i america prior to arrival of man

1. Old Growth Forests
A.________________ B._____________________
C.________________ D._____________________
E.________________ F._____________________
3. There were no ______________________________.
4. Water was ________________, and the air was __________________
B. 30,000 years ago
1. Climatic conditions were changing.
a. It would be called an _________________________________.
b. ________________________ were forming on the land.
1. Begins when snow doesn’t ________________ by the
end of Summer.
2. Glaciers grew , and then they began to push __________
3. As the glaciers increase in size the water for them is
coming from the _________________________ and the
ocean level is ________________________________.
4. Over the age level drops _________________________
5. The ____________________________________ then
rises out of the _______________________ Ocean.
2. People then began to ________________________________________
a. Wave of people spread across the continent
b. They were looking for _________________________________
c. A Culture is _________________________________________
d. The first Americans Culture was:
1. They had Fire it was used for:
a.____________________ b._________________
c.____________________ d._________________
2. Men were _____________________________, and
women were __________________________________
3. They had domesticated ______________________
4. Tools & weapons
a. They had _________________ spears
b. ,____________________________
c. crude hand tools
5. Animals provided:
a. __________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. __________________________________
6. Why do we know so little about them: ______________
7. They traveled around so they were _________________
C. Slowly the Ice Age came to an end and the _________________ began to rise.
1. The Glaciers ________________________________.
2. Where did they stop
a. In this area it was at ___________________________________
b. It was at this latitude across the U.S.
3. The water from the glaciers went back into the ____________________
4. The Ocean levels __________________________
5. The Bering Land bridge then disappeared beneath the ______________
6. People were now trapped in the Americas. The spread ______________
7. This took __________________________ of years.
D. Many Cultures developed
1. Some lived in towns
2. Some were ___________________________________
3. Some fished
4. Some farmed
5. Some gathered
6. Some hunted
7. Many different tribes
8. Over 1,000 different _____________________________________
9. The invented new ______________________, ___________________<
& _________________________ to adapt to their environment.
E. Great Southern Tribes
1. Mayas
a. Located in _______________________________________
b. Advancements
1. Had massive buildings.
2. Their culture was poly________________________, and
they believed in human sacrifices. They would capture
other tribes, and sacrifice them to their ______________
3. They had a method of __________________________
4. They had stone carvings & paintings
5. They had a number system that included the concept of
6. They plotted the stars that led to the development of
a ______________________ to help with ____________
7. Culture peaked 900A.D. and disappeared.
c. Why did it decline?
1. Reason ________________________________
2. One theory was ________________________________
2. Incas
a. Located in ________________________________________
b. Advancements
1. The had roads and bridges that helped:
a.____________________ b._________________
2. They fortified their _____________________________
3. They had advanced agriculture that include an
________________________________ system.
4. They had ______________________ as beasts of burden
and alpacas used to make _________________________
5. They built large cities and temples. They would sacrifice
young girls to the Gods.
6. They had a closed class society. The highest class was
“The Inca” He was part God & part human.
3. Aztecs
a. Located in ____________________________________
b. Advancements:
1. They collected wealth from the tribes they conquered.
2. They had advanced agricultural system
3. They had temples, & a capital city.
4. Merchants traveled widely, looking for:
a.__________________ b.________________
c.__________________ d.________________
F. Native Americans of North America
1. General Characteristics
a. No great civilizations
b. Lived in their own territories
c. They adapted to their _________________________________
2. Native Americans of the U.S. South West
a. Pueblos
1. Carved ________________________ in canyon walls
2. One complex contained 800 rooms
3. They made bricks of _________________ which was a
mixture of ___________, straw. & _____________ which
were then baked in the Sun.
4. The had oral historians called __________________________
b. Navajos
1. They were skilled ________________________________, who
made beautiful __________________, and ________________
2. Homes were called ________________________ which were
made out of _________________ & _____________________
c. Apaches
1. Nomadic _______________________________
2. They were fierce ______________________________
3. Their homes were called ______________________________
which were made out of ____________________________
3. Indians of the Plains.
a. Tribes:
1.________________________ 2.________________________
3.________________________ 4. Others
b. Day in the life of the Plain’s Indians
1. Lived along the rivers. Why:____________________________
2. The women _____________________________________, and
they gathered ________________________________________
3. They lived in villages. Their homes were __________________
which were covered with _______________________________
4. In the Summer the warriors went into the plains to hunt
_________________ or they _________________ in the rivers
5. The buffalos provided:
a._______________________ b.____________________
c._______________________ d.____________________
e._______________________ f.____________________
g._______________________ h.____________________
i._______________________ j.____________________
6. Everything the Plains Indians needed was provided by the
________________________________ without them they
would surely ____________________________.
4. Eastern Tribes
a. Tribes
1.__________________________ 2._______________________
3.__________________________ 3. Others
b. Local Indians were the ____________________________ Indians
1. They were originally from the Chesapeake Bay. The White men
forced them out and they followed the Susquehanna River
North. When they reached this area they asked the ___________
Indians if they could live in their area. They said yes.
2. They would spend the Winter in the ______________________
protected from the Winter winds.
3. In the Spring they would go down to the ___________________
where the women would ____________________ or they would
gather _____________________ & _____________________.
The men would _________________ or ___________________
5. Shared beliefs:
1. Lived in harmony with ______________________________________
2. Worshipped Gods who created ________________________________
3. They felt an obligation to pass on to the next _____________________
4. They were a proud people.
5. They had a deep sense of pride in their __________________________
G. The Vikings
1. They were __________________________________________
2. They explored by sailing to the West. They landed 1st on ____________
then _____________________, and finally landed in the vicinity of
Boston where the remains of a Viking Village was found.
3. The Vikings called the New World, ____________________________
4. The Native Americans attacked, and drove the Vikings out.
5. This was around 1000 A.D.
H. By 1492 10 to 12 million Indians lived in North America. They went to sleep
On October 11th, 1492 not realizing that their World was about to change
II. Europe prior to 1492.
A. The Crusades had given the people a taste of goods from the ______________.
B. They wanted these goods.
C. The Italians controlled all the land routes to the Orient. They controlled them
because of the land explorations of __________________________________.
The Italians made a huge amount of ______________________ as a result of
these trade routes.
D. The Portuguese wanted to have ____________________________________
1. Since the Italians controlled the land routes they decided to try to
establish a ______________ route.
2. Prince Henry the ______________________________
a. He funded _____________________________________
b. 1st he built a shipyard.
1. He needed _____________________________ to brave
the ___________________________ Ocean.
2. These ships had to stand up to _____________________
C. He had a school for navigators. Here they developed:
1. They developed new methods of ___________________
2. They had new ________________ of the land areas.
3. They had a __________________ to determine direction
3. They sailed to the ______________________ along the coast of
________________________________ trying to get around, and reach
the Orient by sea.
4. Bartholomew Diaz in 1487 rounded the Cape of ___________________
5. Vasco da Gama in 1498 reached ___________________________.
6. They carried to the Orient:
a. _______________________ b.__________________________
c. _______________________ d.__________________________
which they traded for:
a._______________________ b.__________________________
c._______________________ d.__________________________
e. Spices
1.______________________ 2._____________________
3.______________________ 4._____________________
III. Columbus
A. He was an _______________________________ who was convinced that the
World was _____________________________. He knew that you could sail to
The West and reach the __________________________________.
B. He tried to sell the idea of exploring to the West to the Italians He went to
Venice & Genoa but they refused to fund his explorations, because they already
had _________________ routes so why bother with ______________ routes.
C. Columbus then went King _______________________ & Queen __________
of ____________________________. He asked them to fund his expedition.
D. They funded his expedition.
1. They bought him 3 ships from the ______________________________
a. The ____________________ 70’ X 23’ with a 24 man crew
b. The ____________________ 75’ X 23’ with a 26 man crew
c. The ____________________ 90’ x 23’ with a 40 man crew
2. The Cost to outfit the expedition was $____________________
3. If successful Columbus would receive:
a. A share in the trade.
b. He would be named governor of lands discovered.
c. Receive the title of _______________ of the Ocean Sea.
d. He would be granted a noble title to be passed down to his sons
E. 1st Voyage
1. Sailed from Palos Spain on August 3rd, 1492.
2. They reached the Canary Islands 9 days later.
3. Resupplied his fleet, and set sail on September 6th to the West.
4. After 21 days they had sailed further out of sight of land than anyone
5. Crewmen were afraid to sail too far, because wind was only power
source. The winds blew to the West. They were afraid they wouldn’t
make it back.
6. On October 10th crew was about to mutiny. Columbus said 3 more days,
and we turn around.
7. 2 am on 10/12/1492 land was sighted by moon light.
8. Columbus was sure he was near India or China.
9. He landed, and claimed the land in the name of King _______________
& Queen ____________________________.
10. He called the natives he found ________________________________.
11. The Indians thought he had arrived from ______________________ &
that he was a _____________________.
12. Called the land the “West Indies”
13. Columbus then sailed on. He reached Cuba on October 28th. He
thought it was ______________________, and he went in search
of the Emperor of __________________________. He found natives
who were smoking __________________________________.
14. Sailed to the East, and landed on Hispaniola. On Christmas Eve the
______________________________ hits the reef, and sinks. The
Natives help save the cargo, and salvage the wood from the ship. The
Indians were friendly. Columbus leaves 40 men behind ( Why:______
____________________________), to build a fort, and look for Au.
15. The Indians were the _________________________.
16. The __________________ & ___________________ then sailed
_____________________ together. A storm struck. It separated the
ships. It got so bad _______________________________________
17. When the storm abated the Nina with Columbus aboard was alone.
18. Nina landed in Palos Spain on March 15th, 1493. Several hours later
19. He went to see the King & Queen. He was given the title of
Viceroy of the __________________________.
F. 2nd Voyage
1. 17 ships and over __________________________ men.
2. Sailed on 9/25/1493 landed on Hispaniola 11/3/1493.
3. He went looking for his men, but the Indians had __________________
them. He established a new settlement, and explored Jamaica. Found
very little _________________________ or _____________________.
G. 3rd Voyage
1. Sailed May 30th, 1498. They sailed South. Went South along the coast
of South America.
2. For the 1st time Columbus realized ____________________________
Called it “The Other World”.
3. Sailed back to his settlement. Men there were discontented. The called
him the Admiral of the ______________________. They came looking
to get rich quick. They found no riches, and were in a ______________
mood. They send Columbus back to Spain in _____________________
H. 4th Voyage
1. May 9th,1502. King & Queen send him out just to get rid of him.
2. 4 ships. 1/3 of crew was between 12 & 18. He explored Central
America. Indians told him of an Ocean to the West. He tried to
Reach it, but the jungles were too thick to get through.
3. His ships began to sink, because they had _______________________.
4. 2 ships sank, last 2 ships sailed East, and sank off the coast of Jamaica.
5. Columbus, and crew were stranded. Some men went in search of help
in a dugout canoe.
6. Columbus and crew was starving so on 2/29/1504 he _____________
7. Help brought back a ship, and they were rescued. Voyage ended on
I. Last days.
1. Queen Isabella died, and King Ferdinand wouldn’t help him. No riches
had been found so far.
2. He was arthritic and could barely move. He died on May 5th, 1506 a
destitute, and briken man.
IV. Other Explorers.
A. England sent John __________________ to North America in1497.
1. Sailed along New England Coast to __________________________.
2. Claimed it in the name of King Henry the VIII.
3. He was given 10 pounds plus 20 pounds per year.
B. French sent Jacques _________________ to North America in 1534.
1. Explored the Gulf of the St Lawrence River. He touched the water and
said “____________________________________________________
2. Canada was now a possession of _____________________________.
C. Balboa
1. Sailed in 1513 for Spain.
2. Crossed the Isthmus of Panama
3. First White Man to see the __________________coming from the East.
D. Ferdinand Magellan
1. In 1519 he left Spain with 237 men.
2. I year later he was at the Strait of __________________________ at the
Southern tip of South America
3. Took 1 month to sail through, and then be broke free into a new ocean.
4. Was it the ocean Balboa had seen?
5. Sailed along coast of South America, and then head ______________.
6. When they stopped in the Philippines Magellan was killed by the
natives. Fleet continues on.
7. September 1522 one ship the Victoria with 18 men made it back to
Spain. They had sailed around the World. It was _________________.
E. Juan Ponce de Leon
1. Sailed for Spain in 1513 looking for ____________________________
which he had heard from the natives was in ______________________
2. He couldn’t find it, but claimed ____________________ for Spain.
3. He was later killed by the Indians while exploring.
F. Hernando De Soto
1. He was looking for Au & Ag.
2. He left Mexico in 1539 to Explore Southeast U.S.
3. 1542 he reached the _______________ River in 1542. Then continued
to explore Southern U.S. till he turned to go back to Mexico. He was
killed by the Indians and buried in ____________________________
He never found the Au & Ag he went looking for.
G. Henry Hudson
1. He sailed for the English in 1607, and just made it to Greenland.
2. In 1609 he sailed for the Dutch East Indies Company, on board
“ The ____________________________” He sailed along the Atlantic
Coast looking for a passage to China. He sailed up the _____________
River but no passage was found.
3. He did claim all the land touched by the __________________ River
for the ___________________________________.
V. The Conquistadors
A. Hernando Cortez of Spain
1. Landed in Mexico in 1519.
2. He had an army of 550 men.
3. The Aztecs saw what as Cortez approached
a. Ships looked like towers on the sea.
b. Thunder sticks made the sound of Thunder were ____________
c. They were men of metal- They wore ______________________
d. They rode on monsters- ___________________________ which
were not native to the Americas.
e. They thought he was a ___________ who had returned to them.
4. Quickly changed their minds and fought against Cortez.
5. To motivate his men he ______________________________________
6. Their choice was ____________________ or ____________________.
7. They ___________________, and set out for the Aztec Capital.
8. As they fought on the Enemy tribes of the Aztecs joined Cortez.
9. He then captured the Aztec Capital, and murdered the Emperor
Montezuma. They then _______________________ the Aztec Empire.
10. At last they had found ________ & __________ they had been looking
for. The treasure ships started sailing home.
B. Francisco Pizarro
1. He had a smaller army than Cortez.
2. 1531 to 1535 he went to Peru. The Incas were frightened, and did not
3. Pizarro advanced to the Incan Capital high in the Andes. Once there he
captured ____________________________.
4. He demanded a roomful of ________ , _________. And Jewels to free
The Inca.
5. The Incas paid the ransom, and Pizarro __________________________
6. Without a leader the Inca Empire fell apart.
7. More Au & Ag headed for Spain. Spain with it’s wealth was becoming
a major power in Europe.
VI. Spanish Settlements
A. The Age of Exploration was followed by settlers. They were coming to start a
new life.
B. In 1565 they established a fort called, ___________________________ on the
Coast of Florida. It is the oldest settlement in the U.S.
C. The settlements continued up the Atlantic Coast to South Carolina.
D. The established forts called ____________________________ , to protect
Spanish interests.
E. They Established Churches called _____________________________ to
Spread __________________________________ to the Indians.
F. On the West Coast the Spanish established Presidios as far North as Oregon.
VIII. What the Spanish brought to the New World.
A. Horses
B. Donkeys
C. Cows
D. Pigs
E. Sheep
F. Goats
G. Poultry ( Chickens, Geese, Domesticated Ducks)
H. Bags of Seeds ( Wheat, Barley, Rye, Rice, Peas, Lentil, & Flax)
I. ½ barrels (filled with dirt, and fruit, & nut trees planted in them)
1. Olive
2. Lemon
3. Orange
4. Lime
5. Apple
6. Apricot
7. Cherry
8. Pear
9. Fig
10. Fig
11. Almond 12. Walnut.
J. Sugar cane & flowers.
K. Religion
L. Economic & Social Systems
M. Advanced tools
n. Advanced weapons
IX. Goods from the New World to the Old World
A. Corn
B. Potatoes
C. Tomatoes
E. Tobacco
F. Avocados
G. Peanuts
D. Pumpkins
X. England in the New World
a. Sea Dogs they were ___________________________________________
1. They Raided ______________________ ships & ports, and plundered
2. They had swift, and heavily armed ships. Would attack ships take their
riches, and then sink the ship.
3. John Hawkins was the 1st Sea Dog
4. Sir Francis Drake
a. Left England in 1577, and went throught the Strait of Magellan.
b. He then raided the West Coast of South America. He filled his
ships with riches.
c. He wintered in California then sailed West, and home.
d. Queen _________________________ met his ship on the Dock
and then ____________________________________ him on it.
e. He was a national hero.
5. King Phillip II was _______________________________________.
a. By 1588 he wanted to punish the English.
b. He assembled the greatest invasion fleet up to that time, and left
Spain to conquer Spain.
c. When they reached the British waters they were out fought by
the British Navy. The swift British ships would dart in, and do
damage. When they realized they would be defeated they sailed
North, and tried to go around England, and make it home. A
Storm came up, and very few ships made it back to Spain.
d. Spain’s power would ebb from this day.
e. England became the dominant power in Europe.
f. England would be known as “ The _______________________”
from this day on.
XI. England’s Colonies
A. John Cabot had claimed from New England to the coast of North Carolina.
B. First Colonies:
1. 1583- Sir Humphrey Gilbert gathered an expedition together. The
ships sailed out of England and ____________________________.
2. 1584- Sir Walter Raleigh was given permission to settle Virginia
1587- He establishes a settlement on Roanoke Island. He keeps
the ships there until the settlement is started. He then sails
for England for more supplies, and promises to return the
next year. He was prevented from returning for three years
by the ________________________________________.
When he returned he found ________________________
C. Charter
1. It is an official granting of ___________________________ &
2. It is granted by the Monarch.
D. Joint Stock Company
1. It is an investment to finance a business venture. A company would
be formed setting out what they wanted to do, and issue ____________
or ___________________________ in the company.
2. People would buy shares or _____________________ in the company.
3. The Stock Owners would then share in any ______________________
the company would make.
4. British investors envisioned __________________________________
5. British Companies- Plymouth Company & London Company.
E. Charter of 1606
1. Granted by King _______________________________ to the
________________________ Company.
2. It was to establish a colony on the Coast of Virginia. Any people
who served in the Companies in the New World would retain their
British ___________________________ & rights.
3. Jamestown
a. London Company sent an expedition to establish a colony
in Virginia. Left London at Christmas time 1606. They had
3 ships and _____________ men.
b. They followed Columbus’ route. Many died during the passage.
c. Arrived in the Spring of 1607. Why the Spring-_____________
d. The first thing they did was name the colony in honor of King
e. They established the colony on a low river island. This was bad
because it was near a ___________________________ swamp.
Did not dig wells drank river water ( Bad because of disease)
Built weak shelters ( Drenched by Summer rains, froze in
f. They came to find ___________ & ___________. Directors of
the colony made them look for riches. Settlers could own
nothing. The ________________________ owned everything.
g. Out of 1st group most were gentlemen. Only 12 laborers, Why
is this bad-_________________________________________
h. By the end of the 1st year fewer than _____________were alive.
i. The colony was dieing when _________________ took over.
1. He was a harsh leader.
2. His policy-If you don’t work, you don’t eat.
3. They dug wells- fresh water.
4. Made men chop down trees ( He would girdle them)
to make fields. Not like today, stumps would remain
for years. Men would then plant, tend and harvest crops.
5. Trees were cut up to make lumber to build a __________
& better ______________________________.
6. Indians
a. Treated the colonists_______________________
they gave them _____________ when they were
b. When the colonists needed more food they then
7. Jamestown was getting better, and then John Smith
j. “The Starving Time”
1. 1609-1610 Winter.
2. People just barely survived.
3. They were ready to abandon the colony. They had not
found any riches, and the London Company had no
k. Spring 1610
1. Ships arrived bringing ______________________ and
new _____________________________.
2. They also brought _________________, and the colony
continued to live.
l. ______________________________ saves the colony.
1. John Smith learned from the Indians how to grow it,
harvest it, and cure it.
2. He then marries _______________________________.
3. Large quantities are then sent to England, and the
London Company now has a _____________________
From the sale of ________________________.
m. 1619
1. Over 1,000 colonist in the colony.
2. Each settler is given 50 acres of land.
3. Also growing in the colony was:
a. Iron Works b. Olive Trees c. Grape _________
4. 3 Important 1st in 1619 in Jamestown
a. London Company sends in 60 _______________
1. Man must pay the Company for passage
2. Then they are ______________________
b. 20 _____________________ are brought into the
Colony by the London Company.
1. At 1st they are servants
2. By 1640 they are ___________________
c. House of Burgesses
1. London Company gives colonist the right
to govern their colony.
2. Colony forms 11 districts who elect 2
Burgesses each. Only landowners can
3. 1st met on July 30th 1619.
4. 1st _____________________ government
in the New World.
n. March 22, 1622
1. Indians decide if White Men are to be stopped it is now.
2. They raid the settlements. 347 settlers are killed
including _____________________ ( ______________
is visiting in England, and _______________________)
3. Colony then attacks and forces the Indians out.
4. 1624-The King feels the colony is being mismanaged.
He revokes their _______________________.
5. Virginia becomes a Royal Colony ( One run by the
a. King appoints the ______________________
b. The Governor could ________________ any law
c. House of Burgesses still met, and passed _______
F. New England Colonies
1. 1500’s & 1600’s there were religious problems in Europe.
a. Everyone was a Roman _____________________________
b. Martin Luther
1. He was a Priest in ____________________________
2. He protested the church practices.
3. He broke with the church by nailing his protest to
the ____________________________.
4. The German Princes backed him, or the church would
have ________________________ as a heretic.
5. The protest spread, and became the _________________
6. Religious conflict spread all over Europe.
7. Protestant ________________________________
a. Not just an intellectual exercise.
b. Wars were fought.
c. People were burned at the stake, and tortured.
d. Thousands died in the name of Christ.
2. England
a. 3 reasons people came to the New World
1.Looking for __________________________________
2. Looking for __________________________________
3. Looking for __________________________________
b. 1534 King Henry VIII wanted a divorce but the _____________
said no. The King breaks with the Catholic Church.
c. King sets up the Church of England.
1. He takes over all catholic church properties, and wealth
2. _______________ is the head of the Church of England.
3. All people had to be members of the Church of England
if not you were persecuted.
4. Some Protestants felt king didn’t go far enough. They
wanted to purify the church and were called__________
c. When his daughter Mary takes over, she changes the Country
back to Catholic. She persecutes ________________________
She is known a ____________________________
d. When Mary dies Queen ________________________ takes
Over, and brings back the _____________________________
And ______________________________ are persecuted.
e. As each religion is persecuted they leave, and go to the
f. Political problems
1. James I is a Catholic, and a __________________ King.
2. Parliament & King Fight
3. Charles I becomes King and a civil war breaks out, and
the King is ______________________________
4. His followers fled to the __________________________
g. Economic Problems
1. Spanish Au & Ag caused _______________________
2. Prices rose wildly. Poor couldn’t afford it, rich could.
3. Poor fled to the ______________________________
4. Indentured servants.
a. Poor could not afford ______________________
b. Formed a contract for passage.
1. Would work without wages, just _______
& _____________________.
2. Would work for a set period of time.
between ____ & _____ years.
Why different-_____________________
c. When done you were ______________________
h. Joint-Stock Company
1. With people prospering they had more money to invest
in ______________________________________
2. Joint-stock companies would invest in ventures in the
New World.
3. Pilgrims
a. Came to America looking for ___________________________
they are ___________________________ and were persecuted.
The ______________________ Company backed their venture
b. Landed November _______, 1620 in _____________________
Why was this bad-____________________________________
c. Ship was the ________________________ and had 102 colonist
d. They had a land grant for the Hudson River which was part of
the ________________________________ Colony.
e. Blown off course they land here, and decided to stay.
f. They set up rules to govern Colony called the _______________
____________________. It was not a government.
g. Went looking for a place to settle.
1. Land at _________________ Rock on Dec. _______
This would be their home.
a. It was an abandoned Indian Village.
1. It had been wiped out by _____________
2. Fields were clear, and had a brook, and
a good supply of ___________________
b. 1st house was completed on _____________ Day
c. The Mayflower stayed throughout the Winter.
By the time it left to return to _______________
in April 1621, over ____ the colonists were dead
2. They are in bad shape when ___________________ an
Indian comes to help them
a. Showed them how to fish.
b. Gave them seeds
1. _______________ 2.______________
3.________________ 3.______________
C. Showed them how to plant and fertilize the seeds
3. Fall of 1621 30 new settlers come to the Colony with
new ____________________________________
4. 1st Thanksgiving Feast 100 Indians & Colonists attended
5. Furs & Lumber provides _________________ to pay off
the __________________________________ debt.
6. Colony prospers, 1691 joins the ____________________
4. Massachusetts Bay Colony. A.K.A.-M.B.C.)
a. The were Puritans seeking ______________________________
b. John Winthrop
1. Puritan Leader.
2. He received a charter in 1629 to establish a colony.
3. It was to be a Self governing __________________
c. 1630 the Puritan move to the New World.
1. They looked at the Pilgrims, and learned from their
a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
2. They came with ____________________ men & women
3. They had ample __________________________
4. They brought skilled craftsmen.
a. _________________ b. ________________
c. _________________
5. They also settled in an ___________________________
6. By 1610 there were ____________ people in the colony.
7. Government
a. Leaders wanted a _________________________
b. Laws were based on the ____________________
c. All good Church members could _____________
d. General Court governed – each town sent 2 reps.
5. Rhode Island
a. 1631 Roger Williams went to the M.B.C.
b. He said Religious matters could not be ruled over by political
leaders. The Church and state must be ____________________
He said the Indians must be paid for their land.
c. Puritan leaders wanted to ______________________________
d. He fled to an Indian Village where he was hidden. He lived
there and established Providence Village,.
e. By 1644 he received a charter to establish _________________
f. Government
1. Rested on the consent of the ______________________
2. All adult ___________________ could vote.
3. Colony had ______________________ Freedom
4. Had separation of ______________ & ______________
6. Connecticut
a. Founded by Thomas Hooker
b. They were settlers from the _____________________________
c. Settled Hartford in 1636.
d. By 1662 had 15 towns and a charter.
7. New Hampshire
a. Settlers were from _________________________
b. Received a charter in 1679, and became a Royal Colony.
8. Indian Problems
a. Pequots were the Indians of New England
b. 1635 the Pequots realized expansion of White men was _______
c. Pequot War ( 1635 to 1637)
1. Indians attacked, and then they traded attacks.
2. Finally in 1637 the Puritans surround the Pequots main
Village and ________________________________
3. Killed 400- mostly __________, __________ & ______
4. Escapees were shot. Those captured are _____________
d. King Phillips War
1. 1675 Metacomet organizes the tribes in New England to
fight the Whites one more time. They attack settlements
2. Puritans call him King Phillip, and hence ____________
3. Indians by now are outnumbered 4 to 1.
4. The Indians started to starve.
5. When Metacomet A.K.A. ________________________
is killed by a Christian Indian the Alliance falls apart.
6. Warriors were sold into ______________________, and
any surviving Indians fled to the West. They allied with
the ____________________________.
9. New England Colonies Facts.
a. Colonies were independent from each other.
b. Most had slaves.
c. Major cities had good ____________________________.
d. By 1750 15,000 people lived in ____________________ alone.
e. Farmers settled in communities, and farmed outside of town,
due to ___________________________________________
f. All colonies were Religious in nature.
G. The Middle Colonies
1. Netherlands & Sweden Claims.
a. Henry Hudson Claimed Hudson River for ________________.
1. Traders for the Dutch West Indies Company who
received a charter for a Colony from the Dutch.
2. The area had been claimed by the English, but Dutch
settled the area 1st.
3. Built a city at mouth of the Hudson called ___________
4. Built forts up the Hudson River.
5. Dutch warships used it as a port.
6. This was a threat to the ________________________.
b. Sweden
1. Established settlements along the Delaware River.
2. They were then taken over by the Dutch.
3. This expanded the threat to the ___________________
c. England’s response
1. 1664 the English Fleet sails into __________________
2. Without a shot being fired the Dutch ________________
3. Charles II then broke up the Dutch holdings.
2. New York
a. Charles II gave New Amsterdam Colony to his brother James
the Duke of York.
b. He then renamed the colony ____________________________
1. He ordered his men to treat Dutch with ______________
2. He brought in _____________________ to do the work.
3. He levied taxes, and they had no vote.
c. 1685 James became ___________________________________
d. Combined all colonies ( Va. To N.H.) into one colony. He
revoked all charters, and representative governments.
e. He imposed harsh rule.
f. The people hated him and then ______________________ in the
_________________________________ Revolution.
g. ___________________ & __________________ become the
new monarchs- they restored all charters & ________________
3. Pennsylvania
a. Founder was _____________________________________
b. He was a Quaker- one of the most disliked religions. Why___________________________________________________
c. His father left him a fortune, and a debt the King owed him.
d. Instead of money Charles II gave William Penn a ___________
e. It was called ________________________________
f. It was a _________________________________ Colony
a. This is where ____________________________ was the
b. He would run the colony like a ___________________
g. 1682 he received a land grant for Delaware.
h. To get people to the colony he sent out a pamphlet.
a. Printed in ________________, ___________________.
______________________ & ___________________
b. In it he described his vision for his colony.
c. Penn called it his “ ___________________________”
d. He promised:
1. Religious Tolerance
2. Representative government
3. cheap land
4. All he wanted in his colony were hard working,
honest people.
e. In the end if you couldn’t pay he gave you the land.
f. Settlers poured in, and the colony became ____________
g. Penn treated the Indians fairly- He bought their land.
4. New Jersey
a. It started as a land grant to Lord John Berkley & Sir
George Carter.
b. Colony never really grew. Just a few settlement along the
Delaware River.
c. 1702- The King took over the colony, and it became a
______________________________ Colony.
5. Middle Colonies
a. By 1750 they colonies were very prosperous.
b. ______________________________ was the largest city
and seaport in the English Colonies.
c. Farms were spread out
1. The soil was fertile. ( _________________ area)
2. Produced enough food for family’s ___________
and profit.
3. Middle Colonies were called “______________”
4. Philadelphia & New York exported food to
______________________ & the West Indies.
d. They also had
1. Shipyards
2. Iron mines & iron works
3. They manufactured glass, paper, & textiles.
H. Southern Colonies
1. Virginia was already covered. Virginia named for _________________
the ___________________________________ Queen.
2. Maryland ( 1634)
a. Named for Charles I wife Maria.
b. Charter given to Sir George Calvert- 1st Lord of _____________
c. It was a refuge for persecuted ___________________________
d. It was a _____________________________________ Colony.
e. Sir George Calvert never _______________________________
d. Toleration Act of 1649.
1. All religions were tolerated ( _____________________)
2. Freedom of Worship to anyone who believed in _______
3. Carolinas
a. 1663 Charles II gives Charter to 8 English Noblemen
b. Northern Carolina
1. It was settled by spill over settlers from _____________
2. The cleared the land, and built _____________________
3. Earned their living in the forests
a.____________________ b__________________
b.____________________ d._________________
b. Southern Carolina
1. Settled by overseas settlers.
2. Many different religions
a. Jews B. Anglicans c. French Huguenots
d. African Slaves
3. Large Plantations developed
a. Rich coastal land
b. Grew- ______________ & _______________
c. _________________________ did the work.
c. 1729- Proprietors sold their rights to the colony to the King
1. 2 separate colonies
2. Became a Royal Colony but retained their assemblies.
4. Georgia
a. 1732- King gave a charter for the colony
b. It would serve as a buffer between __________________ &
___________________________ claims.
c. Leader was _______________________________________
d. No one wanted to come to colony because-________________
e. To get colonist to come to Georgia it became a ______________
1. Place for debtors to go instead of ___________________
2. When they arrived they received ________ acres of land
3. Also had a fresh start.
f. No slaves or _______________ allowed in the Colony.
g. In 1750 the people forced the governor to allow _____________
5. Southern Colonies 1750
a. Great Tobacco Plantations grow
b. They had slaves to do the work. Why-_____________________
VII. French Holdings
A. Claims Based on Cartier then expanded
1. Samuel de Champlain
a. Sailed up the St. Lawrence river
b. Built Quebec
c. Made friends with the Algonquin’s-treated Indians ___________
2. Marquette & Joliet (1673)
a. Marquette was a __________________________________
b. Joliet was a French ________________________________
c. Crossed the Great Lakes and explored the __________________
River to Arkansas.
3. LaSalle (1681-82)
a. Explored Mississippi River to the Gulf of __________________
b. When at mouth of the river he said, “______________________
France held all of Mississippi River Valley. From ___________
Mountains to the ____________________________ mountains.
c. This doubled the size of French Holding in the New World
d. Called it __________________________ in honor of Louis XIV
4. 1718- French build _______________________________ at mouth of
Mississippi River.
5. Settlements were far and few between. Mainly fur traders.
B. French Fur Trade
1. Indians had established hunting patterns
2. Their territories were immense. They had furs the French wanted.
3. Furs were easily exploited.
4. Coureurs de Bois
a. Means Runners of the woods.
b. They paddled the rivers in canoes, trading for furs in the Spring.
c. To get the furs they traded:
1.____________________ 2._____________________
2.____________________ 4._____________________
5.____________________ 6._____________________
7.____________________ 8._____________________
d. The Coureurs de Bois would take the furs to ________________
to sale. From there they were shipped to ___________________
e. In France the furs would be _____________________________
into hats, and clothing.
5. Indians gave up their old way of life to do the fur trade.
C. On the map the French holdings looked _______________________________
1. In reality few settlements outside those on the St. Lawrence River.
2. Few French Forts. They had large areas to defend.
3. Most Indians were allies of the __________________________
a. French respected the woods & their ______________________
b. Indians feared the _____________________________.
