Northumbria University Action Plan RCUK Concordat to Support the

Northumbria University Action Plan
RCUK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
Northumbria University Action Plan to implement the
RCUK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
Research, Business and Innovation
Vice-Chancellor’s Executive Group
March 2011
12 months
Updated March 2011
Northumbria University Action Plan
RCUK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
Northumbria University is committed to the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (‘the
Concordat’), an agreement between Research Councils UK and UK universities. A gap analysis was conducted in 2008-2009, in
which the views of Deans and Associate Deans for Research from all Schools were obtained to enable the University to identify
areas requiring development. These are outlined in the action plan below. In parallel to the work on the Concordat, the University
undertook a wider review of academic provision and service support, in order to improve the academic development of early career
research staff.
Structures and committees
A dedicated working group, led by the DVC (Research and Innovation), was set up to oversee the implementation of the
Concordat. This group reports to the University Research and Innovation Committee, which in turn reports to Academic Board.
The working group includes representation from research and academic staff from all eight Schools in the University (both at
Dean/Associate Dean Research level and early career researchers/contract research staff), as well as key representatives from
Human Resources (HR) and Research, Business and Innovation (RBI), charged with supporting the implementation of the
Concordat. The group is thus broadly representative of the University’s research community and able to take account of a broad
range of interests and perspectives. The University Research and Innovation Committee has a broad range of membership which
includes representation from all Schools and from research staff across the career spectrum. The PGR student community is also
represented. It is expected that members will act as conduits both to represent a broad range of interests and opinions at meetings
and to cascade Committee decisions and discussions back to their colleagues.
The University Research and Innovation Committee has responsibility for overseeing implementation of the Concordat across the
University. The Committee will review progress against the action plan. It is anticipated that further development work will be
identified when results are available from two national surveys in which the University will participate in May 2011 (the Careers in
Research Online Survey and the Principal Investigators and Research Leaders Survey). The data generated from these surveys
will be analysed carefully and reported to the University Research and Innovation Committee for scrutiny. It is expected that the
action plan will be augmented and extended as a result of this exercise.
Updated March 2011
Northumbria University Action Plan
RCUK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
Concordat Responsibility
1. Develop role profiles for researchers
1, 2, 4, 5
a. Development of guideline person specifications and exemplar job
descriptions for contract research roles (grades 4-7),in line with
Higher Education Role Analysis (HERA), to clarify the knowledge,
skills and abilities required at each grade to ensure Principal
Investigators (PIs) hire staff with the appropriate skills in relation to
their grade.
b. Development of career development framework (based on Vitae
Researcher Development Framework) to identify the competencies
required for subsequent grades.
Role profiles will lead to improvements in the development of
Schools’ job descriptions and person specifications.
This initiative will facilitate high quality objective recruitment
This initiative will support PIs in the development of Personal
Development Plans (PDPs) for contract research staff (CRS).
This work will provide a basis for all PDP/mentoring activity with
Updated March 2011
1a. Geoff Foster
July 2011
1b. Lesley Lee and
Stephanie Bales
July 2011
Northumbria University Action Plan
RCUK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
2. Review practices around redeployment of staff on fixed-terms
contracts to include:
a. Identification of follow on funding for projects 6mths-1yr before the
project end date.
b. Identification to PIs and to Schools of suitable CRS candidates
approaching the end of their contracts for any new posts created.
c. Identification of permanent employment opportunities for CRS
d. Support CRS through PDPs to develop the necessary skills and
experience to enable progression in to a permanent opportunity.
2a. Stephanie Bales
April 2011
2b-2c Geoff Foster
July 2011
2d ADRs / Deans
 The University will benefit from staff with research training, qualifications
and /or experience applying for first permanent academic posts.
 The schools and PIs will identify future funding opportunities at an early
3. Training and development for research mentors and managers (PIs)
combined with awareness-raising among target audience
a. Development of a ‘Northumbria Research Staff Management
Principles’ document, in line with the Concordat, to clarify roles
and responsibilities for all PIs and line managers around the areas
of: recruitment; induction; requirements for feedback and career
development advice; personal development planning of CRS;
training and career development; opportunities to enable staff to
acquire and develop key skills and performance management.
b. RBI/HR staff to attend all School Research Committees to promote
Updated March 2011
3a Geoff Foster/HR July 2011
Bales (HR/RBI)
3b Stephanie
Bales/Geoff Foster
Northumbria University Action Plan
RCUK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
principles and PI responsibilities
Role profiles document to be promoted on staff research pages of
the Northumbria website and be sent to all PIs on receipt of a new
Development of a mentoring scheme across the University.
Development of People management/Project management skills
for PIs.
Invitations to all current PIs to attend Project Management/People
Management training.
Creation of opportunities for CRS to engage with both
commissioners and users of research
3c Geoff Foster/HR
Bales (HR/RBI)
3d-f Lesley
Bales (HR/RBI)
3g Stephanie Bales
 Research Managers will be aware of their responsibilities to CRS, particularly
around performance management and career development.
4. Conduct the Careers in Research Online Survey
Stephanie Bales
May 2011
Lesley Lee and
Stephanie Bales
July 2011
 The University will gain insight into the experiences of CRS at Northumbria
 The University will be able to benchmark its position in terms of support for
CRS against other HEIs in the sector and its benchmark group.
5. Review of the University Induction Process to include CRS-specific
a. that specifically address continuing professional development
through the early identification of a mentor and development of a
b. that identify opportunities on the University Research Staff Training
c. that identify and signpost CRS to relevant research policies and
Updated March 2011
Northumbria University Action Plan
RCUK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
procedures on the University website
 CRS will be enabled to manage their own research careers and be made
aware of appropriate training.
6. Offer places on the research staff training elements of the Early
Career Development programme in Academic Practice to all CRS.
Lesley Lee and
Stephanie Bales
Sept 2011
Stephanie Bales
May 2011
Joanne Colvin (HR)
July 2011
 CRS will be assigned a mentor to support the development of their research
skills, knowledge and experience.
 CRS will develop the skills necessary for an academic post at Northumbria.
7. Ensure CRS are represented on all School Research and Innovation
Committees in line with the University Research and Innovation
Committee terms of reference.
 Ensure CRS issues are represented and considered at all School Research
and Innovation Committees.
8. Promote equality and diversity in recruitment and career
management of CRS
a. Investigate membership of Athena SWAN charter (seek
Updated March 2011
Northumbria University Action Plan
RCUK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
membership of charter at bronze level with a view to assessing
whether and how to pursue further levels of membership).
b. Investigate sector opportunities and initiatives aimed at promoting
diversity in research careers.
c. Equality and Diversity policy to be reflected in recruitment and
selection practice to ensure appropriate representation on
appointment panels.
 Will promote diversity in researcher profile of University and research
Updated March 2011