bottom elevation is added to both.
Earthwork Quantity Labels – The user can define the ASCII file that contains the earthwork
quantity information, as well as set the symbology and location of the earthwork quantity
labels. This will use the information gathered during the earthwork run to place the earthwork
quantity labels on the cross section sheets.
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Sheet Labels – Allows the placement of numerous labels. There are three sets of labels that can
be placed where the labels change from sheet to sheet. These labels include Sheet Number,
Begin Station, and End Station. Any number of custom labels can also be placed. These labels
would be something that does not change from sheet to sheet such as Project Number,
Designer, etc. A list of labels can be created and each label can have it’s own symbology.
Location of the labels is controlled by the DP Origin and DP Label Justification Point buttons.
The DP Origin button locates the origin of the sheet cell and the DP Label Justification Point
button sets the X and Y Offset from the sheet cell origin for the placement of the label.
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Digital InterPlot – Allows the creation of the Digital InterPlot Plot Set during the Layout Sheets
process. If Digital Interplot is not present, the settings are ghosted out.
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Generating Sheets
From the File menu, the Layout Sheets option will process all parameters that have been set in
the Cross Section Sheet Composition dialog box. There is also a Layout Sheets button on
the top right of the main dialog.
Exercise 6 – Cross Section Sheet Composition Tool
In this exercise, Cross Section Sheets will be generated using the cross sections generated in
previous exercises.
Open file C:\e\projects\XSWorkshop\roadway\rdxsrd01.dgn, model Rsxsrd_shg.
2. Click on the Cross Section Sheets button on the Road Project dialog box.
3. Create a new run called Mainline, select, and click OK.
4. Fill out the Cross Section Sheet Composition dialog box with the following settings.
If settings are not shown, leave those settings alone. (When the tool dialog box opens,
there will be an informational box that pops up the first time the tool is open. This is to
remind the designer that the sheet dgn has
not been defined in the settings. It will pop
up 4 times before it goes away.)
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**Important: The scale of the sheet used for clipping must match the scale used to cut
the cross sections. If not, the elevations will not come in correctly.
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5. Go to File > Save Settings.
**Note: There are only four settings that get saved by Project Manager when settings
are saved. These four settings are the XS DGN File, Sheet DGN File, Detach Existing
Sheets before Processing toggle, and the Earthwork Quantity File.
6. Switch to the model Rdxsrd. Turn off the levels that should not be shown on the sheets.
(Earthwork1_px, ExcavationLimits_dp, TextDetails, TextPtLabel, TextXSGPKPts_dp, and
XSCell) Click File > Save Settings to save the display settings.
7. Switch back to the Rdxsrd_shg model. Click File > Save Settings.
Click on the Layout Sheets button.
9. Review the generated sheets.