VIII. English versus the French
A. English
1. British Colonies were well established, and growing.
2. British Colonists outnumber French Colonists _______ to ______
3. British Colonies were concentrated
4. Colonies could not act together.
B. French
1. United under one government
2. Supported by the Indians.
3. France was the most powerful nation in the World.
C. Between 1689 & 1748 Fr.& Br. Were at war for 25 years.
1. They fought in _________________, ________________,
______________________ & at _____________________
2. By 1754 war was at hand again.
IX. The French & Indian War.
A. A.K.A. _______________________________ in Europe.
B. 1st clash in the War was in America
1. King of England grants Virginia a Charter to the Ohio River Valley.
This was bad Why-______________________________________
2. Virginia divided it up into small farms
3. French heard, and started to build __________________________
4. British sent a 21 year old surveyor (_________________________)
to tell the French to back off.
5. French ignored him.
6. The next year the surveyor was a _____________________________
who led an expedition to the Ohio River, and built _________________
7. On July 4th, 1754 the French & the ______________________ attacked
Fort ________________________ and forced ____________________
To go back to Virginia.
8. French built Fort ___________________________________ to defend
their land.
9. Colonies were afraid that they were open to French attack.
C. Albany Congress of 1754.
1. Attended by delegates from 7 colonies, and the Iroquois (They hated the
French & their Indians allies).
2. This was __________________________________ attempt to unite the
colonies in a defense pact. One is attacked they ___________________
3. The colonies didn’t want to lose their power, and they rejected the pact.
D. British Failures
1. British send General Braddock and a regiment of Redcoats to ________
2. They were to link up with the Virginia Militia and retake Fort________
3. They set out for Fort __________________, but they were ambushed
by the __________________________ & ________________________
4. General Braddock was ______________________________, and the
Redcoats were _________________. Everyone else ________________
5. Frontier even more open to ___________________________________
6. British were also defeated at Fort Niagara, & Crown Point.
7. Outlook __________________________________________________
E. William Pitt elected British _________________________________ in 1756
1. He rallied the British
2. First he sent more troops to America.
3. He got rid of incompetent officials, and strengthened the navy.
4. He then took the offensive.
a. First the British took Louisburg in 1758. This doomed France
in America. Why-___________________________________
b. Because of the lack of supplies the French abandoned Fort
____________________________. British take it over and
rename it _________________________________________
c. 1759- British capture Quebec, also won victories in Europe,
India, and Mediterranean Sea.
d. 1760-Montreal surrenders
e. 1762- _______________ enters the war on the side of the
French. Too little too late. Britain then takes Cuba &
Philippines from Spain. They also took French West
Indies & French Territory in India from Freance.
f. Spain & France seek a _____________________________
F. Treaty of Paris of 1763
1. Countries involved __________________ , _____________________
& ___________________________.
2. Britain Receives:
a._________________________ b.________________________
3. France & Spanish Losses and gains.
a. France _____________________________________________
b. Spain gets _______________________________________ &
_______________________ and ____________________ back.
4. Colonies gain:
a. Colonial ________________________ gain fighting experience.
b. They colonies also learned to ____________________________
Colonial Life
I. Life in the Colonies
A. By 1760’s over _________________________________ lived in the colonies.
1. Lived in different settings.
2. Many different life styles.
3. Many income levels
B. Plantation Life
1. Cash crops were ____________________ & _____________________
2. The plantation was a complete economic unit. They had ____________
3. Artisans on the Plantation
a.____________________________ b.______________________
c.____________________________ d.______________________
e.__________________________ f._______________________
4. _________________________________ did the work.
5. Wife’s duties included taking care of the house, spinning,& weaving of
__________________________. House slaves were under her control.
6. Economic ties were with _________________________________
a. They shipped _______________________________ to England
b. They bought ________________________ goods from England.
7. Social Life
a. It was very formal like in England’s upper class
b. Visits were a great social event. Basis for Southern hospitality.
C. Towns & Cities
1. Merchants were the most influential people in town.
2. Examples of shop keepers:
a._______________________ b._________________________
c._______________________ d._________________________
3. There were indentured servants & slaves.
4. Philadelphia as an example.
a. Philadelphia was the largest city & port in the English colonies
b. In 1750’s over 20,000 people lived there.
c. 1754- 471 ships sailed into Philadelphia port.
d. Problems
a._______________________ b._____________________
c._______________________ d._____________________
e. Philadelphia 1st in the World to have:
a. _______________________ b._____________________
c.________________________ d.____________________
f. ______________________ published the Pennsylvania Gazette.
Also published the ____________________________________
g. Town Crier- Is an oral _________________________. Example
It is 9 O’clock and all is well. The H.M.S. Victorious has landed
And has 9 indentured servants for sale.
h. Market House was a __________________________ Market.
They had a.___________________ b._____________________
C.___________________________ d._____________________
e.____________________________ f.____________________
i. Waterfront had:
a.__________________________ b.__________________
c.__________________________ d.__________________
e.__________________________ f.__________________
j. Taverns
k. Churches
l. City Hall, and a jail.
m. Many new immigrants were coming into the colony from
_________________________.Forming the American Culture.
D. Frontier Farms
1. Rugged life.
2. Homes varied from Caves at 1st. Then lean to shelters, and finally a
log cabin which consisted of : a._____________________________
b._________________________ c.__________________________
d._________________________ e.__________________________
f.__________________________ g.__________________________
3. Furniture was crude and hand made.
4. Dishes were slabs of wood that were hollowed out, forks and spoons
were carved out.
5. Food:
a.______________________ b.__________________________
c.______________________ d.__________________________
6. Women’s work
7. All they brought with them was:
a._______________________ b.__________________________
c._______________________ d.__________________________
e._______________________ f.__________________________
8. No ______________________, no ____________________________
& no ___________________________________________.
9. It was a harsh life. They had a fear of _____________________ attack.
They were independent, but cooperated with each other.
E. Frontiersmen.
1. They did not settle down. The roamed in search of wild life.
2. All they had:
a.________________________ b.__________________________
c.________________________ d.__________________________
3. They wore buckskin clothes, and ________________________ hat.
4. They hunted for animal pelts to exchange at the ___________________
post for what they needed.
5. They worried about ________________________ & _______________
F. Slaves
1. ________________________ slaves were taken out of Africa as slaves.
2. Of this number ________________________ were brought to America.
3. For Europeans America was _________________ & _______________
For Africans America was _________________________________.
4. Africans were considered __________________________ property.
5. Africans were considered inferior. Why:_________________________
6. They were only taught what they needed to do their ________________
7. In the South they were never taught to ____________ & ____________
8. Slave trade:
a. They were usually captured by __________________________
and then sold to slaving centers on the _______________ Coast.
b. Slaving ships would then come there and buy slaves to take to
America. They would look for the _____________________ &
The ______________________________.
c. Life on the ship:
1. Was cruel. They were packed in as close as possible.
2. They were fed, but not the best of food.
3. If sick they would be _________________________ so
they would not make ___________________________
4. Some would just commit suicide, or just die.
5. When they reached the West Indies they would feed the
slaves more in preparation for ___________________
6. The best slaves were then sent to the _______________
d. Freed Blacks
1. How they became free
a. Freed by Masters
b. If a white mother child was free
c. Some masters allowed slaves to do extra work
for which they were paid. They then saved up
enough money to buy their freedom. Once free
they would continue to work to earn enough
money to buy their family’s freedom.
2. They were free, but they were ___________________
against. They were separate, and unequal.
Three Roots of Democracy
I. Religion
A. Europe
1. Each country had a state religion
2. They forced other religions to convert or _____________________
Some examples were:
a._________________________ b._________________________
c._________________________ d._________________________
B. Colonies
1. People did not tolerate other religions
a. They fought with each other.
b. Mary Dyer a Quaker was living in Massachusetts Bay Colony.
They exiled her out of the colony. She returned to protest the
Decision she was ________________________________.
c. Roger Williams was exiled to Rhode Island.
2. Rhode Island
a. Became the 1st in separation of Church & State.
b. They tolerated all religions.
c. They had no contact between the church and the ____________
1. No taxes for the support of _______________________
2. No one forced to attend __________________________
3. Vote not based on membership in the _______________
4. People could speak freely about religion.
II. Education
A. Europe
1. Freedom to think, speak, publish & learn is limited.
2. Only the ______________ & ____________________ needed a formal
3. Learning the Bible helped to teach _____________________________
B. Colonies
1. Wealthy learned to read & write
a. They could afford the schooling
b. They could afford tutors, books, & college.
c. 1st College in the colonies was ____________________ 1636
2nd College in the colonies was ___________________ 1693
2. Poor
a. Merchants organized library societies to make ______________
b. Provided Practical learning:
1._____________________ 2.______________________
3._____________________ 4.______________________
c. Most of family’s money went to survival
d. Kids learned to read & write from _______________________
e. Masters taught _____________________________________
C. 1st Public Schools
1. Formed in __________________________________ in 1647
a. Law:
1. Towns with 50 or more households had to hire a
_____________________ for __________ & _________
paid for from ________________________ funds.
b. Towns of 100 or more households had to provide a school to
prepare young ____________ for ________________________
c. 1st laws of their kind in the World.
d. Why were they important:______________________________
e. Schools were usually held in ___________________________ ,
___________________________ or _____________________
f. Teachers:
1. Quality not there.
2. _____________________________________________
g. Attendance
1. Irregular
2. Chores came ___________________________________
h. Books-Paper-Chalkboards are rare.
i. New England Primer- Used to teach _____________________
a. 1st book published in the colonies.
b. 3,000,000 sold in the 1700’s.
c. Taught children
1._____________________ & ________________
D. People usually learned by _____________________________________
1. Faced new problems daily.
2. People became very _________________________________
3. They learned to think
4. Books people had were ___________________ & _________________
III. Government
A. 1st Colonial constitution.
1. Constitution is a __________________________________________
2. 1st written constitution is the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
B. Colonial Governments ( 1760’s)
1. Royal Colony
a. 8 of ____ colonies were Royal ( New Hampshire, Massachusetts
New Jersey, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, & Georgia.
b. King Appointed the _____________________________ &
c. Lower House elected by the ___________________________
2. Proprietary Colony ( Pa, Md. & Del. )
a. Proprietor appointed by the _________________________
b. Proprietor ran the Colony.
c. Proprietor:
1. Appoints Governor & ___________________________
2. Lower house is _________________________
3. Self Governing Colonies ( Conn. & R.I. )
a. They were independent of the _______________________
b. Voters elected all officials.
c. Connecticut was the 1st to have a written __________________
1. Called the Fundamental Orders of __________________
2. A Constitution is a ______________________________
3. Written in 1639.
4. Written Government became a cornerstone of ________
C. Right to vote.
1. Qualifications to vote were varied by colony
a. ______________
b. Property owner
c. Religious qualifications
Roots of Revolution
I. Mercantilism
A. It is an economic & political policy by which a nation tries to get greater
Wealth and power tha any other country.
B. Nations tried to gain power by building the biggest _________________ &
1. Money was needed to do this.
2. You needed a good balance of trade to build up money.
3. 4 reasons for colonies.
a. They supply _________ materials to Mother Country
b. Colonies were a ______________ for Mother Country’s
finished ______________________.
c. This trade built up the ____________________ fleet.
d. Colonies provided bases for the Royal Navy.
C. Laws to enforce Mercantilism
1. All manufacturing was restricted to _______________________
2. An Import is a good ____________________________________.
An Export is a good ____________________________________.
3. Navigation Acts. There were several.
a. 1651- Only British ships could carry goods within the colonies.
b. 1660-The following colonial products could only be sold to
a.____________________ B.________________
The colonies had to buy all their manufactured goods
From ______________________________.
D. England needed money.
1. Why?
a. England had fought 4 wars between 1689 & 1763
b. England was heavily in debt
c. They needed more money to defend their expanded __________
d. The British expected the 13 _______________________ to pay
their fair share to defend the colonies.
2. Problems
a. Florida & Canada were now English, but the people were still
loyal to _______________________________________
b. Lands West of Appalachians to the __________________ River
1. Hudson Bay Company wanted the area for ___________
trading only.
2. The colonists wanted the area opened for settlement,
because the East was ____________________________
c. Poor British Leadership
1. King _______________ III was king from__________
to ___________.
2. He was ineffective and stubborn
3. Viewed colonies as overseas ______________________
He thought colonists were _____________ rate citizens.
4. Appointed Prime Ministers who ___________________
d. Taxes
1. English wanted the colonies to pay _________________
2. The colonists wanted to be left alone.
3. Colonies and England were beginning to look at
problems from a different point of view.
II. Road to Revolution
A. Pontiac’s Rebellion
1. Pontiac was a resourceful leader who united the tribes west of the
2. He said that the Indians had been pushed back for 150 years.
3. The Whites would not be allowed to stay west of ______________
4. Indians attacked and took all British Forts in the West. Western
Frontier became a place of _______________ & ________________
5. British Forces attacked Indians, and retook forts.
6. A Peace Treaty followed. It was generous to the Indians.
B. George Grenville was Prime Minister
1. Issued the Proclamation of 1763
a. Meant to reduce Indian conflicts
b. These were the former French Lands
c. All settlers were to withdraw from the area and move East of
the Appalachian Mountains.
d. Lands were reserved for the Indians
e. The fur trade was brought under Royal Control.
f. No traders could go to this area without _________________
g. Meant to give the crown time to _______________________
2.Opposed by:
a._______________________ b._________________________
3. Sugar Act of 1764
a. Meant to raise money to cover __________________________
b. Put a duty ( ______________) on:
1.___________________________ 2.________________
c. Enforced by:
1. Naval patrols inspected the ships
2. Royal inspectors searched 1.______________________
d. Parliament hoped these taxes would allow them to lower
e. Colonial Resistance
1. Merchants were used to duty free molasses.
2. Merchants now smuggled produces from ___________,
__________________ & ________________________
3. People organized resistance.
4. Currency Act of 1764
a. Forbids colonist from using any money other than ___________
b. Colonists must pay all taxes in Au or Ag.
c. This caused a money shortage in the colonies.
5. Quartering Act of 1765
a. People must provide ___________________________________
for British ______________________________________
b. This infuriated the people.
6. Stamp Act of 1765
a. Designed to raise money for colonial defense
b. Taxes had to be stamped on:
1.___________________________ 2._________________
3.___________________________ 4._________________
5.___________________________ 6._________________
c. Who it hurt:
1. Settlers- Stamp on __________________________
2. Farmers- Stamp on warehouse _____________________
3. Artisans-Stamps on newspapers & playing cards
4. Lawyers-Stamps on all documents.
d. Colonial Resistance
1. Stamp Act was the 1st direct tax, up to now all other
taxes were indirect.
2. Colonists screamed that this was, “Taxation without
3. They claimed only Colonists can tax ________________
4. Violated British Tradition and British _______________
5. Colonial Assemblies declared the laws illegal. Only their
taxes were legal.
e. Stamp Act Congress-October 1765
1. 9 colonies showed up.
2. 1st they asserted their loyalty to the King.
3. Then they vowed to _____________________________
f. Continued Resistance
1. Merchants signed a non-importation agreement. They
would buy no British goods. British trade stopped.
2. Colonists for the Sons of _________________________
a. Patriotic group battling for their rights as
b. Destroyed Stamp Act Offices, and ____________
& __________________ tax collectors.
c. Rioted in larger cities.
d. Met and organized as a group.
g. Result
1. King George III was shocked by resistance.
2. British Merchants faced __________________________
3. Colonial Sympathizers
a. William Pitt said,” I rejoice that America has
b. Members of Parliament called for ____________
of the taxes.
4. Stamp Act was repealed March 1766
5. There was rejoicing in the colonies.
6. Declaratory Act of 1766 stated that Parliament had
the power to make rules for the _________________
7. Gulf between ________________________ & the
________________________ was widening.
8. George Grenville is __________________________
C. Charles Townshend as Prime Minister
1. Townshend Acts of 1767
a. Levied import duties on:
1.____________________ 2._____________________
3.____________________ 4. _____________________
b. Also contained Writs of Assistance (_____________________)
1. These could be searched:
a.____________________ b.__________________
c.____________________ d.__________________
2. They were looking for ___________________________
c. Results
1. Colonists screamed that their ______________________
Rights were being abrogated.
2. Colonial Courts refused to issue the Writs.
3. New York refused to Quarter Troops or enforce laws.
4. Parliament suspends New York’s __________________
5. Samuel Adams of Massachusetts calls for colonies to
unite and resist British actions.
6. South Carolina, Maryland, & Georgia’s Assemblies
vote to resist.
7. Parliaments suspends their assemblies.
8. Virginia’s House of _______________________ vote
to adopt Resolutions by ________________________.
He calls the British, ”Our Lordly Masters” and then
States our case.
9. Merchants sign a non-importation agreement again.
10. Mobs attack customs agents, British ships, and British
d. Boston Massacre
1. March 5th, 1770 a large gathers to protest ___________
2. The British 29th Regiment is there and the crowd begins
to call them Lobster Backs (Because of their _________)
3. The crowd then began to throw ___________________,
and _______________________ at the troops.
4. The soldiers then _______________________________
5. 3 are _____________, 2 are _______________________
6. Immediately called the ___________________________
7. Soldiers are put on trial. Defended by Josiah Quincy and
_________________________. All are acquitted but 2
who are convicted for man slaughter.
e. Situation is deteriorating Fredrick North becomes ___________
1. Later 1770 the Townshend Acts are repealed
2. The tax on tea was kept to show they could do it.
3. Committees of Correspondence are started in _________
to ___________________________________________
4. Tea Act of 1773
a. East India Company is in financial trouble,
because the _______________________ refused
to buy _________________________________.
b. Tea piled up in England. Parliament members
owned ____________________ in the East India
Company. They would _____________________
If the company went _______________________
c. To help them Parliament passed a law saying
that the government would _________________
the company money. The company could sell tea
directly to the people. Cut out the merchants. So
company could sell the tea _________________
d. The merchants were hurt, and could go out of
____________________________________ so
they worked against ______________________
f. Colonial Reaction
1. Crowds rioted in the streets
2. _____________________ & ____________________
refused to dock tea ships.
3. December 16th, 1773 The ________________________
a. 60 members of the ________________________
dressed as _______________________________
went on board the tea ship in ________________
b. They then dumped 342 Chests of ____________
in Boston Harbor.
c. The ____________________________________
rallied people to oppose the _________________
d. When word reached the King he was _________
protesting the taxes was bad, destruction of
property was unacceptable.
4. The Intolerable Acts
a. 4 laws passed in reaction to _________________
1. Closed ___________________________
till ______________________________
2. Revoked Massachusetts Charter. King
took over the colony.
3. New Quartering Act instituted. To give
homes to new troops being sent to ______
4. British who commit crimes tried in
England not the colonies.
b. King Writes, “ The die is now cast. The
colonies must either submit or __________”
c. General Thomas Gage is sent to Massachusetts
with fresh troops. He is also made __________
5. Colonial Reaction
a. Colonists were angry, but they were still
b. People’s attitudes were changing
6. 1st Continental Congress
a. Held in _____________ 9/5/1774
b. All colonies, but _________________ attend.
3. Actions
a. Colonies would form a common defense.
If one is __________________________
b. Tells King they are not looking for
_____________________ all they want is
c. They wanted all Assemblies ___________
d. They wanted their rights as ___________
e. They would meet again in the Spring of
__________________ to see what had
7. March 1775 Patrick Henry in the House of Burgesses
gave a speech. He said, “I know not what course others
may take, but as for me, give me __________________
III The American Revolution.
A. Battle of Lexington & __________________________________
1. Soldiers were in Boston, and enforcing the __________________ Act.
2. Port of Boston was suffering huge financial losses.
3. City was under British rule. Out lying area was in flux of rebellion.
4. Colonists were members of _______________________________ or
________________________________. They were stock piling war
supplies at Concord. British were going to get them. ______________
rode to warn that the British were coming.
5. Battle- April 19, 1775
a. British approach Lexington Green on way to Concord. 50
Minutemen were waiting. The British told them to leave. A
Shot was fired. When smoke cleared 8 colonists were dead
10 wounded. “It was the shot heard around the World!”
b. British marched onto Concord where they destroyed some
war supplies, but were then forced out by the Minutemen.
As they went back to Boston they were fired on all the way.
British casualties 73 dead, over 180 wounded. Colonial
Casualties 49 dead 46 wounded.
c. Once British back in Boston 16,000 colonists surrounded
them. The war __________________________________
B. Fort Ticonderoga
1. It is located on the Southern shore of Lake Champlain.
2. Ethan Allen, and the ___________________________________
heard of the Boston battles, and decided to act.
3. They attack and take the fort on May 10th, 1775. Ethan Allen & his
boys didn’t ____________________________________________
4. They had captured 50 _____________________ , 2300 lbs of
______________, a barrel of flints, and powder.
5. These supplies were then sent to the siege of __________________
C. 2nd Continental Congress
1. Met in _____________________________ on May 10th, 1775.
2. All colonies attended. The war was on, but they didn’t want war.
They wanted _______________________________________.
3. Members
a. Radicals- ( Sam Adams, Patrick Henry) wanted_____________
b. Conservatives- Didn’t want war, wanted to remain __________
4. Actions
a. Told King they didn’t have an army for independence all they
wanted was __________________________________.
b. That they would resist tyranny with force.
c. June 15th, 1775 they formed the Continental Army with
__________________________________________ to lead it.
d. Sent letter to King saying______________________________
e. Battle cry of the American Revolution was,” ______________
D. Forces at war’s outset
1. British- over 7,000 British Regulars who were well equipped.
More were on the way. They had over 270 warships to back
them up in coastal battles. Most of the Indian tribes supported
the British.
2. Colonists- 16,000 + militia who were ill prepared, and ill-equipped.
They would come and go as the seasons progressed.
1/3 of people supported Revolution
1/3 were ______________________who were in support of
the King
1/3 ___________________________________________
Colonists did not have many experienced military leaders.
E. Battle of Bunker Hill
1. Actually fought on Breeds Hill. British wanted to break the siege of
Boston. They didn’t think that the colonists could _________________
2. June 17th, 1775.
a. _________________________________ had not arrived yet.
b. General Gage orders a frontal attack.
c. They charged up the hill twice, and were forced to retreat. On
the 3rd charge they ran out of ammunition, and then retreated.
d. Colonist losses 450 lost men, the British lost over ___________
e. The British were ______________________________________
F. King George III
1. He considered it a military disaster.
2. He proclaimed the colonists rebels. They could now be _____________
as traitors.
3. Sent the Royal Navy to ____________________________ the colonies
4. hired 10,000 soldiers from Germany called _______________________
5. He replaces General Gage with General _________________________
G. 2 Continental Congress Reply.
1. Sent out Diplomatic missions to ________________ , _____________,
& __________________________ asking them to help us in our war
with England.
2. Sent troops and diplomats to Canada, but they refused to help, and
joined the _____________________________________.
H. Early 1776
1. Boston
a. George Washington occupies Dorchester Heights. It is a hill
that overlooks Boston. Washington moved his ______________
there, and Howe realized that his position was lost. He then
loaded all his ___________________________________ and a
__________________________________Loyalists ( Citizens
who _________________________________) on his ships, and
sailed out of Boston Harbor.
b. The War in New England was ________________________.
2. Battle of Moore’s Creek
a. Gov. Martin of North Carolina
1. He raised an army of 2,000 loyalists.
2. His plan was to take his loyalists to Wilmington a coastal
town. Once there the British would sail in with British
troops, and together they would take over the Southern
b. Patriots learned of the plan.
1. 1,100 patriots under the command of James
Decided to stop the Loyalists at Moore’s Creek.
2. At the bridge the Patriots took up the bridge
planks, and greased the supports. They then
Waited for the Loyalists to arrive.
3. On 2/27/1776 the Loyalists exhausted from an all
Night march, they reach the bridge.The Loyalists
attacked . They were cut down as the tried to
cross the creek. Colonists- ________ killed.
Loyalists- _______________ killed or captured.
They also captured __________________ & Au
C. When the British arrived no one was there to
Meet them, _____________________________
4. Colonists held the South.
3. Push for Independence
a. Reasons for Independence
1. England had violated Colonial Rights
2. Colonial Blood had been spilled
3. Colonies were a powder keg.
b. “Common Sense”
1. A pamphlet by ________________________________.
2. Printed in January of 1776.
3. Spread quickly in the Colonies, and fueled feelings
for Independence.
4. “Everything that is right and reasonable pleads for
separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of
nature cries, ’Tis time to part’”.
5. It was the spark that ignited the ____________________
c. No longer did the Colonies want _________________________,
they now wanted_____________________________________.
d. Why- Captured soldiers would be ___________ and not rebels.
Remember Rebels were _________________________.
Why- Colonial Governments could seize Loyalists ___________
Why- Better chance for _______________ & _______________
To recognize the U.S. as a ________________________
Declaration of Independence
1. 2nd Continental Congress was meeting in _______________________
2. 6/7/1776 Richard Lee of Virginia calls for Independence.
3. 6/11/1776 Continental Congress appoints 5 men to write the
a. _______________ b.________________ c._______________
d.________________ c.________________
4. The committee meets and tells _____________________________ to
write the declaration, and they’ll approve it. He did. They did with
minor changes.
4. July 2nd, 1776 The 2nd Continental Congress votes to accept Lee’s
Resolution. At that time we are officially _____________________
5. July 4th, 1776 After minor changes the Declaration of Independence is
Is signed.
a. John Hancock signs it large so ____________________
b. Copies are rushed to the 13 new __________________
6. July 7 , 1776 the proclamation is announced in _________________
7. 3 groups form
a. Whigs who ___________________________________
b. Tories & Loyalists who _________________________
c. _____________________________________________
8. The Document
a. Preamble
1. To gain colonial support for the war effort
a. To get men to _____________________
b. To get people to support the new
government with donations & loans
c. To get undecided people to ___________
2. To appeal to foreign governments
b. Theory of government
1. Gives rights to the people
2. Government gets it’s power from the _________
3. Gives the people the right & obligation to
4. Idea that all people are _____________________
and they are given by their __________________
certain unalienable rights. That among these are
__________________ , __________________ ,
& the ___________________________________
Formal Declaration of War
1. Declares a state of war exists between the U.S.
& ____________________________
2. Men captured in war were now P.O.W.s and not
3. Men who signed the document were now the
traitors. If captured they would be ___________
4. Everything they owned was now at risk.
5. Ben Franklin said, “ We must all hang together
In this, or surely we will all ________________
____________________________________ !”
The War
A. Boston & New England Area
1. Once the British left Boston the war in New England was
2. George Washington moved his men to defend __________
B. Battles in the New York City area.
1. The Colonial Army moved to Long Island to defend New
a. He wanted to deny the British the area for _______
Operations, and the use of New York __________
b. His Army at first consisted of 17,000 militia, but
Grew to 30,000 men.
2. On July 2nd, 1776 General Howe sailed into New York
Harbor. He landed British & Hessian Troops (__________
_____________) on Staten Island.
3. By August British had 30,000 men in New York ( This
Included 8,000 __________________).
4. He forced Washington onto Long Island, and he was
Trapped by the Br. ____________ & _________________
5. During the night a __________________ moved in and
Washington escaped to New York.
6. A Colonial Spy is captured. His name was _____________
He was caught with diagrams of British positions in N.Y.
The British in a 1 day trial ordered him ________________
His last words were,”______________________________
7. In the Battle of White Plains Washington is forced to
Abandon his N.Y. positions and he retreats across
______________________________. He has suffered
large losses of ______________ & ___________________
8. As he retreated across the state his army melts away.
9. On Dec. 7th, 1776 Washington crosses the _____________
with ____________ men and almost no _______________
They destroy all the ________________ on the river to
Stop the British from crossing the ___________________
10. General Howe feels the war is ______________________
And decides to spend the Holidays in ________________
11. He sends General Cornwallis to watch Washington. 1,300
Hessians stationed at ______________________________
12. To turn the tide Washington on Dec. 25th _____________
13. He attacked 1,300 Hessians who were staying at ________
To watch Washington’s Army.
14. He captured 1,000 Hessians, and suffered ______ loses.
15. Washington then recrossed the Delaware, but soon after
crossed back into New Jersey.
C. 1777
1. Washington in New Jersey
a. On January 2nd, 1777 General Cornwallis was sure he had
Washington trapped, and would attack in the morning.
Washington burned his fires brightly, and slipped away.
b. He attacked the British at Princeton, and destroyed 3 British
regiments. He then took & held Princeton.
c. This cut Cornwallis’ _______________________________
d. Without ______________________ Cornwallis retreated to
e. Washington followed and once more surrounded New York City
f. Colonial Spirits rose as we showed that we could ____________
2. Battle of Saratoga
a. British Plans
1. It would be a 3 prong attack
2. Lt. Col. Barry St. Léger & the Indians would attack from
Ontario to the Hudson River.
3. Gen. John Burgoyne- Would attack South along Lake
Champlain. He was to retake Fort __________________
And them advance South and meet up with the other
Two prongs of the attack.
4. General Howe was to attack North, and meet up with the
other two attackers.
5. This would cut the Colonies in ___________________
2. The Battle
1. It looked good on paper, but its flaw was that the attacks
were to take place where the ______________________
2. St. Leger attacked West to Fort Stanwick held by the
Colonists. They held till they were relieved by________
3. The Indians with St Leger then took off, and St. Leger
then ________________________________
4. General Burgoyne attacked South and took ___________
5. He then sent a raiding party into Vermont to get_______
6. They went, and _________________________________
7. Burgoyne’s Army was short of supplies, and the Militias
were _________________________________________
8. He then pushed South to meet the other 2 attacking
British Armies. He did not know that _______________
________________ and that ______________________
9. By the time his army reached Saratoga he was out
numbered ___ to ___, and he was surrounded.
10 . In the Battle of Saratoga the Colonists just kept
swarming into the battle. His position could not be
held, and he could not escape.
11. On October 17th, 1777 General Burgoyne Surrendered
his army of 6,000 troops. It was a ________________
victory, and the _____________________ of the War.
12. Gen. Burgoyne’s Army is then marched to __________
and put on ________________________ and sent to
______________________________ after promising
3. Howe takes his battle plan to the _________________________
a. Howe never went North to help Gen. Burgoyne
b. Instead he put his army on board his ships and sailed to the
__________________________ Bay. He then attacked North to
take _______________________________________________
c. He won battle at Brandywine on 9/11 and then he occupies
___________________________. The 2nd Continental Congress
then moves to ________________________ and operates there.
1. On 11/11/1777-The 2nd Continental Congress passed
The Articles of Confederation & Perpetual Union. It
Is the 1st ___________________________________
2. It conducts business there until it moves again.
d. Howe then attacks Germantown on 10/04, and General
Washington retreats to ________________________________
To spend the Winter.
1. At Valley Forge his army is without ______________,
___________________ or supplies.
2. They are trained there by General Baron Von _________
He has come to the U.S. from _____________________
Washington tells him to train his Army.
3. They drill, marching back & forth in the snow without
shoes. They bind their feet with cloths. The cloths then
get wet, and the men’s feet_______________________
and crack open & ________________________. The
snow then becomes stained with __________________,
but the men continue to train.
4. When Spring comes Washington at last has a real army.
5. Von Steuban becomes know as the Father of the
D. 1778
1. France
a. ______________________________ is the U.S. Ambassador to France
b. When he hears about the Battle of Saratoga he immediately goes to the
French Government and tells them that the U.S. can ______________
And that France should _____________________________________
c. The U.S. & France then sign two treaties.
1. 1st Treaty- It was a commercial treaty. U.S. would trade with
2. 2nd Treaty- It was an alliance.
a. France recognizes the United States as a free and
independent country.
b. France will wage war on Great Britain until the U.S.
is __________________________________
c. The U.S. & France will not sign separate peace treaties.
d. U.S. will defend the French West Indies
e. To help the United States France will send:
1._________________ 4._________________
2._________________ 5._________________
3._________________ 6._________________
3. News of the treaty __________________ U.S. spirits. It also
caused men to ____________________________________
d. Spain & __________________________________ also send help.
e. Foreign Generals also came to help.
1. Casmir Pulaski from Poland
2. Thaddeus Kosciusko from_____________________
3. Marquis de Lafayette from _______________________
f. The Wyoming Valley Massacre
1. The Colonists are in control of the Wyoming Valley.
2. On the west bank of the Susquehanna the colonists have
built a fort called _______________________________
3. If there was trouble that is where the Colonists would run.
4. A band of Tories & Indians from New York State decide to
attack the Wyoming Valley. The people fled to ____________
5. 300 men & their _____________________ were in the Fort.
6. 600 Indians & 2oo Tories led by _________________ Officers
then attacked the fort on July 3rd.
7. 2/3’s of the Colonist were killed. Many of them were then
8. The Tories & Indians then destroyed all the settlements on the
West side of the river. The people on the east side fled up to
___________________________ and then East to Stroudsburg.
9. The valley was left in _______________________________
g. British Reaction
1. George III replaces General ______________________ with
Sir Henry Clinton.
2. Once Clinton gets to America he decides to take the battle to
the South.
3. 1st he decides to pull out of _________________________.
a. So he had his troops pull out of Philadelphia and
retreated across the ___________________&
the across ______________________________.
b. Washington’s Army pursued him attacking at will.
c. Clinton’s Army made it to New York, and stayed there.
d. Washington then _______________________________
e. This would be the last major battle in the North.
