Our Catholic Faith

Our Catholic Faith
Chapter 2 Review Questions
Define Incarnation
List four reasons God became man.
What does the name Jesus mean? Why is it appropriate that he was given this name?
Discuss the meaning of these titles of Jesus: Christ, Son of God, Lord, Son of Man,
Suffering Servant.
5. What is our primary source of knowledge of Jesus Christ?
6. What kinds of writing appear in the New Testament? Give examples of each.
7. Name three stages of gospel formation.
8. What are two religious lessons about Jesus learned from his birth and infancy?
9. Did Jesus have blood brothers and sisters?
10. Why did Jesus submit to the baptism of John?
11. What is meant by the term gospel?
12. What did Jesus teach was the meaning of the “kingdom of God”?
13. Name and explain two of Jesus’ key teachings.
14. Why did Jesus perform miracles?
15. Define salvation?
16. Who is responsible for the death of Jesus?
17. Why is belief in the resurrection essential for Christians?
18. Define Paschal mystery.
19. What is the Parousia? What should we do to prepare for it?
20. List and discuss several Church doctrines that counteract the heresies of Docetism
and Arianism.