Joining the AP Central Electronic Discussion Group (EDG "ListServe")

Joining the AP Central Electronic Discussion Group (EDG "ListServe")
Log on to AP Central (
Click on "AP Community" which is a tab under the header
Click on "Electronic Discussion Groups"
o Go to the bottom of the page and click on "Registration for Electronic Discussion Groups"
When the new page comes up, click on "AP xxxxxxxx" (as the group you want to join)
When the next page comes up, Scroll down and click on "Join AP xxxxxx"
This will lead you to a page to enter your data. The only thing that you might want to change is "status"
o To change the way you see message, you can pull down the bar at "status" and change the way you
prefer to view them, before you subscribe to the EDG.
o I prefer to see all the messages as they come per day, so that I can respond and send attachments to
individual teachers if I want to. On the other hand, I may get 20 messages a day, which I go through
quickly by scanning, deleting what I don't want and cutting and pasting good info into a new MS Word file I
create for the topic. I'll add visit recommended web pages and add them to my "favorites" bookmark list.
To view ALL messages on a particular subject (once you are a member), you log on to AP Central and go
through the same steps as above, and "Log in" to the EDG. (just above the "join ap-xxxxx" you clicked on to
become a member)
o It will allow you to enter a key word and choose how many messages you want to see on the subject,
beginning with the latest ones. You can even search by the sender's name, if you want. Cool!
It takes a few days for you to get approved by the EDG Administrator or "Mom" - you will get an e-mail saying
you're now a member. The e-mails will start coming in that day.
Warning on using the EDG's:
You can not send files or attachments to the general EDG, only message or websites - there is no room to do
this. But you CAN send to an individual person (who's e-mail address is always at the top of a message you
receive.) I have received wonderful stuff from others and even sent CD's to Spain, due to a contact on the
You have to "play nice" - no foul language, no mean-spirited criticizing of others or their opinions
("everyone's opinions are important"), no commercial ads. You can have heated discussions on a topic but
within the bounds of dignity and common sense. Keep it focused on what YOU do and how you can help.
About the EDGs (Copied from the College Board Website)
The AP electronic discussion groups were created to provide a moderated forum for the exchange of ideas,
insights, and practices among AP teachers, coordinators, consultants, readers, administrators, and college
faculty. We want to facilitate as broad and as rich an exchange as possible, while simultaneously protecting
individual contributions.
Since the AP Program recognizes that many postings would be invaluable to a much larger group of teachers, we
would like to have the option of sharing your good teaching ideas with a broader audience, such as visitors to AP
Central as well as readers of AP Teacher’s Guides and other curriculum materials.
To that end, we attach an agreement below the welcome message, that seeks to protect both individual
authorship and AP community collaboration. Just a few highlights:
1. Participants in the discussion group retain copyright for all original messages; this is a key point made in
our discussions with AP faculty, and we’re pleased we are able to adopt. The participant allows College
Board to use the materials to share with other teachers, but only for non-commercial educational
2. The College Board retains only the copyright to the overall collection of messages. The reason we do this
is that it allows us some ability to protect the group’s messages from third parties that might poach
materials for commercial interests.
3. We will endeavor (where practical) to attribute any use of materials to the original author, unless the
author wishes otherwise.
The AP Program sincerely appreciates the work you do as AP teachers, and thanks you for your willingness to
share practices and principles that have made a difference in your classroom. Your participation expands the
numbers of students you serve by supporting other teachers in their work. We trust that these electronic
discussion groups will enhance pedagogy and practices around the world.
Many thanks in advance for your contributions!
Participation Agreement
By participating in the electronic discussion group relating to AP subjects you accept the following terms and
1. The College Board acknowledges that each registrant is the owner of the copyright in messages
contributed by the registrant to the discussion group insofar as such messages are original to the
2. The College Board only owns the copyright of the compilation of the messages.
3. The registrant agrees that the College Board may use his/her messages to the discussion group for noncommercial educational purposes in College Board programs and publications, including uses on the
College Board’s Web sites and all other media, presently known or otherwise. The registrant agrees that
the College Board may edit such messages and combine such messages with those of other registrants, in
whole or in part, and with other educational materials. The registrant acknowledges that the contents of
College Board Web sites may be downloaded by visitors to the Web pages for non-commercial use only.