E. 1779
1. The British Navy then seizes all major ports in the ____________________
2. Lord Cornwallis is then placed in command of British Forces in the _________
3. General Sullivan leads a Colonial Army into the Wyoming Valley to retake it.
a. He secures the Valley, and the settlers return
b. He then __________________________________________________
4. September 23rd, 1779
a. __________________ gives the U.S. a ship to do battle with the British.
b. The ship is named the U.S.S. Bonhomme Richard in honor of
c. Command of the ship is given to _______________________________
d. He sails into the English Channel and confronts the British Warship
H.M.S. Serapis. The Serapis outgunned the Bonhomme Richard, and
And when the British Commander asked John Paul Jones if he wanted
To surrender. John Paul Jones said,”___________________________
e. As his ship began to sink John Paul Jones _______________________
f. He was the 1st U.S. Naval Hero.
F. 1780
1. May 1780- Colonial General Benjamin Lincoln is forced to surrender his 5,000
man army at Charleston to Lord Cornwallis. When he tries to present his sword
to Cornwallis_____________________________________________________
This is almost all the Colonial Forces in the south.
2. The British then ________________________ the South in an attempt to force
their surrender.
3. Guerilla groups sprang up throughout the South. The most famous was Francis
Marion A.K.A.__________________________________________________
4. Congress in response sent out a Colonial Army under General Horatio _______
and it was defeated at Camden South Carolina.
5. The South appeared to be lost to the colonial cause.
6. October 1780 the Frontier Militia defeat the British at the Battle of __________
g. 1781
1. January 1781- General Dan Morgan defeats the British at the Battle of
Cowpens in South Carolina.
2. March 1781- In the Battle of Guilford Courthouse Lord Cornwallis wins the
battle, but suffers so many losses he retreats to the Atlantic Coast. He does this
3. During the Summer Lord Cornwallis retreats North along the coast. The Ships
resupply him. He finally stops at __________________________ in Virginia
4. He is watched by a small army under the command of ___________________
& ________________________________________. They are too weak to
5. General Washington is in _______________________________ holding
British Army under General_______________________________ there.
6. The French Fleet under French Admiral DeGrasse then arrives and blockades
the Chesapeake Bay. This traps General ___________________________
at Yorktown.
7. Washington then fakes an attack on New York City, and takes his army
8. The French landed an army of 6,000 men. Cornwallis was now cut off, and
9. Now the Americans laid siege to Yorktown. This means they ___________
10. Now General or Lord _______________________________ surrendered.
11. As the British Army marched out of Yorktown the British band played the
popular song at that time ________________________________________
12. With this surrender the revolutionary War was _______________________
The Battle of ___________________________ was the last battle.
H. Peace Treaty of 1783 or Treaty of _____________________
1. Held in __________________________
2. American Delegates were:
a.___________________________ b._________________________
c.___________________________ d._________________________
3. Terms:
c. Fishing rights:
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________
4. It is a great treaty for __________________________________________
IV. Articles of Confederation
A. Americans now had to establish a new government.
1. Choices of different types of governments available:
a. Dictator- __________________________________________
b. Military Dictator-___________________________________
c. Theocracy- ________________________________________
d. Oligarchy- _________________________________________
e. Direct Democracy- __________________________________
f. Republic- __________________________________________
2. 2nd Continental Congress formed the Government and decided on a
a. Formed a committee to form a government July 12th, 1776
b. John Dickinson of Pennsylvania headed the committee
c. Debated for over a year.
d. November 15th, 1777 Articles of Confederation approved
1. It was a league of independent ____________________
2. Also called the _________________________________
B. _________________________________ was the 1st United States Government
C. Make up of the government
1. Legislature
a. One house so it was unicameral.
b. Each state had two to seven _________________________
c. Each state had only ___________ vote.
d. To pass laws or regulations took a ____ out of 13 votes to pass
2. No Executive Branch
a. No one to lead the government
b. Didn’t want an executive branch because:__________________
3. No Judicial Branch- States wanted to control the __________________
4. Could not levy or collect taxes- So they had to ask the states for ______
5. To change the Articles of Confederation took ____ out of 13 votes.
6. Could not regulate _________________ or _________________ trade
7. Each state had the power to print their own ______________________
8. Could establish a Post Office to deliver the ______________________
9. Could borrow money but no one would _________________________
since they could not _______________ as a result they had no money
to pay them back.
10. Could declare ____________________ and ____________________
11. Could build a Navy.
12. Could not have an __________________, they had to ask the states if
soldiers were needed.
D. Article of Confederation actions
1. Land Ordinance of 1785.
a. People were moving ______________ in search of __________
to start a new ______________________.
b. The government had to decide how to how to divide the land
in the ___________________
c. Land Ordinance of 1785
1. Ordinance would be used till 1862
2. Land was divided into 6 mile by 6 mile areas called
3. The __________________________ were divided into
one mile by one mile areas called __________________
Each township contained ________ sections.
4. Copy diagram from the board
5. Section sixteen was to be used for __________________
6. Each section contained ___________ acres
7. four sections were kept for the _____________________
8. Each acre was to sell for not less than _______________
an acre.
9. Surveyors would divide the land prior to the peoples
10. They would also name the _______________________
11. So people in the East would go to land agents to buy
12. The land agent would then tell them the name of the
___________________, the number of the _________
their land was located in.
13. The people then headed West to their land.
2. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
a. Told how territories became ____________________________
b. The procedure is still used today.
c. What are the U.S. Territories of today:
1. ____________________ 2. __________________
3. ____________________ 4. __________________
5. ____________________
d. Procedure:
1. Territory is ruled over by a Governor and 3 __________
a. They are appointed by Congress
b. They took care of the peoples _______________
2. When the territory reached 5,000 free males of
______________________ age
a. Settlers then elect a ________________________
to propose and pass _______________________
b. Appoint a non-voting member to _____________
3. When territory reaches 60,000 people
a. They draft a __________________________
and submit it to _______________________
b. When _______________________ approves
territory becomes a ____________________
equal to all others.
e. Northwest Territory to be divided into not less than 3 states,
and no more than 5 states.
f. ___________________________ is barred from the territory
g. ___________________________ would be treated with the
utmost of good faith.
h. It was also to stimulate ________________________________
1. It helped _________________ & _________________
with the sale of plots of land in Section_____________
2. They knew that _______________________ was needed
if a Representative Democracy was going to work.
3. Stated, ” Religion, morality, and knowledge being
necessary to good government, and the happiness of
mankind. Schools and the means of education shall
forever be encouraged.”
E. Problems of Articles of Confederation.
1. Economy was in bad shape.
a. The revolutionary War cut off trade with __________________
1. We had no where to sell our cash __________________
2. We had no one to buy our manufactured goods
3. Finished goods from England was cut off.
b. Each state could print their own money.
1. Made trade difficult with so many forms of currency in
a. Foreign Money:
1. _____________ 2._____________
3. _____________ 4. _____________
5. _____________ 6. _____________
b. Money from the different states
c. Paper money issued by the 2nd _______________
______________________ during the revolution
c. The economy went into a Depression
1. A depression is when the economy__________________
2. The farmers used cash crops to pay their taxes.
3. Without this money they could not pay their taxes, and
they would lose their ____________________________
2. Lack of military power.
a. British refused to leave the U.S. West.
b. ______________________ attacked settlers
c. ___________________ & ____________________
gave weapons to the Native Americans to attack the
d. We asked them to stop but they would not.
3. The Spanish refused to allow the U.S. to use _______________
a. This was the seaport that Western Farmers would use to
get there crops to ______________________________
b. This means that Western farmers had to take their crops
back over the _________________________________
Mountains to get them to market.
4. Shay’s Rebellion
a. Massachusetts farmers were losing their farms when they
could not sell their _____________ crops, and then had no
money to pay their ________________________.
b. The farmers demanded an end to farm foreclosures.
c. These farms had been in their family since they were cut
out of the wilderness.
d. Daniel Shays organized the farmers, and they rebelled against
e. Shays’ and his men tried to seize the Federal Arsenal at
Springfield to get _____________________________
f. They said it was their right to ___________________________
g. Massachusetts didn’t have the means to stop them, and neither
did the _____________________________________________
h. The citizens of Boston then _____________________________
i. The hired troops then hunted down the rebels
1. Some fled to ____________________________
2. Some were captured, and __________________
3. Shays fled and hid, and was later ___________________
j. The rebellion was now over.
5. The people of the United States were concerned
a. They questioned is the _________________________________
b. Can the government protect us.
c. The economy is falling apart.
d. The British won’t leave our West.
e. Spain is hurting western farmers by not letting them use ______
f. Would the U.S. be better if we went back to being a _________
6. George Washington was watching the developments
a. His men had bled and died for this country. He couldn’t allow it
to fall apart.
b. He met with people at his farm in Virginia. His home was called
c. He enjoyed being a gentleman farmer.
1. He had slaves
2. He raised crops & sold them
3. He had a business to catch ______________________
in the Potomac, salt them, and sell them in a wooden box
4. He had a plantation on the Potomac River.
d. His visitors told him he had to lead the way.
7. It was decided to hold a meeting in _____________________________
in the Spring of 1787 to fix the ________________________________
V. The Constitutional Convention
A. Convention facts
1. The Convention was held in _________________________________
2. Started on May 25th, 1887
3. Who attended:
a. All states came except for _____________________________
b. _______________________________ did not come, because
they felt if they didn’t come the Articles could not be
____________________________. They were afraid that
____________________________ would lose power.
c. Delegates
1. 55 delegates attended the convention
2. All were ___________________
3. All were ___________________
4. Average age was 42
5. Most were leaders in the Revolution
6. Most were state leaders
7. ¾ had served in the Articles of Confederation ________
8. Most were ____________________ income
9. There were no poor _______________ like Daniel Shays
d. 3 Most influential delegates:
1. ___________________________________________
a. He lived in Virginia
b. He was a military leader in the ______________
c. He wanted to stay home, but was told that his
influence was needed to save the ____________
2. ___________________________________________
a. He lived in Virginia
b. He arrived at the convention with a written plan
for a new ______________________________
1. It was called the ____________________
2. It called for a strong Federal Government
3. That representation should be based on
c. He kept a______________ during the convention
3. ___________________________________________
a. He lived in Pennsylvania
b. He was 81 years old
c. He was in poor health. He had to be carried to
and from the meetings every day.
d. He was known to have the ability to bring two
different points of view together so he was a
e. He was a/an:
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. Signer of the _______________________
& the _____________________________
He had one more document to sign.
4. People not in attendance:
a. Thomas Jefferson_____________________________________
b. John Adams_________________________________________
c. Thomas Paine________________________________________
d. Patrick Henry________________________________________
He said,” I think I smell a ______________________”
B. What was it like to be a delegate at the convention.
1. It was held during the summer months in Philadelphia so it was
2. The convention was to be kept secret so they shut the ______________
& the ________________________. They also closed the ___________
so no one could look in. So the temperature in the room went ________
and the delegates began to _______________________________
3. These delegates took a bath once a ________________ on __________
so they smelled good for ____________________________________
so they began to _________________ by Monday morning. By Friday
they were _________________________________________
4. So the room had to ___________________________________
5. The room had no air _________________________, with the windows
closed there was no fresh air. It was dark with the blinds closed. So
they burned candles made of animal fat for light. That smelled bad.
6. Conditions in the room were_________________________________
C. Convention Begins
1. Orders from the Articles of Confederation
a. The Articles of Confederation knew they had problems
b. Convention was called to _____________________________
2. Only half of the delegates were present on the 1st day, but they decided
to begin anyway
_____________________________________ was elected to preside
at the Convention. His job was to make sure ___________________
3. They decided that each state would have ______ vote no matter how
how many delegates that state had in attendance.
4. The first order of business was to fix the Articles of Confederation.
5. They decided that ___________________________________________
6. They decided that they would have to create a new_________________
7. They voted to keep the discussions, and what happened during the
convention secret for __________ years.
a. They felt if it was secret the delegates would be free to speak
openly without worrying about what it would do to them
b. They did not want the people to know how divided the
8. Most would take the secrets with them to the grave. James Madison’s
journal would not be found till after he was _____________________
9. Benjamin Franklin noticed that there was a ______________________
D. Problems the Convention faced, and the ______________________________
1. Congress
a. James Madison showed up with the ___________________ Plan
1. Virginia & the ______________________ states wanted
to have more __________________________________
after all they were __________________________
2. They wanted a strong federal government
b. The ______________________________________ Plan
1. Proposed by the small states.
2. They wanted to keep representation based on _________
3. Under the Articles all states were __________________
and the small states wanted to keep it that way
c. The debate went on for weeks and was very heated.
d. The Great _______________________________________
1. Benjamin Franklin helped with the _________________
2. It combined the ________________________________
and the _______________________________________
3. The New Jersey Plan became the ___________________
4. The Virginia Plan became the _____________________
5. A Census or a __________________________________
would be taken every ________ years or in years ending
with a ______. It would be used to determine how many
seats each state would have in the __________________
2. Slavery
a. The South wanted the slaves counted for ___________________
b. The North wanted the slaves counted for __________________
c. The North asked how could you count the slaves as people if
if they are not ________________________
d. Compromise
1. The slaves would be counted as ________ of a person
for both _______________________________ and for
e. Congress could not interfere with slavery until 1808. Most of
of the delegates felt that________________________________
E. The Document
1. The Preamble
a. States the _________________________ of the country.
b. The government gets it’s power from the __________________
c. They wanted to form a _________________________________
because the __________________________________________
had been a _________________________ and this Constitution
was it’s replacement.
d. United States government would provide:
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
2. Article I
a. Deals with the ______________________________ Branch
b. The ___________________________Branch _______________
the laws.
c. Congress was _________________________ or had two houses
1. Senate
a. Each state had ____________________________
b. A Senator would serve _____________________
c. Powers:
1. Pass ________________ and approve the
expenditure of _____________________
2. Declare _________ & _______________
3. Hold Trials for federal officials. The
Senators were the __________________
and the __________________________
would preside over the trial. Need ______
of the Senate to convict, and remove the
official from office.
4. Approve Presidential ________________
5. Can Regulate ______________________
foreign & domestic
6. Can borrow money
7. Can coin & print ____________________
8. Establish a National Court System, and a
Post ________________ and __________
9. Raise and support an ________________
and a _______________________
10. They approve Treaties with a ______vote
2. House of Representatives
a. Representation is based on __________________
b. A Congressman would serve ________________
c. Powers:
1. All money bills must start in the _______
2. They pass ____________
3. Declares ___________ and ___________
4. Impeaches Federal Officials
a. House looks at evidence and then
votes Articles of _____________
b. The Impeach an official takes a
______________________ vote
c. When a person has Articles of
_____________________ passed
the Official is ________________
d. The Official is then sent to the
____________________ for trial
5. Can coin & print ____________________
6. Can borrow _____________________
7. Can establish a National ______________
and a Post______________ and _______
8. Can raise and support an _____________
and a __________________________
3. Congress can not ______________________________
or ______________________________________
3. Article II
a. Deals with the _____________________________ Branch
b. The ________________________Branch _______________
the laws.
c. The President and ____________________________ is elected
to a _____________________ term.
1. Each state is given ________________________ votes
to elect the President. The state’s _________________
votes are equal to the number of ___________________
and ______________________________ the state has.
2. Whatever Presidential Candidate has the most popular
votes in the state is awarded that state’s _____________
3. Each candidate appoints as many electors as the state has
_______________________________ votes.
4. These electors are selected by the candidate, but the
electors can vote for whom ever they choose.
d. Powers:
1. He is the ___________________________________
of the armed forces.
2. He directs foreign policy.
a. He appoints __________________________
to foreign countries.
b. He makes treaties with other countries.
3. Judicial Powers
a. He appoints all ________________________
b. He can grant:
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. He can ____________________ laws, and Congress
can override his ______________ with a ____________
vote of both Houses of Congress.
5. He appoints all Federal Officers
a. All Cabinet Secretaries
b. All federal workers
6. He gives the ___________________________________
once a year to a ________________________ Session of
4. Article III
a. Deals with the ________________________________ Branch
b. The _____________________Branch _____________________
the laws.
c. Federal Court System is designed by ______________________
d. Federal Judges are appointed by the ______________________
and approved by the _____________________________ with a
_________________________________________ vote. They
are appointed for _______________________________
e. Federal Court System from lowest court to the highest.
1. Federal ________________________________ Court.
a. Each sates has at least ____________________
b. The are ________ District Courts today
2. Federal ___________________________ Court or they
are also called Federal ______________________ Court
a. The were called ___________________ Courts,
because the judges would ride a _____________
around the states hearing appeals.
b. There are _____ Appeals Courts in the U.S. today
3. U.S. Supreme Court
a. This is the _________________ court in the U.S.
b. They can declare a law _____________________
c. They meet in the Supreme Court Building in ___
d. The U.S. ________________________Court has:
1. ________ Chief Justice
2. ________ Associate Justices
5. Article IV
a. Deals with relations between states.
b. Full Faith and Credit Clause- Says that states must honor each
others official documents
6. Article V
a. Amendment is a ______________________ in the Constitution
b. Amendment process
1. Starts in the _______________________________
a. Amendment is proposed
b. Then must be passed with a ____________ vote
of both houses of Congress.
c. The amendment is then sent to the states.
d. Each state’s legislature must then approve the
e. Becomes an Amendment when approved by
_________________ of the states.
2. The other process is if the states call for a
______________________________ to change the
7. Article VI
a. General Provisions
b. States U.S. Law is the supreme law of the land.
c. Gives oaths of office to be taken by federal officers
8. Article VII
a. Ratification process or how the Constitution is approved
by the states.
b. Each state will hold a special state convention to consider
approving the Constitution.
c. To be approved takes a ___________ vote of all states
or ________ out of ________ states.
d. Once _______ states approve the Constitution is the law of
the land.
F. The end of the Constitutional Convention
1. On September 17th, 1787 the Document is completed
2. 39 delegates are there and sign the United states Constitution
3. Ben Franklin said that he now knew that the sun on the back of
George Washington’s chair is a _____________________________
He knew that this was a good foundation for the nation to grow on.
4. They had a farewell dinner, and then went home to push for ratification
of the Constitution.
G. Fight for Ratification
1. People for ratification were called _____________________________
2. People against ratification were called___________________________
3. The people were upset, because the Constitution did not contain a
4. To tip the balance in favor of the Constitution the _________________
say they will add a __________________________________________
5. States
a. Delaware
December 7th, 1787
b. Pennsylvania
December 12 , 1787
43 to 23
c. New Jersey
December 18th, 1787
d. Georgia
January 2 , 1788
e. Connecticut
January 9th, 1788
128 to 40
f. Massachusetts
February 6 , 1788
187 to 168
g. Maryland
April 28th, 1788
63 to 11
h. South Carolina
May 23 , 1788
149 to 73
i. New Hampshire June 21st, 1788
57 to 46
j. Virginia
June 25 , 1788
89 to 79
k. New York
July 26th, 1788
30 to 27
l. North Carolina
November 21st, 1789
194 to 77
m.Rhode Island
May 29 , 1790
34 to 32
I. George Washington ( 1789 to 1797)
A. Washington was elected ________________________by the Electoral College
B. Sworn into office on April 30th, 1789 in _______________________________
the temporary capital of the United States.
1. He traveled from his home, ___________________________________
to _____________________________________ on horseback. He did
this to ____________________________________________________
Thousands came out to cheer, and see him.
2. George Washington knew that the nation was now_________________
C. The 1st Vice President was _________________________________________
D. Problems he faced:
1. There were no Federal Laws to follow.
2. There was no Federal Court System.
3. There were no Federal Law Enforcement Officers.
4. The was no National Treasury, and there were no _________________.
5. There was a large debt ___________________ & _________________
6. The U.S. had no Foreign Policy, & no __________________________
a. France at this time was in ______________________________
b. England was still keeping troops in _______________________
and would not ____________________________________
c. Spain controlled the city of _____________________________
and as a result the ____________________________________
7. The U.S. had 600 men in the _________________ and the __________
had been ______________________________
E. The actions of the 1st Congress.
1. Judiciary Act of 1789
a. It established the ____________________________________
b. Set up the __________________________ of the land.’
1. Lowest Federal _____________________ was the
U.S. ____________________________________.
There were ________ of them. One in each __________
2. The U.S. Circuit ______________________ or the court
of _____________________ There were _____ of them.
They heard _____________________ from lower courts
3. Highest Court in the land was the United States
There were 5 associate justices and one Chief Justice
The 1st Chief Justice was _________________________
2. The Bill of Rights
a. What rights should be included was debated, and then voted on.
The founding Fathers were afraid of _____________________
They designed the government to limit the power of the
When people of today cry that the government doesn’t work,
it’s working exactly like the founders wanted. They believed
in limited ____________________________________.
b. _____ Amendments were passed by Congress and sent to the
______________________________ for consideration
c. !0 were approved and became the first 10 Amendments to the
Constitution. They are known as the ______________________
d. 1st ten amendments were:
1st- Freedom of _________________, _______________,
________________, Assembly, and petition.
2nd- Right to keep and bear ________________________
3rd- No soldiers shall be ___________________________
in any house without the consent of the ____________
4 - Search and Seizure rules, and warrants. Based on the
principle that a man’s house is his ________________
5 - Rights of a Person accused of a crime. You do not have
to testify against ______________________. That you
can not be tried ________________ for the same crime
6 - Right to a _______________________ trial, and must
be informed of the charges against you.
7 - The right to a jury trial in civil cases if the value of the
case is over ______ dollars.
8 - There shall be no excessive bail or _______________
or ____________________ ___________________
9 - Powers or rights not listed in the Constitution are given
to the states or retained by the____________________
10th- Powers reserved to the States.
e. The 2 not passed were:
1st-. No Senator or Congressman may receive a pay raise
until a Congressional _________________ has been held
2 - Dealt with the number and apportionment of members
of the House of Representatives.
3. 2 Ordincnaces passed by the Articles of Confederation were reenacted
a. Northwest Ordinance- How a territory becomes a ____________
b. The Land Ordinance- How land was divided in the __________
F. Washington’s Cabinet
1. The cabinet was made up of man who would _____________________
2. 1st Cabinet Members & Resposibilities
a. State Department
1. Advises the President on _________________________
2. 1st Secretary of Sate was _________________________
b. Treasuary Department
1. Advises the President on_________________________
2. 1st Secretary of Treasurary was ____________________
c. War Department
1. Advises the President on _________________________
2. 1st Secretary of War was _________________________
d. Justice Department
1. Advises the President on _________________________
2. 1st Attorney General was _________________________
G. Financial Problems
1. United States had no __________________ or ____________________
2. Congress passed a small tariff( A tax on ________________________)
to provide the new government with money.
3. Secretary of the Treasurary ________________________ Plan on debt.
a. The U.S. would pay all debts from the Revolutionary War
1. $12,000,000 owed to foreign sources
2. $44,000,000 owed to domestic sources. Examples would
be War Bonds and Government Bonds by the Articles of
b. Pay the state’s debt of $25,000,000 they owed to the people.
Most of this debt was owed by the Northern States.
c. Congress’ Bill
1. Pay all debt. $81,000,000.
2. The Capital of the United states would be on the
Potomac River in the South. This provision was needed
To get Southern votes to pass the bill.
4. Hamilton’s plan for a National ___________________________
a. He wanted to create a National ________________________
1. It would have a large central ____________________
located in the Capital.
2. It would have branches in the major _______________
3. Bank could then create a national currency consisting of
___________________ & ________________________
4. He hoped the bank would provide the a sound base for
the U.S. economy.
b. Washington supported Hamilton’s plan for a National Bank.
c. Congress then granted the bank a charter.
5. Hamilton proposed an ____________________________ Tariff
a. A __________________________ tariff is meant to protect
U.S. ________________________________ by putting a
Tariff on imports high enough to make U.S. products ________
The people would then buy the cheaper U.S. goods keeping U.S.
Workers _____________________________________
b. Hamilton with this proposal wanted to expand U.S. __________
c. Congress would not pass the tariff.
6. Hamilton’s Tax on ___________________________ Liquor
a. Hamilton proposed a tax on every gallon of whiskey produced in
the United states.
b. Large commercial distilleries were charge 6 cents a gallon
small farmers were charged _______ cents a gallon.
c. Farmers in the West had problems getting their
_________________________________________ to market
1. Trails to the East were just dirt roads with no bridges
2. Farmers could not get their crops to market.
3. They could not float them down the Mississippi River
because the ______________________ would not let the
U.S. use ________________________________
4. So the farmers built __________________________ to
change their corn into _________________________
5. The _____________________ could be transported over
the dirt roads to the East, and the product was easily sold
6. So whiskey was the farmer’s ______________________
d. 1794 Federal Marshalls went out West to collect the whiskey tax
1. The farmers ___________________________________
2. This was a challenge to __________________________
3. George Washington knew that this challenge had to be
met, because the last time the government was
challenged the government _______________________
4. So Washington called out ________________________
from the ______________________________________
to put down the _________________________________
5. It was known as The ____________________________
6. When the troops arrived in the west the rebellion just
7. This proved that the federal government could ________
7. Hamilton’s Program is a success.
a. The United States had a stable banking system to foster
economic _______________________________
b. The U.S. had a stable currency.
H. States added to the Union:
1. North Carolina- 1789
2. Rhode Island – 1790
3. Vermont- 1791
4. Kentucky- 1792
5. Tennessee- 1796
6. 1790- 1st national census
a. Census-takers- 17 U.S. Marshals, & 200 assistants
b. Took 18 months
c. Count- 3,929,214
I. Election of 1792
1. George Washington runs for reelection.
2. He wins, because ____________________________________
J. Foreign Affairs
1. French Revolution
a. 1789 The French Revolution begins
b. It was inspired by the ___________________________
c. On of the men who caused the Revolution was
d. Thousands were killed, and when the Revolution was over
they began to execute the __________________________
on the _____________________________________.
e. They wanted all the Royalty killed to wipe out the monarchy.
f. Other European countries feared that the _________________
would spread to their country.
g. By 1793 England & France were at ____________________
h. U.S. was in the middle of the conflict.
1. U.S. bound to France by _______________________
2. France wanted to use U.S. ports.
3. Britain seized U.S. ships & impressed (______________
____________________________________) our sailors
4. When we didn’t help them the French began to sieze our
5. Thomas Jefferson favored the _____________________
Alexander Hamilton favored the ___________________
2. Washington’s Position
a. He wanted to remain ________________________________
b. Issued Proclamation of Nuetrality on April 22nd, 1793
c. Congress passed the Nuetrality Act.
3. To the brink of War
a. As U.S. ships were siezed Americans became_______________
b. American _______________________________ in every town
began to drill to prepare for ________________________
c. Harbors were fortified.
d. The U.S. began to build a navy.
4. Jay’s Treaty
a. Washington sent Chief Justice ___________________________
to Britain to negotiate with Britain
b. Treaty terms:
1. England would remove all troops from U.S. __________
2. British Fur traders could trap in the U.S. _____________
3. England could trade in U.S. ports.
c. Randolph Scandal.
a. By now Edmond Randolph had become Sec. of State
b. The British captured a French document showing that
Edmond Randolph was a traitor, and had given France
Secret documents.
c. So Washington backed Jay’s Treaty.
d. The Democratic-Republicans claimed that Washington
& the Federalists had been tricked by the ____________
e. Now the Democratic-Republicans suggested that
Wshington should be ___________________________
because he had overdrawn his $25,000 salary.
d. The people in the U.S. felt that Jay had ___________________
e. It did prevent __________________________________
5. Pinckney’s Treaty
a. Between the U.S. and _______________________________
b. Spain wanted the U.S. ______________________________
c. U.S. negotiator was Thomas Pinckney.
d. Terms of treaty:
1. Boundary between U.S. & Spanish Territory settled
2. U.S. could use _____________________________
& ______________________________________
a. Important to _________________________
b. Farmers could now get their _____________
e. The Democratic-Republicans liked this because it helped the
people, and this improved Washington’s ________________
K. This & That
1. Eli Whitney invents the ________________________________ in 1793
2. 1st Hard Surfaced Toll Road
a. 62 miles long between __________________ & _____________
b. Took 2 years to complete
c. Stone road cost $465,000.
3. September 18th, 1793 Washington lays the cornerstone of the ________
4. 1792 the U.S. Mint is established
5. Election of 1796
a. 1796 Washington refuses to run for a third term. He says 2 terms
is how long the President should serve. He sets the __________
b. With Washington out the two parties pick their candidates
1. Federalists- __________________________________
for President, Thomas Pinckney for ________________
They wanted a ________________ Federal Government
Were backed by the ____________________________
2. Democratic-Republicans- ________________________
for President, Aaron Burr for _____________________
They wanted ________________________ States Rights
Were backed by ________________________________
c. Vote
1. 71 Electoral Votes ____________________________
2. 68 Electoral Votes ____________________________
d. So __________________________________ became President
and _____________________________ became Vice President
L. Washington’s Farewell
1. Washington had over seen the creation of the U.S. _________________
2. Washington had given the U.S. a good start.
3. He had avoided ________________________________________
4. He warned against forming political parties
a. He said they would rip the ______________________________
b. 2 political parties were forming.
c. Federalists led by ____________________ & ______________
d. Democratic-Republicans led by __________________________
5. Washington warned against forming permanent ___________________
6. He then returned to __________________________________________
a. July 4th, 1798 Washingtin is commisioned Lieutenant General
b. November 1798 he goes to Philadelphia to plan for a new Army
while there he visits Robert Morris in _______________ Prison
c. Last Letter
1. Written December 12th, 1799 to ____________________
2. He urge the creation of a National __________________
3. After completing the letter he took a horseback ride
around Mt. Vernon in a cold rain.
d. December 13th
1. Washington rises and makes last diary entry,” Morning
Snowing and abt. 3 inches deep….Mer. 28 at night.”
These were his last _____________________________
2. He had a sore throat.
e. December 14th , 1799
1. Wakes up Martha between 2 A.M. & 3 A.M. to say he
was very sick,
2. Would not send for doctor till morning.
3. Washington had a slave overseer drain a cup _________
4. When the doctors arrived they _____________________
5. 10 P.M. Washingto whisphers,”I am just going. Have me
decently buried, and do not let my body be put in the
vault in less than two days after I am dead. Do you
understand me?”
6. His Secretary said yes, and Washington’s last words
were, “Tis well.” Then he ______________________
f. December 18th
1. Washington is given a military funeral
2. Laid to rest at _________________________________
II John Adams ( 1797 to 1801)
A. Life Facts
1. Was from ____________________________________
2. Graduated 14th out of a class of 24 from ________________________
B. Foreign Affairs
1. French hated U.S. for not helping them in their war with ____________
2. They said that they had ______________________________________
3. The French hated Jay’s Treaty, so they were seizing U.S. ___________
4. Adams decided to solve the problem by sending negotiators to France
5. X, Y, & Z Affair
a. American Representatives went to Paris to meet the French
b. French wanted to remain secret so they were called X, Y, & Z
c. French would demand:
1. America Apologize for Adam’s remarks, & U.S. Actions
2. U.S. must give France a loan.
3. Give a $250,000 bribe to French Foreign Minister
Charles Tallyrand
6. The United States was ____________________________________
a. People screamed,” Millions for ________________________
but not one cent for tribute!”
b. U.S. began to prepare for war with _______________________
1. U.S. establishes Department of the _________________
2. Begins to build ships-____________________________
3. Washington is made_____________________________
4. U.S. strengthened the army
5. Harbors are fortified
c. Within months the U.S. had captured 80 ___________________
7. 1799 Adams again tries to resolve the conflict peacefully
a. He sends new Commissioners to _____________________
b. _________________________________ had just taken over the
French Government
c. He wants peace, and wants to settle the problem with the U.S.
d. Agreement
1. U.S. & France agree to abandon the Treaty of 1778
2. U.S. would drop all claims against France
3. U.S. & France avoided _______________________
C. Domestic Affairs
1. Alien & Sedition Laws
a. 4 different laws
b. Congress passed them over Adam’s objections
c. Naturalization Act
1. Aliens must be in the U.S. for ____ years before they
could become citizens.
2. This was meant to protect the U.S. in time of war
3. Political reason:______________________________
d. Alien Act
1. President can expell undesirable aliens on his
2. No recourse to the alien in the _________________
e. Alien Enemies Act
1. In the time of _______________ or invasion the act
took effect
2. Aliens could be banished or imprisoned if the President
deemed them a danger to _________________________
3. No court decision on the Executive _________________
f. Sedition Act
1. Sedition is language that stirs up discontent or ________
2. People could be fined or _________________________
3. This was as threat to Freedom of the ________________
& Free ___________________________________
4. Several Journalists who supported Jefferson were
arrested for commiting___________________________
under this act.
2. Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
a. Written by:
1. Kentucky Resolution by Thomas Jefferson
2. Virginia Resolution by James Madison
b. Stated:
1. The Federal Government was created by the __________
2. As a result the Federal Government is an agent of the
3. The Federal Government could be created by its creator
4. Gave the impression that a state can declare a Federal
Law ____________________ & ___________________
5. Also gave the idea that a state could ________________
the Union if they wanted to.
c. They were passed by the two states, but the other states would
not back them up.
6. They were then used as a political weapon in the 1800
Presidential Election.
