
NAME: _____________________
BLK: ____ DATE: ____________
CHAPTER 5 (P. 148-185)
1. What type of organisms does red tide produce toxins in? ________________________
2. What disease does this organism cause if human eat poisoned shellfish? ____________
3. What organism is it that causes the red tide? __________________________________
5.1 The Cell Cycle and Mitosis (p. 150-165)
1. What percent of the dust in our homes is dead skin? ____________________________
2. Explain what our epidermis is. _____________________________________________
3. How often does an adult snake shed its skin? _________________________________
4. What is the reason that mother produce a new layer of skin?
5. What are the different types of teeth that Boulengerula taitanus young have?
6. How many cells does our body produce every minute? _________________________
7. How long does it take a human body to reproduce these types of cells?
 skin cell __________________
 stomach lining cell ________________
 brain cell ________________
 intestinal lining cell _____________
 liver cell _____________
 red blood cell ______________
8. What two types of cells do not continue to divide in an adult? ____________________
9. Explain why you think brain cells reproduce so slowly. ________________________
10. What are the 3 stages of the cell cycle?
 __________________________________
 __________________________________
 __________________________________
11. Draw and label Figure 5.4 on page 153.
12. Interphase has 3 main stages as outlined on page 153-155. Write down what occurs in
each stage.
 Growth and Preparation ________________________________________
 Replication __________________________________________________
 Continued Growth and Preparation _______________________________
13. How many daughter cells are produced by mitosis? ___________________________
14. What is the function of a centromere? ______________________________________
15. List the 4 main stages of mitosis (combine early prophase and late prophase) and 2
important events that occur at each stage then draw the diagram for it on page 156-157.
a. _________________________
 _________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________
Early Prophase
Late Prophase
b. _________________________
 _________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________
 _________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________
d. _________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________________
16. What is the final stage of the cell cycle? ____________________________________
17. How many daughter cells are produced in mitosis? ___________________________
18. How is cytokinesis different in plant cells and animal cells? ____________________
19. There are checkpoints in the cell cycle. List 3 reasons that a cell will not divide.
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
The Cell Cycle and Cancer
1. List 5 mutagens that can cause cell mutations.
2. If a cell divides uncontrollably, what is this called? ____________________________
3. What two types of cancers are linked to gene mutations in checkpoint proteins?
 ______________________________________________
 ______________________________________________
4. Normal cells grow in a single layer, but what happens to cancer cells? _____________
5. Explain why cancer cells have such a large nucleus? ___________________________
6. Explain how cancer cells can move from one organ to another organ in your body.
7. Explain why a cancer cell in you liver might later affect your lung tissue or brain
tissue. __________________________________________________________________
5.2 Asexual Reproduction (p. 166-183)
1. How many parents are required in asexual reproduction? ________________________
2. What is the genetic information of asexual produced offspring like compared to their
parent? _________________________________________________________________
3. Explain what a clone is. __________________________________________________
4. Give two examples of organisms that are clones.
 _______________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________
5. Explain how is cloning used by humans to help burn victims. ____________________
Types of Asexual Reproduction (p.168-175)
1. List the 5 types of asexual reproduction.
 __________________________________________
 __________________________________________
 __________________________________________
 __________________________________________
 __________________________________________
2. Give an example of an organism that undergoes binary fission. ___________________
3. Explain the process of binary fission. _______________________________________
4. Explain how bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics. _______________________
5. If a bacterium can reproduce by binary fission every 20 minutes, how many bacteria
would there be if one bacteria started dividing and underwent binary fission for 10 hours?
6. Give two examples of organisms that undergo budding. _________________________
7. Explain the process of budding. ____________________________________________
8. Give one animal and one plant organism that undergoes fragmentation.
9. Explain the process of fragmentation. _______________________________________
10. Explain why Eurasian milfoil is so difficult to remove from Okanagan lake.
11. List 4 organisms that undergo vegetative reproduction. ________________________
12. What is the main disadvantage of vegetative reproduction? _____________________
13. Explain why this (answer from # 12) is such a disadvantage to the plants.
14. Explain what cutting and grafting is.
 Cutting __________________________________________________________
 Grafting __________________________________________________________
15. List 3 organisms that reproduce by spore formation. __________________________
16. How do spores move from the parent to other parts of the environment? ___________
17. What conditions are required for a spore to grow once it has left the parent?
18. How does a spore manage to survive in harsh conditions? ______________________
19. List 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of asexual reproduction.
 Advantages
o ________________________________________________________
o ________________________________________________________
 Disadvantages
o ________________________________________________________
o ________________________________________________________
Human-assisted Cloning (p.176-178)
1. What is the advantage of human assisted cloning. _____________________________
2. How are scientists in B.C. using cloning to try to help our forests? ________________
3. Explain what is DNA cloning is. ___________________________________________
4. What is the advantage of DNA cloning? _____________________________________
5. What are the disadvantages of cloning (shown by Dolly)? _______________________
6. What is therapeutic cloning used for? _______________________________________
7. Why are embryonic stem cells desirable for therapeutic cloning? _________________
8. Stem cells can be used to replace damage in patients that have what afflictions?
Chapter Review
1. What are the three main stages of cell division?
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
2. How does binary fission result in bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics? ________
3. How does mitosis differ in plant cells and animal cells? _________________________
4. What is a major disadvantage of asexual reproduction? _________________________
5. How do cancer cells spread to a new location? ________________________________
Chapter 5 KIM Vocab
1. Cancer
2. Cell Cycle
3. Cytokinesis
4. Interphase
5. Mitosis
6. Replication
7. Spindle fibers
8. Asexual Reproduction
9. Binary fission
10. Budding
11. Clone
12. Fragmentation
13. Spore
14. Stem cell
15. Vegetative reproduction