Demonstration Speech

Wilson - Speech
Demonstration Speech Assignment
Assignment: Write and Deliver an Demonstration Speech
Typed Outline – Run 2 copies, one for me and one for
you to use. Include a hard copy of your research
material, plus the worksheet. Highlighted info.
You will receive a “deadline grade” on this date (Quiz Grade).
In addition, you will receive a “major” grade for the work.
March 9-13 – Presentations of Demonstration Speeches
The students will volunteer or be assigned a day to
present their speeches. They must bring their visual
aids on the day they are to present (no excuses). If
they forget, 20 point will be deducted for every day
from their grade. Every student must present a speech.
March. 6
Must demonstrate how to do something
Must have a visual aid
Must have a typed outline in correct outline form
Must have a hard copy of research material
Test Grades: Typed Outline and Research Material, worksheet
Delivery of the Speech
Use of Vidal Aids
Quiz Grades: Written student evaluations
Time line:
Feb 26:
Feb 27 :
March 2:
March 3:
March 4:
March 5:
March 6:
March 9-13:
Work on steps for building the speech
Research material (two sources – must print a hard copy of these)
Start outline
Outline Speech - Highlight the parts and the steps of the speech: INTRO
(capture, motivate, assert, preview), BODY (point 1, point 2,
point 3), CONCLUSION; highlight researched material.
Discuss the Use of Visual Aids – Continue with outline
Discuss Stage Fright, Approaching, Presentation, and Returning
from the Speakers Platform (volunteer for speaking order)
Practice and catch-up day
Due Date – All outlines and paper work will be collected.
Begin Presentations
Presentations of Demonstration Speeches
Steps in Building a Speech
Method of this speech is _____________________________________________________________.
The purpose of this speech is __________________________________________________________.
Time limit: 3-5 minutes
Analyze your audience:
Subject of the speech: ________________________________________________________________
Narrowed subject: ___________________________________________________________________
What will you demonstrate to your audience? _____________________________________________
Write all the information you know about the subject.
Attach copies of the research with highlighted information.
Source 1:
Source 2:
List visual aids you will need for your speech.
Outline: Attach a typed outline of the speech
Demonstration Speech
Parental Notice Form
I have read the assignment and understand that my child must bring visual
aids from home to meet the criteria of this speech assignment. I give my
child permission to do the following speech:
I understand he/she must bring the visual aids aids and I approve. If he/she
does not bring the visual aids on the day assigned, I understand the grade will
suffer penalty (20 points for every day late).
Student’s Name:_______________________________________________
Parent's Name: ________________________________________________
Parent's Signature: _____________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________
Mrs. Wilson's Approval of topic: ___________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________________