D. Election of 1800
1. Issues
a. The Alien & Sedition Acts
b. The French & British controversy
2. Candidates:
a. Federalists- John Adams for President, Thomas Pinckney as
Vice President
b. Democratic-Republicans- Thomas Jefferson for President,
Aaron Burr as Vice President
3. Democratic Republicans won the election but Burr & Jefferson tied
at 73 electoral votes, Adams had 65. (___________________________
4. Since Jefferson & Burr tied the election went to __________________
5. Election in the House of Representatives
a. The Federalists backed Burr
b. 35 ballots were taken and it was still a tie.
c. 2 weeks before the Inauguration Hamilton backed Jefferson,
and Jefferson was elected President.
C. 11 Amendment
1. Passed in 1798
2. It limited the power of the Federal Government.
D. White House
1. Shortly before the end of his term John Adams moved into the White
2. Only 6 rooms were completed
3. It was surrounded by a ________________________________
4. On enterring White House he said,” May only __________________
& __________________________ men live in this house.”
E. Library of Congress created in 1800. $5,000 was set aside to buy ___________
III. Thomas Jefferson (1801 to 1809)
A. Life Facts
1. From the state of ________________________________
2. His home is known as _____________________________________
3. He had written the ________________________________________
4. His father died when he was 14, and as the oldest male he_________
________________________________________ including 30 slaves
and 2,500 acres of land.
5. He graduated from William & ___________________ College
6. He married Martha Skelton, but she died 10 years later, he never
7. Sally Hemmings__________________________________________
B. Foreign Affairs
1. France
a. In 1800 Napoleon secured the Lousiana Territory from _______
b. France & Spain wanted to keep it a secret.
c. U.S. found out about the arrangement.
1. The U.S. had use of Mississippi River and New Orleans
and did not want to lose control of it as it would hurt
2. U.S. also worried about a powerful nation getting control
of the area.
3. Jefferson wanted to help _________________________
4. So Jefferson sent Ambassador Robert Livingston to Paris
to buy ________________________________ and West
Florida for $10,000,000. This would give the U.S.
Control of _____________________________________
5. France listened to the offer. Then they asked _________
6. Livingston did not have the authority to make that deal.
7. The thought then offerred ________________________
for the entire Lousiana Territory.
8. The French said ________________________________
9. Why did the French make the deal:
a. They had no fleet or ______________ in the area
to defend it
b. They were afraid that the British would _______
10. Treaty was completed in 1803
a. Called the ______________________________
b. U.S. ____________________________ its size
c. We owned it, but no set boundaries.
d. Treaty sent to the Senate
1. Senators said it was too much for
2. Federalists against it for political reasons.
3. Did the __________________________
allow the U.S. to make the purchase?
4. After much debate the _______________
2. Jefferson wanted Eastern Indian Tribes moved West of the __________
3. Lewis & Clark Expedition explore _____________________________
a. No one knew the boundaries of the Louisiana Territory
b. Jefferson sent Lewis & Clark to explore the territory.
c. It was an Army Expedition
d. Led by Meriwether Lewis & William Clark
e. 45 men left St. Louis on May 14th, 1804
f. They hired ____________________________ and her Canadian
trapper husband as guides.
g. Spent the Winter at the Mandan Indian Village
h. Reached the _________________________ November 7th, 1805
i. Then headed back across the continent to St Louis
j. Reached St Louis September 23rd, 1806
k. They brought back:
1. Maps of the journey
2. Journals of their explorations
3. Specimens of ___________________ & insects.
4. Pelts of _____________________________________
5. Boxes of _____________________ & ______________
l. This expedition strengthend U.S. claim on the ______________
m. It was a scientific expedition. It was meant to show what the
area was like so _____________________________________
4. Zebulon Pike explored the____________________________________
1. Explored 1806 to 1807
2. He went from St. Louis to _______________________ Peak
3. He was then captured by the ____________________________
4. This was the Southern limit of the territory
5. Robert Livingston,” From this day the Untied Statesw takes its place
among the powers of the first rank.”
6. Barbary Pirates
1. Muslim Rulers in North Africa are seizing Christian Ships and
asks for tribute to release the ships & crew.
2. Tripoli made the demands
3. Jefferson sent a squadron of ships & ____________________
to attack the harbor.
4. Capture Tripoli and a peace treaty ends the program.
5. This is part of the ___________________________________
C. Domestic Affairs.
1. 12th Amendment to the Constituion
a. Passed in 1804
b. The President & Vice President run as a team.
c. Passed in response to the _______________________________
2. Ohio is added as a state in 1803
3. 1807 Robert Fulton’s ship the Clermont sails up the ________________
River under ____________________________ power. 1st of its kind.
4. Aaron Burr shoots __________________________________ in a duel.
5. Jefferson lets the Alien & Sedition Acts expire.
6. Jefferson repeals the Naturalization Act
7. Repealed the Tax on Whiskey to help the ________________________
8. Cut funds for the ________________________ & the ______________
a. This reduced the size of the armed forces.
b. Why-_______________________________________________
9. He did not bother with the National Bank
a. He did believe that the bank was unconstituional
b. Did not bother it because _______________________________
10. Census of 1800 – 5,308,483
D. Election of 1804
1. Fedralists Charles Pinckney for President - 47 Electoral Votes
Dem-Rep Thomas Jefferson for President- 162 Electoral Votes
2. Dem-Rep carry all states but Deleware and Connecticut.
E. Second Term
1. World Affairs
a. Napoleon controlled all of Europe but ____________________
b. England controls the ______________________________
c. France could not supply all her needs with her merchant fleet.
d. U.S. ships carried supplies to France
1. U.S. ships made huge ____________________________
2. They supplied French needs
3. Britain wanted the trade to stop to __________________
e. British Actions
1. 1807 Britain issues Orders in Council- forbiding U.S.
ships from enterring French controlled ports.
2. They were __________________________ France
3. They would seize U.S. ships enterring ports
f. French Actions
1. Napoleon ___________________________ England
2. France tells U.S. ships not to enter British controlled
3. France would seize U.S. ships enterring British ports.
g. U.S. ships became blocade runners, making ______________
h. Britain was impressing U.S. sailors.
i. Summer 1807 HMS Leopard confronts USS Chesapeake
1. HMS Leopard stops US ship demanding to search it
2. USS Chesapeake refuses
3. HMS Leopard fires on US ship 3 sailors _____________
4 sailors are impressed.
j. U.S. demands war, but Jefferson does not want war.
k. Jefferson proposes & congress passes Embargo Act.
1. U.S. ships could not trade with any other nation
2. U.S. abandons princple of Freedom of the ___________
3. Merchants & Shippers circumvented act
a. Ships then sailed under _____________________
b. Merchants traded through Canada.
c. U.S. merchant ships kept overseas.
4. Who did the act hurt:
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
2. Election of 1808
a. Issue- The touble over seas, and the Embargo Act
b. Federalists- Charles Pinckney
47 electoral votes
Dem/Repub.- James Madison
122 electoral votes
3. On March 1st, 1809 Jefferson reluctantly agreed to
__________________________ the Embargo Act.
IV James Madison ( 1809 to 1817)
A. Life Facts
1. Married Dolly Payne
2. His home is called ___________________________________
B. Domestic Affairs
1. State of the Union
a. Population- 8,900,000
b. New states
1. Louisiana- 1812
2. Indiana- 1816
2. Industrial Revolution
a. Samuel Slater
1. He was a skilled mechanic who worked in
____________________________ Factories.
2. Britain kept plans to their factories ______________
3. Slater knew how the machines design and how
they __________________________________
4. He brought the plans to the U.S. in his ____________
5. Landed in ____________________________ in 1789
6. He went to U.S. merchants and together the build
textile machines in Connecticut, and then else where in
in _________________________________
7. The factories are _____________________ powered
8. U.S. factories are better because __________________
b. Capitolism funded the factories.
1. Capitol is:
a. _____________________________ used to
provide a good or service
b. _____________________________ used to
provide a good or service
c. _____________________________ used to
provide a good or service
2. Capitolism provided the money for industry to grow
in the United States
c. Reasons that Industrial Revolution flourished here:
1. We protected inventors rights 7 encouraged them.
a. Patent-Protected ____________________
b. Copyright- Protected ________________
2. Power Sources are plentiful
a. Water Power
b. Wood
c. Coal
3. Improved Transportation
a. By 1809 there was 1,400 miles of toll roads
b. Federal Government provides funds to build
roads,canals & _________________
c. Cumberland Road
1. AKA- The ________________________
2. Connected Cumberland Maryland
& _________________________
3. Started 1811
4. This project was designed to open up the
for ________________________
d. Roads, Bridges, & canals are important to move
4. Eli Whitney
a. Most products up to this time were ______ made
b. That means each was ________________
c. The U.S. wanted to purchase 10,000 __________
d. They left out bids on the contract
e. Eli came into the office and _________________
f. Based on the principle of ___________________
parts Rifles could now be fixed in the field.
g. Before a broken rifle had to go back to the gun
smith to be repaired since each was __________
h. Eli received the __________________________
i. This was the beginning of __________production
and the end of the _________________________
3. Congressional Election of 1810
a. Naionalism is ________________________________________
b. Nationalism is on the rise in the U.S.
c. Issues of the election:
1. People wanted to annex __________________________
2. People wanted to annex Spanish____________________
3. To accomplish this the U.S. would have to go to ______
d. New Congressmen elected were called ____________________
1. Henry __________________ of Kentucky
2. John C. ________________________ of South Carolina
4. Indian problems in the West.
a. The _______________________ were stirring up the Indians in
the ____________________ to cause the U.S. trouble.
b. Tecumseh was the Chief of the Shawnee Tribe
c. He organized the tribes to attack the settlers in the ___________
d. The Governor of the _____________________ Territory was
e. He led the settlers in an attack on the Indians on November 6th,
1811 at the Battle of ___________________________________
f. The Indians were slaughtered
g. The people saw the __________________________ & the
__________________________________ as our enemies
C. Foreign Affairs
1. Non-Intercourse Act
a. U.S. could trade with all countries except __________________
& ___________________________________
b. We hoped it would force them to respect U.S. rights
2. ________________________ & __________________________
still stopped our ships and ignored our rights on the open seas
3. A new Act was passed
a. We would trade with them if they respected our rights on the
open seas.
b. They continued to stop our ships & ____________________
our sailors.
4. The people were angry, and wanted to go to ____________________
5. Madison would not go to _________________________ because he
6. New England did not want war because:________________________
D. Election of 1812
1. People were angry with Madison because:
a. They wanted to go to ________________________________
b. They wanted to take ______________________from the British
2. So on June 18th, 1812 the President asked Congress for a
3. The country then united behind Madison
4. Federalists
Mayor DeWitt Clinton
89 electoral votes
James Madison
128 electoral votes
5. The Federalists would call it __________________________________
E. War of 1812
1. English Navy Blockaded (____________________________________)
the U.S.
2. U.S. attacked Canada
a. The Canadians fought with the British
b. U.S. forces are pushed back
c. The war in Canada is a stalemate.
3.British Forces are tied up fighting ______________________ in Europe.
4. The war for two years is a draw
5. In 1814 Napoleon is defeated, and Britain is ready to concentrate on
war in America
a. Britain bring their seasoned (____________________________)
troops to the United States.
b. Britain Invades U.S.
1. British land at Bladensburg _______________________
2. The are met by sailors & local _____________________
3. British troops then march on __________________
4. President Madison ______________________________
he is the only __________________________________
5. On August 24th, 1814 the British break through U.S.
6. As the British troops advance the citizens of D.C. _____
7. Dolly Madison saved ____________________________
___________________________ and then she fled.
8. Britsh then took D.C. and ________________________
9. British then attacked Baltimore Harbor.
a. British Navy sailed into the Harbor, and shelled
Fort _________________________________
b. Everyone watched the battle. If the Fort fell
Baltimore was captured, and the British would
Head for ______________________________
c. Francis Scott Key_________________________
d. The British ______________________________
c. General Winfield Scott is commanding U.S. forces in the North
d. General Andrew Jackson is commanding U.S. forces in the
e. U.S. and Britain begin peace talks.
f. Treaty of Ghent
1. Signed December 24th, 1814
2. Arranged for the release of all P.O.W.’s
3. All borders would return to where they were at the start
of the war.
4. A commission was set up to settle boundary disputes.
5. Nothing about freedom of the seas
g. Battle of New Orleans
1. Fought 2 weeks after the war ended
2. British invasion force was landed at the mouth of the
_____________________________, and was advancing
to capture ___________________________
3. They are met by U.S. forces commanded by General
4. U.S. forces hide behind __________________________
5. British ________________________________________
6. British 700 dead, 2,000+ injured
U.S. ___ dead, _____ injured
7. The British withdraws, and the war is finally over.
h. The U.S. had to rebuild D.C.
1. The Capitol had to be rebuilt
2. The Whit House was a burned out shell. The Madisons
had to live in several building, and would never live in
White House again.
F. Domestic Affairs
1. Protective Tariff of 1816
a. What is a protective tariff
b. During the blockade U.S. Industries grew to replace lost British
manufactured goods.
c. After the war the British dumped (________________________
on the U.S. markets hoping to put U.S. factories _____________
d. To stop it the U.S. passed a protective tariff to protect U.S. ____
& U.S. ___________________________________.
2. Hartford Convention
a. New England Federalists held a meeting in Hartford _________
during the War of 1812
b. They discussed the war, but none of the discussions were ever
c. Rumors said that the Federalists were going to take New
England out of the Union.
d. Federalists were branded _________________________ &
e. Federalist Party’s popularity __________________________
f. Federalist Party would _______________________________
3. Election of 1816
a. Issues- The economy, and the Hartford Convention.
b. Federalist Senator Rufus King
34 electoral votes
Dem/Rep James Monroe
183 electoral votes
V James Monroe ( 1917 to 1825)
A. U.S. Facts:
1. Population- 8,300,000
2. New States
a. Mississippi
b. Illinios
c. Alabama
B. News
1. On January 1st, 1818 the White House is reopened with a reception
2. 1819 The steamship ________________________________ becomes
the 1st steamship to cross the Atlantic. It sails from ________________
Georgia to Liverpool ____________________________________
3. 1821- The 1st public high school opens in ________________________
4. Era of Good Feeling
a. With the death of the fedralist Party everyone belong to the
Democratic Republican Party
b. Country was prospering, and everyone was ________________
c. Industry was growing, and providing _____________________
d. People were moving __________________ to settle
C. American System
1. It is pushed by Speaker of the House Henry Clay, and opposed by
President Monroe
2. Clay wanted to foster Western _____________________________ &
helping U.S. industries.
3. Monroe did not think the _____________________________ alowed it.
4. Consisted ogf:
a. National Bank which featured a sound financial system
b. Protective Tariff to foster U.S. ________________________
c. Improved transportation System- To improve trade between
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
D. Foreign Affairs
1. Rush-Bagot Treaty
a. Between U.S. & ____________________________
b. 1817
c. Establishes demilitarized border between _______________ &
2. 1817- Seminole Indians in Florida & Runaway slaves hiding in Florida
raid Georgia settlements.
a. Georgians fight, but demnad to be _______________________
b. U.S. tells ___________________________ to stop the attacks
since they control Florida, but attacks continue
c. Major general _________________________________ raises
a ______________________ army to stop the attacks.
d. Jackson attacks East Florida
1. Captures 2 Spanish forts
2. Executes 2 fur traders who were helping the __________
3. He chases the Seminoles into the ___________________
4. Captures Pensacola the Capitol of Spanish ___________
e. Spain protests the attacks, but is powerless to _______________
f. Spain realizes they can not defend Florida, they must _________
3. Adams-Onis Treaty- 1819
a. Between U.S. & ________________________
b. U.S. buys ___________________________ for $5,000,000
c. Spain gives up claims to ______________________ Territory
d. U.S. gives up claims to _________________________
4. 1818 the U.S. & Britain agree to:
a. 49th Parallel is boundary between U.S. & Canada to the Rocky
b. U.S. & Britain agree to joint control of the _________________
E. Panic of 1819
1. People over speculated on:
a. Land
b. Stocks
c. Commodities
2. This caused Inflation ( ______________________________________)
3. To do it people had borrowed money.
4. Late in 1818 the U.S. Bank ordered.
a. Mortgages not be renewed, & tightened credit.
b. Declared that all state banks notes had to be repaid in Au or Ag
c. If the bank could not comply the bank was _________________
1. When the bank closed the people’s savings in the bank
were __________________________________
2. The National Bank took over the bank’s assets.
d. People lost everything, and could not buy __________________
e. stores shut down, because of lack of business. They did
not buy goods from ____________________________
f. Factories shut down because of a lack of _______________
g. People lost their ________________________
5. The economy spiraled down.
6. The U.S. Bank ended up with
c. __________________________________
F. Sectionalism
1. The U.S. is dividing into 2 sections- ___________________________
and _________________________________
2. The are 11 ________________________ states and 11 _____________
3. Each side has 22 Senators, but the House is controlled by the ________
4. States are divided by the _________________________________ Line
to the __________________ River to the ________________________
River. West of that it is open.
5. The House of reperesentatives passes a Bill to admit Missouri as a
___________________ State. No ______________________ allowed.
6. The Senate kills the bill. Emotions are rising.
7. Missouri Compromise
a. _________________________________ is allowed in Missouri.
_______________________________ are already there.
b. Maine is admitted as a _______________________ State.
c. _____________________ is banned in the rest of the Louisiana
Territory north of the southern border of Missouri.
d. Passed march 1820
G. New States:
1. Maine
2. Missouri 1821
H. The Election of 1820
1. Economy was beginning to rebound.
2. There is only one party so _____________________________ is the
only candidate for President.
3. He wins all states
4. William Plumer of New Hampshire ____________________________
5. Vote Total
James Monroe
231 electoral votes
1 electoral vote
I. World Affair
1. During the Napoleonic Wars Europe had neglected their American
2. Many of the colonies had staged rebellions and won their ___________
3. They wrote constitutions very much like _________________________
4. The U.S. then recognized them as independent countries
5. After Napoleon was taken care of the European countries except
________________________________ signed an alliance to end
these rebellions.
6. The Czar of Russia warns nations not to sail north of the 51st parallel
which was the _______________________________ Territory
7. The Czar was establishing trading posts as far south as _____________
8. The U.S. could not let these actions go unchallenged.
J. The Monroe Doctrine
1. Issued on December 2nd, 1823 by ______________________________
2. Provisions
a. Western Hemisphere no longer open to ____________________
b. No European Country could take over a nation in the Americas
c. U.S. would not interfer with established colonies.
d. Americas for the Americans, not Europeans
3. The British backed up the Doctrine with the British ________________
because they were afraid they would lose ________________________
K. 1824- Russia gives up all claims to the __________________ Territory
L. On January 1st, 1825 the ____________________________________ visits the
White House while touring the United States.
M. The Election of 1824
1. Era of Good Feelings is ___________________________, Sectionalism
has killed it.
2. 4 candidates run under the Democratic-Republican Banner
a. John Q. Adams from the _______________________________
b. William Crawford from ________________________________
c. Andrew Jackson from the _______________________________
d. Henry Clay who was a National Candidate
3. To win the Presidency you need to win a ________________________
of Electoral Votes. In 1824 it was 131 Electoral Votes.
4. Vote:
a. Andrew Jackson 155,872
99 electoral votes
b. John Q Adams
84 electoral votes
c. William Crawford 44,282
41 electoral votes
d. Henry Clay
37 electoral votes
5. Since no candidate won a majority of electoral votes the election would
be decided in the ___________________________________________
6. The Vice president would be decided in the _____________________
and they pick John C. Calhoun of South Carolina
7. Only the top 3 in the electoral votes went to the __________________
so _____________________________________ was out.
8. Henry Clay then meets with _________________________________
Clay says he will throw his support to him if he makes him the
Secretary of State.
9. ______________________________________ makes the deal, and
the House elects him President.
10. Andrew Jackson is ________________________________________
a. He says he was robbed of the election by politicians
b. He vows to destroy ___________________________________
c. He declares that he is a Democrat. This is the beginning
of the ______________________________________________
VI. John Q. Adams ( 1825 to 1829)
A. Life Facts:
1. Studied grade school in _________________________
2. Graduated from ______________________________ in Massachusetts
3. Nickname was “Old Man Eloquent”
B. Population in 1825 is 11,252,237
C. Foreign Affairs
1. U.S. has few overseas problems.
2. U.S. is concentrating on Westward expansion and growing economy.
D. Events
1. Erie Canal completed in 1825 from __________________________ to
2. 1828 the 1st passenger railroad is started in ______________________
to go to ____________________________. Railroad will be called the
__________________________ & _____________________ Railroad
3. 1825 the woman’s labor union is founded in New York City in the
_______________________________________ Industry.
4. Noah _________________________________ in 1828 completes the
2 volume _________________________________
5. James Fenimore Cooper completes, “The________________________
E. Domestic Policy
1. Andy Jackson is out to destroy Adams’ presidency. He gives speeches
calling him, “His _________________________________________!”
Tells people that Adams has stolen the presidency from him
2. Jackson’s allies in the Congress will not let any of Adams’ program
3. The only thing that they let through is the Tariff of Abominations.
a. It is a high protective tariff that helps New England, but hurts
everyone else.
b. Jackson’s supporters then blamed Adams for passing it.
c. Adams’ presidency slowly died.
F. July 4 , 1826 is the 50th anniversary of the signing of the_________________
_____________________________________________________. On that day
G. The Election of 1828
1. Issue was the Tariff of Abominations, and the Election of 1824
2. Democrat
Andrew Jackson
178 electoral votes
National Republican
John Q. Adams
83 electoral votes
XII Andrew Jackson (1829 to 1836)
A. Jackson’s Inauguration
1. People traveled 500 miles to see him sworn in. Over 10,000 attended.
2. Why?
a. The common man wanted him elected. He was one of them
b. He was a Famous ______________________. Had won the _______
c. People called him _____________________________________
d. Life Exploits:_____________________________________________
3. Once in he opened the doors to the White House. Common people came
in, and had a Hoe Down. Muddy streets hence _________________, broken
________________________, fights. Just Chaos.
4. People of Washington were afraid that ______________________________
B. Jackson’s Attitudes
1. In the War of 1812 he praised men of color, then he was a ______________
2. Indian Fighter- Respected the Indians in Battle. Later he said that Indians
C. Domestic Affairs
1. Spoils System
a. Old party workers are ________, your supporters are __________
b. Jackson replaced 1/5th of the Federal Employees with his _______
2. Nominating Convention
a. Before Party leaders would meet secretly, and pick _____________
b. 1928-Party workers selected & meet to pick a __________________
3. Indian Policy
a. He believed that Indians were primitive people blocking _________
b. Indian Resettlement Act of 1830
1. Indians were to be moved ____________________________
2. Jackson signed 94 treaties with the Indians moving them.
c. Cherokees
1. They refused to sign the treaty.
2. They were a highly advanced society. They had:
3. They were in Georgia & Au was discovered on their land
4. White people wanted them moved so they could get the___
5. Georgia Passed a law declaring Cherokee Laws null & void
6. Instead of going on the War Path they__________________
7. U.S. Supreme Court declared Georgia Law______________
8. Jackson said,”_____________________________________
9. Jackson then ordered Federal Troops to move the tribe out
10. It was called, “The_________________________________
a. Driven from their homes in the _________________
b. Their clothing was light for the Georgia area
c. They were moved to wilderness on the plains
d. On the trip 1st to die were______________________
then the________________________ & then others
4. Freedoms & Rights
a. Improved for White men
b. Denied to:________________________________________________
5. Opposed the U.S. Bank
a. Felt it was run by Rich Easterners’ and hurt____________________
b. So he worked to destroy it. The Republicans made issue________
6. Election of 1832
a. Jackson
Democrat was Anti-Bank
______ Electoral Votes
Henry Clay Republican was Pro-Bank
______ Electoral votes
b. Republican Party died after election ______________Party formed
7. With the Election over he set out to _____________________________
a. He withdrew all Federal Funds from the U.S. Bank
b. Deposited funds in his “Pet Banks” , bankers who______________
c. Without Federal Funds the U.S. Bank _________________________
8. Nullification
a. Idea that states could declare U.S. Laws-______________________
b. Jackson said he was not restricted by the U.S._________________
c. South Carolina was hurt by the Tariff of Abominations
1. South Carolina’s Exports were down because___________
2. So South Carolina said that they would nullify the Tariff
3. Georgia, Mississippi, & Virginia followed them
4. Vice President John C. Calhoun backed his _____________
5. Daniel Webster said,”We are not a Union of States, but a
Government of people. Liberty & Union now & forever.”
6. At a dinner in April 1830 Jackson rose and said, “A toast.
Our Federal Union, it must & shall be preserved.” All the
While he was staring at John C. Calhoun.
7. Calhoun then rose, and stared back at Jackson and said,
“The Union-Next to our liberty, the most dear. May we
always remember that it can only be preserved by
respecting the rights of the states.”
8. 1832 South Carolina declares tariff null & void, and then
threatened succession.
d. Jackson’s Response
1. Warning to South Carolina, “I will hang every leader………
irrespective of his name, political, or social position……..
now go tell them!” This was off the record.
2. Threat, Tell them that they can talk & write resolutions, and
print threats to their hearts content, but if 1 drop of blood
be shed there in defiance of the laws of the U.S. I will hang
the 1st man I can get my hands on to the 1st tree I can find”
3. The other states backed down, because they knew_______
4. South Carolina & Calhoun stood alone.
e. Compromise
1. Tariff of 1833- reduced tariffs back to the 1816 level, but
it took 10 years to reach that level.
2. Force Act of 1833- Said, “President could use___________
3. Secession is avoided for the second time.
D. Foreign Affairs
1. Texas is a province of Mexico that was settled by U.S. Citizens
2. They were promised rights by the Mexican Government, but when they
were taken away the Texans declared their independence from Mexico
3. The Texas Army was forming in Northern Texas, and the Mexican Army
was coming North from Mexico. Between them was the Alamo.
4. The Alamo was defended by ____________________, _________________,
________________________ and 187 other defenders.
5. The longer they held the longer Sam Houston had to form the __________
6. They held for 13 days before they were all ________________________
7. The Mexican Army then swept north where they were defeated by_______
8. Texas was then free and they asked to be____________________________
but the U.S. said ______. They then became the ______________________
E. Election of 1836
1. People wanted Old Hickory to run for a third term, but_________________
2. Democrats nominated Jackson’s Vice President______________________
3. Whigs nominated several candidates in the hope of___________________
4. _____________________________________________ won the election
VIII Martin Van Buren (1937 to 1841)
A. First President to be elected who was born in the ___________________________
B. Depression of 1837
1. It was caused by Jackson killing the U.S. Bank
2. Jackson’s Pet Banks backed by Federal Funds printed their own Bank
Notes. They printed so many that it caused inflation, and they __________
3. People had been borrowing money for land, factories, &_______________
4. 1830-Land Sales $2 Million, 1836 Land Sales was $______ million.
5. 1836 Jackson says the Government will only take ____ or ____ for_______
6. So people took their bank notes and tried to exchange them for ______ or
______. When the banks could not redeem them the banks had to _______
7. Land sales dropped. People lost their jobs. They stopped ______________
so factories _________, people were out of work. They lost their_________
8. Construction on factories, roads, rail roads, homes stopped more_______
9. No government programs. People lost their homes, and they were_______
10. Hungary people rioted in New York City & Philadelphia.
11. Van Buren felt the U.S. should not do anything. The depression went on
and on. The longer it went on Van Buren’s popularity went lower & lower
C. Election of 1840
1. Whigs nominate War Hero- William Henry Harrison-Known as “Old_______
2. Democrats nominate Martin Van Buren
3. Whigs Campaign Slogan,”______________________________!” They build log
cabins as campaign headquarters. Had barrels of _____________________
4. Democrat
Martin Van Buren
_______electoral votes
William Henry Harrison
_______electoral votes
IX. William Henry Harrison ( 1841 )
A. Gave the longest inaugural speech in history in a cold driving rain storm 3/4/1841
B. Caught __________________________________
C. ______________________________________________________________________
X. John Tyler Whig (1841 to 1845)
A. Early Life
1. Born __________________________________ in _______________________
2. 1813 married ___________________________________ and had ______kids
3. He Graduated from __________________________________College as a
4. He served as Congressman, Senator, Governor of Virginia & ______________
America in the early 1840’s
1. Population – 20,200,000 people
2. Florida is admitted as a state on March 3rd, 1845
3. 1844- Samuel Morse invents- __________________________________ and
the __________________________________________. It connects ________
& ______________________________________. The 1 st message is “______
4. 1841 the ____________________________________ is a 2,000 mile overland
route to __________________________________________.
5. Pittsburgh is a bustling _____________________________________________
C. When William Henry Harrison died no one knew what to do.
1. Whig Leaders called him the “Acting President”.
2. Some said the _________________________________________ should elect
a new president.
3. Some said that a New _____________________________________________
4. John Tyler said,”________________________________________________”
5. He set the ______________________________ for all future Vice Presidents
to follow.
D. Presidency
1. He kept all of W.H. Harrison’s cabinet
2. The Whigs passed 2 laws important to the party.
a. ___________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________
3. Tyler then ________________________________________________
4. The Whigs went ___________________________________________
5. A mob of armed Whigs marched to the White House. They threw rocks through
the windows and shouted insults.
6. Tyler ___________________________________________________________
7. The crowd then __________________________________________________
8. The Whigs then passed the Bank Bill again, and Tyler ____________________
9. The entire cabinet then ___________________________________ except for
__________________________________ Secretary of ___________________
10. Whigs then drew up Articles of _____________________________________
but they _______________________________________________________
11. The Whigs then _________________________________________________
E. Foreign Affairs
1. Webster-Ashburton Treaty
a. Between the U.S. & _________________________________________
b. It settled the boundary between Maine and ______________________
2. Manifest Destiny
a. It was the belief that the United States should_____________________
b. The people of the United States ______________________________
c. Pressure was rising to admit _________________________________
3. Mexican Crisis
a. People were pushing for the U.S. to take _______________________
b. Naval & Military Commanders in the area were told to _____________
Upper California if war with Mexico broke out.
c. In 1842 Commodore Thomas Jones thought War had broken out so
d. This affair _______________________________________________
F. Tragedy in the White House
1. Tyler’s wife Letitia dies September 10th, 1842
2. During a testing of naval gun on the U.S.S. Princeton the gun ______________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. He Courts Julia Gardener, and they are _______________________________
on June 26th, 1844.
5. They would have ______ children.
G. The Election of 1844
1. Whigs nominate __________________________________________
2. Democrats deadlock at their convention. On the seventh ballot they pick a
Dark Horse Candidate (_________________________________________)
3. His slogan is “_______________________________________________”
This has to deal with the ______________________________________.
It pleases the people because they want _____________________ Destiny,
And this would accomplish it.
4. Election
Henry Clay (Whig)
James Polk (Dem)
XI James K. Polk Democrat (1845- 1849)
A. Early Life
1. Born _________________________ in a log cabin
105 Electoral Votes
____ Electoral Votes
2. Went to the University of ______________________________________
graduated at the _____________________________ as a ________________
3. January 1st, 1824 married _________________________________ and they
had __________ children.
4. His nickname was ______________________________________________
5. He was elected to U.S. Congress, and became the ______________________
________________________________. In 14 years he only missed ________
6. He was elected Governor of Tennessee in 1839, but defeated for reelection
in 1841 & 1843
7. When he came to office James Polk had 4 goals:
a. Lower Tariffs
b. Establish an independent treasury
c. Settle the Oregon Dispute
d. Acquire California
8. Mr. & Mrs. Polk’s Religious beliefs, and the impact on his Presidency
a. They were strict Moravians
b. They did not attend the ______________________________ or
c. They did not allow ___________________________________,
______________________________________________, or
d. They allowed no official business to be done on __________________
9. Mrs. Polk served as her husband’s ___________________________________
B. America in the late 1840’s
1. Population 22,700,000 people
2. 1845 __________________________ is admitted as a state, and Mexico
immediately _________________________________________________
3. 1846 ______________________ admitted as a state.
4. 1848 ______________________ admitted as a state.
5. 1845- the U.S. Naval Academy is founded at _________________________
6. 1846- Elias Howe invents the _____________________________________
7. _____________________________________________ vulcanizes Rubber
8. Samuel Colt invents ____________________________________________
9. 1847 the 1st Postage Stamps 10¢ is _______________________
& 5¢ is ____________________________________________
10. 1848- Lucreatia Mott & Elizabeth Stanton held the 1st __________________
11. The Telegraph Line is completed between ___________________________
& ________________________________________________ in 1848
12. 1848- Au is discovered at Sutter’s Mill in _____________________________
13. Irish Potato Famine hits Ireland between 1845 & 1847 sending ____________
14. This is “The Golden Age of American Letters” the Authors are:
a. Nathaniel ________________________________________
b. Henry David ______________________________________
c. Edgar Allen _______________________________________
d. James Russell _____________________________________
e. John Greenleaf ____________________________________
f. Henry Wadsworth ___________________________________
g. Ralph Waldo _______________________________________
15. Polk replaces __________________ oil lamps with _____________________
C. Domestic Affairs
1. Lower Tariff
a. He drew up a lower Tariff Bill
a. It lowered tariffs
b. It ended tariffs on________________ & __________________
c. This is the first time a President had ____________________
b. The Congress then ________________________________________
2. 1846- Independent Treasury Act- Establishes an independent treasury
a. Treasury set up
b. It would hold federal funds to hold & disburse federal funds
D. Foreign Affairs
1. Manifest Destiny
a. Polk wants to complete Manifest Destiny. The 1st Step would be to
acquire _______________________________________________
b. Polk decided to buy the land from Texas to the Pacific.
