Memorandum - Kentucky Equal Justice Center

Kentucky Equal Justice Center
201 W. Shor t Street, Suite 310
Lexington, KY 40507
P: 859-233-3057
F: 859-233-0007
Family Law Task Force
October 2, 2008
Family Law Task Force
Karen Alfano, Deborah Spring, Rich Seckel
Agenda for October 9 meeting
The next legal services Family Law Task Force meeting will be held:
Thursday, October 9
10:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET
Legal Aid of the Bluegrass Community Room
498 Georgetown Street, Lexington
Agenda: Money is in the news! We’ll go with the trend, featuring a special minitraining on the intersection of tax law and family law. Plus, a post mortem on the Blue
Ribbon Panel on adoption, litigation reports, case discussions and free box lunches.
___ Yes, I’m coming to the October 9 meeting!
Name: _____________________________ Program: ____________ Office: _________
Case topic: _________________________________________________________
Please sign up to help us get an accurate lunch count!
Fax to: Rich Seckel at 859-233-0007
www.kye qualjustice .org
Family Law Task Force
Proposed Agenda
October 9, 2007
Welcome and Introductions
Mini-Training: Intersection of Federal Tax Law and Family Law
Can a Family Court decide who can claim and who can get federal exemptions
in divorce and custody? In the first installment of what we hope will be an
ongoing dialog, Cannon Marie-Green of Appalred’s Low Income Tax Payer
Clinic offers a briefing on the intersection of federal tax law and family law,
The rules governing federal income tax issues, including recent revisions
Scenarios of how the rules apply in separation, divorce, post-divorce, and
custody disputes involving unmarried parents
Tips for best practices and representation
Then, we’ll talk.
Litigation Update and Case Practice
Narrative orders: Some courts may be “going there.” Is there ever a case
when a narrative restraining order should take the place of an EPO or DVO?
What are the considerations for clients and their counsel? What are the
consequences for entry of orders in VINE and for enforcement?
On appeal: Deborah Spring offers a briefing on recent family law appellate
decisions, focusing on termination cases.
Warning Order attorney: Should IFP clients or programs that represent
them have to pay fees for Warning order attorneys? Kentucky Legal Aid took
it to the Kentucky Supreme Court. We’re waiting on the Court to opine. Cocounsel Anne Marie Regan reports.
Your case here: bring ‘em on!
Issue Updates and Partners
Citizenship Project: Kentucky Equal Justice Center introduces its newest
staff member, Xochi Weiss-Salinas. She works out of Maxwell Street Legal
Clinic as the Citizenship Project Coordinator.
Child relocation bill: HB 383 would have required advance written notice of
relocation with a child post-divorce. The bill failed, but it may come back.
What are people doing and seeing in practice? Would some changes in law be
helpful? Rich Seckel introduces the issue.
Post Mortem: Is Kentucky engaging in “quick trigger” adoptions?
The question made headlines, prompted a former Secretary to name a Blue
Ribbon Panel and saw legislation filed. Anne Marie reports on the (perhaps
disappointing) legislative outcome on:
Fees, expenses and training requirements for guardians ad litem and court
appointed attorneys for parents in removal and TPR cases
Representation of parents at temporary removal hearings and other
improvements in procedure
We’ve invited friends to join us for the discussion: KDVA’s Mary Savage,
attorney Robin Cornette and Rep. Susan Westrom. What does it mean for
local practice?
Immigration and child protective services: In a recent Fayette County case,
the CPS allegations were against mom, but the Cabinet did not consider dad
for placement because “he doesn't have a SSN.” More broadly, are CPS
workers and courts applying different standards to immigrant parents? We’ve
seen several troubling signs — and potential recourse and resources.
Plan Ahead
We’ll spend a few minutes brainstorming emerging issues and topics for future
agendas, plus ideas for Task Force participants and speakers.
Case Discussions Continued!
De facto custodian: Deborah Spring starts us off with an update on current
cases at Appalred.
Your case here!