1. He sends James Slidell to Mexico City with an offer of
$30,000,000 for the area & settle Texas Boundary Dispute
a. U.S. claimed to the Rio Grande River as the Texas
b. Mexico claimed to the Nueces River
c. The area between the rivers was in dispute.
2. Mexico refuses to see J. Slidell
2. Oregon Dispute
a. Great Britain claims the entire Oregon Territory
b. Most of the British Settlers occupy North of the Columbia River
c. Americans are flooding over the Oregon Trial to the area South of the
d. U.S. claimed to ______________________________________
e. U.S. offers to settle at ______________ but Britain refuses.
f. Polk did not want war with Britain, because he felt ________________
g. Britain then offers to settle at _________________ and the U.S. agrees
h. The Oregon Treaty of 1846 is the result
3. Mexican War
a. When the Mexicans would not see Slidell Polk ordered Major General
Zachary Taylor with his 3,000 man army who were on the Nueces River
To advance to the Rio Grande River.
b. Taylor reached the Rio Grande in April 1846
c. A Mexican Army went to the Rio Grande and crossed into the disputed
d. On April 25th the larger Mexican Force attacks a small U.S. Cavalry Unit
1. American soldiers are killed in the area the U.S. Claims
2. Word is immediately sent to ____________________________
e. James Polk goes to Congress and asks for a _____________________
1. He tells America that Mexico had,”_______________________
2. On May 13th, 1846 Congress __________________________
3. The Whigs pass the “Spot Resolutions” asking for the spot
where American’s Blood was shed.
4. Lead Whig Congressman asking was ____________________
4. Three Prong Attack
a. Prong One
1. Aimed at taking California
a. June 1846 General Stephen Kearney with an Army of
1,500+ troops leaves Fort Leavenworth.
b. He captures Santa Fe, _________________________
in August, and then pushes on to meet Naval Captain
Robert Stockton at ____________________________
c. Captain John C. Fremont secures Northern _________
2. The U.S. Flag now flies over all the area that we had
offered to ___________________________________
b. Prong Two
1. General Zachary Taylor gets reinforcements and then pushes
2. He pushes South and captures Monterrey & Victoria
c. Mexico still refused to negotiate with the United States.
d. Prong Three
1. U.S. lands an army under the command of General Winfield
_____________________________ at Vera Cruz.
2. Many of Zachary Taylor’s troops were transferred to Scott’s
3. Mexican General & President _______________________
then attacks General ______________________________
4. Against a superior force ____________________________
5. Scott takes his Army of 10,000 men land at Vera Cruz on
March 9th, 1847
6. This is the same place that __________________________
7. He attacks through the Halls of _______________________
8. He captures ______________________________________
by the middle of May 1847
9. When Scott entered ________________________________
President ______________________ resigned as Mexican
10. A new government takes over Mexico and begins negotiations
e. The Treaty of _____________________________________________
1. Between ______________________ & __________________
2. Many in the United States wanted to _____________________
3. U.S. gets:
a. ____________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________
4. This is a severe treaty for Mexico
a. Mexico lost 2/5’s of Mexican land (525,000 sq. miles)
b. Mexico lost 75,000+ people
5. U.S. gives Mexico $15,000,000 and $3,000,000 Mexico owed
6. Treaty signed February 2nd, 1848
f. This War trained many ______________________________________
g. Manifest Destiny is _________________________________________
E. Polk has accomplished his 4 goals, and decides to _____________________________
F. Election of 1848
1. Whigs nominate Mexican War hero ___________________________________
2. With Polk out the Democrats nominate Lewis Cass
3. The issue of slavery is now a national issue. The Free Soil Party is formed
4. Free Soilers nominate _____________________________________________
5. Election:
Zachary Taylor Whig
Lewis Cass
Martin Van Buren Free Soil
6. Free Soilers elected 13 Congressmen & 2 Senators ______________________
& ___________________________________
7. This is the 1st time that the election is _________________________________
G. James Polk died on July 9th, 1850
XII. Zachary Taylor Whig (1849 to 1850)
a. Early Life
1. Born November 24th, 1784 in Virginia
2. His father had received 6,000 acres in Kentucky as a bonus for service
in the American Revolution
3. Taylor joined the Army as a ________________________ in 1808
a. Was a Major in the War of _______________________
b. Lt. Col. In the Black ____________________ War in 1829
c. Brigadier General in the Seminole War in 1837
d. Mexican War
1. Started the war when he advanced to the
__________________________ River and was
attacked by the __________________________
2. At the Battle of Buena Vista he was outnumbered
20,000 to ______________________ but still won.
He was a Hero.
4. June 21st, 1810 he married Margaret Smith had ___ Son & ___
5. Nickname: ____________________________________________
6. Zachary was a ________________________ owner.
B. U.S. at 1850
1. 23,300,000 people in the United States- 15 Free States &
15 Slave States
2. Overland Mail Service begins- 30 Days- Independence Missouri to
Santa Fe, New Mexico, or Salt Lake City, _____________________
3. 1849- Department of the Interior created to handle
a. _____________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________
d. _____________________________________________
e. _____________________________________________
4. Gold Rush to ____________________________________ draws
thousands to the gold fields. They are called ____________________
C. Swearing In.
1. March 4th, 1849 falls on a Sunday.
2. James Polk’s term ends.
3. Zachary Taylor ____________________________________________
4. So there is no ___________________________________
5. The __________________________________________ of the Senate
is next in line to become ____________________________________
6. David Atchison is the _______________________________________
7. Zachary Taylor is then ______________________________________
D. Domestic Affairs
1. Taylor resumes the _______________________________ System
2. Sectionalism.
a. The _______________ & ________________ are being drawn
apart by the ________________________________ issue.
b. California wants to join the Union as a ___________________
c. The South want the issue of slavery settled before any state is
added to the Union.
d. The South threatens to _______________________________
e. The North says _____________________________________
f. The Union is pulling __________________________________
3. On July 9th, 1850 __________________________________________
XIII Millard Fillmore Whig
(1850 to 1853)
A. Early Life
1. Born January 7th, 1800 in Locke New York
2. His father owned 2 books: ___________________________________
and _____________________________________
3. He was apprenticed to a clothes maker who treated him badly, and
Millard _________________________________________________.
He was 14 at the time.
4. AT 19 he __________________________________________ from his
master for $___________________________
5. 1819 he buys his 1st Book a __________________________________
6. He then became a teacher & a ________________________________
7. He then married Abigail Powers his ____________________________
she was ____________________________________. They had a son
& a daughter.
B. Life in the Early 1850’s
1. 1850- ____________________________________ becomes a State.
2. 1852- Trains connects ____________________________________
and ______________________________________________
3. Clipper Ships sail from New York City to Liverpool in _______________
4. 1851 Harriet Beecher _____________________________ writes
a. It tells of ___________________________________________
b. When people in the North read it ________________________
c. Abolitionist wants to __________________________________
d. Harriet was never ____________________________________
5. To draw attention to the Women’s Suffrage Movement Amelia
____________________________________ wears pantaloons. Other
women dress like her and mach together. They are called,
6. National Road is completed to the _____________________________
7. Abolitionist Societies are _____________________________________
C. Domestic Affairs
1. Millard adds the 1st ______________________________________
& the 1st _______________________________________________
in the White House.
2. Library of Congress catches fire, and Millard and his cabinet battle the
3. Treaty of Fort Laramie
a. U.S. calls a meeting of all Native Americans in the West.
b. They meet at _____________________________________
c. Jim Bridger is _____________________________________
d. U.S. & Tribes form a treaty.
1. Indians give Whites safe passage West
2. U.S. will give each Tribe ________________________
e. The Indians approved the Treaty, but ____________________
f. The Indians did ______________________________________
g. The U.S. did ________________________________________
but _______________________________________________
4. Compromise of 1850
a. Slavery was ________________________________________
b. Issues:
1. Slave & Frees States balanced at 15 each.
2. Texas claimed a big portion of ___________________
3. The South wanted a stronger ____________________
___________________________ Act. To help them
recapture ___________________________________
4. How to determine if the new territories should be
_____________________ or ____________________
5. Underground Railroad
a. It was not a __________________________
b. It was a system of ______________________
from the South to _______________________
c. They used Railroad terms;
1. Conductor:______________________
2. Station ________________________
d. _____________________________________
e. _____________________________________
f. Most Famous Conductor was ______________
g. The South wanted it ____________________
h. They sent ____________________________
c. Compromise was created by ___________________________
it was his last _______________________________________
d. Terms:
1. ______________________________ enters as a Free
2. Other territories would decided for themselves whether
to be Free or Slave
3. Texas was paid $10,000,000 to abandon her claim to
New Mexico’s _____________________________
4. Abolished the Slave trade in ___________________,
but _______________________________________
5. They passed a more effective Fugitive Slave Act.
D. Foreign Affairs was quiet now that _____________________________ had
Been completed.
E. Election of 1852
1. Democrats nominate Franklin Pierce, and Whigs nominated
Winfield ________________________________________
2. The issue of slavery was rising, but was not to the boiling point.
Both parties backed the Compromise of 1850.
3. Election:
XIV. Franklin Pierce
(1853 to 1857)
A. U.S. in Mid 1850’s
1. Nebraska & Kansas Territories are organized
2. 29,000,000 people in 1857
3. 1854- 400,000 _____________________________________________
4. Henry Bessemer invents the ________________________ Converter
improves ______________________________________ production.
B. Early Life
1.Born on November 23rd, 1804 in Hillsboro _______________________
2. Went to Bowdoin College. At the end of his sophomore year he was last
in his class. Graduated ________ in his class
3. He was a ___________________________
4. Married Jane Appleton in 1834 and had 3 sons
5. 1833 he was elected to the U.S. Congress
6. 1837 he becomes the youngest U.S. Senator ever at 33
7. He was a Colonel in the Army, and was promoted to Brigadier General
during the Mexican War. He fought in Mexico.
8. 2 months prior to his inauguration he was riding on a train with his
family when the train crashed and _____________________________
9. His wife descended into a state of melancholy. Today it is called,
She was called, “__________________________________________”
C. Foreign Affairs
1. Gadsden Purchase
a. Between the ____________________ & _________________
b. U.S. receives the bottom of _________________________ &
c. Mexico receives $___________________________________
d. This settles the boundary between Mexico & the U.S.
2. He arranged with King Kamehameha for the U.S. to annex
_____________________________________, but it fell through when
the ________________________________________.
D. Domestic Affairs
1. Pierce appoints __________________________________________
as his Secretary of War
2. In 1853 Vice President William King ___________________________
3. Political Doings
a. The Whig Party _____________________________________
b. The beginning of the ____________________________ Party
a. Founded in1854 in Wisconsin
b. Founded in opposition to _______________________
& ______________________________________
c. By 1855 they had elected 11 U.S. Senators & had
a plurality of the U.S. Congress.
4. Abolitionists in the North defied the Fugitive Slave Act
a. Underground Railroad was moving slaves North to Canada
and ___________________________________.
b. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was spreading the abolitionist fervor all
over the North.
c. The South was growing more and more afraid of losing their
________________________________ and fear of the
________________________________ Party.
d. Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
1. It was proposed by Senator Stephen Douglas of Illinois
2. He wanted to expand settlement of the West.
3. Why-_______________________________________
4. Act said ____________________________________
5. Backed by the Southern Wings of the Democratic &
Whig Parties.
6. Northern Wings of the Democratic & Whig Parties were
7. The Act was passed. The Country was ripping
e. Kansas-Nebraska Bloodshed
1. Settlers from the North & the South flooded into the
New Territories trying to ________________________
2. People were rushing wildly to get the land and to
organize the territory.
3. The Native Americans were _____________________
4. Kansas had two territorial governments form. One
___________________ and one _________________
5. They each elected a legislature & drew up a state
______________________________ which they
sent to ____________________________________
6. The U.S. Congress tried but could not approve either
7. Proslavery men attacked the Free Town of Lawrence
a. They ________________________________
b. They ________________________________
c. _____________________________________
8. In retaliation Abolitionist’s John Brown & his sons
stopped 5 unarmed Proslavery men and then they
9. 700+ were killed before Federal Troops restored order.
E. The Election of 1856
1. Slavery & The Kansas Nebraska Act dominated the election.
2. The people hated the Kansas Nebraska Act anyone who supported it.
3. Democrat James Buchanan was U.S. Ambassador to England, and
did not take a stand on the Act, so the Democrats ________________
4. They then campaigned on keeping the Union together.
5. The Republicans nominated John C. Freemont.
6. Slavery was their issue. Their slogan was,”_______________________
7. The Whigs & “The Know Nothing Party” supported ________________
8. They ____________________________________________________
9. The Election:
J. Freemont
J. Buchanan
M. Fillmore
XVI. James Buchanan Democrat
(1857 to 1861)
A. Early Life
1. Born April 23rd, 1791 in a ___________________________ in
Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. He was 1 of _______ kids
2. His father owned a store, and James learned math & bookkeeping
while working at the store.
3. He went to Dickinson College, but was ______________________
4. _____________________________________________________
_______________________ he was a ______________________
5. He was a Private in the Army that defended ______________________
6. 1819 Buchanan asks _______________________________________
7. He would never ____________________________________________
8. He then went into politics . His home is called “____________________
B. America Prior to the Civil War
1. Population 32,4000,000
2. 3 new States
a. _____________________________ in 1858
b. _____________________________ in 1859
c. _____________________________ in 1861
3. 3 new Territories: Nevada, Colorado, & Dakota Territories.
4. 1860- Pony Express carries mail from St Joseph Missouri in _____days
to Sacramento _____________________________________________
5. 1858- 1st Atlantic ___________________________________________
6. 1859- The Theory of ____________________________ is published by
C. Presidency
1. Life in the White House
a. His Niece & ward Harriet Lane serves as the 1st ____________
b. The gloom of the Pierce Administration is swept away by party
after party Ms. Lane put on.
c. So many flowers were needed they added a conservatory to
the _________________________________________
d. The Prince of Wales, Later King Edward VII visits the White
House there are so many _____________________________
2. Dred Scott Decision
a. United States Supreme Court rules on the case of Dred Scott
b. The case
1. Dred Scott was a slave owned by Dr. John Emerson
of Missouri
2. 1834- Emerson takes Dred to the free state of Illinois.
And then in 1838 taken back to Missouri a slave state
3. Abolitionists told Dred that when he went to Illinois he
was in a free state so he must be free.
4. 1846-He goes to court to gain his freedom.
5. The case then works it’s way to the _______________
c. March 6th, 1857 the Supreme Court’s decision is handed down
1. Court ruled 7 for the decision & 2 against ruling was
handed down by Chief Justice ___________________
2. Ruling
a. Dred Scott is _________________________
b. As a slave he was not a _________________
so he did not have the ___________________
c. They also ruled that slavery could not be
d. The South rejoiced, and the abolitionist went wild. The nation
was ______________________________________________
e. This ruling was one of the causes of the __________________
f. This is only the 2nd time _______________________________
g. Buchanan supported the court’s decision.
3. Southerner’s outnumbered Northerners at the White House parties so
the people said Buchanan favored the slave owners.
4. Congress still could not decide on how Kansas & Nebraska should be
admitted to the Union as _______________ or ___________________
a. 1857- Proslavery people in Kansas draw up the Lecompton
1. This constitution would allow ____________________
2. Constitution was sent to the voters
a. Abolitionist refused to vote on the constitution
b. So the constitution was approved.
3. It was then sent to Congress, if approved by Congress
Kansas would enter the Union as a _______________
b. Buchanan recommends that Congress approve the
c. Fight breaks out in Congress and they decide to send the
Constitution back to Kansas to be voted on again.
d. This time it is _______________________________________
5. The nation is pulling apart.
a. In the Congressional Elections of 1858 Northern Candidates
who are _______________________________ win.
1. They vote down his requests for a bigger__________,
& ____________________________.
2. The reject his request to build a __________________
3. Reject a proposal to build a _____________________
4. He vetoes Free Homesteads for Western Settlers.
b. Democratic Party is __________________________________
c. John Brown’s Raid
1. John Brown & his sons plan to seize the Federal
Arsenal at ______________________________
And take the weapons and _________________
2. This is the slave owners ____________________
3. On October 16th, 1859 they attack the arsenal with
with 18 men.
a. They make it into the arsenal but the
town people stop him from leaving
b. The U.S. then sends __________________
who captures him on October 18th.
4. They find out that Northern Abolitionists had given
him _____________________________
5. On October 31st he was tried and found ____________
6. On December 2nd he was _______________________
7. Ralph Waldo Emerson,”________________________
8. Abolitionists praised Brown
9. Slave People were ____________________________
and convinced that the North wanted to end ________
D. The Election of 1860
1. The Whig Party had died, and was replaced by the ________________
a. They then met to nominate a Presidential Candidate
b. They nominated ____________________________________
2. The Republicans met in May in Chicago and nominated ____________
3. The Democrats
a. The Party met in convention and they deadlocked
b. The Northern Democrats nominated _____________________
c. The Southern Democrats nominated _____________________
4. Slavery dominated the campaign.
A. In the North the Abolitionists were campaigning wildly for
B. The South left it be known if Lincoln was elected ___________
5. The Results:
A. Lincoln
S. Douglas
N. Democrat 1,382,713
J. Breckenridge S. Democrat
J. Bell
E. Post Election United States
1. This period was Buchanan’s greatest challenge
2. Buchanan’s State of the Union Address in December 1860
a. He said the South had no right to secede from the Union
b. He also said the U.S. Constitution did not allow the other
states to stop them
c. He proposed___________________________________
d. He said that South Carolina’s actions would destroy the
concept of government by the ___________________
e. He also said that holding South Carolina would also be
3. December 20th, 1860 _________________________________
votes to ___________________________________________
4. December 26th, 1860 Federal troops move to Fort Sumter in
___________________________________________ Harbor
a. The South demands that the troops be withdrawn
b. Buchanan says no
c. Buchanan sends the ship “Star of the West” to bring
supplies to Fort Sumter
d. The South’s cannons drive it off
e. The North demands military action
f. Buchanan says ________________________________
g. He did not have a ___________________________________,
and he wanted to give Lincoln a chance to ________________
5. Buchanan was trying to keep the Union together by being calm
a. South Carolina is followed in secession by _______________,
_______________, _________________, ________________,
__________________, & ________________
b. The seceded Southern States meet in Montgomery Alabama
on February 4th, 1861
c. They formed ________________________________________
1. The wrote a __________________________________
2. They elected:
a. President-_____________________________
b. Vice President-_________________________
3. Capitol is ____________________________________
6. The Border Slave States are _______________, _________________,
_________________, _________________, ___________________,
_________________, _________________, & ___________________.
7. Buchanan is trying to hold them in the Union. He feels if he can then the
seceded states may_________________________________________
8. He did what he thought was best.
XVI. Abraham Lincoln Republican
(1861 to 1865)
A. America as the Civil War broke out
1. U.S. Flag had 33 stars and ____________ stripes as the war began
2. Population was 32,351,000 people
3. By the end of 1861 11 Southern States had left the union with
______________________________ people
4. New States
a. 1863- ____________________________________
b. 1864- ____________________________________
5. New territories were Montana, Arizona, & Idaho.
6. World Affairs
a. France invades Mexico and puts Maximilian of Austria
as the Emperor of Mexico
b. 1st subway is built in London
7. 1861 the Transcontinental ___________________________ is
completed between New York City & ____________________
8. 1861 the 1st U.S. paper money is in circulation
9. 1862- Homestead Act gives any settler __________ acres of
free land.
B. Early Life
1. Lincoln was born in Kentucky on February 12th, 1709 in a
2. He went to a log school house when not doing ______________
he learned basic ____________________ & __________________
3. Lincoln’s Dad moved to Indiana because it was a _________________
and he began to clear his 160 acres that he had bought from the U.S.
This was a ______________________ section.
4. Lincoln was 8 years old and strong enough to swing an ___________
5. Together they build a _____________________________________,
a ________________________________ & clear ________________
6. When he was 9 ___________________________________________
7. The next year his Dad left 12 year old Sarah & 10 year old Abe alone
8. The only book his parents owned was a ________________________
and Abe read it completely. He never joined a ____________________
but had a ________________________________________________
9. He grew to be 6 foot 4 inches
10. He served in the Black Hawk War. He was elected Captain of his unit
by his men . Abe said that this was ___________________________
11. His nickname was _________________________________________
12. Why:____________________________________________________
13. September 9th, 1837 Lincoln receives his license to ________
14. Lincoln married Mary ___________________ on November 4 th, 1842.
They had _____ sons.
15. Lincoln opposed slavery, but never became an __________________
C. Presidency
1. On February 11th, 1861 he left Springfield Illinois. He said,” __________
2. Took Office March 4th, 1861.
3. Civil War
a. Fort Sumter Charleston Harbor South Carolina
1. Northern Troops hold the Fort under the command of
Major Robert Anderson.
2. They must get supplies when Lincoln ______________
3. The Fort then ________________________________
4. This is the 1st ____________________ of the Civil War
b. Lincoln calls out the State’s Militias to put down the insurrection
1. By calling it a revolt Lincoln expands his ___________
2. He has the power to force states in rebellion back into
the ________________________________________
c. Expands the Army without ____________________________
and asks for 75,000 _________________________________
1. The North assembles a force around their capitol of
2. The South also positions an equal sized army across
the __________________________________
d. Blockades all Southern ___________________________
e. Any Southern sympathizer in the North could be held without
the right to Habeas Corpus (___________________________
1. This was used by the Military in the State of ________
2. Without it the state would have __________________
f. Additional Slave States vote to leave the Union.
1. States to leave the Union
a. _______________ b. _______________
c. _______________ d. _______________
2. Slave States that remained in the Union
a. _______________ b.________________
c. _______________ d. ________________
e. __________________________________
g. Confederacy names __________________________________
as her new capitol.
h. Northern Troops called _______________________________
i. Southern Troops called ________________________________
j. Comparison between North & South
1. Population
2. States
3. Industry
4. Resources
5. Advantages
a. ___________
k. Battle of Bull Run
1. 1st ______________________________________
2. North left D.C. to end the war.
3. It was a __________________________________
4. The North attacked the Southern Troops, and they
5. Thomas Jackson____________________________
6. The Northern Troops then ______________________
7. The South __________________________________
l. Northern General in the East was________________________
1. He was a great ______________________________
2. Lincoln said,” ________________________________
3. His goal was to protect ________________________
& to capture_________________________________
which was ______________ miles from ___________
J. War in the West
1. Goal was to _________________________________
2. The Lead Northern General in the West was General
3. He left Kentucky and attacked & captured Fort
4. He then advanced to ________________________
a. He positioned his troops, gave command &
went to his ___________________________
b. ____________________________________
c. ____________________________________
d. Grant lost 10,000+ men in the battle
e. People demanded that Lincoln ____________
f. Lincoln replies,”_________________________
k. The Battle of Antietam
1. It was the ___________________________________
2. The South left Virginia, and was taking the battle to the
3. Main Southern General was _____________________
4. Lincoln sent a message to McClellan telling him that he
wanted the __________________________________
5. McClellan will not ___________________________
Sept 15th
Sept. 16th
Northern Troops
Southern Troops
T. Jackson arrives
6. The Battle
a. Takes place on September 17th , 1862
b. South General A.P. Hill force marches his men
_____ miles, & arrives just in time for the battle
Sept 17th
_____________ _____________
c. The Northern Army would not attack.
d. When Battle was done _________________
men had fallen on the battlefield
7. After the battle Lee Retreated, and ______________
8. Lincoln then ________________________________
l. Admiral David Farragutt attacks _________________________
and captures it. He then _______________________________
m. Emancipation Proclamation
1. Lincoln frees the slaves in ______________________
2. Why didn’t he free the slaves everywhere?
n. General Grant is attacking down the ____________________
1. He is stopped at ______________________________
2. He then lays _________________________________
o. In the East- Battle of Fredericksburg
1. General Ambrose Burnside attacks Lee’s fortified
2. He loses 12,000+ men, and then he _______________
3. He asks Lincoln to ____________________________
p. Lincoln then names __________________________________
as commander of the Army of the Potomac.
1. By the Spring of 1863 he has 120,000+ men
2. He attacked Lee at the Battle of Chancellorsville, but
had to retreat. It was a Southern _________________
3. The South won the Battle, but lost ________________
a. He was scouting out enemy lines when he was
b. He was wounded on May 2nd, 1863
c. Lee said, “_____________________________
4. General Hooker then __________________________
he is replaced by __________________________
q. West
1. Farragutt & Grant meet at Vicksburg, but Vicksburg
remains in Southern hands.
2. So the South has not been cut in half
r. Lincoln starts a draft, because volunteers are running out.
1. Starts March 1863
2. Men between ______ & ________ are drafted
3. Serve _____ years
4. A drafted soldier could hire a substitute for _________
s. Gettysburg
1. Lee once again invades the North.
2. Battle takes place July 1st to 3rd, 1863.
3. The Battle:
a. 1st Day
b. 2 Day
c. 3rd Day
4. After the Battle
a. This was the turning point of the Civil War
t. On the same day as Pickett’s Charge Grant _______________
and this cut ________________________________________
u. Chattanooga Tennessee
1. This is a key rail road center to the South.
2. ______________________ now takes charge of the
Union Army in Tennessee
3. He breaks all defenses, and take key rail lines.
v. March 9th, 1864 ___________________________________
is placed in command of all Union Forces
1. Some accused him of being a __________________
2. His 2nd in command William Tecumseh Sherman is
asked about Grant’s drinking. He replies___________
3. Lincoln’s reply was ____________________________
4.He graduated from ____________________________
He was not a great military thinker. He fought in the
___________________________ War
5. He left the army but volunteered at the start of the Civil
6. Grant knew his mission was to ___________________
w. Grant took charge of the Army of the Potomac
1. He pointed the army South, and began to batter his
way to ___________________ the capitol of the South
2. Casualties were staggering, but he was slowly
x. General Sherman is placed in command of Union Army at
Chattanooga. Army has 100,000 men with orders to capture
1. He accomplished this on September 2nd, 1864.
2. He then took 60,000 men and marched to __________
a. Area was _____ miles wide, and ______ miles
b. The area was __________________________
c. He did this to __________________________
d. He then turned his army North, and attacked
y. 1865
1. The Army of Northern Virginia (Lee’s Army) was
running out of everything.
2. Grant continued to push the army South to their capitol
3. Lincoln told Grant _____________________________
4. On April 2nd __________________________________
the city caught fire and burned
5. The Army of Northern Virginia then tries to escape to
the West
6. Grant moves his army quickly to cut off his escape
7. Cavalry under General Phillip Sheridan ____________
z. Appomattox Court House- April 9th, 1865
1. Grant & Lee meet in Wilber Mclean’s home
a. Wilber Mclean _________________________
b. So the Civil War began in ________________
2. General Lee arrived 1st in dress uniform
3. General Grant arrives in a ______________________
4. They talk of their service in the Mexican War, and then
they end the _________________________________
5. Terms:
a. Men could leave if they __________________
b. Officers could keep their _________________
and ____________________________
c. Men could keep their ___________________
& ________________________ they would be
needed for ____________________________
d. There was no _________________________
Joshua Chamberlain said________________
4. War Cost
a. Union Forces
1. 2,213,363 men served
2. Battle Deaths ________________________________
3. Other deaths 224,097 men
4. Wounded 281,881
b. Southern Forces
1. Confederate figures are ________________________
2. So all we have are estimates
3. Battle Deaths ________________________________
4. Other deaths 59,297
5. 31,000 Confederates died in ____________________
5. Reconstruction
a. How to bring the Southern States back into the ____________
b. Lincoln’s Plan
2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
c. Arkansas, Tennessee, & Louisiana tried to take advantage of
of this offer, but _____________________________________
d. Lincoln said that this was a rebellion of individuals and not the
e. Congress said that the states were ______________________
6. Lincoln’s Assassination ( You fill in the outline)
Andrew Johnson
(1865 to 1869)
A. America after the Civil War
1. The South was in widespread ________________________ and
famine was sweeping the South. The loss of nutrition caused
___________________________________ and thousands died.
2. The South’s economy was in _______________________________
3. The slaves had been freed.
a. They had no _____________________ or ________________
b. They had no homes or food.
c. With the South’s economy in ruins there were no ___________
d. The slaves were on their own.
4. Amendments
a. 13th Amendment- ___________________________________
b. 14thAmendment- ____________________________________
5. Inventions
a. 1867- 1st practical typewriter
b. 1867- Alfred Nobel invents ____________________________
c. 1868- 1st Refrigerator rail road car.
d. 1868- Gregor Mendel- Develops the laws of ______________
6. The U.S. in late 1860’s
a. 1867 Nebraska is admitted as the 37th ___________________
b. The Wyoming Territory named after the __________________
__________________________ is incorporated.
c. U.S. population is 39,100,000 in 1869
d. U.S. buys _______________________________
1. Secretary of State ____________________________
purchases ___________________ from ___________
2. U.S. paid ____________________________________
3. People called it: ______________________________
& __________________________________________
7. World Affairs
a. Mexico
1. U.S. threatens to invade Mexico because Emperor
Maximillian was put in charge of Mexico when the
French invaded Mexico in violation of the U.S.
2. The French then pulled out her troops and the Mexico
b. Great Britain creates the Dominion of ____________________
8. After the Civil War 2 veterans groups form
a. G.A.R.- G____________ A_____________ R____________
they were veterans who served in the ____________________
b. U.C.V.- U____________ C_____________ V____________
they were veterans who served in the ____________________
B. Early Life
1. Born in Raleigh, North Carolina on December 29th, 1808
2. At 13 he was apprenticed as a tailor by his mother. He was to serve for
6 years, but ran away after 2 years
3. He went to Tennessee and began a tailor business.
4. On May 17th, 1827 he married Eliza McCardle. She taught him to do
simple math problems, and to write.
5. They had 5 children
6. He was a Congressman, Governor of Tennessee, and U.S. Senator
7. When the South seceded he was the only U.S. Senator from the South
who refused to leave the Senate when his state left the _____________
8. By March 1864 Tennessee had been retaken by the North, and gone
through the Reconstruction process.
9. In 1864 Abraham Lincoln made him his ________________________
on a National Unity Party
C. Presidency
1. After Lincoln was shot and died he was sworn in as _______________
2. Johnson pledged to follow Lincoln’s programs
3. Reconstruction
a. Radical republicans in Congress wanted the South punished
for the Civil War
b. Johnson was pushing for Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan
c. Congress passed their Reconstruction plan, and Johnson
would __________________________________
d. Northern men were going South for political & monetary gain
they were called __________________________________
because they ____________________________________
e. Neither side could gain the upper hand.
4. Election of 1866
a. It was a Congressional Election Year
b. North didn’t want to lose their dreams for the freed __________
and they felt the South should be punished for the Civil War.
c. Radical Republicans won 2/3’s majorities in both the ________
& the ________________________
d. They could now _____________________________________
5. Congressional Reconstruction
a. Passed over _______________________________________
b. Set up 5 military districts
c. Freed slaves could vote, and hold political office. Northern
_______________________________ helped them.
d. To rejoin Union states had to:
1. Ratify the 14th Amendment
2. Recognize slaves freedom
3. Confederate Military & Political Leaders could not
4. People had to swear to a loyalty oath.
e. Southern States complied, and were readmitted to the Union
6. Johnson’s Impeachment
a. Congress passes the Tenure Act
1. It says that before a cabinet member can be fired,
Congress must agree
2. It was passed over ________________________
b. Andrew Johnson knew Secretary of War Stanton was working
with the ___________________________________
c. So he fires Stanton
d. The House draws up Articles of _______________________
for violating a law passed by _________________________
e. He House votes and Johnson is _______________________
f. The Senate hold the Trial.
1. Chief Justice Salmon ________________ presides
2. The House presents the case against Johnson
3. Need 36 votes to convict
4. The vote is _______ to 19.
5. _____________________________________
6. Johnson is just a _______________________
& Congress’ power is ____________________
7. Election of 1868
Ulysses Grant Republican
Horatio Seymour Democrat
Popular Vote
8. On December 25th, 1868 Johnson grants a ___________________
for all Southerner’s who participated in the Civil War
XVIII. Ulysses S. Grant (1869 to 1877)
A. Force Acts
1. It was passed to enforce voting rights for the African-Americans.
2. The Republicans passed the bill because they felt the AfricanAmericans would vote _____________________________
B. Political Corruption
1. South
a. Carpet Baggers were ________________ who went south for profit.
b. The Carpet Baggers with the African-Americans took over state
Governments in the South. They were hated by the Southerners.
2. Spoils System
a. Replacing other government workers with your ________________
b. Incapable or dishonest people were serving the people.
c. They wanted money not to be a service.
3. The Whiskey Ring
a. Whiskey distillers in St Louis plotted with tax collectors to rob the
U.S. government of the excise tax on Whiskey.
b. Grant’s administration was drawn into the scandal.
4. Credit Mobilier Scandal
a. Credit Mobilier was a construction company for the Union Pacific
Rail Road. They were building a ___________________________
b. They bribed U.S. Congressmen for political favors.
C. U.S. tried to annex the Dominican Republic.
1. The Dominican Republic wanted to become a part of the U.S.
2. The U.S. Senate would not accept the treaty.
D. Panic of 1873
1. Several banks failed, and a financial _____________ swept the country.
2. Hardest hit were _____________ , _____________ , & _____________
3. To help conditions they formed organizations to lobby the government.
a. Bankers formed the ___________________________________
b. Farmers formed the ___________________________________
a farm organization that met and lobbied for farm legislation.
c. Both wanted money supply increased to ease the depression.
E. Events
1. 1869- The Union Pacific & the Central Pacific Railroads meet at
___________________________________ in ____________________
to complete the _____________________________________________
2. 1870- The 15th Amendment is adopted it insures the voting rights of all
3. 1876- ________________________ invents the ___________________
4. 1876- General ________________________________ is killed with his
entire command at the Battle of ________________________________
This was the headlines of newspapers on ________________________
5. The G.A.R. forms it is an organization composed of _______________
that works for _____________________________________________
F. The Election of 1876
1. Scandals force Grant not to seek a 3rd term.
Rutherford Hayes
Samuel Tilden
Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
Several Southern State’s Electoral Votes were disputed. An electoral
Commission was formed that ruled in Hayes favor each time. In return
Hayes agrees to end Reconstruction.
XIX. Rutherford Birchard Hayes
(1877 to 1881)
A. On April 10th, 1877 Hayes withdraws the last Federal Troops from the South
ending Reconstruction.
B. South becomes self ruling, and votes solidly ___________________________
C. Hayes appoints men to government service based on ____________________
D. He pushed for Civil Service (_______________________________________)
But Congress refuses they want ____________________________________
E. Events
1. 1877- Thomas Alva Edison invents the __________________________
2. 1879-__________________ invents the _________________________
F. the Election of 1880
1. U.S. Grant & James Blaine deadlock at GOP Convention for 35 ballots.
Convention finally picks James Garfield a _______________________
Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
James Garfield
Winfield Hancock
XX. James Garfield (1881)
A. Events
1. Railroads reach Texas, and end cattle drives.
2. _____________________________ organizes the American Red Cross.
B. July 2nd, 1881
1. Garfield is going to his 25th Class Reunion. Was walking to Railroad
Station. There were no _________________________________.
2. Charles Guiteau stepped behind Garfield, and ____________________
3. 1 grazed his arm, and the other ________________________________
4. Doctors could not ___________________________________________
5. They probed, and probed the wound with their fingers, and instruments.
6. The bullet could not be found, but the wound was _________________
7. Alexander Graham Bell tried a new electrical device to locate the bullet,
but it didn’t work.
8. He just got sicker and finally died on __________________ 19th, 1881.
XXI. Chester Arthur (1881 to 1885)
A. Took the oath of office in New York City 9/20/1881.
B. Charles Guiteau had asked Garfield for a political job. When he didn’t get it
he ____________________________, and then he was ________________.
C. To stop spoils system hires, Arthur pushed for ________________________
D. Because of Garfield’s death the Pendleton Civil Service Act passed.
Jobs were assigned on _________________ not on who you _____________.
E. Congress passed a $18,743,875. Waterway Improvement Act.
1. It was to improve waterways to improve transportation.
2. Arthur _______________ the bill, Congress _____________________
F. Edmunds Anti-polygamy Act- It said only ____________________ per man.
It was aimed at the _____________________________________ of Utah.
G. Congress passed a bill stopping ____________________________________
for 10 years.
H. Events
1. Brooklyn Bridge completed.
2. Standard Time adopted. Why-_________________________________
________________________ 4 Time Zones-_____________________
I. Election of 1884
1. Arthur was not nominated for reelection
Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
Grover Cleveland
James Blaine
XXII. Grover Cleveland (1885 to 1889)
A. Extended Civil Service to 25% of Federal Work Force.
B. Labor Problems.
1. Factory Workers Problems
a. Low Wages
c. Harsh working conditions
b. No benefits
d. Employers had no concern
for workers _______________
2. Workers formed Unions
a. Early union was the ___________________________________
The union would fight to improve the worker’s lives.
b. Samuel Gompers formed the
A__________________ F______________ of L____________
A union to protect skilled labor. He was their _______________
3. Strikes (Work stoppages)
a. Most famous was Haymarket Riot.
1. Workers at the McCormick-Harvester Factory wanted
better _________________ & better _______________
2. Tried to negotiate, but couldn’t
3. Workers went on strike.
4. They picketed at the Haymarket. As they picketed a riot
broke out, and workers were killed. After this Union
activity declined.
C. Veterans Affairs
1. Cleveland opposed pensions for veterans of the Civil War.
2. This caused Cleveland support among the G.A.R.
D. Interstate Commerce Act passed regulating __________________________
E. France in 1888 gives the U.S. the __________________________________
The based is financed by penny collections in schools throughout the U.S.
F. Currency & Tariff
1. Farmers & Workers wanted
a. Low Tariffs for lower prices.
b. Cheap money (expanded money supply).
2. Industrialists & Bankers wanted
a. __________________ Tariffs.
b. Sound Money ( Based on Au.)
3. The high tariffs gave the U.S. a budget _________________________.
Sound money policy cost him support.
G. Personal Life.
1. He married his ward (Frances Folsom who was 21 years old), who was
the daughter of a business partner. He began care of her when she was
12 years old. When he married he was 49.
2. They were married in June 1886 in the White House. He is the only
President to be married in the White House.
3. They would have 5 children. Most famous would be _______________
for whom a ______________________ is _______________________
H. Election of 1888
1. Cleveland is running for reelection but the ____________________ &
___________________________ refuse to support him
Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
Grover Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison Rep.
XXIII. Benjamin Harrison (1889 to 1893)
A. He was the grandson to ____________________________________________
B. Domestic Affairs
1. Extended Civil Service to 38,000Federal Employees.
2. Sherman Antitrust Act.
a. Companies were forming monopolies.
b. A monopoly is where an industry controls all aspects of a
business. So they can set the _______________________
c. This law outlawed monopolies (A.K.A. ___________________)
d. Business competition would guarantee lowest ______________
3. Sherman Silver Purchase Act.
a. Government would buy silver & make silver coins.
b. This would expand the ________________________ supply.
c. This helped _________________ & ______________________
4. McKinley Tariff-Raised tariffs that raised ___________________. This
hurt ______________________ & ________________________.
5. Dependent Pension Bill- Raised pensions to G.A.R. members.
C. Foreign Affairs
1. U.S. began building a 2 __________________, ______________ Navy.
2. We were beginning to expand our World view.
3. Hawaii
a. Queen Liliuokalani is overthrown by American planters, and
businessmen when their interests are threatened.
b. Harrison tried to quickly annex the islands before the end of
his term, but the Democrats blocked the treaty.
D. The Election of 1892
1. Cleveland is running again, the Populist party runs, and Harrison’s wife
___________________ two weeks before the election.
Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
Grover Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison Rep.
James Weaver
XIV. Grover Cleveland (1893 to 1896)
A. This is the only time a President has served 2 nonconsecutive terms, hence he
Is counted as the 22nd & 24th President.
B. Cleveland withdraws the Hawaiian Annexation Treaty.
C. Cleveland pushed for lower tariffs, but could not get it passed.
D. Panic of 1893
1. Over 15,000 businesses failed.
2. Over 4,000,000 workers out of work, farms were in a depression.
3. Labor unrest
a. Coxey’s Army
1. They were an army of unemployed workers.
2. They marched for government aid to help them and
their _________________________.
b. Pullman Company Strike
1. This company made railroad cars for ________________
2. The American Railways Union supported them, and they
stopped the trains from moving. Remember in those day
trains moved ___________________, ______________,
just about _____________________________. With out
the railroads the whole country just shut down.
3. As hunger spread the President sent ________________
to break the strike, and they did.
E. Election of 1896
1. This is the beginning of the Modern Era.
Popular Vote
William McKinley Rep.
William J. Bryan
Electoral Vote
XXV. William McKinley
( 1897 to 1901)
A. U.S. at the end of the 19th Century
1. U.S. population 77,600,000 and 45 states
2. Events
a. Mid 1990’s- Au discovered in the ________________________
in the territory of __________________________________
b. U.S. Territories are :
1.____________________ 2. ____________________
3. ___________________ 4. ____________________
5. ___________________
c. 1898- Marie & Pierre _______________________ isolate Ra
d. Walter Reed finds the cure for ______________________ &
e. 1900 the _____________________________ League forms.
B. Early Life
1. Born January 29th in Ohio
2. 1861 McKinley is the 1st in his town to ________________________
3. He is a commissary sergeant for Rutherford Hayes’ Regiment
4. He carried food & drink to troops under fire at the Battle of _________
5. He was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant finished a Major.
6. Studied law and became a ______________________________
7. January 25th, 1871 be married Ida Saxon
a. They had 2 dotters
b. On died at 4 months of age the other at 4 years old.
c. Ida was overcome with shock & grief
d. McKinley spent the rest of his life ________________________
8. 1876 became a Congressman Served till 1890 when he was
“Gerrymandered” out of his seat-______________________________
9. 1891 he is elected ________________________ of Ohio.
10. 1892 Marc Hanna becomes his political advisor. McKinley runs for
____________________________, but finishes 2nd at GOP Convention
11. Runs again in 1896 & _____________________________
C. Presidency
1. Passed a high protective tariff.
2. Spanish American War
a. Cubans are fighting against Spanish rule. They want _______
b. Americans side with the Cubans.
c. “Yellow Papers” called this because ____________________
use emotionalism to rally support to the rebels.
d. Violence broke out in Havana. So McKinley send the battleship
U.S.S. Maine to protect U.S. citizens.
e. Maine arrives 1/25/1898. On February 15th, 1898 the Maine ___
f. 260 sailors are ____________________________
g. Newspapers & people clamor for ________________________
h. Teddy Roosevelt the Assistant Secretary of Navy ___________
i. McKinley ___________________________________________
J. April 19th, 1898 Congress passes a resolution declaring that
Cuba is free.
k. April 25th Congress ___________________________________
l. The War
1. Word reached Admiral George Dewey in Hong Kong
that _________________________________________
2. Dewey then blockades Manila, and waits for an invasion
force to arrive.
3. The Spanish Atlantic Fleet hides in Santiago Harbor.
Admiral William Sampson holds the fleet there, and
Waits for an __________________________________
To force the fleet out of the harbor.
4. Volunteers flood into the armed forces.
5. Teddy Roosevelt forms the ______________________
called _______________________________________
6. June 22nd, 1898 15,000 troops land at _______________
7. _________________________ charge up San Juan Hill
Army loses 1,600 men.
8. July 3rd, 1898 Spanish Fleet makes a run for it. All
Spanish ships are ______________________________
U.S. Navy has _________________ and no ships
seriously damaged.
9. July 17th Santiago surrenders
10. July 25th Puerto Rico is invaded & _______________
11. August 13th U.S. troops arrive at Manila and ________
m. Treaty of Paris
1. Signed December 10th, 1898
2. Cuba is free
3. U.S. gets: _______________, _______________, &
4. U.S. gives Spain $20,000,000
n. U.S. is _________________________ & is now a World
o. War showed that the U.S. needed to:
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
p. Teddy Roosevelt is a _________________________________
q. Philippines _________________________________________
3. Foreign Policy
a. 1898 U.S. annexes _____________________________ Queen
Liliuokalani is last Monarch.
b. 1899- U.S. takes control of Samoan Islands
4. Election of 1900
a. Republicans say the U.S. has a “Full _____________________”
Democrats say that the U.S. is ___________________________
b. Republicans force McKinley to take ______________________
c. Results:
W. McKinley GOP
W. Bryan
5. 2 Term
a. 1901 The U.S. sets up a Civil Government in the Philippines.
With ___________________________________ as governor
b. Pan American Exposition
1. Held in _______________________________ to show
all the advancements in the 19th Century & in the future.
2. McKinley was _______________________________
in the Hall of Music when ______________________
3. They could not find the one bullet, but he seemed to be
4. On September______ he took a turn for the worse and
XXVI Theodore Roosevelt
(1901 to 1909)
A. U.S. at the turn of the century
1. On December 17th, 1903_____________________________________
2. 1901 Gugielmo Marconi invents _______________________________
3. 1908 the 1st ____________________________ is for sale, and _______
Comes up with the idea for ___________________________________
4. 1906 the Great _____________________________________________
5. 1905 _____________________________ comes up with the Theory of
6. U.S. population is _________________________________________
7. _________________________________ is added in 1907 as 46th state
B. Early Life
1. Theodore was born on ______________________ in ______________
2. Went to _____________________________
3. Married Alice Lee she _______________________________________
4. He then went ________________________ to burn out his grief.
5. His cattle ranch went ________________________________________
6. He met an old friend ______________________ and they were married
They had ____________ children.
7. Nickname was _______________________ or ___________________
8. War hero during the ________________________________________
His unit was the 1st Volunteer Calvary Unit or the_________________
His unit charged up ____________________________ Hill, and he was
A _______________________________________
9. He was recommended for a Congressional Medal of Honor, but was___
10. He became President when ____________________________________
C. Presidency
1. Sworn into office in __________________________________, and he
Was the __________________________________ at the age of _____
2. Domestic Affairs
a. Teddy the Trust Buster
1. Used the______________________________________
To break up monopolies.
2. The Northern Securities Company controlled all of the
rail roads in the Northwest, causing __________
shipping costs
3. Teddy takes the case to the U.S.____________________
4. 1904 they rule _________________________________
5. During his term he broke_________________________
b. Coal Miners strike of 1902
1. In May of 1902 the hard coal miners in______________
Go on strike seeking __________________________ &
2. 140,000 miners were on strike all summer long.
3. As winter approached coal was running out. People did
not have_______________________________________
4. T.R. called a meeting of United Coal Miner’s Union &
the coal mine owners.
5. The United Coal Miner’s Union president ____________
6. Teddy negotiated a settlement. The miners received a
_____________________ and went back to work.
7. After the strike T.R._____________________________
c. Conservation
1. Teddy added _____________________ acres to the
national forest.
2. He said the U.S. had to conserve our ________________
d. Muckrakers
1. These were writers who described the ___________ of
our society.
2. Teddy read the book, “__________________________”
By Upton Sinclair. In the book he describes __________
3. President worked & had Congress pass The __________
__________________ to protect the ________________
4. The Election of 1904
a. Teddy’s campaign slogan was ___________________________
& his motto was ______________________________________
Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
T. Roosevelt (GOP)
Alton Parker (Dem)
5. Foreign Affairs
a. Russo-Japanese War
1. Japan & Russia were at war, and the Japanese had just
Sunk the Russian Fleet.
2. T.R. decides that he will try to negotiate a settlement’
3. He meets with ambassadors from the two countries.
4. ___________________________________________
5. He helps negotiate a settlement, and wins the
___________ but the Japanese are__________________
b. Panama Canal
1. T.R. negotiates with Columbia (Panama was a province
of Columbia) for a treaty to build a canal through
2. T.R. feels what they ask for is too much. So he says U.S.
Will build the canal through ______________________
3. Panama wants the canal so Panama________________
4. U.S. signs a treaty with __________________________
5. Construction begins _____________________________
6. T.R. visits _____________________________________
c. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
d. The Great White Fleet
1. Teddy gets Congress to build ______ new Battleships &
______ armored cruisers.
2. In 1907 he paints them ______________________ and
Sends them __________________________________
The fleet is called The ___________________________
3. This supports Teddy’s theory on foreign policy________
4. This show of force will start the military _____________
That will result in _______________________________
6. T.R. decides not to seek a third term, and supports Secretary of War
7. Election of 1908
a. Republicans nominate _________________________________
b. Democrats nominate _________________________________
c. Election of 1908
Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
W. Taft (Rep)
W. Bryan (Dem)
8. After office
a. He is the 1st President to _______________________________
b. He went on a safari in ________________________________
1. It was a big game hunt
2. His party killed ________ big game animals, including
________ lions.
3. The animals were _______________________________
c. He then went to ________________________ & ____________
XXVII William Howard Taft (1909 to 1913)
A. Events
1. U.S. Population is 97,200,000
2. In 1912 2 states join the Union
a. _________________________ b.________________________
3. Admiral Robert Perry reaches the ______________________________
in 1909.
4. Explorer Roald Amundsen reaches the __________________________
in 1911.
5. 1910 Taft become the 1st President to ___________________________
between Washington ________________ & Philadelphia___________
6. April 15th, 1912 ____________________________________________
a. 2 ½ __________________________________
b. 2,200 ________________________________
c. 705 _______________________________
B. Early Life
1. Born on __________________________________ in Cincinnati, Ohio
2. Went to Yale, and graduated 2nd in his class.
3. He then became a _________________________________________
4. He was the largest President at _____ feet tall, and _________ pounds
5. He married Helen Herron June 19, 1886. They had _____ kids.
C. Presidency
1. March 4th, 1909 Taft was sworn into office in the biggest snow storm
and Taft declared,”_________________________________________
2. Taft didn’t want to be President he wanted to be a ________________
3. Domestic Affairs
a. 16th Amendment- Gives Congress the power to levy an
b. A Federal Bill was passed requiring that campaign expenses in a
federal election be made public.
c. He busted _____________ as many monopolies as T.R.
4. Foreign Affairs- Was quiet.
5. Followers of Teddy Roosevelt
a. While touring Africa & Europe T.R.’s followers were sending
him telegrams that Taft was changing all that T.R. had done.
b. T.R. returned home to challenge Taft for the _______________
D. Election of 1912
1. T.R. returned home and began _________________________________
2. T.R. & Taft squared off in the primaries.
a. T.R. won most of the primaries.
b. Taft controlled the party_______________________
3. G.O.P. Convention
a. T.R. had many. Delegates, but Taft had a ________________
b. When Taft won the nomination, T.R. _____________________
4. Teddy Forms a third party.
a. Calls it The __________________________________________
b. Name came when a reporter asks Teddy___________________
5. Democrats nominate ________________________________________
6. 2 weeks prior to the election T.R. is ____________________________
7. Election
Popular vote
Electoral Vote
W.Wilson (Dem)
W. Taft
T. Roosevelt (Bull Moose) __________
e. After his Presidency
1. He was Appointed to the U.S. ____________________________ as the
2. He would be the only President to ______________________________
XXVIII Woodrow Wilson (1913 to 1921)
A. America in the teen years
1. U.S. population- 108,600,000 people
2. Events
a. Transcontinental __________________ Line completed New
York City to San Francisco in 1915.
b. 1st Airmail is in 1918 connecting ____________________ &
____________________ & _____________________
c. Panama Canal completed July 12th, 1920 It was 50.72 miles
d. 1st commercial radio was broadcast 1920 the station was KDKA
in ______________________________. 1020 on the am dial.
e. 1914 War breaks out in Europe. It is called,________________
f. 1910- fewer than 500,000 ___________ in the U.S.. By 1920
there were 8,000,000 __________________ in the U.S>
g. The changing times
1. Roads were improving
2. __________________________ was spreading
3. Skyscrapers were lining city skylines because of the
4. Machinery was revolutionizing the _________________
5. Motion pictures & Jazz on _______________________
B. Wilson’s early life
1. Born ________________________________ in Staunton, Virginia
2. His name was _____________________________________________
3. He wanted to be known as ___________________________________
4. He went to the College of New Jersey (_________________________)
5. Went to the Virginia Law School, and became a ___________________
6. He married Ellen Axson on June 24th, 1885.
7. They had __________________________
8. He then became ____________________________________________
9. August 6th, 1914 Ellen ______________________________________
10. March 1915 Wilson meets Edith Galt
11. Sends her flowers everyday.
12. They are married in her home on _______________________________
C. Presidency
1. Domestic Affairs
a. Amendments
1. 17th Amendment- 1913- __________________________
2. 18th Amendment- 1918- __________________________
3. 19th Amendment- 1920- _________________________
b. Federal Reserve System established.
1. A new currency was established
2. Federal Reserve Chairman was to _________________
3. Federal reserve Board was to set _________________ &
4. 12 Federal Reserve banks at:
a. __________ b. __________ c. __________
d. __________ e. __________ f. __________
g. __________ h. __________ i. __________
j. __________ k. __________ l. __________
c. Underwood Tariff Act- _______________________________
2. Foreign Affairs
a. Mexico
1. Mexico was run by a dictator______________________
2. Wilson was working to oust him
3. He was supplying rebels with _____________________
4. In retaliation Mexico arrested 14 U.S. sailors on leave in
Tampico Mexico.
5. Wilson demands that the sailors be immediately released
and the Mexican President________________________
6. Mexican President ______________________________
7. U.S. takes _____________________________________
8. Mexico is afraid because__________________________
9. Argentina, Brazil & Chile work out a deal
a. ___________________ resigns & goes into exile
b. Venustiano Carranza becomes President
10. Anti-Carranza forces operate on the U.S. border. Led by
11. They raid U.S. border towns, U.S. demands _________
12. Wilson sends General John ______________________
to capture ________________________. He couldn’t
find him, and Mexican relations are strained.
b. U.S. occupies Nicaragua, Haiti, & the Dominican Republic
to establish stable _____________________________
c. U.S. buys _______________________________________
from Denmark in 1917 for $25,000,000.
d. The Great World War
1. Sides
a. Allies-_______________, _______________,
_______________, ________________,
_______________ & other nations.
b. Central Powers- ________________________,
_______________, _________________,
& the ____________________________
2. Interlocking ____________________________ would
drag the entire World into war.
3. Causes of the Great World War
b. _______________________________________
4. World Leaders
a. U.S._________________________________
b. Britain_______________________________
c. France_______________________________
d. Italy_________________________________
e. Germany_____________________________
5. New Weapons
a. _______________ b._______________
c. _______________ d._______________
e. _______________ f._______________
g. _______________ h._______________
i. _______________
6. 1914 to 1917
a. Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand is killed by an
assassin while riding in a motorcade in the
streets of Sarajevo Bosnia. His wife __________
b. Interlocking treaties take Europe to ___________
c. 2 Fronts
1. Eastern Front
Russia vs. Germany, Ottoman Empire
& Austria-Hungary
2. Western Front
Ottoman Empire
a. Germany sweeps through Belgium
and attacks France. Trying to end
the war quickly. It fails.
3. Trench Warfare
Both sides dig trenches and the war drags on. It is a deadlock
4. War in the air.
a. Started as observation planes.
b. Then fighters to shoot down the
c. Then bombers.
d. They fired pistols at each other
and dropped bombs by hand.
e. Pilot who shot down 5 planes was
called an __________________
f. Prior to U.S. entry to the war U.S.
men volunteered for the “Lafayette
Escadrille” and flew in the war for
g. U.S. Ace was ________________
7. U.S. Road to War
a. May 7th, 1915 Germany sinks the passenger liner
Lusitania. 128 U.S. citizens are killed including
Women & children.
b. U.S. wanted revenge
c. Wilson negotiates a settlement-Germany will
8. Election of 1916
a. Wilson’s slogan,”_________________________
Electoral Vote
W. Wilson (Dem)
C. Hughes (Rep.)
Wilson wins California by _________________
9. War comes to the U.S.
a. February 1917 Germany resumes ____________
b. Zimmerman Note
1. A note from Germany to _____________
2. Sent in early 1917
3. Note said:_________________________
c. In March Germany sinks 5 U.S. merchant ships
d. April 2nd, 1917 Wilson goes to Congress to ask
for a __________________________________
He is escorted by ________________________
10. U.S. mobilizes for war.
a. Patriotism _____________________________
b. Movie Stars sell Liberty Bonds to fund ________
c. Industries start turning out __________________
d. Selective Service begins to _________________
ages 21 to 30.
e. Wilson says, ”The World must be made safe for
f. American Expeditionary Force (Called the AEF)
1. Led by General ____________________
U.S. soldiers are called_______________
2. Troops started landing 6/26/1917
3. They 1st went to ____________________
4. U.S. Armed Forces
Served in France
5. 1st U.S. troops in the trenches in October
6. November 7th, 1917 Communists seize
power in Russia. Germany & Russia sign
armistice 12/15/1917.
7. Germany moves her troops from the
Eastern Front to the Western Front
g. Wilson Announces his 14 Points as a basis for
a Peace treaty. It includes a League of Nations.
An organization like the ___________________
h. War 1918
1. March 1918 the Germans launch
Ludendorff’s Offensive with the troops
from the ___________________ Front
2. It is a 50 mile front, and they push the
Allies back to the Marne River.
3. Battles
a. Belleau Wood- U.S. Marines stop
the German Advance 7,800 killed
b. Allies form a unified command
under French General _________
c. Allies begin their offensive July
18th, 1918 and it is never stopped.
d. The Attack the German fortified
Hindenburg Line. 1,200,000
Americans in the Battle of Meuse
& Argon. 1 in 10 KIA or
e. At the ____th hour of the ___ day
of the ____th month in 1918 there
is an _______________________
“All is _________ on the Western
f. It is signed on a railway car in the
Compiegne Forest. The war is ___
11. The Treaty of Versailles
a. Leaders meet in Paris in 1919
b. Wilson is the 1st President to ________________
c. Wilson pushed for the implementation of the 14
Points as a basis for the Peace Treaty
d. The Allies would not accept them. All he had
enacted was the __________________________
e. Terms of the Peace Treaty
1. Germany lost all her colonies.
2. Germany had to take responsibility for
starting the Great World War
3. Germany lost 1/8th of it’s land area.
4. Germany lost 6,500,000 people
5. Germany could not have a ____________
or __________________. Army was
6. Germany must pay war ______________
or damages.
7. New Countries formed:
a. _____________ b. ____________
c. _____________ d.____________
e. _____________ f.____________
g. _____________ h. ____________
12. Wilson brought the Treaty home.
a. __________________ controlled the Senate, and
they were against the treaty.
b. Wilson went on a nationwide train trip to rally
support for the _________________________
He gave speeches from the back of the train.
c. October 3rd, 1919 Wilson _________________
d. Wilson is _______________________________
e. Who is running the Presidency?
f. Without the drive of the President the Treaty of
Versailles is _____________________________
4. Election of 1920
a. Democrats nominate:______________________
b. Republicans nominate:_____________________
c. Harding’s slogan is, “_________________________________”
Popular Vote
J. Cox (Dem)
W. Harding (Rep)___________
5. After his Presidency
a. Woodrow Wilson wins _________________________________
b. He died on February 3rd, 1924. He is the only President_______
XXIX. Warren G. Harding (1921 to 1923)
A. Events
1. The Unknown soldier is ___________________________________
_____________________________________________________ 1921
2. Lincoln Memorial 1922 is ____________________________________
3. 1922 Benito Mussolini _______________________________________
B. Early Life
1. Born ________________________________ on a farm in Ohio.
2. At the age of 14 he entered Ohio Central ________________________
and _______________________________ 3 years later.
3. 1882 he ________________________________________ for one year.
He called it the, “hardest job I ever had.”
4. Then he worked for the Marion Democratic Mirror as a _____________
he earned _________ a week. He was fired in 1884 for _____________
_______________________________________ for President.
5. Harding & 2 friends then bought the Marion Star, a bankrupt weekly
newspaper for $300.00.
6. 1891 he married Florence Kling DeWolfe, a divorcee 5 years his senior.
They have _______________ children.
7. She was the driving force in the marriage. She worked to make the
newspaper a success.
8. They had no children.
9. He was a star in the G.O.P., and was elected _____________ from Ohio
10. In 1920 the republican Convention deadlocks & Harding is the _______
C. Presidency
1. Foreign Affairs
a. The U.S. signs separate peace treaties with Germany & with
b. U.S. does not join the ________________________________
c. 1922- The Washington Naval Conference limits the size of the
signers ________________________________________
2. Domestic Affairs
a. U.S. raises _____________________ to record levels and then
cuts ________________________
b. 1921- The U.S. for the 1st time places _____________________
on ___________________________________
c. The Department of the Interior under the direction of
Secretary Albert Fall leases oil reserves at Teapot Dome in
d.. Harding & Friends
1. In Ohio Harding had a group of friends who would meet
and play______________________________
2. So when Harding is elected he doesn’t want the game to
end so he appoints ______________________________
3. They are known as “The ________________________”
4. Once they are in Washington, and in office they begin to
5. There are rumors that something is amiss but there is no
proof, or big story about it.
6. Will Rogers a comedian of the day asks Harding if he
has heard the latest joke. Harding replies,”___________
e. A depression is sweeping the farms.
1. Farmers are going broke.
2. Farm production is __________, which causes farm
prices to go ______________________. So farmers can
not make ends ______________________.
3. The problems are caused by _______________________
f. June 1923 Harding sets out on a trip with his wife.
1. He is the 1st President to visit ______________________
& _______________________________
2. Enroute he is notified that the Senate is investigating the
leases at ______________________________________
3. Harding becomes ill in Seattle. They say it is food
poisoning. The President continues on to ____________
4. There pneumonia sets in followed by _______________
on August 2nd, 1923.
5. The President’s body is brought back to _____________
6. There is no ______________________________ so the
g. After the president’s Death
1. His wife then __________________________________
2. She then ______________________________________
XXX Calvin Coolidge ( 1923 to 1929)
A. Calvin was visiting his father
1. A telegram arrives __________________________________________
2. Calvin then asks ____________________________________________
3. When they are done _________________________________________
B. Events
1. 122,000,000 people in the U.S.
2. 1924- 2 U.S. Army Airmen fly a Biplane around __________________
3. 1926- Richard Byrd flies over the ______________________________
4. 1927- There is a prize for the 1st plane to fly from N.Y. City to Paris
a. Charles Lindbergh flies in the plane The ___________________
b. It is 3200 miles. Takes off from Roosevelt Field N.Y. City to
_______________________________Airport Paris
c. Takes him __________ hours
5. 1927- Radiotelephony connects N.Y. City & _____________________
C. Early Life
1. Born on ______________ 1872 in Plymouth Notch Vermont.
2. His nickname is ________________________________________
3. Graduated Cum Laude at Amherst College, an then became a ________
4. Married Grace Anna Goodhue on October 4th, 1905. They had________
D. Domestic Affairs
1. Harding Scandals
a. Interior Secretary Albert Fall took bribes & went to __________
b. Charles Cramer of the Veterans Bureau ___________________
c. Charles Forbes of the Veterans Bureau sent to ______________
d. Jesse Smith of the Justice Department took Bribes and he then
e. All of these scandals broke after Harding’s death.
2. Roaring 20’s
a. Name of the Era between 1920 & October 1929
b. The stock market is surging upward
c. People were making more money as they moved from the _____
to work in _________________________________.
d. Income taxes were ___________________ making the economy
to surge upward.
e. Farms were still in _______________________________
f. Lawlessness was breaking out due to ______________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________
g. Entertainment
1. Dance Marathon- _______________________________
2. Motion Pictures-________________________________
3. Radios-_______________________________________
4. Speakeasies- ___________________________________
3. Congress passed a World War Bonus Bill
a. Coolidge _________________________________________
b. Congress _________________________________________
c. Each World War Veteran is given a certificate to be cashed in
E. Election of 1924
1. Coolidge’s campaign slogan,: ________________________________
2. Democrats nominate John Davis
Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
John Davis (D)
Calvin Coolidge (R)
4. Calvin’s Inaugural Address 1st on ____________________________
F. Foreign Affairs
1. Kellogg Peace Pact- Outlawed _________________________
2. Relations with Mexico improved.
G. Personal life impacts the Presidency
1. 1924 his son Calvin is _______________________________________
2. 1926 his __________________________________________________
3. Later he would say that the ___________________________________
4. 1927 Calvin announces, “____________________________________
H. Election of 1928
1. Democrats nominate Alfred Smith the governor of _________________
the 1st ______________________________ to run for president, and he
wanted to repeal ___________________________________________
2. G.O.P. nominates Herbert Hoover. His campaign slogan is, “2 _______
3. The country wanted to keep going with prosperity.
Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
Al Smith (D)
Herbert Hoover (R)
XXXI Herbert Clark Hoover (1929 to 1933) Republican
A. Events
1. 125,600,000 people in the U.S.
2. 1933- 20th Amendment- moves inauguration date from March 4th to
January 20th following the Presidential Election. Hoover is the
Last Lame ____________________ President. This amendment
A.K.A. _____________________________________________
3. 1931- Japan invades and occupies Manchuria
4. 1933- ____________________________________becomes Chancellor
of __________________________________
B. Early Life
1. Herbert is born August 10th, 1874 in West Branch Iowa.
2. His family were Quakers. His mother Huldah was a Quaker leader, and
his father was a ____________________________. By the time he was
8 he was an _______________________________. He earned money
by picking ________________________________.
3. At 17 he enrolled in the 1st class at ____________________ University
4. On February 10th, 1899 he married his wife, Lou Henry. They had ____
5. He graduated with a degree in geology.
6. He then was a miner, worked at a geology laboratory, became a mining
engineer, worked in China, became a miner owner, food administrator
during the Great world War, and Secretary of Commerce under
C. Presidency
1. He is the 1st President born __________________________________
2. Hoover calls a Special session of Congress to help the farmers.
a. The farmers are still hurting badly, because of rising _________
and falling farm ______________________________
b. Congress creates the Federal Farm Board
1. It promotes farm cooperatives, where farmers worked
together to solve their problems.
2. U.S. could buy farm surpluses to build up farm _______
3. Smoot-Hawley Tariff
a. Congress passes it raising tariffs on farm goods
b. Also raised tariffs on other goods
c. Other nations then _____________________________ and then
and then World Trade ________________________________
4. Economy is faltering
a. Not everyone is sharing in the booming economy
1. Workers are suffering low wages, and poor __________
2. Coal miners, textile workers, and others are not sharing
in the prosperity.
b. Economy is being weakened by widespread ________________
1. People are borrowing money for new ______________,
and businesses, and luxury items.
2. People are borrowing money to invest in the stock
3. As stock prices rose they borrowed more money to
buy more ___________________________.
5. The Great Stock Market Crash of 1929
a. Stocks in 1920 were at 60.
b. By September 1929 they had risen to 381.17
c. Everyone was investing in the stock market
d. People were borrowing money to invest in the ____________
e. J.F.K.’s Dad was investing in the stock market. He told this
story _____________________________________________
f. October 1929
1. On October 24th a Thursday the stock market traded
12,900,000 shares of stock, and was dropping.
2. The bankers met over the weekend to stabilize the
stock market.
3. “Black Monday” October 28th
a. Stock prices fell and there were no buyers, so
they _________________________________
b. Stock prices still falling. Stock Brokers went to
work millionaires, and were broke by noon.
c. They then _____________________________
The joke on Wall Street was when you left the
Building you looked right, left and _________
d. Stocks close at 260.64
4. “Black Tuesday” October 29th
a. Stocks continue to _______________________
b. Stock market closes at 230.07
5. Loss for the week is $30,000,000,000 more than was
spent on the ___________________________________
g. Stock Market bottomed out on November 13th at 198.60.
h. Would rise till April 17th, 1930 when it reached 294.07
i. Then it dropped from then to July 8th, 1932 when it reached
bottom at 41.22. Then it was at its lowest level since the 1800’s
j. It would not reach 381 again until ________________________
6. The Great Depression
a. As the Stock Market dropped the economy started to drop also
b. People could not repay their loans to the banks, so the banks
had to _________________________________
c. People who had money in the banks lost their _______________
d. Without money people could not buy things, and factories_____
e. When workers lost their jobs they stopped buying and more
factories ________________________, and more people
lost their ________________________
f. There were no government programs to help people.
g. When you lost your job, you then lost your ______________,
and you had to live on the __________________________
h. People built homes out of scraps of wood on the outside of
town. These towns were called _________________________
i. People lost faith in the economy, cut back spending and the
economy ___________________________________________
j. By 1932 there were __________________________ out of work
k. Depression had spread World wide.
7. Hoovers Actions
a. Created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
1. Government helping Banks & Businesses
2. Loaned money to keep banks & factories ____________
b. Depression deepened to 25% of the people being ____________
c. Many veterans were out of work, and wanted to cash in their
bonus certificates.
d. Bonus Expeditionary Force or the ____________
a. Formed by Commander Walter Waters
b. Bonus Certificates
1. Issued in 1925 and to be made cashable in 1945
2. Amount- Each soldier would receive credit of
$1.00 a day of service spent in the U.S. up to ___
3. Amount- Each Soldier would receive credit of
$1.25 a day service spent overseas up to _______
4. Veterans wanted to cash them in _____________
c. So they formed together with their families, and marched
on _________________________________.
d. _____________________________ marched into town.
e. They went to Anacostia Flats, and built a ____________
f. They would then march to the Capitol to demand_______
g. They arrived in the Spring and stayed all Summer.
e. Hoover then _________________________________________
f. The nation is horrified at the speckle.
D. Election of 1932
1. Democrats nominate ________________________________________
2. F.D.R.’s slogan is “_______________________________________”
His song is ________________________________________________
3. Republicans nominate _______________________________________
4. Election Results
Popular Vote
Electoral Votes
F. Roosevelt (D)
H. Hoover
XXXII Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933 to 1945)
A. Married Eleanor Roosevelt
1. She was FDR’s ________________________________
2. They were married on March 17th, 1905.
________________________________________ gave away the bride.
B. Polio
1. Franklin was stricken with polio on August 12th, 1921
2. Polio is a __________________________________________________
3. FDR could not stand, or walk. His back, arms, legs, and hands were
4. He worked hard and regained use of his ________________________
___________________________, and _________________________,
but his ________________________ remained ___________________
5. Despite his illness he remained active in _________________________
C. 1928 FDR runs for and wins the governorship of ________________________
D. 1932 he runs for the ______________________________________
1. He pledges the United States ,” A New _________________________”
when he accepts Democratic nomination in Chicago. He is the first
2. He said he would end the _____________________________________
and _______________________________________ the band played
3. Election
Electoral Votes
Herbert Hoover
Franklin Roosevelt
E. Events
1. 1933- _______________________ becomes chancellor of Germany
2. 1933- 20th Amendment- ___________________________________
3. 1933- 21 Amendment- ____________________________________
4. 1939- First ___________________________________ FDR is at the
New York’s ________________________________________
5. December 1942- Enrico Fermi has the first _____________________
at the University of Chicago under the ____________________
F. Domestic Affairs
1. Thousands of Americans are standing in _________________________
waiting to get food to feed their families.
2. FDR was sworn in, and then told the nation, “ The only thing we have
3. The 1st “One Hundred Days”
a. FDR declares a ,__________________________________”
where all financial institutions are closed till the government
can determine if they are_____________________________
b. FDR calls a special session of the U.S. Congress to begin his
1. To provide for the needs of the people.
2. He wanted to help businesses and farms.
3. He wanted to reform economic & political policies
c. “Alphabet Agencies” major part of the “__________________”
1. These agencies would aid ______________________,
____________________, _______________________,
and ___________________________.
2. The Agencies (These are the major agencies)
a. A.A.A. - _______________________________
to help the ______________________________
b. C.C.C. -________________________________
to help the ______________________________
c. F.H.A. -________________________________
to help the ______________________________
d. N.R.A. -________________________________
to help the ______________________________
e. P.W.A. - ________________________________
to help the ______________________________
f. R.E.A. -_________________________________
to help the ______________________________
g. W.P.A. -________________________________
to help the ______________________________
d. Francis Perkins becomes the 1st woman ___________________
she was the Secretary of ___________________________
e. Increased government spending increased government ________
this was the beginning of __________________ spending that
continues till today. The U.S. is now ______________________
f. As the programs & policies took effect the economy slowly
began to ___________________________
G Foreign Affairs
1. Created a new policy with countries in our hemisphere
a. Policy was called, “ The Good _________________________”
b. The U.S. said we would treat our neighbors with ____________
c. The U.S signed many treaties promoting trade, and nonaggression treaties with our _____________________ countries
d. The U.S. withdrew____________________________________
2. The U.S. recognized Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a country
and the U.S. exchanged ______________________________ and built
an ________________________________________ in Moscow.
H. Election of 1936
1. Republicans said that FDR was spending the country into
2. The Democrats said_____________________________________
Electoral Votes
Alfred Landon
I. FDR’s 2nd Term
1. Court Packing Controversy
a. 1935 the U.S, Supreme Court declares several of the New Deal
Programs are _______________________________________
b. FDR was afraid that his program was going to be killed by the
1. He knew most of the Supreme Court members were
old, and appointed by the _______________________
2. He did not want his “New Deal” destroyed so he came
up with and idea to stop it.
c. FDR’s Proposal
1. When a judge reached 70 years old the President would
appoint a new judge to sit on the court.
2. This would increase the size of the Supreme Court, but
could not exceed 15 members.
3. This would allow FDR to appoint new judges to over
turn the Supreme Court’s ruling.
d. The Republicans said FDR was trying to pack the U.S.
_______________________________ and was trying to over
turn the U.S. _______________________________________
e. They rallied support to kill the bill with FDR’s proposal.
f. Eventually the Bill died, because the people did not think the
U.S. Supreme Court should be altered.
g. Then the old judges began to _______________________, and
FDR ______________________________________________
2. Social Security Act
a. It would provide assistance to the elderly in the form of
b. It would provide for disability payments to _________________
3. Foreign Affairs
a. Japan
1. China was under constant attack by Japan
2. FDR sees that Japan is a threat to World Peace
3. !937 FDR calls on the World to quarantine Japan. He
wants to _______________________________ Japan
4. 1937 an American gunboat on a Chinese River is sunk
by Japanese warplanes.
5. U.S. demands war, but Japan apologizes and they pay
for _____________________________________
6. FDR wants to build up the military, Congress says _____
b. Neutrality Acts
1. The U.S. does not want to be drawn in to another World
2. Congress passes the Neutrality Acts passed 1935
a. The U.S. is prohibited from providing arms to
any nation at war.
b. U.S. could not form alliances with warring
c. FDR feared Japanese, German, & ___________
aggression, but the U.S. feared __________ more
3. Many Americans are working hard to keep the U.S. out
of war. The most famous is________________________
c. The World’s steps to the brink of World War
1. Germany
a. 1935 Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles
1. He begins to expand the Army
2. He begins creating a new modern
3. He begins build a bigger & better
Navy using ________________________
4. The World threatens action, but does____
b. Hitler in 1936 sends troops into demilitarized
zones, and the World does __________________
c. 1938- Nazi agents enter Austria and force a vote
on whether Austria should join Germany.
1. The election was rigged
2. German Troops march into Austria, and
Austria becomes part of ______________
d. 1938- Hitler demands the Sudetenland section of
1. He claims it is German Territory, and
must be part of ____________________
2. If he doesn’t get it he threatens ________
3. They decide to hold a meeting
4. Munich
a. France, England & ____________
attend the Peace Conference
b. Hitler again threatens __________
c. France and England then gives
in to Hitler’s _________________
d. On September 29th, 1938 British
Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain returns to England
From Munich and declares,
e. March 1939- Hitler _______________________
f. Hitler then took sections of __________________
g. England & France pledge to go to war if Hitler
invades _________________________________
h. Germany & Russia sign a non-aggression treaty
i. September 1st, 1939- Germany attacks_________
1. Attack is called a ___________________
a. It means ____________________
b. It is a coordinated attack between
_____________ & ____________
2. Russia invades from the East
3. On September 3rd, 1939 France &
England declare ____________________
4 . By September 19th Poland____________
5. The Second World War has ___________
j. The U.S. can not aid the France & England
because of the ____________________________
k. On June 5th, 1940 Germany invades Belgium and
then swings South to attack France.
l. They by pass the British army that is surrounded
at ____________________________________
m. In nine days Germany captures_____________
and in 39 days __________________________
n. Hitler forces France to surrender in the same
o. Hitler captures all of Europe except ___________
p. Dunkirk
1. ______________________________ has
become Prime Minister of England
2. He must save the British Army at Dunkirk
3. He asks every British vessel available to
to go to Dunkirk and pick up the men.
4. _________________________________
5. It is called the,”_____________________
6. England stands alone.
7. German’s begin bombing of England
a. Germany bombs cities, towns,
factories & ports.
b. It is called the “____________”
8. Germany begins submarine warfare
a. Germany wants to cut off
_________________ to England
b. England is in danger of ________
J. Election of 1940
1. Republican slogan,” No _________________________”
2. Democrat slogan,” FDR will _____________________”
Electoral Votes
3. Democrats FDR
Republicans Wendell Wilkie
K. 3rd Term
1. With the Election over FDR feels he must prepare for ______________
2. FDR feels that the war will spread across the World
3. FDR feels that he must foster a united front in the United States
a. FDR appoints 2 Republicans to his _______________________
1. Henry Stimson- Secretary of War
2. Frank Knox- Secretary of the Navy
b. U.S. begins a Peace Time __________________________
c. FDR feels that he has to help to help Britain
1. U.S. gives Britain 50 old destroyers in exchange for 99
year leases on bases in the Atlantic.
2. U.S. gives Britain old military supplies and weapons
d. Franklin Roosevelt issues the 4 Freedoms
1. FDR said all men are entitled to to these freedoms
2. They are:
e. Atlantic Charter
1. Issued by FDR & ______________________________
2. They pledged U.S. & Britain would seek no __________
gains, and people liberated would determine their own
f. U.S. destroyers begin escorting ships to Iceland, and England
escorts them from Iceland to ___________________________
1. On October 17th, 1941 U.S.S. Kearney is ____________
2. On October 30th, 1941 U.S.S Reuban James is ________
4. United States at War
a. December 7th, 1941
1. Japan bombs ______________________________
2. It is a sneak attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet
3. All ____________________________ are sunk
4. Luckily there are no ________________________
5. The U.S. is at _________________________
6. FDR asks for a ____________________________
b. U.S. is at war with ____________________, ______________,
and ________________________________
c. U.S. decides that maximum effort must go to defeating _______
d. War in the Pacific
1. Japan attacks the U.S. territory of the _______________
a. Japanese forces invade and attack U.S. forces
b. General Douglas Mac Arthur vows to _________
as he leaves to ___________________________
with the U.S. Army on the verge of ___________
c. Bataan ___________________________
1. U.S. forces surrender and are made _____
2. 40,000 men are then forced to march ____
miles to P.O.W. camps.
3. They are given little food or water.
4. When the men fall down they are then
5. Over half _________________________
d. Doolittle Raid
1. The U.S. wants to ___________________
2. General Jimmy Doolittle proposes to take
the aircraft carrier U.S.S. _____________
with 16 ___________________________
to the coast of Japan, and then _________
3. April 18th, 1942 -____________________
and the Japanese executes ____________
e. Battle of Coral Sea- May 8th, 1942
1. It is the 1st Naval Battle in which neither
fleet _____________________________
planes do _________________________
2. U.S. lost the Aircraft Carrier___________
f. Battle of Midway June 4th, 1942
1. Japan wants to capture Midway Island to
prevent the U.S. from ________________
2. U.S. cracks the Japanese secret code, and
and we know they are _______________
3. We are ready as the Japanese fleet arrives.
4. We find their fleet first and ___________
5. The Japanese planes find the U.S. carriers
and sink the U.S.S.__________________
6. This is the _________________________
Japan has lost 4 ____________________
and their __________________________
g. The United States begins Island hopping.
1. General Douglas Macarthur is the ______
2. August 7th, 1942 US. invades Guadalcanal
a. Japanese Bushido Code is their
code of conduct for military. They
are expected to fight to the ______
b. Guadalcanal falls February 1943
3. U.S. Marines invade Tarawa November
1943. Island held by 4,800 Japanese.
When the island falls on 147 are _______
4. U.S. captures Guam July 21st, 1944
e. War in Europe
1. U.S. decides to first invade ______________________
a. It is held by the German Afrika Corp led by
General _______________________________
b. The Americans land in Africa and advance
in land.
c. They are attacked at the Kasserine Pass by the
Germans and they are ____________________
d. General George _____________________ takes
command and ___________________________
e. _______________________________ is trapped
between Patton’s Army and the British 8th Army
led by General ___________________________
f. Hitler recalls _____________________ and
Africa falls.
g. German casualties 350,000+, Allies 70,000+
2. U.S. and Britain now invade ____________________
a. Invade July 10th, 1943
b. Island is captured August 17th, 1943
3. Britain and the U.S. begin bombing Germany with
long range B-17 bombers.
a. They are targeting German factories making
b. Dresden-________________________________
c. Germany is being _________________________
4. Russia is attacking Germany from the East
a. Germans had almost captured Russia
b. Leader of Russia is ________________________
c. Battle of Stalingrad-_______________________
d. With this defeat the Russian begin attacking West
5. U.S. subs & battleships are _______________________
6. Allied Forces are led by the Supreme Allied Commander
7. Allied Forces invade Italy, and begins to attack North.
8. Allies are stock piling supplies & __________________
in England in preparation for an invasion of __________
f. Election of 1944
Electoral Votes
Republican Thomas Dewey
g. War in Europe
1. D-Day- Invasion of __________________________
a. Called Operation _________________________
b. Invasion takes place on ____________________
c. Begins with an air invasion of _______________
paratroopers, and gliders to secure both ends of
the invasion beaches.
d. 11,000 ________________________________
e. Seaborne assault
1. 5 Beaches
a.___________ b.___________
are U.S. beaches. c___________
d.___________ e.___________
are English, French, &___________
2. _________________ ships bring the
invasion force ashore.
f. General ________________________________
lands with the 1st wave of troops on ___________
g. July 20th Allied Forces break out of the invasion
area, and capture ____________________ and
push onto Germany.
2. Germany is being pushed on both sides.
3. Battle of the Bulge
a. December 16th, 1945 Germany launches a Winter
Offensive against British & US Forces in
b. Germans want to push to the English Channel,
and they hope the Allies will lose the will to
c. The 101st Airborne Unit holds ____________
d. General George Patton attacks North, and
saves ________________________.
e. The offensive stalls, and German Forces begin to
retreat. This is the last German Offensive.
h. War in the Pacific
1. Marines & Army Forces invade the Philippines
a. Begins on October 20th, 1944
b. Mac Arthur returns and the _________________
fall on February 6th, 1945
2. Iwo Jima
a. This is Japanese territory
b. Marines raise flag on Mount ________________
it is the most famous photo in World War II.
c. Dead: Japanese 20,000+, U.S. 5,000 men\
3. Okinawa
a. An Island of Japan
b. Invasion begins on April 1st, 1945
i. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s _________________________
1. FDR went for a rest at Warm Springs Georgia March
29th, 1945
2. He was having his portrait painted on April 12th when
3. Eleanor is at the White House, and calls _____________
Harry S. Truman ( 1945 to 1953)
A. Early Life
1. During WW I he was a major in the Missouri National Guard
2. He was in the Field ________________________________ in France
3. After the war he was a haberdasher. He sold __________________
4. He invested his life savings in the store, and it ____________________
5. It took Harry 15 years to pay off the ____________________________
he paid everyone.
6. He became a County Judge even though he never _________________
7. He was elected U.S. Senator in 1933 till he became ________________
on January 20th 1945.
8. 81 days later he became ____________________________________
9. His middle initial of S stands for ______________________________
B. The end of the Second World War
1. The War in Europe
a. U.S. & Russian troops meets on April 25th, 1945
b. Mussolini is captured in ___________________ and then he
and his girl friend Carla Petucci are _____________________
c. Russia surrounds Berlin and Hitler and his wife __________
___________________ commit ________________________
d. VE Day A.k.A. -_____________________________________
is May 8th, 1945.
e. The war in Europe is _______________________________
f. Holocaust
1. Hitler tries to eradicate Jews in Europe. It is an attempted
2. He uses many concentration camps to try to do it.
3. He kills between 6,000,000 & 11,000,000 people
2. April 25th, 1945 the _____________________________________ is
formed in ______________________________________ by the Allies.
3. Peace in Europe
a. Germany & Berlin are divided into 4 parts
1. Russia, England, ______________________ & the U.S.
each control a zone
2. Eventually The French, British, and U.S. zones unite into
______________________________, but East Germany
becomes a ______________________ Communist state
b. All of Eastern Europe sets up ___________________________
government, and are puppets of the Soviet Union.
4. Road to VJ Day
a. Okinawa falls on June 21st, 1945
1. Took 10 weeks
2. Dead: Japanese 107,000+ , U.S. 40,000+
3. Civilians also __________________________________
b. U.S. begins to plan for the invasion of Japan
1. Operation would be called ______________________
2. U.S. casualties are estimated at ____________________
3. Japanese soldiers & civilian casualties are estimated at
over 1,000,000
4. U.S. begins stockpiling men & supplies for the invasion
c. Manhattan Project
1. At the beginning of World War II Albert ____________
sent a letter to FDR, telling him of the possibility of
splitting the atom, and it’s use a _________________
of __________________________________________
2. FDR sets up a super secret project to develop a
3. Enrico Fermi __________________________________
4. Robert Oppenhimer _____________________________
5. 1 Nuclear explosion occurs in ____________________
6. 501 Bomb Group
a. Commander of the unit is ___________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________
e. In the Summer of 1945 they are sent to Tinian
Island in the Pacific.
7. The bombs are delivered to Tinian separately .
a. The U.S.S. Indianapolis is on secret mission to
deliver the bomb.
b. They drop off the bomb, and sail away.
c. _______________________________________
d. _______________________________________
8. August 6th, 1945
a. Paul _________________________ names his
plane _________________________________
b. It is estimated that 25,000 people will be killed
when Hiroshima is bombed
c. The bomb will be “______________________”
d. ______________________________________
e. ______________________________________
f. ______________________________________
g. ______________________________________
h. ______________________________________
i. ______________________________________
j. _______________________________________
k. ______________________________________
l. _______________________________________
m. _______________________________________
n. ________________________________________
9. August 9th, 1945
a. The plane called Boock’s Car drops __________
Man on ___________________________
b. The U.S. is now out of _____________________
10. More are being built, but are _____________________
11. August 14th, 1945 Japan _________________________
and it is VJ Day or _____________________________
12. The Second World War has come to an end.
13. Mac Arthur on the U.S.S. ________________________
sails into _________________ Harbor and the Emperor
______________________________ surrenders.
C. Truman’s Program is called “The ____________________ Deal”
1. The program was fair to the Rich & the _______________________
2. Soldiers were returning home
a. They needed:
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
b. They were starting families:
1. They were buying _____________________
2. They were having _____________________, and it was
called the “___________________________________”
D. Congress creates the Department of _______________________________
To replace the Department of ____________________________
1. All military operations are under one cabinet post.
2. Covers the ____________________, ____________________,
____________________, ____________________ in time of War,
and ______________________________.
E. The Truman Doctrine
1. Communist Russia is taking over the countries of Eastern Europe, and
is replacing them with “Puppet Governments”
2, The U.S. had to stand up to the Communists or they would take over
all of __________________________________.
3. This was the beginning of “The ______________ War”
4. To stop the advance of Communism the U.S. adopted “The Marshall
a. The U.S. helped rebuild the countries of Western ____________
b. This was to strengthen them to stand up to _________________
F. Election of 1948
1. The Republicans expected to ______________
2. Harry Truman gave a whirlwind campaign, in which the motto was
3. Southern Democrats broke away and formed the “________________”
Their candidate was Strom Thurmond.
Electoral Votes
Harry Truman
Thomas Dewey
Strom Thurmond
G. N.A.T.O.
1. Stood for:________________________________________________
2. Members were: ____________________, ____________________,
__________________, ____________________, _________________,
__________________, __________________, and other Allied nations.
3. Their motto was, ___________________________________________
4. It was a defense pact, against Communism.
H. Events
1. 1946- The Philippines is given their ____________________________
2. 1946- Israel is created in _____________________________________
3. October 18th, 1949- _________________________________________
4. 1950- 3 Puerto Rican Nationalists ______________________________
5. 1951- 22nd Amendment limits the President to ____ terms, and a
______ year maximum.
6. 1951- The 1st Nationwide Television broadcast is made on __________
7. 1952 Queen Elizabeth II takes over as the Queen of ________________
8. _____________________________ is the 1st African American to play
Major League Baseball
9. Harry Truman desegregates the U.S. military.
I. Korean War
1. After World War II Korea is divided at the 38th __________________
2. Communists control the _____________________ and Democratic
government controls the ____________________
3. On July 25th, 1950 the North invades the South.
4. By September 8th they have captured the entire South except for a small
area of the extreme South known as the _________________ Perimeter
5. The U.S. and other countries rush to the South’s defense.
6. ____________________, and ____________________ come to the aid
of North Korea.
7. _________________________________ is made commander of all
Allied Forces.
8. September 15th the Allies land at ____________________ on the West
Coast of Korea near the South’s Capital of _____________________
9. By September 26th the Allies have retaken all of South Korea.
10. By October the Allies have taken all of North Korea to the Chinese
11. October 25th China sends troops into Korea. They come by the
thousands and push the Allies back.
12. January 4th, 1951 the Communists take ___________________ the
capital of South Korea.
13. March 14th the Allies retake Seoul, and push to the _______ parallel
14. General MacArthur proposes setting off nuclear bombs to stop the
Chinese from crossing the Korean border.
15. April 11th Truman relieves _______________________ of command
16. July 10th Peace Talks begin, but the War settles into a _____________
J. Election of 1952
1. Harry Truman decides _______________________________________
2. The Republicans nominate _______________________________ for
President and California Senator ___________________________ for
Vice President
a. Eisenhower’s nickname is ______________________ and his
campaign slogan is “________________________________”
b. He pledges to clean up the mess in D.C. and to go to _________
c. ___________________________ is accused of accepting bribes
but in his famous “_______________________ Speech” he
explains what happened, but said he did accept one gift, his
daughter’s _______________________________ and he
would not give back his children’s ________________.
d. Eisenhower kept him on the ballot.
Electoral Votes
Adlai Stevenson
Dwight Eisenhower
XXXIV. Dwight David Eisenhower ( 1953 to 1961)
A. Early Life
1. Graduated from ____________________________________
2. In World War II he was _____________________________________
B. Korean War
1. President-Elect Eisenhower visits _______________ in December 1952
2. April 1953 the Communists & Allies exchange sick & wounded ______
3. July 27th a _______________________ is signed. The War ends exactly
where it began at the _______________________________________
4, U.S. troops are still in Korea today.
C. Events
1. 1953-The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare is created
2. 1955- Dr. Jonas Salk creates a _________________________________
3. 1955- Arco Idaho is the 1st ____________________________________
4. 1959- __________________________ becomes the 49th state, and then
__________________________ becomes the 50th state.
5. 1959- Castro leads a revolt in Cuba, and becomes dictator.
6. 1960- Castro makes Cuba a ____________________ Government, and
and the U.S. breaks relations with Cuba.
D. Election of 1956
1. Republican Slogan is “_______________________________”
Electoral Votes
Adlai Stevenson
Dwight Eisenhower
E. Second Term
1. Civil Rights
a. 1896- U.S. Supreme Court rules in “Plessey v. Fergusson”
that separate but equal facilities between the races is
_________________________ There are Black & White
restaurants, taxis, schools, water fountains, everything is
separate. The Races are segregated according to color.
b. 1954- The U.S. Supreme Court hears the case of
1, The Chief Justice is _________________________
2. The U.S. Supreme Court rules that ______________
c. September 1957 Orval Faubus orders the Arkansas National
Guard to stop African American children from attending
________________ Little Rock Schools
d. Eisenhower sends in U.S. _________________________ and
U.S. ______________________________ to escort the children
To class. The Little Rock Schools are _____________________
2. The Space Race
a. October 4th, 1957 the Russians orbit the 1st satellite calling it
b. The Russians orbit the 1st living thing in space. It is a ________
called ________________________. They put it up, but had no
way bring it down.
c. January 31st, 1958 the U.S. orbits a satellite called ___________
d. U.S. and Russia are involved in a space race.
3. Election of 1960
a. Republicans nominate Vice President _____________________
b. Democrats nominate Senator & War Hero _________________
c. 1st Televised Debates
1. Before the debates Nixon was ahead
2. There were 4 debates broadcast on TV
3. Nixon won the debates on the _____________________
a. He made better points on the issues
b. He was a better debater.
4. JFK won the debates on the _____________________
a. He had a make up man, and rested all day
b. Nixon arrived from a speech, and had a beard
5. Now JFK had over taken Nixon’s lead
Electoral Vote
John Kennedy
Richard Nixon
XXV. John Fitzgerald Kennedy ( 1961 to 1963)
A. Early Life
1. Graduated from Harvard
2. Wrote 2 books: Profiles in __________________________, and
While America __________________________________.
3. In World War II he joined the _______________________ and
was a __________ Boat Commander. His ship was called
________________________________. It was _____________
He then kept his crew together, even though his back was
injured. He carved a rescue message on a coconut and sent
natives with the message, and they were rescued 5 days later.
4. He was then elected________________________________, and
then he was elected _____________________ of Massachusetts
B. His program was called “The _______________________________”
1. He raised minimum wage from $1.00 to ________________
2. Peace Corp
a. Americans were trained, and sent abroad to teach other
countries to help themselves.
b. The idea was the Story of the Fish. _________________
3. Civil Rights
a. James Meredith a Negro attempted to go to the
University of Mississippi a White College.
1. Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett sends in
police & troops to stop him.
2. JFK sends in 3,000 Federal Troops to escort him
to class.
b. Rosa ______________ refuses to go to the back of the
__________________ and is arrested. This starts the
Civil Rights protests
c. Martin _______________________________ leads
desegregation protests throughout the South in an
attempt to desegregate ______________________ &
other public facilities.
d. Freedom March Washington D.C., August 28th, 1963.
1. 200,000 people march to the ______________
_____________________________ to demand
equal ___________________________.
2. The main speaker is ______________________
who gives his ___________________________
4. Space Race
a. JFK gives a speech in which he declares,”____________
b. U.S. forms NASA a.k.a. __________________________
to run the space program to put men on the Moon by the
end of the _________________________________
c. The Russian orbit the 1st man ______________________
d. ______________________________________ is the 1st
American in outer space. He goes straight up, and then
right back down on May 5th, 1961.
e. ______________________________ is the 1st American
to orbit the Earth on February 20th, 1962. Does 3 orbits,
and comes right back down.
f. The satellite Telstar broadcasts the 1st TV broadcast
from the US to Europe using a satellite, in 1962.
5. Events
a. 1961- The Communists build “The ________________”
to separate Communist countries from the Free
Countries in Europe. This is to stop people from fleeing
To _________________________________________
b. 23rd Amendment- ______________________________
c. 1963- U.S. Supreme Court rules ___________________
in school to be unconstitutional.
6. Cuba
a. Bay of Pigs
1. U.S. supports Cuban Nationalists who want to
invade Cuba and __________________________
2. The U.S. at the last moment withdraws air
support, and the Cubans are slaughtered at the
Bay of __________________. 1,100 are captured
3. The US pays $53,000,000 for their ___________
b. Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962
1. Russia puts nuclear missiles in Cuba capable of
hitting _______________, _________________,
and ____________________.
2. JFK tells the World that they must be removed or
US will _________________________________
3. Russians say _____________________________
4. We decide to quarantine Cuba. This is really a
_______________________________ but since
_______________________________ is an act
of ____________ we call it a quarantine. We will
not let ships into Cuba unless we inspect them.
5. Russian ships are heading to Cuba and the World
is on the verge of a ________________________
6. The US is preparing for a _____________ attack
7. Finally Nikita ____________________ the leader
of Russia agrees to remove the missiles. War is
8. 1963- A ___________________________ is set
up between Moscow and Washington DC.
C. Dallas Texas, November 22nd, 1963
1. JFK was preparing to run for reelection in 1964, and there was a
political battle going on in Texas between the Texas Governor John
Connolly, and Texas Senator Ralph Yarbrough. He was afraid it would
Hurt him carrying the state in 1964. So he and Vice President ________
________________________ was going to Texas to settle the problem.
2. Texas was Vice President Johnson’s ____________________________
3. It was set that there would be a motorcade through downtown Dallas.
4. At 12:30 CST 3 shots rang out _________________________________
5. JFK was taken to Parkland hospital where he _____________________
6. Lyndon Johnson went to ______________________________ where he
was sworn into office by Federal Judge __________________________
at 2:39 CST.
7. 2 days after JFK was killed his assassin _________________________
was _______________ on national TV by _______________________
He died within hours of the shooting.
8. JFK lays in state, and is buried in ______________________________
XXXVI. Lyndon Baines Johnson ( 1963 to 1969
A. Early Life
1. After Pearl Harbor he is the 1st Congressman to go into uniform.
He was a Lt. Commander in the Naval Reserve.
2. He served until July 1942 when FDR ordered all Congressmen
to return to Washington DC.
3. He was then elected Senator from Texas.
B. Events
1. 24th Amendment- ____________________________________
2. 25th Amendment- ____________________________________
a. President can appoint a ___________________________
b. Sets up rules to remove a President from office who has
3. ________________________________ becomes the 1st African
American to sit on the _________________________________
4. Robert Weaver becomes the 1st African American to serve in the
__________________________ as Secretary of _____________
and Urban ____________________________________.
5. Thurgood Marshall becomes the 1st _______________________
6. 1968- April _________________________________ is shot and
killed by an assassin. June- _____________________________
is shot and killed by an assassin after winning the California
Democratic Primary.
7. The Warren Commission
a. It is investigating the JFK Assassination
b. It is run by US Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl
___________________________, Congressman Gerald
___________________________ and Chief Counsel
Arlen _________________________________
c. They find that __________________________________
C. Lyndon Johnson’s program is called “The ______________________”
1. It is Johnson’s vision for America.
2. It was a war on _______________________ in the United States
3. Medicare was a health insurance program for _______________
4. Job Corp- was a program to train_________________________
5. Elementary & Secondary Education Act is the 1st Federal aid to
public _________________________________.
6. Civil Rights Act of 1964
a. Provides for equal job opportunities for all people
regardless of _________________________________
b. It opens all public facilities to all races.
D. Election of 1964
1. Republican Candidate is Au + h2O or Barry ________________
2. Issues are World Peace and The Great Society.
Electoral Votes
Lyndon Johnson
Republican Barry ___________
4. The Conservative Barry _______________ is the 1 Republican
to carry the ________________________ ever.
E. Space Race
1. U.S. Manned Space Craft
a. Mercury has _____________________________
1. Designed to show that men could live in space
2. Designed for Earth __________________
b. Gemini has ______________________________
1. Designed to pave the way to the _____________
2. Missions will show endurance, rendezvous with
other spacecraft, docking with spacecraft, EVA
capabilities ( Men can ____________________),
and other needed missions.
c. Apollo has ____________________________________
1. Designed to _____________________________
2. Then they will be able to explore the __________
2. Space Spectaculars
a. Ed White on Gemini 4 is the 1st U.S. man to
b. Gemini 6 & Gemini 7 are the 1st spacecraft to _________
c. Space Tragedy- January 1967-_____________________
d. Apollo 8- Christmas 1968 – Borman, Anders & Lovell
F. Racial Unrest
1. With push for voting rights in the ______________________ &
the push for desegregation in the nation racial unrest increases.
2. Racial Riots break out in____________________, Chicago,
____________________, ____________________, Detroit,
and ____________________.
3. LBJ had to send in ______________________ to stop the riots.
G. Vietnam War
1. U.S. has been aiding South Vietnam in their battle with North
Vietnamese Communists who are invading their country.
2. U.S. has been giving them ________________________ &
military _________________________________.
3. August 1964 North Vietnamese Torpedo Boats attack U.S.
destroyers off the coast of North Vietnam. It is known as the
4. U.S. _____________________________________________
and the Congress gives the President power to do what he must
in Vietnam.
5. Air Force General Curtis LeMay tells LBJ that if allows him, the
Air Force will bomb North Vietnam back into the ___________
LBJ _______________________________________________
6. 1965- L.B.J. commits the 1st combat troops to Vietnam.
7. U.S. begins extended bombing of the North, and brings more
troops to South Vietnam.
8. By 1968 the U.S. has ____________+ combat troops in Vietnam
9. 1967- Tet Offensive- Vietcong (_________________________)
& North Vietnamese troops launch a wide spread offensive in
South Vietnam taking several key cities and causing widespread
Death and damage. It is a _____________________ victory and
Starts to divide the country
a. Hawks who ____________________________________
b. Doves who____________________________________
10. Protests break out in towns and college campuses. Leading to
violence and more protests.
11. To pay for the war a 10% temporary income tax surcharge was
enacted in addition to the regular income tax.
12. Protests fuel the Presidential Campaign of Eugene McCarthy.
He is an antiwar Democrat who is challenging _____________
13. McCarthy comes close to beating LBJ in _________________
14. March 31st, 1968 LBJ declares _________________________
15. LBJ reduces U.S. bombing of North Vietnam
16. May 5th, 1968 ________________________________ begin
in Paris between __________________ & ________________
H. Election of 1968
1. __________________________________ was the main issue.
2. With LBJ out of the race the 3 Democratic contenders were:
a. ____________________ b. ____________________
c. ____________________
3. The race is shaken in April 1968 when ___________________
is assassinated in Memphis.
4. With the shooting ___________ break out throughout the U.S.
5. Robert Kennedy wins the California Democratic Primary and
exclaims,” Now onto Chicago (Where Democratic Convention
will be held), and lets win there!” Minutes later ____________
6. When Democrats meet in Chicago Peace Protesters riot in the
streets, and ____________________________ is the Democrats
choice for President.
7. The Republicans pick __________________________ who had
lost to ________________________________ in 1960
8. A Third Party forms when Alabama Governor George Wallace
forms the American Independent Party.
9. November 1st LBJ stops all bombing of North Vietnam.
Electoral Votes
Hubert Humphrey
Republican Richard Nixon
Am Indep.
George Wallace
XXXVII. Richard Nixon ( 1969 to 1974)
A. Early Life
1. Born in ____________________________________
2. Graduated from ______________ Law School
3. Served in the _______________________ in World War II,
and used his _______________________________________
4. He was a Congressman, Senator, & Vice President
B. Events
1. 26th Amendment- ____________________________________
2. State & Local Fiscal Assistance Act provided Federal Revenue
for __________________________ & ____________________
C. Space Race
1. Apollo 10- __________________________________________
2. Apollo 11- July 20th, 1969 _____________________________
3. Other moon flights will explore the lunar surface 1st using a cart,
then a lunar dune buggy. They will set up equipment to measure
solar winds, lunar moon quakes, and other experiments. They
will bring back 100s of pounds of ________________________
D. Pollution is becoming a major problem. The river in Cleveland is ____
E. Women’s __________________________ movement begins as women
Push for __________________________________________________
F. Vietnam
1. Peace talks begun under LBJ continues.
2. Nixon steps up training of the South Vietnamese Army so they
will be able to defend themselves when the U.S. Troops ______
3. It is called “__________________________________”
4. Nixon then begins the gradual withdrawal of _______________
5. At Home the War is growing more unpopular, and War Protests
are spreading
a. College Campuses are being shut down.
b. There are more and more draft resisters
c. Campus slogan is, “____________________________”
6. In 1970-U.S. invades Cambodia to destroy North Vietnamese
supply lines and supply depots there.
7. Protests increase, and a Protest at _______________________
turns _____________________ when the Ohio National Guard
_________________________ into a _____________________
and _______________________. The whole nation then erupts
into protest.
8. 1972 The U.S. mines North Vietnamese harbors, and blockades
North Vietnam to cut off supplies.
9. U.S. Troop levels are dropping.
G. Election of 1972
1. Main issue is the War in Vietnam
2. The Democrats nominate antiwar candidate George McGovern
3. President Nixon is Re-nominated.
4. In June men working on President Nixon’s Campaign are
arrested breaking into The Democratic National Headquarters
in the ______________________________________________
5. They are tried and convicted of burglary.
Popular Vote
Electoral Vote
Nixon (R)
McGovern (D)
H. End of the Vietnam War
1. U.S. resumes widespread bombing of North Vietnam
2. January 27th, 1973 – The North Vietnamese, the United States,
and South Vietnam sign an agreement to stop fighting & to
exchange ____________________________________
3. March 1973- U.S. completes withdrawal of all it’s troops from
South Vietnam.
4. U.S. pledges to return in “Full Force” to help the South if it is
ever needed.
5. Fighting resumed later in the year, but the U.S. did not return.
6. By the end of the War, everything that General ____________
I. Congress passes the “War Powers Resolution”
1. It was passed over President Nixon’s ____________________.
2. It spells out the war making powers of the President
3. It states that Congress can halt the use of any U.S. Armed
Forces that the President has ordered into __________________
J. Watergate
1. Early in 1973 there are links uncovered between top White
aides and the break-in of the ____________________________
on June 17th, 1972.
2. Nixon goes on TV and states that he had no part in the break-in.
3. In May of 1973 Archibald ______________ is appointed as a
Special Prosecutor into the Watergate Affair.
4. The Senate also decides to hold their own investigation into the
Watergate Break-in.
a. The Senator in charge is Senator Sam Ervin
b. They will hold special committee hearings into the affair
c, The Senate discovers that Nixon has a recording system
Oval Office in the White House.
d. The Senate subpoenas the tapes
e. The White House refuses to give them the tapes claiming
f. Serving as a legal aide to the committee is ____________
5. Archibald Cox takes Nixon to _____________________ to get
the tapes.
6. Pressure is mounting on Nixon so he orders Attorney General
Elliot Richardson to ___________ Cox. Richardson refuses so
Nixon _______________________ Richardson, and an assistant
To Richardson ______________________ Cox.
a. Nixon Appoints Leon Jaworski to replace Cox
b. Jaworski still _________________________________
7. The Nation goes wild, and Nixon’s popularity ______________
8. The House of Representatives now decides in October 1973
to hold _____________________________________________
a. They also subpoena the White House Tapes
b. They then go to court to get the tapes, it begins in the
U.S. District Court it will eventually go to the U.S.
9. It is discovered that Vice President Spiro Agnew has problems
a. Agnew was Governor of Maryland
b. It is discovered while he was governor he had ________
c. He works out a deal, and he _______________________
10. President Nixon then became the 1st President to use the _____
Amendment to _____________________________________
11. On December 6th, 1973 he appoints ______________________
as the new _____________________________________
12. In July of 1974 the House Committee proposed 3 Articles of
a. They are brought up and __________________ by the
House Impeachment Committee.
1. 1st Article of Impeachment- Obstruction of
2. 2nd Article of Impeachment- Abuse of
Presidential _________________________
3. 3rd Article of Impeachment- Disobeying
Congressional Subpoenas.
b. The Articles are then sent to the House to be _________
13. August 5th, 1974 The U.S. _____________________________
orders Nixon to _____________________________________
a. The tapes show that on June 23rd, 1973 Nixon had
ordered a cover up of the burglary.
b. He had attempted to protect those involved, and this is
known as ____________________________________
c. G.O.P. Congressman & Senators warn Nixon he will
be __________________________________ and that
the Senate would _____________________________
14. On August 7th he tells family members that he will _________
15. On August 9th, 1974 he tells the Nation that he will _________
16. August 9th, 1974 Nixon _____________________ and then
flies home to ____________________________________
XXXVIII Gerald Ford ( 1974-1977 )
A. 1st’s
1. 1st Vice President to be appointed under ________ Amendment
2. 1st Vice President to become President after a ____________________
3. 1st President never to face a national __________________________
B. Sworn into office at noon on August 9th, 1974
C. He appointed __________________________________ as his Vice President
D. September 8th, 1974 Ford _________________ Nixon for all federal crimes he
committed during his Presidency.
E. Domestic Affairs
1. The economy was being racked by _____________________ pressures.
He called a national address and said that the U.S. should
Whip Inflation Now. The slogan was WIN. Tells people to
Stop spending money.
2. President asks for a tax increase to slow down the economy.
3. People listen to Ford and __________________________ the economy
slows and ___________________________________ increases to 9%.
4. President now gives a tax rebate of $500. to stimulate the economy.
F. 2 assassination attempts
1. Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme- A Charles Manson follower
fires a shot at Ford in Sacramento California on 9/5/75
2. Sara Jane Moore in San Francisco on 9/22/75 fires a shot
at Ford but missed.
3. Both are sentenced to _________________ in prison.
G. Foreign Affairs
1. Vietnam
a. April 1975 North Vietnam takes South Vietnam
b. U.S. does ______________________________.
c. Over 1,000,000 South Vietnamese are killed as the
North takes over the South.
d. Over 100,000 South Vietnamese come to the U.S..
2. Mayaguez ( A U.S. Merchant ship) Incident
a. Cambodia Communists seize the ship on the high seas,
and takes the ship to Cambodia.
b. Ford mobilizes the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, &
Marines Reserves to retake ship
c. Marines recapture ship & crew, and incident ends
H. Events
1. Viking I space craft soft lands on ___________________ in July 1976
2. U.S. Apollo & Russian Soyuz spacecraft link up in space in 1975
3. U.S. celebrates it’s ___________________________ on July 4th, 1976
I. Election of 1976.
1. Issues- Ford’s Pardon of Nixon, and the state of the _______________
2. Results
Jimmy Carter
Gerald Ford
XXXIX James Earl Carter (1977 to 1981)
A. Early Life
1. He was a ______________________ & a graduate of ______________
2. He served on the nuclear submarine- U.S.S. Sea Wolf.
3. He was elected Governor of _____________________________
B. Domestic Affairs
1. He pardoned Vietnamese Deserters & Draft Dodgers.
2. Economy
a. 1977- Economy was good. Inflation is 6%.
b. 1978- Inflation takes off.
c. 1979- Gas shortages shake economy as inflation raises higher,
and the price of gas ______________________________
d. 1980- Inflation is now 15%, and raising higher. Carter’s
approval rating is 21%.
3. Carter kills the B-1 bomber project saying the plane is not needed.
4. He begins development of the cruise missile.
C. Foreign Affairs
1. 1978-Panama Canal Treaties between U.S. & Panama.
a. U.S. to give canal to Panama on 12/31/2000
b. U.S. will defend the Panama Canal
c. Critics say there is no Panama Canal, that there’s an American
Canal in Panama, but Carter pushes treaties through Congress.
2. Israel -Egypt Peace treaty
a. Carter & leaders from Israel & Egypt meet at Camp David to
hammer out a peace accord.
b. They agreed to recognize each other, and established set borders
c. Eased Middle east tensions.
3. Russia invades ____________________________________________
a. Russia tries to take over the country.
b. The U.S. arms the rebels with the latest weapons to stop Russia
c. Russia is hosting the 1980 Olympics in Moscow.
d. The U.S. refuses to send our athletes to the games.
e. The Rebels are Islamic ___________________________, and
they are _________________________________________
4. Iran
a. Ayatollah Khomeini over throws the Shah of Iran. U.S. refuses
to help him, and urges the Shah to leave his country. He seeks
asylum in a neutral country.
b. Islamic Fundamentalists now take over __________________
c. When Carter allows the Shah to seek medical treatment in the
U.S. Iran freaks out
1. Iranian students attack our ________________ in Tehran
2. They take our embassy personnel and hold them hostage.
3. The student leader is ___________________________
4. Iran refuses to release our diplomats
5. U.S. tries a rescue attempt- 3 helicopters crash & 8 men
die in a desert in Iran. The bodies are recovered
6. The Shah of Iran dies, but Iran continues to hold our
D. Events
1. 1979- The Three mile island Nuclear power plant on the outskirts of
Harrisburg almost ____________________. It is the 1st major nuclear
2. Congress creates 2 Departments one of Education & and one of Energy.
E. Election of 1980
1. Carter’s popularity is at all time lows. He is challenged in the
Democratic Primaries by _______________________( Brother of JFK).
Kennedy wins most of the primaries, but Carter controls party leaders
and wins the nomination.
2. Issues- Inflation, High Unemployment, _________ age & the Hostages.
3. Results
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
XL Ronald Reagan ( 1981 to 1989)
A. Early Life
1. He was a radio announce, an _______________, & a T.V. Star.
2. President of the Screen Actor’s Guild ( Hollywood Union)
3. Governor of ________________________________________
4. Ran for President in 1968 & 1976 and lost.
B. Minutes after being sworn in the Iranians released the 52 U.S. Diplomats
And they were flown home. They had been held for _________ days.
C. Domestic Affairs
1. Economic Policies
a. Pushed for and passed a _______ cut, to stimulate the economy.
b. Cut government ________________________ to stop inflation.
c. The federal Reserve raised interest rates to record levels to
stop inflation.
d. As interest rates rose the economy descended into recession.
e. Unemployment reaches 11%, and a record deficit of
f. In 1984 the Unemployment rate ______ sharply as the economy
rebounded rapidly.
2. Sandra Day ___________________ becomes the 1st woman to serve on
the U.S. Supreme Court.
3. Reagan cuts U.S. Government regulations & Conservation Regulations
4. March 1981- John Hinckley steps out of the crowd, and fires numerous
pistol shots at Reagan. Reagan’s press secretary James Brady is shot in
the head, and a Secret Service Agent takes a bullet for Reagan, but the
President is shot in the chest. He barely survives the assassination
D. Foreign Affairs
1. Reagan begins to build up the ________________________________
2. U.S. Nuclear Policy is based on MAD- __________________________
This is where the outcome of a nuclear war is total destruction &
devastation. The Russian can kill every man, woman, & child in the
U.S. ___ times, but we can only kill the Russians ____times. So we are
behind, and Reagan begins to build new nuclear weapons.
3. U.S. builds up it’s Navy, Air Force, Army, & Marines.
4. U.S. sends Peace keeping troops to Lebanon.
a. The Palestinian Liberation Organization and Israel are
fighting in Lebanon.
b. The Peace Keeping Troops are U.S. Marines.
c. October 1983- Terrorists blow up the Marine Headquarters in
Beirut. 241 marines die.
d. Marines move their headquarters to ships off shore, but the
fighting continues.
5. Cuba is helping Grenadian Rebels
a. U.S. & 6 other nations invade Grenada
b. U.S. says Cuba was going to use Grenada as a Military Base.
6. Rebels were attempting to overthrow the El Salvadorian GovernmentThe U.S. sends ___________, and ______________ to the government.
7. ____________ & _________ are helping the Communist government of
Nicaragua. The U.S. gives the Nicaraguan Rebels _________________,
And ___________________________________
E. Election of 1984
1. Democrats nominate Walter Mondale, and he picks ________________
as his Vice Presidential candidate. 1st time a woman is on a major
national ticket.
2. Issues- Build up of the military & ______________________________.
3. Results
Reagan carries all states but ____________________________ & D.C.
F. Events
1. Space
a. 4/12/81- 1st Space Shuttle _____________ goes into outer space.
b. 4/20/83- _______________________ becomes the 1st American
woman in space. The 1st woman was ______________________
of __________________________________
c. 2/7/84 on the shuttle Challenger Bruce McCandliss becomes the
1st human to fly totally free of the space craft.
d. 1/28/86- The space shuttle ____________________ exploded 73
seconds after launch 7 astronauts die, including the 1st teacher
in space Christa McAuliffe.
2. 1/5/87 Reagan proposes the 1st _____________________ dollar budget.
3. 1/8/87- The Dow Jones Industrials closes above 2,000 for the 1st time.
4. 12/8/87 U.S. & Russia agree to dismantle 1752 U.S. nuclear missiles,
and 859 Russian missiles with ranges of 300 to 3400 miles.
5. 12/21/88-Pan Am flight 103 explodes in flight & crashes into Lockerbie
Scotland. Killing 259 people on board. Terrorists blew it up.
G. Election of 1988
1. Issues- Bush will continue with ________________________ policies,
and Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis pledges to
change the course of the Nation.
2. Bush’s Campaign slogan is, ”Read my lips, no ___________________”
M. Dukakis
Republican G. Bush
XLI. George Herbert Walker Bush ( 1989 to 1993)
A. Early Life
1. He is the youngest Navy ____________________ in World War II
a. He is shot down, and the two people with him are ___________
b. He is rescued by a ___________________ and a crewman takes
a movie of the rescue.
2. He graduates from __________ and is a member of ________________
a secret society at ___________________________
3. He is a Congressman, United Nations Ambassador, Ambassador to
___________________________, ________________ Director, and is
B. The Economy
1. The economy is being battered by high Budget ____________________
and high Foreign Trade ________________________________
2. The Savings & Loans ( S & L’s) in the U.S. are in financial trouble
a. The S & L’s have made bad loans and now are on the verge of
going _______________________________________
b. If they do the people who have savings in them will then ______
their _____________________________
c. If they fail the economy would go even ____________________
d. So the U.S. agrees to bail out the S & L’s
3. This further increases the country’s budget _________________
4. So in 1990 George Bush agrees to a Democratic proposal to _________
taxes. So he has broken his campaign ___________________________
C. Events
1. August 10th, 1989 George Bush appoints ________________________
as the 1st African American Chairman of the ______________________
2. On October 17th, 1989 an _____________________________ hits San
Francisco during the World Series at Candlestick Park. Everyone runs
out onto the __________________________________
3. December 20th, 1989- The U.S. invades _______________________
and captures their President Manuel Noriega who is wanted in the U.S.
on _______________________________________________
4. October 15th, 1991 Clarence Thomas becomes the 2nd African American
on the U.S. ___________________________________ despite charges
of __________________________________________ by his secretary
Anita Hill. These charges bring the issue to the front of national issues.
5. April 29th, 1992 Riots sweep Los Angeles after 4 white policemen are
acquitted of beating ________________________________________
D. Foreign Affairs
1. Persian Gulf War
a. August 1990 Saddam Hussein of Iraq invades ______________
b. Bush assembles a United Nations Coalition to retake _________
and to protect ______________________________________
c. The protection of ____________________________ is called
Operation _________________________________________
d. On January 16th President George Bush asks Congress for a
______________________________________ & it is approved
e. On January 17th Operation ______________________________
begins an Air Campaign to destroy Iraq. It continues for a _____
f. On February 24th a land attack begins, that in 100 hours will
liberate ____________________________ and destroy the Iraqi
____________, but Bush does not ________________________
g. On February 27th Bush orders a _____________________, but
leaves ______________________________ in control of Iraq.
h. Iraq agrees to withdrawal of U.S. Troops in exchange for the
destruction of all of Iraq’s ______________________________.
The United Nations is to _______________________________
2. End of the Cold War
a. In 1991 the Soviet Union breaks apart.
1. It dissolves into 15 independent countries.
2. Russia’s puppet governments in Eastern Europe also
break away.
3. East & West Germany __________________________
and they rip down the __________________________
4. _______________________ & ____________________
break apart and become independent countries.
E. The Economy
1. The economy is slowing down, and going into ____________________
2. People feel that the country is going in the _______________________
F. The Election of 1992
1. Issues- The Recession & George Bush’s broken campaign slogan of,
“Read my lips, no ___________________________________”
2. Election Results
Bill Clinton 44,988,254
Republican George Bush 39,197,469
Independent Ross Perot
XLII. William J. Clinton (1993 to 2001)
A. Early Life
1. Nicknames: _____________________, _____________________,
& _____________________
2. 1st Baby ________________________ President
3. Went to _____________________, and then was a Rhodes Scholar
& went to _____________________. Finally went to ______________
Law School.
4. Was a Senator with the Boy’s Nation, and went on a trip to D.C. where
he met __________________________________________, and he
said it affected _____________________.
5. He was the youngest governor in _____________________
6. He plays the _____________________
B. Events
1. On 2/28/93 the U.S. Government surrounds David Karesh at his
compound in _____________ Texas. The siege lasts till 4/19/93 when
the government uses a tank with tear gas to try to force them out. A
fire breaks out and __________________________________________
2. Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City is bombed by
_____________________ who did it in response to ________________
many are killed & injured.
3. White rule in South Africa comes to an end when _________________
is sworn in as the 1st Black President of South Africa.
4. In Scotland scientist clone the 1st sheep. Its name is ________________
C. Domestic Affairs
1. “Don’t Ask, don’t _____________________” is his policy on gays in
the _____________________.
2. The President appoints his wife _____________________ to over see
the development of a national health care system
3. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
a. Raises taxes on the top 2% of tax payers.
b. No middleclass tax _____________________
c. Lowers government _____________________
4. Family Medical Leave Act of 1993
a. People can get unpaid leave for pregnancy & family illness
b. It can be for the employee or family member
5. Republicans take control of the _____________________ & the
_____________________ in the midterm elections for the 1st time
in _____________________ years.
6. Brady Bill
a. Pushed for by Jim Brady who was shot in the head when
_____________________ was shot at.
b. It was gun control legislation
c. To buy a hand gun took a _______ day waiting period
d. They had to have a _____________________
7. Economy
a. _____________________ & _____________________ are at
30 year lows.
b. 22,000,000 new _____________________ are created
c. Highest home ownership
d. 1st balanced _____________________ in 30 years
e. Higher stock ownership by families, & higher income levels
D. Election of 1996
1. Economy was improving
2. Results
Electoral Votes
Bill Clinton
Bob Dole
Independent Ross Perot
E. Foreign Affairs
1. Oslo Accords 1993- Israel Prime Minister & PLO Leader Yasser
_____________________ recognize each other’s country
a. North American Free Trade Agreement
b. Set up a free trade zone between _____________________,
_____________________ & _____________________
3. Serbia, Kosovo, & Bosnia are scenes of genocide & ethnic cleansing
a. The U.S. sends in US Peace Keepers
b. When that fails to stop the violence US sends in _____________
4. Good Friday Peace Accords- 1998- Brings about a peace in _________
5. 1998 Iraq expels UN inspectors from _____________________ who
are looking for weapons of _____________________
F. Terrorist Attacks on U.S.
1. West Berlin Night Club is bombed- 1 US soldier is killed & many are
2. World Trade Center in New York City is bombed when a van filled
with explosives are detonated in the _____________________
a. February 26th, 1993
b. Leaves a seven story hole in the parking garage under the
trade Tower.
c. 6 dead and 1,000+ are _____________________
3. Somalia
a. U.S. has Peace Keepers in Somalia to control violence by War
Lords who are killing their own _____________________
b. In 1993 US troops 18 US troops are killed and drug through
the streets of Mogadishu
4. Kobar Towers Saudi Arabia June 25th, 1996
a. A US military barracks in Saudi Arabia
b. Hit with a van bomb Killing 19, and wounding 515
5. US Embassies in Kenya & Tanzania are bombed on August 7th, 1998
killing 301 and wounding 5,000+
6. The U.S.S. _____________________ is hit with a boat bomb while
docked in _____________________. 17 sailors are _______________
and the ship has to be tow/floated home.
G. Clinton’s Female Indiscretions
1. As Governor of Arkansas he has a phone relationship with a state
employee Jennifer Flowers. During the 1992 Presidential Campaign
Flowers releases the _____________________ of their conversations
That she had taped for sale.
2. As Governor of Arkansas he has an incident with __________________
a. She claims that she was sexually harassed by Clinton to
her friends, but does not follow legal channels
b. After Clinton is sworn into office as president Jones sues
him for harassment
c. The case goes all the way to the U.S. _____________________
1. Clinton said the case should be held in abeyance
until his presidency is over.
2. The Supreme Court rules _________________________
d. The case then proceeds with testimony.
e. Kathleen Wiley claims that the President had sexually
harassed her in the White House.
f. Jones’ lawyers find that the President had a sexual relationship
with White House Intern _____________________.
g. They subpoena Clinton & _____________________ to testify in
in the case of Paula Jones
h. Lewinsky files a deposition, and Clinton Testify and are not
i. With this testimony the Judge in the case finds for the President
that he did not harass Jones.
3. Kenneth Starr is a Special Prosecutor investigating Clinton’s land
dealings in a Whitewater Development while Clinton was governor
a. Jones’ lawyers inform Starr of the perjury that has taken place in
their case.
b. Starr investigates and finds that President Clinton has lied under
c. The House of Representatives becomes involved in the
investigation and find that Clinton has_____________________
4. The House of Representatives holds committee hearings on the charges
and votes out of committee 4 Articles of _____________________
a. On December 16th 1998 the House votes approves 2 of the
1. Article I- That the President has committed __________
2. Article II- That the President has ___________________
b. With this vote William Clinton is the 2nd President to be
5. Senate Trial
a. On January 17th, 1999 the House members go to the Senate to
inform the Senate that _________________________________
b. The next day Chief Justice ______________________________
comes to the Senate to preside over the ___________________
c. The 100 Senators are then sworn in as _____________________
d. The House then presents their case
e. Clinton’s lawyers then present their case
f. Public opinion at this time has the president with a _____%
approval rating
g. On February 12th, 1999 the Senate Votes
1. Article I the vote is 45 for and 55 against approval
2. Article II the vote is 50 for and 50 against approval
h. President Clinton will not be __________________ from office
6. Once it is revealed that Clinton has lied under oath Clinton’s lawyers
settle the case with _____________________
7. Judge Susan Wright in the Paula Jones case then sanctions the President
by __________________________________________.
H. Election of 2000
1. Issues
a. Bush Slogan- “Restore Honor & Dignity to the White House”
b. Bush was known as a Compassionate Conservative
c. Gore was pushing Environmental Issues
d. The economy was slowing and what to help it
2. Candidates are:
a. Republican Texas Governor _____________________
b. Democrat Vice President _____________________
c. Green Party consumer advocate _____________________
3. Election Night 2000
a. Gore has a popular vote lead of 533,000 votes, but does not
have a majority of _____________________
b. When election night ends Gore has 255 electoral votes, and
Bush has 246 electoral votes with _________ electoral votes
Needed to be elected.
c. Still in contention is New Mexico with 5 electoral votes, Oregon
with 7 electoral votes & Florida with _____________________
d. Gore wins New Mexico & Oregon giving him ____ electoral
e. Florida
1. At the end of the vote in Florida Bush has a 1784 vote
lead. Since margin between candidates is less than .5%
an automatic _____________________ takes place
2. With the end of the recount Bush’s lead is 327 votes.
3. Miami now begins a manual recount, looking at each
ballot trying to determine what the voter intended
4. Bush’s Campaign claims that this sort of recount
was not occurring anywhere else in the country and
as a result was a violation of the _____ Amendment
which means equal protection of the ________________
5. In Supreme Court Case Bush v. Gore the Supreme Court
rules 7 to 2 that the recount is _____________________,
and in a 5 to 4 decision that the recount is ended
6. Florida certifies Bush the winner of the state’s 25
electoral votes.
7. This gives Bush _____ electoral votes, and makes him
XLIII. George W. Bush ( 2001 to today)
A. Early Life
1. He is the son of former President _____________________
2. He graduates from _____________________ and is a member of
the secret society _________________________________________
3. He is a pilot in the Texas ___________________________________
4. He is the only President to have _____________________
5. He was President of the Texas _____________________ & Governor
of _____________________
B. Domestic Affairs
1. The economy is slowing down, and to stimulate the economy the pushes
for and passes a Middle Class _____________________
a. 1.35 trillion dollar tax cut over ten years
b. Lowers overall tax rate, doubles child tax credit
c. Does away with the marriage _____________________
2. No Child Left Behind Act- Students must pass tests at different grades
to show that they are proficient in their school work. Schools must
show that they reach specific educational _____________________
3. Bush increases educational & _____________________ spending in
a 1.96 _____________________ budget.
C. 911
1. On _____________________ 4 airliners are hijacked by Al-Qaeda
under the orders of _____________________
a. American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston crashes into the
North ___________________________________________
at 8:48am.
b. American Airlines Flight 77 out of Boston crashes into the
at 9:03am
c. The South Tower_____________________ at 9:59am and the
North Tower _____________________ at 10:30am
d. United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the _________________
at 9:40am.
e. United Airlines Flight 93- Passengers try to take the flight back
from the hijackers, but at the last moment _________________
This is called the 1st ___________________________________
f. Later Al-Qaeda says that Flight 93 was headed to the _________
2. Death toll is 2,974 on the planes, in the towers, & at the Pentagon
3. All air traffic in the U.S. is _____________________
4. George Bush declares the 911 Attacks an act of war
5. Patriotism __________________________________________
6. FBI investigates Hijackings and finds
a. That _____________________ had ordered the attacks
b. The Hijackers had come from the Middle East
c. They had been trained by Al-Qaeda in ____________________
d. We ask the government of _____________________ to give
_____________________ to the U.S. & shut down __________
training camps where the hijackers were __________________
e. _____________________ led by the Taliban refuses to comply
7. Economic impact
a. Physical Damages- $25,000,000,000
b. Airlines are hard hit economically
c. Stock Market declines sharply, economy slows down
d. Unemployment _____________________
D. War on Terrorism
1. Called the War for Enduring Freedom
2. Cabinet Post of __________________________________________
is created with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge as 1st Secretary
3. Patriot Act gives the U.S. the power to __________________________
4. October 7th, 2001 the U.S. and 12 other nations invade _____________
a. They target the Taliban & Al-Qaeda training camps
b. The Taliban is removed from _____________________
c. December 7th, 2001 the U.S. raises the U.S. Flag at the U.S.
Embassy in Kabul,
d. 4 days later a new government forms in ___________________
e. Osama Bin Laden is not found and the search shifts to ________
E. Invasion of Iraq
1. The US wants Iraq President _____________________ to comply with
the UN mandate signed by him at the end of the Persian Gulf War. He
must show the UN that he has destroyed his _____________________
He refuses to comply.
2. In his State of the Union address in 2002 he declares the ___________,
_____________________. & _____________________ are an Axis of
Evil that must be dealt with.
3. U.S. begins to make plans to ____________________ Iraq, because we
fear that Iraq has not destroyed their ____________________________
4. After many UN Resolutions and Iraq’s refusals to comply the U.S. on
March 20th, 2003 ___________________________________________
5. U.S. Allies are _____________________, _____________________,
___________________, __________________ & ________________
6. Baghdad falls on April 9th, & on April 14th Iraq is defeated
7. Suicide Bombings & hit and run tactics crop up across Iraq run by
Shiite Radicals & Al-Qaeda insurgents
8. ___________________________________________ were never found
9. Iraq’s elect a Democratic Government
F. Events
1. Hurricane Katrina
a. It is a Category 5 hurricane that hit ________________
b. The levees around ________________ are breached
c. 80% of ________________ is flooded
d. It is the worst Domestic Calamity in the US since the 1906
________________. !,000+ dead, 200+ Billion dollars in
e. George Bush is ________________________________
2. A ________________ benefit is added to the Medicare System
3. Space Shuttle ________________
a. On February 1st, 2003 the shuttle was in orbit, and was landing
after an orbital mission.
b. NASA did not realize that a chunk of insulation during launch
had damaged the heat tile system.
c. Heat burned through the wing and the shuttle burned up in the
skies of ________________. All ______ astronauts died
d. Columbia was the 1st shuttle that was launched.
G. Election of 2004
1. Issues
a. The War in Iraq is the main issue. People question why did we
invade, is the War winnable, should we just pull out.
b. John Kerry’s service in ____________________ is questioned
c. Terror in the U.S. and how best to protect the U.S. from attack
d. Global Warming & Environmental issues.
2. Vote:
Electoral Vote
John Kerry
George W. Bush
Bush carries 51% of the ____________________
3. Republicans maintain control of the ____________________ & the
H. Events of Bush’s 2nd Term
1. John Roberts is appointed as Chief Justice of the __________________
2. Samuel Alito is appointed as a _________________________________
3. War in Iraq
a. Al-Qaeda in Iraq is causing violence and death in Iraq.
b. Sunni & Shiite Iraq are battling each other
c. U.S. death toll is raising
d. Bush has a surge in U.S. Troops to stop the violence
e. After the surge violence slows and conditions _______________
I. Domestic Policy 2nd Term
1. Immigration
a. There are millions of Mexicans that have crossed illegally into
the US by crossing the _________________________________
b. Should US build a fence along the _______________________
c. Should the illegal immigrants be given a road to _____________
d. The debate crossed party lines
e. Guest Worker program is proposed
2. Water boarding ( a means of getting information) is used on prisoners at
Guantanamo Bay. Debate rages on is it or is it not torture, & should it
be used or not.
3. Mid-term Elections in 2006
a. Issues
1. U.S. treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib is criticized
2. The War in Iraq is dragging on & on & on & U.S.
death toll is raising
3. The economy is slowing
4. Immigration
b. Democrats win big
1. Take control of the Senate 51 to 49
2. Take control of the House 233 to 202
3. Win a majority of governors
4. 1st time ever that not one Republican took a Democrats
c. 1st’s
1. Nancy Pelosi becomes the 1st ______________________
2. Harry Reid becomes the 1st ________________ Senate
majority leader
3. Keith Ellison becomes the 1st ________________ in
4. Mazie Hirono (D-Ha) & Hank Johnson ( D-Ga) are the
1st ________________ in Congress.
J. The Race to the White House 2008
1. ______________________________ wins the Republican Nomination,
and picks Alaska Governor __________________________________
as his running mate.
2. _________________________ battles __________________________
for the Democratic Nomination. ________________________ wins the
nomination, and picks ________________________________ as his
Vice President.
3. Issues for the Election:
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________
4. Election:
Popular Votes
Electoral Votes
B.Obama (D)
K. The Economy
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
Barack Obama
(2009 to ? )